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Chapter 124

Not long after Mira broke through to the Mid-Houtian Stage, Maria broke through as well. They still had around a year and a half until the tournament, but advancing to the next stage might not be possible unless they spend most of their time cultivating. This isn't something that they can do as they also have to focus on training their bodies.

Maria started getting excited because it was almost time for her mother and father to finish the trial. She wanted to show her parents everything she's accomplished in the last 2 years. If she was being honest, she really missed her parents, but she just hasn't had the time to focus on sentimental things like that. Mira makes sure she is always busy with something whether it be cultivating, training, or studying her schedule is almost completely filled up.

Sometimes Maria misses the relaxing times before she met Mira. Things were always peaceful. Her father would take some time away from his work to dote on her and her mother would take care of her and do things like going out shopping or trying new foods with her. Things were simple and she had no worries about the future. She had no ambition and only wished to spend time with her parents, make some friends, and enjoy life.

Sometimes she would see her parents talking about what to do with her. They didn't know if they should keep doting on her or have her experience what the world is really like. Her parents really wanted her to learn more about the world, but every time they looked into Maria's innocent eyes they couldn't bear the thought of ruining that. Eventually, they just couldn't bring themselves to ruin her smile and kept doting on her.

Even though Maria knew this, she didn't have any problems with it. In fact, she preferred it this way. She didn't want anything to do with the cultivation world. All she wanted to do is live a happy life with her family. This all changed when she met Mira though.

The cold and indifferent eyes, apathetic attitude, and quite possibly the most pessimistic person she's ever met. Her unyielding personality and beauty that stand above all else make for a truly unique person. She's the type of person who sets a goal and will reach that goal no matter how difficult it is. She's willing to do anything for the sake of her ambition. But Maria can tell that things aren't as simple as they seem. Although Maria doesn't really understand what's going on, she knows that there is something that is always bothering Mira, like there is always something threatening her.

There is just something about Mira that makes her want to follow her. Even though they are total opposites and have completely different views, Maria wants to be with Mira and go on adventures with her. The things she's experienced while following Mira haven't been good experiences, but they are things that will change her life good. Honestly, sometimes Mira feels like a grandmother that is dissatisfied with the way her granddaughter was raised and decided to take over and fix her.

Thinking about these things, Maria felt a bit melancholic.

'Mira is probably older than my grandma, hehe.' Maria thought to herself as she went back to studying alchemy.

A few more months went by and it was finally time for Mira and Maria to fetch the people they sent to the Trial. They both left the Sect and Mira went to grab Rhydian. After some thinking, Mira realized that she's had Rhydian for almost 2 years as well. She's grown a bit and Mira could feel that Rhydian just broke through to Mid-Stage Rank 4 as well. Mira nodded at her and the 3 of them set off.

They ran for hours before they finally made it to the small cave at the edge of the Core Region of the forest. After walking into the cave, they went to go find the caretaker to see if they've finished.

"You're just in time. They've all finished and received their rewards not too long ago. They are just sleeping right now." The Caretaker briefly explained before walking away.

The both of them just decided to wait for everyone to wake up as they both understand how mentally draining the trial is. They both decided to just cultivate until they wake up.

A few days later they started hearing people waking up.

"Ahhh! That sleep was amazing! Probably the best sleep I've had in years! But damn, that trial sure was hard, huh. I didn't think I'd be able to pass that last stage! I had to start crawling up the stairs as all of my bones broke! I don't ever want to experience that again!"

"Right! That was definitely one of the worst stages, but I think my least favorite was the poison stage. Think about it! We were forced to drink and bathe in poison to build up a resistance to it. Only someone like the Devil Empress would think of something that messed up!"

"I guess you're right. That stage was pretty brutal. I almost died to that last poison! But I think the Dark Stage was the worst. Sure, the other ones were painful, but this stage took away your senses! You can't even tell if you are alive or dead! I can get through the pain, but the mental torture from that stage was brutal! I guess this is just what we Devil Empress subordinates have to go through."

The girls started talking about their experiences in the trial with each other after waking up. Mira also stopped cultivating and was just waiting for everyone to wake up before she inspected them and took them to Lunar Fox City. But there was something that caught her attention.

"Devil Empress? What the hell is that?" Mira's eyebrows started twitching as she listened to people not only call her 'Devil Empress' but themselves 'Devil Empress Subordinates'. Can't they come up with something better?

"I wonder what Maria's doing. I hope she's okay. Come on, Honey! I want to see my daughter already!" Erika exclaimed after she woke up.

"I'm sure she's doing just fine. She's either still with Mira or at the Zaria Family. Also, didn't she say she would meet us here when we're done? Maybe she's already on her way here." Cole comforted his wife while she just nodded.

When Maria heard the two of them talking, she immediately stopped what she was doing and charged towards them.

"Mom! Dad!" She yelled as she dove into them, knocking them down. The two of them were surprised, but immediately embraced her as they knew that she was their daughter.

