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Chapter C52 - Interrogation

In the Oval Office, President Obama was listening to Vince over the phone.

"One of our FS detachments caught a group of armed men red-handed attempting to hack into Future Tech," Vince explained.

"Did anyone get hurt? Was it here in the States? Have you identified the people involved?" Obama asked seriously.

"No one was hurt. Thank you for the concern, though the enemies got peppered with non-lethal rounds. It happened off the coast of Taiwan at one of our key Data Access Nodes. Most of them were Korean and sent to Kandahar for interrogation." Vince replied.

"We'll talk about that non-lethal ammunition later—smart move to take them to Afghanistan. I'll have CIA operatives assigned in the area to help with the investigation." Obama replied in agreement.

"There's not much investigating to do. We already know Hyundai C&E is behind this. The FS team found a secret underground passage five miles long underneath the building. President Lee offered to build and upgrade Future Tech com stations for a heavily discounted price, and I took the deal in good faith." Vince explained in a soft childish tone.

[Thanks to my future knowledge, I dodged a bullet. No good faith found here.] Vince thought.

"That's a serious accusation, Vince. I'm sorry to hear about your dealings with President Lee; I'll need hard evidence to pursue this. Our alliance with South Korea is utterly essential to our foreign strategy." Obama replied honestly.

"I believe the CIA can persuade the detainees to confess; I trust in my government. Though hypothetically, if Future Tech possesses incriminating information about President Lee's involvement in bribery, tax evasion, and embezzlement, for example. How would you feel about it?" Vince asked vaguely.

[Future Tech did something illegal. I'm sure of it, but information like that is priceless. It wouldn't be challenging to install a new president with it in the right hands.] Obama pondered.

"In this hypothetical situation, I would suggest revealing some information to the CIA operatives for further investigation. But, of course, your law firm will have full support from the White House, and Future Security will receive a $50 billion defense contract. I even have General Douglas here to negotiate the deal." Obama replied with his signature tone.

[Hmm. A puppet South Korean president is worth $50 billion. Fending off Mr. Lee was more profitable than I thought.] Vince pondered.

"Quite generous of you, Mr. President. I'll have Price contact General Douglas regarding the deal. Thank you for your time." Vince said before ending the call.

"Who were you talking to, Mr. President?" the General asked.

"It was Vince Dalton. Write an outline of what the Pentagon needs. I promised him a $50 billion contract; you can get whatever you want." Obama explained.

"That's 10% of our 2013 budget. So what's going on?" General Douglas asked curiously.

"It's a need to know, General. I suggest ordering those AVs. I hear they're perfect for urban battlefields." Obama said before dismissing the General from his office.

[This is going to be a lot of work.] Obama pondered while searching through his political contacts.

In a Dreamliner flying over the Pacific Ocean, Vince was lying down on his king-sized bed.

[I can see why the military-industrial complex makes so much money. The discretionary budget is practically free cash.] Vince thought.

He decided to contact Richard working at the Wall Street branch.

Richard immediately took the call from Vince as soon as his phone rang.

"Vince, what can I do for you?" Richard asked.

"Richard, I suggest shorting the South Korean Won starting tomorrow. Some bad news about Mr. Lee will come to light. Target the Hyundai Group too. Kemp-Jacobs will be suing them soon." Vince instructed before ending the call.

[Something big must've happened.] Richard thought.

He walked out of his office and shouted commands.

"Listen up. We'll be shorting the Won and buying up all of Hyundai's holdings. Set up all your trading tools in preparation for tomorrow." Richard said before working himself.

He called Price to discuss the following steps to be taken.

"Price, leave an evidence trail for the CIA operatives who will be visiting soon. I've struck a deal with the President in exchange for the information. Continue monitoring our assets abroad and contact General Douglas about the $50 billion defense contract." Vince instructed.

Price was surprised to hear how high the value of their work was.

"I'll see it done, Vince. Anthony will contact you about his new invention soon. I hope you don't do anything rash with it." Price replied.

"Thanks for the heads up. Good work out there, Price. You've been a model executive director. I'm glad to have you as an ally." Vince expressed before bidding farewell.

