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Chapter 59


Zhu Luli strolled through the thick bushes, the afternoon sun barely visible beyond the dense canopy of Darkloom Forest. Little Yao was scouting ahead, swinging her fluffy tail in mild annoyance now and then to show her disapproval. Zhu Luli knew that if she let her, the squirrel would have long since returned to the warm embrace of Little Mei.

That's a Beast Master for you. You can't help it—these creatures just love them.

It was strange how different a Beast Tamer was from a Beast Master. Tamers had to capture beasts with brute force before branding their soul-seal onto the creature's spirit to establish a soul connection. In that sense, it was similar to slavery, except the Tamer had to ensure their beast was in good condition, as the soul bond took a toll on their own spirit as well.

Beast Masters, on the other hand, were different. Beasts longed for their touch, just like how a child couldn't keep away from their mother. In one of her studies, Beast Master Xie Tung-Mei noted that genius-level Beast Masters could emit a strange odor when in proximity to a spiritual beast, instilling a natural trust in the creature.

That was why Little Yao always wanted to stick close to Little Mei. To her, Little Mei was just another Browntail, albeit a differently-shaped one.

People will drool at the sight of her once we get to Lanzhou. Offers will be plenty, to say the least.

A Beast Master was a force unto themselves, a small army capable of toppling kingdoms and ruling cities with their hordes. Therefore, it wouldn't be a simple matter to send Little Mei off to one of the sects. Brother Lei would have to think deeply about it.

Zhu Luli sighed as she stepped into a clearing beyond the bushes, peering around and taking in the view of the forest. She'd been hunting on the outskirts of the forest for the last few weeks, and during that time, she hadn't encountered those rotten beasts again. Other than a few Sabertongues, she had mostly been searching for spiritual herbs, as they were easy to store.

But today, she knew her chances of finding a strong beast were higher than coming across a Mortal-Tier High-Quality spiritual herb, let alone an Earth-Tier herb. The problem with herbs was that beasts often consumed them before they had a chance to grow into Earth-Tier or higher stages.

Sure, there were some herbs that grew in extreme conditions, like inside a volcano or on the edge of glaciers, but Darkloom Forest was just an ordinary forest.

"Anything new?" she muttered when Little Yao looked back at her over her shoulder. The squirrel narrowed her eyes and shook her head, continuing down the path with almost bored steps.

You're so moody…

Zhu Luli shook her head and followed the squirrel, taking long, deep breaths of the fresh air. She knew she could find a Qi Condensation Stage beast deeper in the forest, but they still didn't know what those rotten bastards were up to, especially after what Brother Lei told her about that old man who had appeared in the middle of dinner to talk with two of the Governor's men.

They must still be here, she thought as she glanced up at the distant mountain towering into the sky. How strange that those rotten bastards had chosen to use the famed Anguished Mountain as their base.

I guess the tale about Sage Grim and Emperor Xia isn't true.

That was hardly surprising. Zhu Luli didn't think Emperor Xia had the means to banish the sage on a whim. He was known to be a Celestial Immortal, after all—a full stage below Sage Grim, who was supposed to be a Great Immortal, unbound by the chains of the Three Realms.

Can't trust the tales, though. Father said things are different after the Nascent Soul Stage.

Comparing herself to them was like an ant trying to see the whole sky. It was just impossible. So she focused on the task at hand, scanning the forest as they ventured deeper.

The damp, heavy air made her long hair stick to her neck. Her fingers itched with nervous anticipation as Little Yao led her toward a patch of wide trees. She had experienced the might of a Core Formation beast before when she had decided to sleep in the hollowed trunk of a tree in the Demon's Yard. That forest near the capital was nightmarish, and to this day, Zhu Luli didn't know how she survived that ordeal.

Here, though, the spiritual energy was barely enough to sustain a Foundation Establishment Stage beast, so she wasn't overly anxious. In fact, she felt excitement bubbling in the pit of her stomach.

A Qi Condensation Stage… Once I break through, I'll breeze through the stage in a few months if we get a good supply of spiritual ingredients!

The city of Lanzhou didn't know what was about to hit it. More importantly, Zhu Luli would be a part of it! She could already see a future where Brother Lei soared high into the sky, with Immortals and Fairies lining up at his restaurant to try his dishes. To think she had been fortunate enough to meet this chef in a mortal city…

Ahh! I can't wait, but I must be patient. I'm getting ahead of myself… again!

She started grinning like a little girl, which didn't go unnoticed as Little Yao looked back at her and rolled her beady eyes. Zhu Luli suppressed her grin and cleared her throat, trying hard not to roll her eyes back.

Just then, Little Yao stopped in her tracks, her fluffy tail twitching slightly as if alerted. The squirrel's beady eyes scanned the area, her ears perked. Zhu Luli's instincts kicked in, her body tensing as she drew in enough Qi to fuel her fingers.

"Something nearby?" Zhu Luli whispered, her eyes darting around the forest. She could sense the subtle shift in spiritual energy. Something powerful was lurking.

Little Yao gave a small nod, then pointed her tiny paw toward a cluster of trees ahead. There was a faint rustling sound, followed by eerie silence. Zhu Luli's heart pounded in her chest as she cautiously stepped forward. The trees were densely packed, casting long shadows that made it difficult to see what lay beyond.

A shadow darted from within the thicket, growing into a monstrous shape as its hide flickered under the dim light of the forest. Zhu Luli dived into a roll, shielding her face as she sprang to her feet near Little Yao.

But the expected blow didn't come. The creature landed gracefully where Zhu Luli had stood moments before. Its lustrous hide was bright brown, but it slowly changed to a dark green, blending into the knee-high bushes surrounding them.

