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chapter 103

Mira walked outside of the Cultivation Cave as she had finally finished her breakthrough. But when she was walking towards the exit, she sensed multiple figures waiting outside. The people waiting outside also spotted her and waited for Mira to come over to them. Maria seemed to be one of those people as well.

When the Elders saw Mira walking towards them, they almost didn't want to believe that this was someone that just broke through to the Foundation Realm! The aura she radiated was nothing like someone at the Eary-Houtian Stage! Not to mention that the temperature severely dropped whenever she got close.

"Mira! What was that?! Why was there a blizzard whenever you broke through?" One of the Elders asked with concern and curiosity.

"Blizzard? I don't remember such a thing happening. All I know is that I now feel more complete." Mira explained as it'd be too much to explain everything to them and it's not like it'd help them in any way.

"More complete? Why? Do you have a special constitution or something?" Another Elder asked.

"I guess you could say that." Mira only half-answered the question and just waited for them to let her go.

"Well, it's fine if you don't know what happened. We just wanted to make sure your breakthrough went smoothly and it looks like it did. Though you did spend longer in there than most disciples. You spent around 16 hours in the cave where most spend around half of that on average. Congratulations on your breakthrough! "

"Congratulations!" All of the Elders said and just got out of Mira's way to let her through. She just nodded and walked away from the Elders and Maria followed.

Maria didn't ask any questions or say anything on the way, but she is extremely curious as to what happened. Though she thinks she knows already.

Once they made it back to their room is when Maria finally bombarded her with questions.

"How did your breakthrough go? What was that blizzard? Also, you seem a bit stronger than me after your breakthrough, why? What are you going to do next?" Maria had so many questions.

"My breakthrough went smoothly. Also, I really don't recall a blizzard happening, but my blue lightning and physique seemed to react to me breaking through to the Foundation Realm. I think my lightning made my body a bit stronger than before and also I gained a deeper understanding of my Dao. This probably is why I seem slightly stronger than you. And I'm going to go take my Rank 4 Basic Bone Tempering Pill and Rank 4 Basic OrganTempering Pill. You should do the same. After doing that, I'm not really sure what to do next. Probably just continue training until something interesting comes up. Maye, I'll participate in the Arena or Batte Tower or take on some Missions. There are a lot of things to do, but none of them are that urgent so the best thing to do is just train!" Mira explained to Maria while she just sighed listening to this. Truly a training maniac!

Dominique seemed to be asleep, so Mira and Maria just found a quiet place and took out their Rank 4 Bone and Organ Tempering Pills. And popped one of them in their mouths.


In another part of the Sect, the Elders were discussing some things that were happening in the Sect until one of them brought up Mira.

"It seems that Mira and Maria both broke through to the Foundation Realm. And both of them are incredibly strong for people that just entered this Realm, abnormally strong." One of the Elders mentioned.

"Haha! It's about time! Speaking of Mira, her unarmed combat class is going very well! Though, I think she's made most of the students afraid of her due to her… unusual methods of punishment. But the Disciples are progressing extremely quickly even though she still says 'They couldn't beat a newborn baby with those shitty skills.' But I think they are progressing rather quickly. They probably will only need a few months to understand and be able to use her teachings if they ever encounter a situation when they'll need it." Elder Bridget spoke up as she has been spectating most of Mira's training sessions.

"Unusual methods of punishment? Like what? And hasn't it only been 3 weeks?" Another Elder asked. Elder Bridget just scratched the back of her head and wasn't sure if she should say.

"Ahahaha. Well, we did give her free reign to do whatever she wants as long as she doesn't severely injure or kill them right? If one of the disciples doesn't meet her expectations, then she whips them, and if they keep failing, she'll dislocate their thumbs which she says they'll need to know how to do later. And if they fail again after that, she spars with them, beats them within an inch of their life, and throws them to the side to spectate. But this is forcing the disciples to try much harder so they don't disappoint her. But after watching her over these past few weeks, I can safely say that I haven't seen anyone as skilled as her in this style of combat. Nobody even comes close." Elder Bridget explained which stunned the Elders for a second. Some of them wanted to get angry, but after thinking about it some more, they have started to see a bit of a change in their disciple's attitude. They have started to take fighting a bit more seriously and some of the Elders have even spotted more disciples sparring both with and without a weapon. Results speak for themselves and Mira clearly knew how to balance her brutality. Almost like she's perfected the art of intensive training.