[The young man is too humble.] Price pondered before working on the Pentagon deal.

Vince called Marcia Kemp immediately after his conversation with Price.

Kemp-Jacobs accepted Vince's deal and retained their company name. However, they represented only current clients and mostly served Future Tech.

"Vince, how are you doing?" Marcia asked over the phone.

"I've been well, thank you for asking. Have your South Korean branch prepare a lawsuit against Hyundai C&E. They attempted to steal our corporate secrets and were caught red-handed. Start the suit when you hear news about the incident on tv." Vince instructed.

"Understood, Vince. Do you need anything else?" she asked.

"Price will get in touch with you to negotiate a deal with the Pentagon. Just a heads up. Thanks, and talk to you later." Vince stated.

[What's your move, Mr. Lee?] he thought before sleeping for the night.

At the Blue House in Seoul, President Lee was drinking tea during a meeting.

[The team should have gotten back to me already.] Mr. Lee pondered while sipping.

A secretary entered the office and disturbed the conversation.

"President Lee, you need to watch this." the secretary said as she turned on the meeting room's flatscreen TV.

South Korean news reported about the failed hacking attempt on Future Tech's network and the alleged involvement of Hyundai C&E, including evidence in the form of confessions from the two hackers and incriminating documents for everyone to see.

One of the men in the room, Senator Won Hyun, took the opportunity to question the President. He already knew Mr. Lee was guilty because President Obama contacted him before the meeting.

"What's the meaning of this, President Lee? Are you trying to dishonor your seat as President?" Won Hyun asked chidingly.

The other members attending the meeting stood up and started leaving.

"Where are you going? I haven't dismissed the meeting yet." Mr. Lee declared in a harsh tone.

"You have more things to worry about than our meeting. Goodbye." Won Hyun said as he left the meeting room.

[What's going on?!] Mr. Lee pondered while preparing an escape plan.

At the Kandahar branch, a CIA operative took over the interrogation and started using his techniques on the detainees.

The war veterans in the group were able to hold on, but the two hackers' resolve was too brittle and confessed.

The hackers negotiated for a plea deal. They would rat out Mr. Lee and divulge more information if they could stay out of prison.

The CIA operative thought about it for a few minutes and consulted with Price.

"Two of them are willing to confess and plead guilty but want out of prison. What should I offer?" the CIA operative asked Price.

"The two hackers? I'll hire them. With limitations and protections, of course.

[I need more talented hackers, and these guys are professionals. I trust Anthony can set them right.] Price thought.

The CIA operative returned to the dark cells and conveyed the offer.

The two happily agreed, in fear of imprisonment, and spilled the beans.

They were involved in an anonymous hacking ring that operated from the dark web. They, in particular, took contracts from politicians, business people, civilians, anyone who had money to spend and performed their services flawlessly.

The ring had no formal name and was involved in organized crime, corporate espionage, and many other illegal activities.

They explained that modern data network security was a joke for most hacker ring members, and it was the first time anyone got caught.

The ring agreed never to attempt hacking into Future Tech because they employed the most sophisticated cyber defense technology globally. Still, the two were Korean hacker buddies who came across a massive contract worth $500 million and took the risk.

The CIA operative was stunned to learn about such crucial information and decided to investigate further.

The remaining detainees would be sent state-side for trial other than the two hackers who joined Future Security under heavy surveillance.

Hyundai C&E was slapped with a lawsuit locally and internationally. President Obama held a press conference and publicly chastised Mr. Lee. He gave a rousing speech about defending Americans' rights abroad and explained adapting newer ideas to confront the United States' modern challenges.

The public admonishment made the headline news, and local patriots went on social media to share their feelings.

[Big yikes, dude. If you're gonna do something like this, better not get caught.] a Redditor posted.

[What kind of corporation has enough armed guards to secure such a backwater place like a small island?] another Redditor replied.

[Plenty of corporations do, you idiot. Private military contractors are super typical, but they just don't make the news often. Try searching for Constellis Group and G4S. It's more common than you think.] another Redditor added.

Future Tech was famous worldwide for cutting-edge technology, network communications, and manufacturing. Most people owned a Future Tech device or two and were very familiar with the brand.

