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Chapter 132

We'll now move onto the next battle royale! Group 2, come up!"

Mira stood up and started walking to the arena, but got stopped by Dominique.

"Go crush'em, Mira! I'll be rooting for you!"

Mira just nodded her head and made her way up towards the stage, but along the way, the other Battle Maiden Disciples caught up to her to discuss a plan. Mira looked around and saw Jade, Audra, and Anna were also part of this battle royale.

"What plan do you have in mind, Mira? I know you have something." Audra looked towards Mira full of expectations.

"You could say that. We're going to do something similar to what Maria's group did. Jade, you be the vanguard, Anna will be the mid-guard, and Audra will be the rearguard. I'm going to catch their attention so all you have to do is eliminate whoever you come across. When I give the signal, you start the massacre." Mira gave them their roles to play, but she didn't explain what she'll be doing.

"What's the signal? Why do you want to play as the bait?" Jade asked curiously. She knew Mira wouldn't do something that would put her out of the tournament so she was curious as to what Mira would be doing.

Mira just looked at them and smiled faintly under her mask then turned around and walked onto the stage.

As soon as her figure walked up on stage, the Elves all started shivering in fear. They cursed at themselves for having such terrible luck that they have to be on the same stage as this devil.

The Sect Masters of the two Elven Sects were wondering why their disciples were frozen in fear.

"What's wrong with all of you? Why are all of you acting like this?" They asked, but the disciples didn't answer and just pointed at Mira.

The Sect Masters squinted their eyes and looked towards Mira, but when they looked at her their eyes widened so much that their eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets.

The Sect Masters also gulped in fear as they've never seen felt such a horrific aura before. The Sect Masters have seen people that spent their entire lives killing, they've seen people kill thousands, if not tens of thousands of people in wars, and have also met old monsters that have been alive for hundreds if not thousands of years, but all of those people couldn't even make up a fraction of Mira's aura. It shouldn't be physically possible for someone like her to exist here.

They wanted to stop the battle, but they were still frozen in place staring at Mira.

"Group 2 Battle Royale, Begin!"

The same thing happened this time around as well and nobody wanted to make the first move. After a few seconds of waiting, Mira took out her scythe to start gathering momentum and walked towards the center of the stage. A frosty mist started emanating from Mira's body as she walked forward that made the whole scene incredibly eerie. The atmosphere grew tense as the only thing one could hear was Mira's footsteps.

Everyone was silently watching her, waiting for her to make a move before they did anything. Their instincts were telling them that Mira was extremely dangerous and they should approach with caution.

Mira took a deep breath and then unleashed a massive Ice Domain that threatened to cover the entire stage. The domain turned into an ice blizzard that unleashed hundreds of ice shards and ice needles. Blue lightning streaked across the domain and started to attack anything it came across.

Jade, Audra, and Anna knew this was the signal that Mira was talking about and started to attack any nearby groups.

The other groups didn't expect such a scene to occur and were caught somewhat off-guard, but it didn't take long for them to recover. Ice shards and Ice needles started to cut and pierce them and after being wounded a few times they knew that taking out Mira is a must.

Some groups ran towards Mira to fight her and others tried to use fire to melt this domain, but they realized that it would require a lot of effort just to try and break the domain. They might even exhaust themselves in the process and not have enough energy to fight the others. They decided that they might as well make full use of the domain and attack other groups to secure themselves a spot.

The people that ran towards Mira were the ones that received the worst beating. Not only because Mira was good at using others to cause collateral damage, but Mira was ruthless.

She would dodge and deflect every attack that came for her while narrowing down her targets. She wanted to catch someone off guard so she can remove them from the fight. After being in the middle of several groups trying to attack her, she was able to find someone to attack.

The person she chose was one of the weaker disciples and all Mira did is break his arms and legs with the blunt end of her scythe then she used him as a shield. Since they had to stay conscious all she could do is immobilize them. Mira used this unfortunate disciple as a meat shield and he ended up getting slashed quite a few times and when the guy was actually nearing death, she threw him towards the meat shield's group then charged at them after they were blinded by their ragdoll companion.