"I don't really know what to think of this. But I'm definitely seeing a positive change in our disciples. Like they are mentally stronger than 3 weeks ago. I guess we'll just keep letting her do whatever she wants and wait to see if any of our disciples start to break." One Elder chimed in, but Elder Kendra shook her head and spoke up.

"I doubt any of our disciple's minds would break. I don't know how she does it, but our disciples don't seem unhappy with the punishment. They don't want to receive any, but they never complain about anything. Whether it be her domineering attitude that accepts nothing less than perfection, her style of training, or if our disciples can feel themselves getting stronger in all aspects. They never complain about her and some of them even seem excited for the time they get to spend with Mira. It's really quite amazing. Maybe after she's done with this, we can have her spar with our disciples more often. I bet we'll be able to see another change in our disciples, but only if Mira is as skilled with her weapon as she is with he fists." Elder Kendra said and the other Elders also agreed. They haven't heard a single disciple complain about Mira.

"Moving onto the next subject. In around 2 years is when there'll be an Inter-Sect tournament with the other 4 sects around Lunar Fox City. We won't be getting any new disciples before the tournament, so are there any new Disciples that have caught your eye that you'd like to start training?" Elder Kendra changed the subject.

"Well, there are the obvious ones. Mira and Maria, I don't know what weapon Mira uses, but Maria seems to use a sword. I can tell she's never had a proper trainer before and is probably only using her experience to make up for that. I don't think we need to worry too much about Mira, she'll probably take care of herself, and if she does need anything she'll just ask us. Celaine is highly skilled, but her cultivation is rather low. If she can make it to the Foundation Realm in these next 2 years then I think she'll be extremely tough to beat. Pretty much the top 3 from the Entrance Exam Tournament have all somewhat caught my eye, but not like Celaine. We'll just have to see how much they grow. But I think I agree with your previous suggestion. If we can get Mira to spar with some of our stronger or more skilled disciples, while also teaching them ourselves I think we'll be able to see extraordinary growth. I think we need to step up our game though haha!" Elder Bridget suggested and most of the other Elders agreed. There were a couple of new Inner Disciples that seemed pretty good, but it's just too soon to tell.

"We'll discuss this a bit more at a later date, but I agree with Elder Bridget's suggestion. But I don't want any of you to discuss things with Mira. Leave that to either me or the Sect Master. Mira can be tricky to talk to and I don't want you to start losing more things from the Sect to her." Elder Kendra said as she was also saying this to herself. The other Elders didn't have a problem with this so they just nodded their heads.


Mira and Maria had spent a few hours absorbing both of the pills and tempering their bones and organs. Their bones were now much sturdier, tougher, and stronger. While their organs were more flexible and elastic while also being more resilient. Their bodies were even stronger than before and the feeling was amazing! In just a single day, they have improved more than they could've ever dreamed of. Mira really wanted to test out her newfound strength, but she has a few responsibilities to take care of first before she can do that. With the first one just now waking up.

Dominique woke up a few minutes after they finished their Rank 4 pills. She walked out of the bedroom, spotted Mira, and immediately dove into her chest to give her a hug.

"Welcome back, Mira! Were you able to break through?" Dominique asked while her head was still in Mira's chest.

"Yes and I'm rather anxious to test out my strength, but there are a few things I have to do before that. I think it's time for you to start training." Mira said as she examed Dominiques body. She now looked like an extremely healthy young child. Her body shouldn't give out if Mira puts her through intensive training.

Dominique's eyes immediately sparkled when she heard this.

"When do we start?!"