It was unusual for many to learn a company similar to Apple and AT&T was a formidable force militarily. Of course, everyday folks didn't care much for the war in Afghanistan, but this news involved Future Tech and not Future Security.

Corporations like Vodafone, Nippon T&T, and Deutsche Telekom AG immediately took extra precautions in securing their telecommunication stations.

Many were concerned about two people confessing to being expert contract hackers working with a secret shadow organization.

Stats last time checked:

Future Tech current valuation - $300 billion

15 million BTC (currently trades at $1,000)

$90 Billion cash in Future Tech

21,000+ employees (FT AI, Future Studios, Hive Mind Manufacturing, FT Micro Devices, BitCash, FT VR, Future Tech F1, FT Investments, Future Arms, Future Med, Future Tech Robotics)

20,000+ operators under Future Security

Personal Vehicles: Klassen Phantom, Agera R, Agera SFV, Boeing Luxury 787 Dreamliner

Five company collaborators (Epic, Koenegisegg, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyundai C&E)

Dozens of investments under Future Tech Holdings (i..e., Instagram)

Chapter C53 - Future Education

President Obama's speech calmed most of the populace down from the incident, but some were skeptical. Many were wondering if their data had been compromised by hackers or even the government. 

A caucasian man in his early 30s wearing glasses and semi-casual clothes watched the news broadcast on his phone. After quitting the NSA due to his political beliefs, Edward Snowden started working at Booz Allen Hamilton as an infrastructure analyst, otherwise known as a hacker. 

[The masses think they're safe from cyber security threats but are none the wiser. Future Tech is innovative in protecting their data, and it seems that more people are learning how dangerous the internet can be.] So Snowden thought after watching the news segment. 

He gathered evidence regarding the government's unethical data handling while working at Booz Allen Hamilton, doing the same thing at Dell a few months ago. 

His worldview was turned upside down after working for the NSA in many foreign countries. While in Japan, he was tasked to investigate mass surveillance in central Asia and found it all to be true. 

Shortly after, the United States started doing the same to Americans using the same techniques the NSA stole. 

[The moment is right. I have enough evidence already, and releasing it right now while cyber threats are a hot topic will be perfect for sending my message everywhere.] Snowden pondered. 

He started compiling all the evidence he had accrued over the past few years and bought a ticket to Hong Kong. Snowden planned to meet Glenn Greenwald, a journalist from The Guardian away from US soil. 

General Douglas called Price regarding the new deal to be ironed out. 

"Good day, Price. The President approved $50 billion from our discretionary fund to award Future Security a new contract. I've done some research and plan to order military spec AVs, Stingrays, 5 ASR-1s, Dragonflies, and the training for maintenance and piloting. A small number of the Colt Defense-licensed M4FT rifles for testing in SOCOM and various ammunition types. The President also requests Future Tech to upgrade our current network systems in all foreign US military bases." the General stated. 

"That can all be arranged. The training sessions will take place in our facilities around the United States. We got plenty of them after I bought Andrews International." Price replied. 

"Good to hear you'll be able to accommodate my men. The contract is good for one year, and I expect you will hold your end of the bargain." General Douglas stated before bidding farewell. 

Price then contacted David to update him about the negotiations and called Andreas to place the expedited orders for the military. 

Price opened a communication channel, and Anthony connected. 

"Your new mission is to lead a nethunter team to upgrade network security at all foreign US military bases. I'll assign an FS detachment for your protection and Hive Mind sets for your use," Price instructed. 

"Understood. I better get bonus pay for leaving my comfy office, Price." Anthony replied jokingly. 

"You're already paid a million times more than you would at any information technology consulting firm, but fine, your team will get a bonus." Price yielded and ended the call. 

He talked walked out of his office to find Alexis, the sub-director for Future Education. 

He saw a pretty caucasian woman in her late 20s talking to some local Afghan children. The populace well appreciated the Future Tech training facility at Kandahar, and many men and women found an opportunity here when none could be found before. 

Future Education has been testing new teaching tools and methods for adults attempting to get Future Tech certified and children who want to learn the basics. 

