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Chapter 142

As Rhydian was striking people down with her lighting, Mira was running rampant amongst the army. Right now they were basically chickens waiting to be slaughtered as even moving was hard enough much less fighting.

Mira's mind was also starting to be consumed by her bloodlust as the more she killed the stronger it became. The only thing on her mind right now was to kill. Luckily her mental fortitude is incredibly high or else she might really be consumed by it and turn into a blood-crazed demon.

The others weren't able to take part in this war due to the pressure that Mira was exerting and they could only sit and watch.

"Umm… Is this really okay? I mean, I know that they came here with an army to raze the city to the ground and start a massacre, but isn't this just too sad? I'm starting to feel bad for those cloaked men." One of the disciples watching Mira's rampage asked.

"I know how you feel, bro! Even though those people from the Soul Devouring Sect came here with ill intentions who would've expected someone like that crazy devil and her even more absurd pet?"

"Right?! If I would've known there was some demon like her staying here I would've just stayed home and continue cultivating! Screw the Secret Realm!"

"Now that you mention it… Won't she possibly be entering the Secret Realm?"

Everyone went silent when they heard this. None of them here were in the Core Formation Realm, but that demon was able to one-shot those Core Formation experts from the Soul Devouring Sect. How the hell were they supposed to fight against someone like that?! Would there even be a point to them entering the Secret Realm?!

As the army started to shrink, Mira began to retract her bloodlust. Her mental state was being affected by it, taking a bit of a toll on her mind.

The pressure that held everyone down began to lift off of them and the battlefield went back to normal.

The Sect Elders and the stronger members of the Soul Devouring Sect felt a bit awkward now. They weren't sure if they should resume fighting or slay that little demon who ruined all of their plans.

Not to mention that damn wolf was reducing their members into ashes one by one. One might even say that these people died in the worst possible ways as they didn't die from just a single lightning strike or a single hit from Rhydian. No, it took numerous lighting strikes and body slams to blow them up into a bloody mist.

The area around Rhydian was filled with screams of pain and torture as they were forced to endure strike after strike until their bodies couldn't take it anymore.

Right now there were only a few members of the Soul Devouring Sect left that were in the Core Formation Realm and as soon as the pressure lifted they went mad and started charging at Rhydian like a bunch of crazy people.

But this only made Rhydian more excited as her toys decided to finally play with her! Rhydian went ahead and shot a lightning bolt towards the closest man's eye, which blinded him in that eye, then ran off hoping they would give chase.

"You damn wolf! I'll fucking kill you!" The man screamed as blood dripped out of one of his eye sockets.

The Sect Elders just stood there for a second, watching everything unfold, as they found this scene very hard to digest.

But their expressions paled when they felt an insane amount of blood start gathering around one of the Soul Devouring Sect members.

This was the man named Head and he was holding out an orb that seemed to be halfway filled up with blood.

"That stupid bitch ruined my plans! I didn't want to use the blood of this army since it's all tainted, but she's forced my hand. I apologize, ancestor, it seems that I won't be able to give you a pure body, but you can take out your rage on that little bitch once you revive." Head muttered to himself as more blood started to congregate around himself and get absorbed into the orb.

Mira, who was still fighting on the battlefield sensed this change along with the other Sect Elders. She frowned and started to formulate a plan of attack as she didn't want to leave her fate in the hands of those useless old people.

She was a bit too far away to just charge in there recklessly, but then she had an epiphany. The end of her scythe, opposite of the blade end, has a spear-like point on it that isn't any less sharp than an actual spear.

Numerous problems arise if she wants to use her scythe like a throwing spear, so she started formulating a plan.

,m Not long after she came up with a feasible plan of attack.

Right now, her scythe is containing a mountain-like momentum which will increase the power of her throw by many times. Next, she'll need to insert a bunch of her Qi into the spear end of the scythe in order to make that side heavy, which will control the flight pattern. Next, she'll create an ice blade that is parallel to the main blade, so the scythe keeps its trajectory. Now all that's left is to get a good throw.