"Oh?" Zhu Luli raised an eyebrow when she saw the bright blue eyes staring back at her. "A Rainbow Panther? You're so…" Zhu Luli gulped as heat flushed her cheeks. "Cute!"

The panther blinked, its blue eyes looking down at Little Yao, as if asking if it had heard her correctly. The squirrel gave it a tired nod, making Zhu Luli furious as she felt like the two beasts were ignoring her.

"Come," she said, raising a hand to beckon the panther closer. It was around the 5th Step of the Body Tempering Stage, lean muscles radiating strength beneath its fur.

The panther flinched back, hesitant. It didn't know whether to attack or flee from this strange pair.

Zhu Luli understood the beast's suspicion. She tried to reassure it. "I'm not going to kill you, Junior Rainbow. I just want to feel your fur! They say it's smooth as silk, right? But it must be hard licking that fur every night. Then again, I guess you don't have much choice if you want to stay hidden wherever you go."

The panther's eyes flicked toward the dense underbrush. Little Yao chirped from her perch on a branch, her fluffy tail straight up as her beady eyes darted toward the trees. Zhu Luli's stomach twisted.

Another beast.

Before she could react, a thunderous roar split the air, shaking the leaves. Trees bent and bushes rustled violently as a monstrous figure barreled through the forest. It crashed into view—a hulking Earthbreaker Boar, easily twice the size of the Rainbow Panther. Its tusks gleamed dangerously, like giant spears digging into the ground, ripping apart the forest floor.

The sheer pressure it emanated told Zhu Luli that this beast was at least at the 8th Step of the Body Tempering Stage.

The panther immediately crouched low, its fur standing on end, ready to flee—but it was too late. The boar's beady, bloodshot eyes locked onto it. There was no mercy in them.

"Move!" Zhu Luli shouted.

The panther hesitated for a split second before darting sideways, narrowly dodging the Earthbreaker Boar's massive charge. The ground quaked as the boar's tusks sliced through the spot where the panther had stood, uprooting trees in its path.

Zhu Luli sprang into action. Her fingers surged with Qi, her hands glowing as power coiled around her knuckles like tightly wound springs. With a swift leap, she placed herself between the boar and the panther.

"Little Yao!" Zhu Luli barked.

Little Yao responded immediately, darting through the branches like a blur. In seconds, the squirrel was over the Earthbreaker Boar, her tail flicking wildly as she chittered, drawing its attention. The boar's gaze shifted, distracted for a moment as it roared again, trying to shake off the tiny beast.

Zhu Luli took the opening.

She dashed forward, heart thundering in her chest. Her glowing fingers jabbed at the boar's thick hide, aiming for the gaps in its armor-like skin. Her fingers connected with a sharp crack, sending a shockwave through the beast's body. The boar grunted, stumbling sideways, but it wasn't finished yet. Its massive legs buckled, and with a snarl, it swung its tusks toward her.

Zhu Luli twisted mid-air, narrowly avoiding the deadly tusks. She landed lightly on her feet, her breath steady, eyes locked on the boar.

Not enough. I need to find a node!

The boar charged again, but this time, Little Yao leapt onto its snout, biting down hard with her sharp teeth. The beast howled, shaking its head violently, but the squirrel held firm. This was the moment Zhu Luli needed.

Her fingers blazed with Qi as she dove in. She bolted around the beast, ducking beneath the boar's tusks as she drove her glowing fingers into its neck—where she could feel a bulging node full of spiritual energy.

Thousand Node Strike!

The energy erupted from her fingertips, sending a wave of force directly into the beast's node. The boar's eyes widened in shock before its legs gave out, and it collapsed with a thunderous crash, sending dust and debris into the air.



Sun Nui strolled across the forest, taking deep, long breaths of the beautiful afternoon air. Strength coursed through his veins, and the colors around him appeared more vivid than ever. When he focused, he could see the faint lines trailing the tree barks and the bugs scurrying over them in long lines.

It had taken everything to survive the onslaught of those maddened beasts, but in the end, it was all worth it. He was a different man now, both in body and spirit—changed, twisted, and turned for the better. He couldn't get enough of this feeling.

Master said I will grow even more once the formation activates.

Soon, he would become more than just a mere cultivator, and soon that cook would pay for what he had done to him. Before that, though, he had to finish the mission he was given. Master had ordered them to see if there was any unusual activity in the forest before making their move.

Animals and spiritual beasts scurried away when they caught a whiff of his aura. Sun Nui almost cackled at the sight as he clenched his fists. The sun shone through the tiny cracks in the canopy, bathing him in warmth.

As expected, there's nothing wrong—

A sharp crack sounded, making Sun Nui blink in surprise. It was coming from the wide opening ahead, the sound akin to metal scraping against metal. Scowling, he made his way through the bushes, picking his steps with care.

Then he saw it.

Cold sweat poured down Sun Nui's back as he watched a crazy woman lunge toward an Earthbreaker Boar. Her fingers flashed with light, poking and jabbing at the beast in a practiced fashion. The ground beneath his feet shook as the woman's fingers opened a long gash across the boar's thick hide.

Sun Nui gulped, his heart pounding in his throat. Even though he'd become a 3rd Step Body Tempering Stage cultivator after eating that Root Growing Pill, he knew he didn't stand a chance against this boar, and yet the woman was handling it with ease.

He hid behind the tree line, hoping she wouldn't take notice.

There was a bad feeling in his heart. The preparations were already done, and everything was set in motion. In three or four days, it would be finished, and Sun Nui would undergo Master's ritual just like those other people.

So what on earth was this woman doing here, all alone, hunting beasts?