FT Education bundled unreleased Future Tech products like the AI-processed real-time language translators and Mixed Reality Visors with augmented reality interactive teaching tools. 

Farukh learned to pilot aerodyne vehicles so quickly because of his involvement in testing earlier versions. 

Jessica and the software systems division implemented an operating system for the visors, while Rick and Sarah designed the user interface. The physical controls on the device were located near the temple of the head, and the visor itself employed eye-tracking. 

Kyle and Future Studios developed software tools enabling the creation of custom augmented and virtual environments with the help of Epic through a multi-million dollar partnership contract. 

Children can learn to read and write by listening to instructions through earphones and making writing gestures in the air. 

Aerodyne pilots can connect a Future Tech laptop or computer to the mixed reality visor and experience crisp quality virtual reality practice simulations and the visor even works as a HUD while piloting. 

The Kandahar training facility had plenty of mock aerodyne cockpits where students could learn while in VR. 

"How's your work here at Kandahar going?" Price asked Alexis. 

"It's been enjoyable teaching and helping the locals and your men. The Future Tech Mixed Reality Visor trial has been an enormous success. And the bonus was nice too." Alexis replied honestly. 

"I'm glad you've been thriving in your role as the point-woman of Future Education. For now, I'll be assigning you to train US military troops and pilots to use and maintain Future Tech products. You're currently a sub-division director and have done great work growing our training capabilities. I'll ask Vince to promote your subdivision if you fulfill this mission within the contract year. Price instructed. 

Alexis perked up when she heard about the potential promotion. 

"Of course, director. I'll accept this mission. Thank you!" Alexis replied joyously. 

[I have to take every chance I get. Life was rough when I became a teacher, but it all turned around after using my management degree and finding this random job in Kandahar.] Alexis pondered. 

"I have faith in you. However, you've only worked with Future Tech for a few months. A year is enough of a timeframe for Vince to judge Future Education's worth. Therefore, I'll allocate $5 billion from the contract as a budget injection for you. Don't let Vince down." 

[That should be enough for the General's men.] Price thought. 

Alexis was surprised to hear about money in the billions of dollars suddenly. 

"I can assure you we'll train the troops well and create more profitable avenues for the long run," Alexis replied confidently. 

She immediately opened the corporate store and ordered enough sets of MVRs based on the outline Price had given her. 

Each aerodyne pilot in Kandahar made an average of $200 thousand annually, twice as much as the industry standard, mainly due to the higher risk of death on the battlefield. 

The FS Kandahar branch employed 80 stingrays and 80 FAV-1s. And almost all of the pilots were Afghan. So while most other countries were busy legalizing aerodyne vehicles, Kandahar locals were piloting AVs daily when patrolling and performing missions. 

Future Tech employed many other experienced and trained locals now that three months had passed since the facilities' founding. 

The economy of Kandahar had reached an all-time height due to reasonably high wages shared by many in the community. 

American stores and franchises like Walmart that primarily served the SpaceX and Future Tech employees expanded with more branches across the city. 

Larger biospheres were in construction to grow more crops and perform further testing for the inevitable mission to the moon, providing cheap labor jobs to anyone interested in helping with Future Tech's research. 

The energy was cheap in the region as crude oil was abundant, and Future Tech bought oil directly from the China National Petroleum Corporation, which legally mines oil in Afghanistan. 

The Kandahar branch housed a material science unit that refined fuel for use in AVs and Stingrays. Further research and development were invested in creating more efficient versions of the fuel complex and advancing jet fuel technology with SpaceX petroleum engineers. 

[This city is a considerable asset that Future Tech has invested billions in over the past few months. I'll have to put more effort into defending the city, especially after what Ashkan had said. Maybe something like the Israeli Iron Dome defense system would be a good option. I may have to talk to Vince about it.] Price pondered while walking back to his office. 

