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Chapter 96

After Mira cultivated in the Cultivation Cave for 8 hours it was now time for her to leave. Mira finished the Spirit Stone that was currently in her hand to end her cultivation session and stood up. She found out that absorbing Spirit Stones along with the atmospheric Qi in the Cultivation Cave sped up her cultivation speed even more. Though it wasn't by much and she honestly wasn't sure if it was even worth spending her Spirit Stones to help with her cultivation in an already perfect place for it. But just 8 hours in the cultivation cave seemed to be similar to almost 3 weeks outside of the Battle Maiden Sect. Mira was sure that she'd break through to Stage 9 in just a few weeks to a month. Then she'd just need to spend some time consolidating her Cultivation and bring herself to the Peak of Stage 9 before eating her Rank 3 Energy Gathering Pill and ascending to the Foundation Realm! Mira is really looking forward to how strong she will be at the Foundation Realm! She also doesn't plan on doing anything except for her mandatory classes, teaching the other disciples, and cultivating until she reaches the Foundation Realm.

Mira left the Cultivation Cave and walked back to her residence to read the scrolls and books on ancient magical beasts and see if there is anything on Winged-Wolves. Once she made it back to her residence, she found Maria cultivating and Dominique eating food while trying to memorize every single detail about the cultivation manual. Mira also noticed her trying to repeat what she just read verbatim and if she missed a word or even hesitated to answer then she would go back to memorizing and understanding it. Mira just nodded at the two of them and she was glad that Maria is also cultivating on her own. Dominique seemed to notice that another person entered the building and saw that it was Mira.

"Mira!!" She screamed as she ran over to Mira and gave her a hug. Mira just put her hand on her head and nodded.

"I've been memorizing this as you told me to! And I've been eating as much food as I can so I can start getting stronger!" Dominique said with a large smile on her face as Mira just nodded. Maria's cultivation seemed to get disturbed and she also approached Mira.

"Where have you been all day? I figured you'd come straight back to the room after the announcement." Maria asked curiously.

"I was cultivating in a Cultivation Cave." Mira said and Maria remembered her and Elder Kendra talking about a Cultivation cave when they were making their deal. Her eyes began to sparkle as she wanted to know more about it!

"What was it like? Were the effects that incredible?" She asked in excitement and Mira nodded.

"They were. It was like cultivating for 3 weeks outside of the Sect except it only took me 8 hours. You should go whenever you get the chance. It'll be extremely beneficial to you." Mira said to Maria and then turned to Dominique.

"I also got you access to one of the Training Grounds here at the Sect, so I will send you there for training. But I think I might need to stock up on Rank 1 Rejuvenation Pills hehe. I wonder if you'll even be able to withstand the pressure?" Mira said as she thought about Dominique just popping like a balloon as soon as she entered the training grounds.

"Well, I guess if you die then you are just too weak. So, if you don't want to die then you better put your all into training!" Mira said with an evil grin and both Maria and Dominique shivered.

'I knew it! She does enjoy watching me scream in pain! Why else would she constantly torture her?!' Maria thought inside her head as she didn't want to be put inside a block of ice for saying such a thing out loud!

"O-Of course I'm going to put my all into training! How could I allow myself to die now?!" Dominique said with determination and this just caused Maria to pale even more. Not only was Mira a sadist, but Dominique is a full-blown masochist! They are the perfect abomination of a Master and a Disciple! This is bad! Really bad!

"Hmm. Maria, after we both reach the Foundation Realm, then we'll start using the training room! Now that we will have real weights along with all of that pressure, I'll be able to teach you how to properly train your body. Without using shitty rocks!" Mira said as she walked away into her bedroom. Dominique followed her as well. Maria just stood there with a dazed look on her face.

'Training. Training!! TRAINING!! That's all she ever thinks about?! Can't we ever just have a nice relaxing day where she's not constantly pressuring me?! Alright! I have a new goal! I will get Mira to take a day off with me and away from her masochist training! Watch out, Mira! Because I will force you to have a good relaxing day that you will enjoy! And if you don't enjoy it, then I'll make you enjoy it!!!' Maria screamed in her mind her new goal. But first, she has to reach the Foundation Realm since she can almost guarantee that Mira won't even think about doing anything with her unless she reaches that realm as well.