Mira cleared out at area around her so she won't be disturbed in the processing of throwing. She grasped the blade end of the scythe and got a good running start. She put a large amount of Qi into her throwing arm and hand to increase the power of the throw, then launched her scythe towards the man.


The scythe broke the sound barrier as it shot out of Mira's hands. The Sect Elders were also running to stop the man from whatever he was doing but were being blocked by the leftover members of the Soul Devouring Sect.

It didn't take them long to cut them down as there were just too many Sect Elders still alive and too few Soul Devouring Sect members left. They didn't even notice the scythe flying in their direction.

Almost instantly, Mira's scythe came crashing into Head, piercing his heart and the orb in his hand. But the scythe didn't stop there as the blades made their way through his body before chopping him in half and continuing its flight until it crashed into the ground leaving a massive crater.

Everything in the surrounding area got flattened by the impact and even part of the city wall crumbled along with numerous houses and buildings. Luckily there were no casualties though as everyone has evacuated by this point.

The blood that was contained in the orb exploded out and rained down upon everyone. One could even hear a wailing sound as the blood fell to the ground.

This all happened in an instant and nobody could even react to what happened.

"NOOOOO! Cough Cough… You dirty bitch! You fucking bastard! Curse you! Curse you and all of your future generations! Even if I die right now, I'll be sure to hunt you down in my next life! I'll make sure you never live a peaceful life!" Head yelled with bloodshot eyes as he coughed up mouthfuls of blood.

The man was already split in half and didn't have much longer to live.

'What peaceful life? My life has never been peaceful. My life won't be peaceful until I stand at the pinnacle.' Mira thought to herself and just ignored this idiot's ramblings as she used her connection with her scythe to recall it. Not long after recalling it did the scythe come flying back into her hands.

Rhydian also came flying over and opened her mouth as she tried to collect all of the blood raining down. Her senses told her that this was some high-quality blood that would even be able to help stabilize her cultivation.

Everyone just stood there in shock as the man came crashing down onto the ground with only half a body still intact.

The members of the Soul Devouring Sect just stood there with their mouths agape, as they weren't sure how to handle this situation. They lost the ability to revive their ancestor, the leader of the Sect was just a pile of flesh, their army was being decimated and has almost been exterminated and that damn wolf was torturing the rest of the members with unending lighting.

They wanted to retreat, but what's the point in that?! Do they really need to sit and hide for the next hundred years to gather strength before trying this again?! What's the point if they can't revive their ancestor and the leader is dead?!

The Soul Devouring Sect member's eyes turned bloodshot as they crazily rushed towards the nearest living being, hoping to kill as many people as they can.

Luckily the Elders of the Sect woke up from their stupor as they noticed their enemies trying to go on a rampage. They instantly went into action, but this time it was much easier since they could gang up on each person with multiple Elders.

Their battles raged on for another 30 minutes before all of the Core Formation Experts of the Soul Devouring Sect were taken care of. Rhydian was busy munching on Head's body, not because it contained any Qi since that all dissipated into the air when he got bisected. No, she was just trying to absorb as much of that sweet blood as possible and this man just happened to be covered in it.

The disciples were busy cleaning up the army as Mira decided to leave the rest of the forces to them. She left them with around 100k left, but their morale was so low that they basically just rolled over dead. The men that were being controlled like zombies weren't anything special either and were only good in numbers. But now that the numbers were reduced by 90%, there wasn't much they could do.

This allowed Maria, the Devil Empress Army, and the disciples to get a better feel for war without so much bloodshed on their side. Mira felt like she just created a war simulation and put it on easy mode.

Dominique was currently resting in Mira's arms as she took the brunt of Mira's bloodlust even though Mira tried to control it just enough to where she wouldn't be affected by it as much. But Mira was glad that she got to experience the brutality of war and even got a few kills under her belt, though Mira doesn't actually know how many.

Not long after, Rhydian flew over to Mira, curled up her wings into her fur, and fell asleep.

Mira brought the two of them away from the battlefield to let them rest and watched the disciples clean up. Mira wished she had some liquor and a meal right now as she watched the sunset descend onto the area, causing the ocean of blood to reflect, creating a mystical scene. One that Mira hasn't seen in her near millennium years of life.