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chapter 107

Mira, who was currently cultivating was not aware of the things this god was doing to her throughout all of her years of living and through her multiple lives. At first, she may have speculated that he was the one putting her through all of this, but at some point, she just stopped caring about what happened to her. She'd either kill anything that stood in her path or die trying and reset in her next life. It just became normal for bad things to happen to her and it would be weird if she were able to live a normal and peaceful life. She just takes life one step at a time, if someone decides to betray her then she'll just kill them without hesitation. This is the resolve of someone willing to do anything for the sake of her goals.

But life is a fickle thing. Unless life has been programmed with certain functions to deal with scenarios in certain ways, it is impossible to predict the future. One might say that what if Mira's fate was to be trapped in an endless cycle of reincarnation and torture by some random dude within the cosmos? And all of her changes in emotion, ruthlessness, savagery, and more were all preset by the universe? But what would the end result be? She's not being forced to keep living like this. She can choose to end this and be the man's slave/concubine and end her suffering, but she refuses to! She may have gotten forced into this situation, but she always has a choice. This is proof that there is free will and that there is no predestined future. Just like how Mira's choice right now is to cultivate rather than spend time with Maria, go train by herself, fight beasts, complete a mission or any number of other things she could be doing at this moment.

All Mira wanted to do right now is finish her obligations then go on a killing spree in some forest or something. Cultivating is the only thing keeping her sane right now.

The day passed by quickly and it was now time for Mira to start training the other disciples in unarmed combat for the next 3 days. And as soon as she walked into the arena, the air around the disciples started to freeze and they could feel Mira leaking killing intent. She looked like she was about to burst, but nobody wanted to say anything to her as just this small amount was enough to frighten them.

These next 3 days were a bit rough for the disciples as even if they made the slightest mistake, they'd be 'corrected' until they could barely stand. The disciples often looked at Maria for help and also wondered why Mira was like this and not her. But Maria wasn't in a much better state. She looked pent up as well like she's a dam about to burst. The only difference is that she doesn't want to go on a killing spree. She just wants to find a place to let loose for a bit.

After these 3 days were over, Mira and Maria went to the Mission Hall to see if there were any missions that she could take while she's out of the Sect. Since she's a Core Disciple, she can look at all of the missions plus she's also in the Foundation Realm now. She went to a large board that contained a bunch of missions for someone at her level.

[Clear out a bandit camp.

Bandits have been attacking disciples, people traveling, and merchants. Location is somewhere around 100 kilometers to the east of the Sect.

The strength of the bandits ranges from Stage 5 to Stage 9 Qi Condensation. The Leader's strength is unknown but is predicted to be in the Foundation Realm. Bring the head of the leader to complete the mission.

Sect Points: 400

Spirit Stones: 75 ]

Mira immediately grabbed this mission and showed it to the Elder in charge of the Mission Hall.

"Would you like to accept this mission? Alone?" The Elder said to Mira and Mira just nodded her head.

"Sigh… Very well. I'll allow it seeing that you seem strong enough to handle the task, but if it's too much for you then don't be ashamed to run away and come back. We don't want you to get killed out there." The Elder said as she gave the paper back to Mira.

Maria also looked for her own mission and ended up taking 2 that were beast hunting missions. If she completed both then she'd get 300 Sect points, but 100 spirit Stones. But the direction of her missions is in a similar direction to Mira's.

They both walked back to their room and Mira grabbed Rhydian and Dominique. This would be a good chance for Rhydian to stretch her legs a bit and she can also introduce Dominique to what the cultivation world is really like. Better to experience it now rather than later. Maria wanted to say something, but she knew Mira that Mira would bring Dominique regardless of what she said.

"Make sure Dominique stays safe. I don't want to see her dead or taken hostage by some nasty bandits only because you wanted to teach her." Maria said, but Mira didn't say anything and just walked out of the room with Rhydian and Dominique at her side. She just sighed and followed after her with Vulcan.

It didn't take long for them to exit the Sect and make their way towards their destination. Mira and Maria had to split up not long after leaving the city, but neither of them was worried about each other. They were both incredibly strong and had crazy strong Beast Companions.

"Get on my back." Mira said to Dominique and she just jumped on Mira's back. Mira then got into position and sprinted at full speed towards the direction of the bandit camp.

"AAAHHHHHH!!!" Dominique started screaming as she didn't expect Mira to be so fast. But she was also shocked to see Rhydian grow wings and start flying next to Mira. She also noticed that Mira put on another mask.

It barely took them any time at all to reach the area that the mission described. Now all she had to do is look for is a bandit camp, but where else could it be other than in a wooded area? So that's exactly where Mira went, and with how fast Mira was running it only took her around an hour to search the relatively small forest for something that resembled a camp. Mira stopped outside of the walls and stayed out of sight.

"I'm going to slaughter these bandits. Would you like to stay on my back and watch or watch from afar? I'll let you know now that I'm going to be using my Ice Dao so it'll definitely get cold. There is also a chance for you to get stabbed as well. Or you could stay here and watch. Which one?" Mira asked which stunned Dominique for a second. Mira was going to take her into battle? How could she pass up such an opportunity?! Even if she has to freeze over, she wouldn't want to miss this opportunity!

"I'll stay on your back! I trust you not to even get hit by some lowly bandits! And use your ice as much as you like! Just try not to kill me with it, please." Dominique said as she tightly wrapped around Mira.