Stats last time checked: 

Future Tech current valuation - $300 billion 

15 million BTC (currently trades at $1,000) 

$85 Billion cash in Future Tech 

21,000+ employees (FT AI, Future Studios, Hive Mind Manufacturing, FT Micro Devices, BitCash, FT VR, Future Tech F1, FT Investments, Future Arms, Future Med, Future Tech Robotics) 

20,000+ operators under Future Security 

Personal Vehicles: Klassen Phantom, Agera R, Agera SFV, Boeing Luxury 787 Dreamliner 

Five company collaborators (Epic, Koenegisegg, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyundai C&E) 

Dozens of investments under Future Tech Holdings (i..e., Instagram)

Chapter C54 - Anarchy

Last week of March 2013, Austin Headquarters Penthouse. A week after the Australian Grand Prix. 

Vince was reading updates from public news and his executives on his work laptop. 

Edward Snowden released evidence regarding the mass surveillance of all Americans on US soil soon after he arrived in Hong Kong. 

The Guardian released a news article citing Snowden's work and described how the NSA utilized large communication companies in tracking metadata of every one of their users. Corporations like Sprint and Verizon were directly involved based on hard evidence Snowden collected throughout the years. 

US politicians went public, denouncing Edward Snowden and labeling him as a traitor. A portion of the populace was outraged to hear about the current news and lashed out against the government via social media and rallies. At first, they were already scared of the shadow criminal organization involved in hacking around the world. But now, even their own government was doing the same. 

[Protect our privacy! Uphold the constitution!] crowds chanted in front of the White House. 

President Obama already had his hands full trying to install Won Hyun as the South Korean President. And now he had to deal with civil unrest too. 

[Edward Snowden can wait. We'll catch him eventually, but these protestors, though.] Obama pondered in his office. 

Keith Alexander, a military man currently the head of the NSA, walked into the Oval Office for a meeting. 

The General specialized in cybersecurity which landed him the job at the NSA and understood the ramifications of the Snowden leak. 

"How bad is the situation, General Alexander?" Obama asked seriously. 

"Network traffic shows growing negative sentiment about the leak. In addition, we've observed clients from foreign nations adding fuel to the fire and scaring more Americans." Alexander explained. 

[I bet the hacker ring is involved in this somehow. They retaliate fast.] Obama thought. 

"You're the expert. What do you suggest we do?" Obama asked. 

"My team has spent time deliberating a strategy to limit the effect of this issue. All of our conclusions point to Future Tech. They've shown excellent ability in securing the Bitcoin and Bitcash network, especially after the corporate espionage attempt making the rounds in the news." Alexander explained truthfully. 

"How can they help with this issue? From what I understand, only Future Tech data traffic gets routed through their Nodes." Obama replied in confusion. 

"We need a new and trusted telecommunications provider in the United States. So let's offer a deal to Vince Dalton publicly and watch how the masses react. Future Tech has been a model corporation for two years now, paying the highest taxes, creating thousands of high-paying jobs, and providing relief programs." Alexander explained. 

"Let's leverage their flawless track record to turn this bad position into a good one." The General added. 

[Corporate data security is the future. I'd been planning on founding a new company called IronNet when I retire next year, though this is a great chance to transition into the private sector with Future Tech.] Alexander thought. 

"You've convinced me. I'll talk to Vince Dalton after you leave." Obama said before dismissing Keith Alexander. 

The President took out his secure phone and found Vince's comlink channel. Future Tech would route the conversation through satellites and Nodes as a standard. 

"Vince, good day. I'm not sure if you're aware, but the United States is running into some issues regarding data security. Can you spare some time to talk about it? General Keith Alexander spoke highly of your company and suggested we work together." Obama explained. 

[I choose to pay the total 26% S-Corporation tax instead of using tax havens across Swiss and Cayman Islands bank accounts, so the government views Future Tech favorably. Companies like Amazon and FedEx avoid taxes to the point of barely paying any.] Vince pondered. 

It was well worth it, and Vince now had the opportunity to enter the public utility industry with the government's backing. 

"Of course, Mr. President. I'd be happy to help however I can." Vince responded honestly. 

"First, I'd like to ask your opinion about the Snowden Leaks," Obama stated. 

"In all due respect, I agree with Edward Snowden's sentiment. However, US citizens have the right to know about things such as data tracking. Even Bitcash and War Online explicitly state in our terms of service that Future Tech requires the storage and tracking of customer data." Vince explained. 