"Did you miss us, Maria?" Cole asked and Maria nodded her head while tearing up. They stayed like this for a few minutes before getting up.

The other girls that were talking around them had also stopped talking as they realized that Maria was there. And if Maria was here then Mira was probably here as well. Just as they thought about the Devil, she appeared.

Mira looked at the women and noticed that they were almost all Stage 5 Qi Condensation. There were a few that were Stage 4, but it wasn't many. She could also tell that they've all undergone a qualitative change. Their bodies are much sturdier and stronger than before. They are also more attractive than before instead of just looking like Villager A or Villager B. They look like normal cultivators. They also all had space rings on. Some of them had new weapons, some had beast companions and some even had some type of light armor on. Mira also guessed that they have gotten weapon arts, elemental arts, and pills along with the more obvious things. She was very happy with their progress.

"Did all of you complete the trial?" Mira asked, but she already knew that they all have.

"Yes, Ma'am!!" They yelled at the same time.

"Good. I've been thinking about what you lot should do next, but I think the best option for you is for you to gain some more experience in the world. Maria and I have recently joined the Battle Maiden Sect not long ago and they won't be opening their Entrance Exam for another 2 years. They only accept disciples under 30, so I'm sure how many of you would even qualify. Regardless of that, they also won't take all 500 of you in either. They'll only accept 100 people or so. So, what I think you should do is to become mercenaries or adventurers. You can take on bounties or requests and get Spirit Stones for your efforts. You can use this time to learn more about the world and maybe even pick up another profession like forging or alchemy. I'll also give you a piece of advice. Reaching the Foundation Realm should take priority for you. A lot more options will open up for you when you reach that stage. I'll explain the Foundation Realm to you on the way to Lunar Fox City." Mira announced to everyone as they all nodded their heads.

Mira then walked away from them and approached Maria and her parents.

"Thank you for taking care of Maria these last 2 years! Look at how beautiful and strong she is now! You even joined the Battle Maiden Sect! I can't wait to hear all of the stories!" Erika came up to Mira and gave her a big hug. Mira noticed that Erika seemed to have a change in temperament, almost like she's matured. She just nodded towards her and sized Erika and Cole up.

Erika seemed to make it to the Low-Houtian Stage while Cole made it to Stage 1 Core Formation Realm. Mira could feel that Cole was stronger than before, but in terms of improvement, he paled in comparison to his wife and the other girls. But either way, he's in the Core Formation Realm now so beating him in a fight will definitely prove to be difficult. Honestly, Mira was a bit disappointed in Cole. Once Maria makes it to the Core Formation Realm, the two won't even be in the same league anymore.

"Why are you so weak, Cole?" Mira said as she kept sizing him up while the 3 of them froze. The more she thought about it, the more disappointed she got. She almost regretted sending him to the trial as he barely got anything from it. Mira's frown grew deeper.

"W-What do you mean? I made it to the Core Formation Realm! How can I be weak?" Cole said a bit nervously. Honestly, Mira's aura was much more dangerous now than it had been 2 years ago and her looking at him with such disappointment made him a bit nervous.

"You barely made any progress in these last 2 years. Did you even kill anything? Don't you want to set a good example for your daughter? Once Maria reaches the Core Formation Realm, she'll be able to wipe the floor with you. Honestly, your improvement was the worst out of everyone here. This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance and you decided to waste it?! I even wasted my time helping you!" Mira scolded Cole and he just put his head down in shame. He really didn't do a whole lot during the trial except for run and occasionally kill a few things. He felt like he was being scolded by his mother right now.

Erika and Maria tried to comfort him a bit, but Mira hit where it hurt. After some time though, they all started to pack up and get ready to leave.

They all said goodbye to the Caretaker and left for Lunar Fox City. Mira started explaining the Foundation Realm to the girls while Maria was sharing all of her experiences over the last 2 years with her parents.

They were very surprised and excited for Maria knowing that she's such a strong young woman. But they knew that this wouldn't have been possible without Mira. They both could never force their own daughter to kill people or train so hard that she doesn't have any time to sleep. But even after all of her experiences, Maria still seemed like the same innocent child she's always been and they were both elated to see this. They were glad that the nasty side of the world hasn't ruined her mindset. They only kept looking at Mira, thinking that she was secretly taking the burden that Maria might have by ordering her to do things she might've never done before. Sometimes this subtle difference can greatly affect one's mindset because instead of Maria killing because she wants to, she's doing it because Mira told her to. This will allow Maria to slowly get used to doing such dirty work until it just becomes a part of life.

They all made it back to the Zaria Family. Even the 500 women went back with them since Cole invited everyone. There was a sense of comradery among them because they all completed the trial together.

Over the next few days, everyone relaxed with each other. Talking about their experiences, rewards, and showing off their beast companions or beast eggs.

After spending time with everyone for the last few days, it was finally time for Mira and Maria to go back to the Sect. The girls also found places to stay and left the Zaria Family. They also went to form a mercenary group and adventurer group under the name 'Devil Empress.