Meanwhile, in Mira's bedroom. Mira climbed into bed, sat up, and took out a book that Elder Kendra gave to her earlier today. Dominique also climbed into bed and just laid down next to Mira with her arms around her waist and fell asleep.

The book was titled, 'Mythical Beasts' with a picture of a dragon on the front of it. She took it out and began reading it.

"Many Magical Beasts have come and gone in the world of Cultivation. Some were born stronger than others and some were born as mere fodder for the strong. One could even say that the Magical beasts today still carry some of the blood of these ancient and mythical beasts. But these mythical beasts are often very prideful and don't mix blood with other species. There are rare occurrences, but they were considered very taboo amongst the strong. The first and probably most well-known mythical beast is a dragon…" Mira continued reading the book and found a bunch of interesting things about these mythical beasts. There were all kinds of mythical beasts. Dragons, Phoenixes, Colossal Black Tortoises, White Tigers, Sun-Devouring Wolves, various types of Serpents, Griffins, Pegasus', Krakens, and many more. It went on to describe certain behaviors of all of these beasts and even some beasts that might have some of these mythical beast's bloodlines. But at the end of the book, it said that most, if not all of these mythical beasts either ascended to become Immortal Beasts or were hunted to near extinction by both humans and other Magical Beasts. Mira found the book interesting as she learned about many mythical beasts that she's never heard of before, but there was no mention of Winged-Wolves.

Mira just sighed and moved onto the next book and started to read it as well. She found this book to be useless as well and mentioned similar things to the previous one. She pulled out the next thing she received from Elder Kendra and started to read everything she had in her possession right now.

After reading almost everything, she found that most of this information is useless to her! She only asked for things related to ancient beasts because she was sure that a Winged-Wolf should be a mythical or ancient beast. But none of these texts mentioned anything about a Winged-Wolf!

She had two more things left to check. One was an ancient-looking scroll and the other was a wooden tablet. She took out the scroll only to see something that resembled at the very top of the scroll. This immediately caught her interest.

"The Golden Empyrean Winged-Wolf is a species of magical beasts that we know very little about. All we know is that they are not of this world and that when they resided in this world, they were kings. Not a single entity could even injure them. From what I've gathered, there were only a few of these beasts alive. There are some speculations that these beasts are a combination of several other mythical beasts. Such as Dragons, Wolves, Phoenixes, Griffins, and some other beast that controls lightning. This is not confirmed though, it is just speculation because they have dragon-like claws, wolf bodies, Phoenix and Griffin wings, and they controlled lightning. Another word for this might be a chimera. Their adaptability is amazing since they are the rulers of the air and ground and they've been known to mutate several times in their lives which may result in small evolutions. But I can't confirm this as this is only speculation from records that I've gathered on this magical beast." Mira finished reading and became stunned. She never would've guessed that Rhydian would turn out to be such an amazing existence. Though she's not 100% sure that the Winged-Wolf mentioned in this scroll is the species Rhydian is. But Golden Empyrean Winged-Wolf seems awfully close to what Rhydian is.

Mira started to think about this seriously now. If what this scroll says is true and Rhydian can mutate as well as evolve based on their mutation then she might be able to raise the strongest magical beast in the world.

'I guess I should add Lightning Elemental Essences on my list of things to get. It seems that Rhydian is also mutating and evolving into an existence that controls both lightning and ice. But I have no idea how I can get Rhydian to mutate though. Maybe I can also give her other Elemental Essences? Will eating stronger magical beasts make her mutate? I guess I'll have to slowly test things out with her. Also, should I study more about those mythical beasts? Maybe I'll be able to find things to help Rhydian grow.' Mira thought to herself being extremely satisfied with the answer she got from this scroll. She put the scroll back inside her space ring and took out the final item that Elder Kendra gave her.

She pulled out the wooden tablet and only saw a winged wolf flying above a mountain looking down upon many different types of magical beasts. Mira nodded her head, feeling satisfied with the information she received from Elder Kendra. She then started to reread the other books and scrolls she got in order to learn a bit more about these mythical beasts. This continued until morning and it was time for her to go to class.