"Future Tech tracks data?" Obama asked in surprise. 

"Like many other companies and services, we track data of our consumers for their benefit, like not having to enter in long Bitcoin wallet codes every time they log in to our service," Vince explained. 

"Though we provide security services for Bitcash and War Online accounts of much better quality than our competitors," Vince added. 

"Then why are Americans so up and arms about mass surveillance?" Obama asked honestly. 

"The biggest mistake the NSA made was not disclosing the mass surveillance. But, unfortunately, the government underestimates how little people care. Consumers understand why their social media data is tracked and don't care much as long as Facebook or Instagram is in working order." Vince explained. 

"Protestors are rallying because they weren't made aware. Regular people have no time to ponder if Apple records their FaceTime calls. Instead, they're busy conversing with a loved one across the world. Technology has its drawbacks, but the conveniences it brings will always prevail in the end." Vince added in detail. 

[I never really thought of it that way. Of course, I believed Snowden to be a traitor, but it seems like a patriot would be a better label.] Obama pondered in deep thought. 

"Vince, you've opened my mind to new ideas that I need to think over. The government will offer an internet utility deal with Future Tech soon. I'll be in touch. Thanks for your time." Obama said before closing the audio channel. 

At the same time, the US economy became unstable due to a loss of consumer confidence; the South Korean market was crashing. 

Won Hyun led the impeachment process in kicking out President Lee from office. As a result, the Korean Won was crashing in the Foreign Exchange markets, while Future Tech Investments earned enormous sums of money by shorting. 

Local South Korean businesses associated with the Hyundai Group were scrutinized by the public, and their stock prices were falling in the stock market. 

Richard, the FT investments executive director, worked overtime with his team, capitalizing on the insider information Vince provided them. 

Suddenly, Future Tech bought plenty of Korean companies for discounted prices, such as K-POP entertainment businesses experienced in filming movies and shows. 

The mass surveillance issue was a hot topic in many different nations like Japan, the UK, South Korea, and the entirety of the European Union. 

Governments were deliberating on what to do will all the new information coming out. Some saw weakness within the United States and planned accordingly. 

President Lee was rushing around his house, trying to gather everything valuable before his escape. 

[I'm seriously fucked. The locals will tear me apart if they find me, though imprisonment is worse, I imagine.] Mr. Lee pondered. 

Lee knew he would be summoned to appear in the National Assembly soon but had no other option than running with no destination in mind. No matter how unlikely he'll escape. 

While packing, he received a call from an unknown number on his phone. 

Mr. Lee was on his last legs and didn't think a call from a random person would make his situation even worse. 

"Hello, this is Lee." Mr. Lee stated. 

"We know who you are, President Lee. You've compromised our organization by setting up the contract hackers to fail. It was your hubris that brought upon the authorities on us. The CIA and Interpol are working overtime trying to find information about our activities. You have nowhere else to go. Repay your debt to us, and you will be compensated and protected." a garbled voice spoke through the phone. 

"And what if I don't comply?" Mr. Lee asked. 

"It's pretty obvious what happens next. You will either be imprisoned or extradited to the US, where an even darker prison is waiting." the garbled voice replied. 

"What will you have me do?" Mr. Lee asked honestly. 

"Take all your wealth, and meet with our extraction team in Seoul. I'll send you the details on this phone you're using." the garbled voice explained. 

"Understood. What do I call you?" Mr. Lee asked curiously. 

"We are ANARCHY," the garbled voice proclaimed before cutting the connection. 

Stats last time checked: 

Future Tech current valuation - $300 billion 

15 million BTC (currently trades at $1,000) 

$85 Billion cash in Future Tech 

21,000+ employees (FT AI, Future Studios, Hive Mind Manufacturing, FT Micro Devices, BitCash, FT VR, Future Tech F1, FT Investments, Future Arms, Future Med, Future Tech Robotics, Future Education) 

20,000+ operators under Future Security 

Personal Vehicles: Klassen Phantom, Agera R, Agera SFV, Boeing Luxury 787 Dreamliner 

Five company collaborators (Epic, Koenegisegg, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyundai C&E) 

Dozens of investments under Future Tech Holdings (i..e., Instagram)

Chapter C55 - Utility

The first week of April 2013, in an industrial complex near Seoul. 