"Okay. Let's go, Rhydian. Time to let loose!" Mira said as she took out her scythe. She then used the Dual-Bladed Scythe Art she came up with. She could immediately feel a difference in durability and sharpness after she gained more understanding of her Absolute Ice Dao. Not to mention both of her blades were around 2 meters long now and had blue lighting coming off of them.

Dominique was surprised to see a large scythe appear in Mira's hands as she thought that Mira didn't use a weapon, but it seems that today is going to be more amazing than she originally thought.

"Kill anyone that tries to run, Rhydian. I'll let you run wild after I'm finished, but just let me have this." Mira said and dashed towards the camp.

She destroyed the front gate with a kick and wildly charged into the camp. Most of the bandits were asleep right now, but there were a few that were awake and Mira just twirled her scythe and cut them in half. Dominique didn't expect it to be that easy for Mira to just cut someone in half like that. She looked at the bodies of the people she just sliced up and wanted to throw up. Their guts and blood were spilling out of their bodies. This was surely a sight to behold for a little 8-year-old who has yet to experience the world.

"Come out, FUCKERS!! I'll give you two choices! You can either die fighting me or die while sleeping! I have all of this pent-up energy that I need to get rid of so I'd appreciate it if you worthless maggots come out and fight!" Mira announced herself to the bandit camp.

The bandits started to wake up due to Mira's declaration. Hundreds of bandits walked out of the buildings and made their way over to Mira with their weapons drawn and even the Bandit Leader came out to see what was going on. Mira noticed that everyone except for one person was in the Qi Condensation Realm, with the Bandit Leader being Mid-Houtian Foundation Realm.

Almost 1000 bandits surrounded her with their weapons drawn, which surprised Mira a bit. She didn't expect the bandit camp to be so big. Usually, they didn't have so many people, but these bandits seemed to be doing rather well for themselves.

"HAHAHAHA!!" The Bandits started laughing at Mira when they noticed that she was just a little girl. The only person not laughing was the Bandit Leader.

"A little girl dares to challenge all of us?! Don't worry, Boss! We'll take care of her real quick! I bet she's a real beauty underneath that mask! Isn't the right, boys?!"


The bandits cheered, but Mira just smiled under her mask.

"Hehehe." Mira giggled sinisterly and created her Ice Domain. The surrounding area soon turned into a blizzard with ice shards shooting everywhere and lightning striking. Mira didn't say anything and just disappeared from her position only to attack the nearby bandits.

The blizzard that Mira formed with her domain was ripping apart the bandits. They could barely move due to the freezing temperature, but the shards of ice that were swirling around were ripping off chunks of skin. The bandits started to panic a bit, but the blizzard wasn't the only thing they needed to watch out for. Mira was the biggest threat. In between every kill she shot massive ice blades out that ripped tens of people apart. Then proceeded to finish them off with her scythe. With every swing and slash of her scythe, tens of people died in some of the most horrific ways possible. Dominique watched Mira take down these people with such intensity that she started to wonder who was the bad person in this situation. But she put these thoughts at the back of her head and continued to watch the massacre befall before her.

Mira was already insanely strong in the Qi Condensation Realm, to the point that she might've been able to fight someone in the Low or Mid-Houtian Stage. But her strength right now is truly incredible and is not something that someone in the Low-Houtian Stage should have.

These bandits were nothing more than chickens ready to be slaughtered in front of Mira. Blood soiled the ground, limbs and guts flew everywhere, heads rolled, and some people tried to crawl around while their intestines were leaking out of their bodies.

It only took Mira around a minute to clear up these weaklings before she came face to face with the leader.

"Why did you do this? What have we done to you?! What did these guys do to deserve this?! Don't you have any morals?! And to think you did all of this while carrying a child on your back! Did we kill her parents or something? Is that it? Did you come for revenge?" The Bandit Leader truly didn't understand why this demon came. Sure they were bandits and he knew that someone would eventually come to take them out, but he refused to believe that someone from a Sect was capable of this.

Mira just stored her scythe and walked closer to him

"Why? Well, my Sect put a bounty on your head. But I didn't come here for the bounty. I came here to release all of this pent-up energy! You just happened to be the unlucky bastard that I chose to fight!" Mira said as she walked closer to him.

The Bandit Leader had nothing else to say after that. This girl came here because she was bored! She's treating them like playthings! The more the Bandit Leader thought of this and how he could do nothing but watch his men get slaughtered, the angrier he got. His eyes turned bloodshot and he crazily rushed at Mira while swinging his sword wildly.

"Watch closely, child. I'm about to show you the possibilities of your fist!" Mira said to Dominique as she prepared her Earth-Shattering Fist Technique. She had all of this energy within her raging around her body, wanting to be released and release it she shall. Mira shoved 90% of her Qi into her fist. Ice and lighting started to coil around her right fist as she separated part of it into a ball and linked them together and waited for the Leader to get within range. Half a second later, the Bandit Leader was within range of a punch. Mira dodged the sword and unleashed a massive punch in the Leader's gut.


The Bandit Leader exploded into a bloody mess as he disappeared. The ground beneath Mira cracked and created a small crater. The ground in front of her had also exploded from the force and lifted chunks of the earth up out of the surface as everything within a large cone in front of her was erased into nothing.

Mira retracted her fist with a light smile on her face.

"I feel much better now."