They weren't sure whether they should catch him or dodge and in their hesitation, Mira was already in front of them. Her scythe started ripping off chunks of skin, breaking bones, and leaving cuts all over their bodies. It only took a split second for the tables to turn in her favor and that entire group all ended up screaming in pain on the ground.

Mira figured that these people would also be great meat shields so she decided to stay close to them. As soon as someone approached her, she'd just kick these poor people towards them then start her attack.

Even though there was a frosty fog covering the stage that didn't mean that the audience couldn't see what was happening. Their eyes were glued onto Mira since the beginning of the match so when they saw how brutal Mira was they all gulped and tried to look away as the scene was just a bit too gruesome for them. The Sect Masters and disciples watching this unfold outside of the stage were all fuming with rage that someone would be this brutal during the tournament.

Even though they heard the City Lord say anything goes except for killing, they all figured that everyone would at least have a bit of honor and not do what Mira is doing. The Sect Masters and disciples really wanted to go up on stage and kill Mira so they could satiate their rage, but technically Mira wasn't breaking any rules so they could only sit quietly staring at her with eyes filled with hate.

The Battle Maiden Sect Disciples could only shake their heads with slight smiles on their faces. They've all experienced this from Mira in the last 2 years and could only feel pity for the people on stage.

Everyone just watched as Mira and her group rampaged through the arena, taking out anyone that was in their way.

Meanwhile, the two Elven Sect Masters came up to Sect Master Jane to have a quick word with her.

"Well if it isn't the two Sect Masters from Elsum. What brings the two of you here?" Sect Master Jane said with a light smile on her face.

"Sect Master Jane, what is that demon of a disciple? The one with the mask? I've never felt such a thick aura of blood from someone in my entire life! How can you accept someone like her as a disciple!? We'd be lucky if she doesn't kill everyone here!" One of the Elven Sect Masters yelled.

'Shit! I forgot Elves were sensitive to that sort of thing.' Sect Master Jane thought to herself.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Mira's done a lot for my Sect and is respected by all of my disciples. Sure, she might be a little rough, but she only brings good intentions." Sect Master Jane said gently, but the two Elves just scoffed.

"Bullshit! Look at her right now! She's literally torturing those poor fools on stage right now! You call those good intentions?! You need to do something about that girl lest she brings a calamity towards our continent! I can't even imagine how many people she's killed! Millions? Tens of millions? Maybe even more? I refuse to have such a dangerous individual roaming around my continent!" One of the Elves declared while the other nodded.

Sect Master Jane narrowed her eyes and spoke in a deep voice.

"Thank you for your advice, but it is not needed. Mira doesn't run around killing whoever she wants, but if you attack her and have ill-intent towards her then whatever happens after is your fault. I advise you to proceed with caution. You may leave." Jane said seriously and the two Elves snorted at her and left.

Sect Master Jane just sighed and looked towards where Mira was on the stage.

"I hope they don't do anything stupid," Jane muttered to herself.

Group 2's battle royale was finishing up right now as Mira was just tossing her meat shields off of the stage.

After Mira threw the last one off the stage the City Lord spoke up.

"That's the end of Group 2's Battle Royale! The 16 of you go wait near your Sect and wait for the battle royales to finish! As for the losers, you are no longer able to participate in the duels."

The audience was silent for a while as they looked at the remaining people. Mira, Jade, Audra, and Anna were still left. There were a few Elves still up there, but the biggest winners this time were actually the Sects from Mysterious Verdant City. Most of them have a fire affinity and were able to deal with the ice to a certain extent. While the biggest losers were the Sects from the north. There were more people with Ice Affinities from the north and in the face of Mira's Absolute Ice Dao they couldn't really do much. They were easily taken out by Jade and the others.

After a few minutes of silence, the crowd soon went wild! Even though what they just watched was brutal it was still amazing. They were even more excited about the upcoming battles!