Mr. Lee and his family carried a bag in each hand while waiting for someone to pick them up. 

A black SUV rolled up in front of a random warehouse and flashed its headlights. 

It was an agreed-upon signal, and the family entered the SUV without saying a word. 

"Where are you taking us?" Mr. Lee asked a man wearing tinted glasses sitting at the front passenger seat. 

"Our organization is active worldwide, but the boss decided to take you to the north." the mysterious man replied. 

"The north? As in North Korea?!" Mr. Lee shouted in reply as his family was frightened by what the man said. 

"You will do your part, Mr. Lee. That is the deal. Follow instructions, and you will keep your lives." the man stated in a monotonous tone. 

[Maybe imprisonment was a much better option.] Mr. Lee pondered while the vehicle left Seoul. 

Across the globe, Vince was testing a beta version of Everlife Online on his office workstation computer. He was controlling a photorealistic human character, driving around a fictional version of Miami City. 

Kyle was also playing Everlife Online right next to Vince and wanted some feedback regarding the final beta. 

"As you suggested before the development of Everlife Online, Future Studios added more employees to the video games division and is now 5,000 strong. Half of them worked on the single-player Everlife experience, and the rest are polishing the Everlife Online features and maintaining War Online." Kyle explained. 

"We also hired the Russo Brothers as you instructed last year as directors for the single-player story. In addition, Robert Downey Jr., Jennifer Lawrence, and Dwayne Johnson did excellent work in our motion capture and voice-over sessions." Kyle added. 

"The game itself looks finished. I think Future Studios should rent a large booth in E3 in June to reveal Everlife to the public." Vince replied. 

"Excellent idea, Vince! I was so busy with Everlife Online and FT VR that I forgot about those expos. I'll have my team book a booth, for sure." Kyle replied excitedly. 

"Leave space for Future Education. I want to tease the new MVR Visor to our passionate gamer fans. They'll go crazy after trying a demo." Vince said jokingly. 

Kyle and Vince continued playing a mini-game within Everlife for an hour before Vince had to go back to work. 

Vince received a call from Richard, the FT Investments executive director. 

He opened the secure comlink channel and accepted Richard's call request. 

"Richard, how is the market doing?" Vince asked. 

"The South Korean economy is stabilizing, so we've stopped shorting the Won. FT Investments used our $20 billion in cash and turned an impressive profit of $40 billion from shorting and bought plenty of South Korean businesses, including a K-POP entertainment company." Richard explained. 

"Good work, Richard. Does the K-POP company only promote music groups?" Vince asked curiously. 

"The company owns a few popular K-POP groups but mainly produces Korean dramas for television," Richard replied. 

"Have the entertainment company continue producing whatever they were before we acquired them. Invest some cash and have them create Afghan TV shows we can air in Kandahar. Of course, they will have to recruit talented Afghan writers and actors. You can keep the cash for further investments." Vince instructed. 

"Understood, Boss," Richard said before closing the comlink channel. 

Aiya walked into Vince's penthouse office and found him and Kyle playing Everlife. 

"Vince, President Obama is live in a press conference talking about the data security issue," Aiya stated. 

"Turn on the TV. I want to watch it." Vince instructed. 

Aiya turned on the flatscreen TV and switched the channel to FOX News. 

President Obama had a speech prepared for the press conference and started talking. 

"Good day, citizens of the United States. Sensitive information has come to light after a series of unfortunate events—first, the corporate espionage attempt, and now the Snowden Leaks. My administration has deliberated for days now and has concluded the importance of mass surveillance in a post 9/11 society. Therefore, from this day onward, any state-sanctioned surveillance shall be disclosed publicly. In addition, all NSA facilities within Verizon, AT&T, and other telecommunications companies will retreat to NSA headquarters and operate from there." 

"The United States government will officially monitor the use of the public internet, and any citizen retains the freedom to choose whether to use the inconvenient and insecure dark web or the public network. Due to Future Tech's contributions and achievements, the Federal Government has granted them a telecommunication utilities deal to provide secure public internet services to any citizen interested. The NSA will now require a formal process to gather user data from telecommunications companies instead of directly being involved. I hope you understand the importance of tracking online metadata, and I can assure you that none of your lives will change for the worse. The US government will strive to provide a convenient and fulfilling life to all our citizens. And lastly, we've decided to absolve Edward Snowden of his actions and welcome him back to the United States. Thank you all." President Obama said in his signature tone before leaving the press conference. 

[I'm surprised they absolved Snowden. However, my conversation with the President did change his views. Things turned out completely different compared to my past life.] Vince pondered. 

In China, Edward Snowden was watching the press conference in shock. 

[I succeeded?! I was so prepared to live a life on the run, but things turned out for the best. I just wanted people to know and had no intention and ability to stop the government from surveilling the masses.] So Snowden thought while booking a flight back to the United States. 

At a random lavish American home, a couple spoke to each other after watching the press conference. The husband earned a fortune by trading Bitcoin and Altcoins and was horrified to hear the insecure status of the internet. 

"Dear, I'll opt to use Future Tech communication services for our company from now on. We'll have to protect our data, and Future Tech has been competent enough to protect my Bitcoin and Bitcash. I'll use their service for my Altcoins too." the husband said. 

"I think it's for the best, honey. You've spent your entire life savings in trading War Online digital goods and speculating around Altcoins. I would feel much safer if you secure our information with a trusted company." the wife replied honestly. 

Similar conversations were shared across the United States, from website startups who were already using Future Tech products for full-stack development to regular consumers who just wanted peace of mind. 

In the office penthouse, Vince finished playing Everlife and focused on further business expansion. 

[I've spent most of my capital on telecommunications the past year. $30 billion investing in Future Tech for research, development, installation, and security culminate at this moment. If the attack weren't thwarted, I'd be in a nightmare situation right now. I can't slip.] So Vince pondered while doing the same thing he did before time traveling, kept busy with work. 

Billions of dollars worth of satellites, radio masts, and data access nodes began experiencing a surge of users from the United States. As a result, Future Tech had entered into the consumer telecommunications industry valued at half a trillion dollars. 

Utilities like water and electricity are highly profitable due to servicing a mass market. Likewise, Future Tech consumer products raked in plenty of cash, but there's only a limited amount of money an average person would spend on a computer or electronic device. Network services, though, require a subscription which increases profitability in the long run. 

"Aiya, please call Hudson up to my office," Vince instructed while typing on his laptop. 

"As you say, Vince." the butler bot replied softly. 

A caucasian man in his 40s entered the room and greeted Vince. 

"How may I help, Vince?" Hudson asked courteously. 

"Who has contributed most to Future Tech NetServ in the past year? I'll be promoting a new executive director." Vince asked. 

"One that comes to mind is a man named Azuma Tetsuo, or just Azuma. He began working at Bitcoin Market long before you bought it two years ago. Azuma specializes in physical and virtual network infrastructure and is a core member of Bitcash." Hudson explained. 

"Say no more. Bitcash was very important to our early successes, and it seems like Azuma was pivotal in his role. Promote him to executive director of Future Tech NetServ, and have him ready for expansion outside the United States." Vince instructed before dismissing Hudson. 

[Those Bitcash guys are OG like Future Studios. I can attribute my early wealth primarily to them.] Vince pondered while he was working. 

Stats last time checked: 

Future Tech current valuation - $300 billion 

15 million BTC (currently trades at $1,000) 

$55 Billion cash in Future Tech 

26,000+ employees (FT AI, Future Studios, Hive Mind Manufacturing, FT Micro Devices, BitCash, FT VR, Future Tech F1, FT Investments, Future Arms, Future Med, Future Tech Robotics, Future Education) 

20,000+ operators under Future Security 

Personal Vehicles: Klassen Phantom, Agera R, Agera SFV, Boeing Luxury 787 Dreamliner 

Five company collaborators (Epic, Koenegisegg, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyundai C&E) 

Dozens of investments under Future Tech Holdings (i..e., Instagram)