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Chapter 9 - The Daily Routine

The library had quickly become his favorite place to visit. It was a hall of a decent size with rows of bookshelves that lined up the walls. The smell of wood and old books filled the air and the silence of the room infused him with a sense of peace. 

There was a line of windows on the far wall with colored glasses. It transformed the sunlight entering the library and bathed it in an ethereal glow.

Almost nobody visited the library during the day. Only the maids came once in the morning and in the evening to dust off the shelves and polish the furniture that had accumulated dirt. Overall, he liked the cleanliness of the place.

Yesterday, he spotted a bearded old man with a book propped open on the reading table but quickly departed before he could notice him. The man resembled a tutor. Well, at least, he exuded that vibe. For now, Alaric wanted to avoid contact with tutors. After all, they loved asking questions to gauge the knowledge of children. And, Alaric didn't want to engage in that battle without some preparation. 

Fortunately, he didn't have to evade his half-brothers since they never once came into the hall of knowledge.

Alaric approached a bookshelf to the far right. The adjacent sections were filled with storybooks, books on knitting, manuals of different weapons, cooking, politics, and more miscellaneous subjects that he had no idea about. On his first day, he skimmed through a few books that taught the alphabet of the new world. 

It was then he realized that he could actually read the language of the new world. Well, one of them at least. 

A major section of the bookshelf contained texts written in a language that he couldn't recognize. However, there were quite a few books that were written in the same language, with the exact same vocabulary, pronunciation, and rules of grammar as his homeworld. Another coincidence? Alaric shook his head. 

No, he believed that the system had something to do with it. Probably.

He couldn't be certain because the system wasn't even functioning properly. In a book titled, 'The Basics of System Knowledge', he learned that the kids of this world gained access to mana and the system at the age of twelve. It was a major event in everybody's life and was a cause for celebration.

A simple thought such as 'status screen' or merely the intention would open something called a 'stat sheet' that relayed the personal information of the user. This status screen was private and nobody could view it unless you willed it.

He was still confused about the whole concept of a 'system' that monitored the progress of a cultivator and performed many other magical functions. Frankly, it was a little confusing to him, and he decided to learn more about it when he gained access to it. Full access to it. 

Alaric mentally thought, 'status screen' and a translucent screen popped up in his vision. It felt a little disorienting at first, focusing his eyes in mid-air without paying attention to his surroundings. However, he quickly got used to it. The status screen followed his eye movement and was always at an optimal distance that didn't strain his eyes. 

However, with some experimentation, he figured out that he could view the status screen with his eyes closed too. The overall feel of the experience felt similar to when he was observing his rewards options in that black void. Only this time, the screen hovered outside his body but still felt inside his mind, if that somehow made sense.

Name - Alaric De Vermond.

Age - 7

Stats: Access denied

Titles - Ally of the System.

Unused experience points - 713

Note - System functionality is compromised.

Detecting cause…

System functionality will be restored once the user reaches the appropriate age.

Alaric released a sigh. His status screen was still the same. His name, age, and title were in black letters. They appeared fine. However, every other option was greyed out. He felt like he should do something with the unused experience points. However, at the thought of that, he heard two beeps that instinctively felt like an 'error' sound. 

No matter, I just have to wait for 5 more years before I can access this whole 'system' thing. Plenty of things to accomplish before that.

The system, at least, confirmed that he was currently 7 years old. Alaric chuckled. How amusing. 

He dismissed the status screen and pulled a book title, 'Geography of the Continent' and sat down on a bench facing the reading table. He couldn't quite believe that he had access to so much information at first. Knowledge was power, and here he had access to a vast reservoir of knowledge about his new world. 

Sure, it was a lot to digest at once, and he still felt like his mind was not quite as it used to be. 

He could read fast and remember a lot. But it was nothing compared to the quality of mind he was used to as a 'Supreme Cultivator' back in his homeworld. Oftentimes, he caught his mind wandering on unnecessary thoughts such as what he should eat for dinner. It was absurd. Still, he was grateful for being able to read quickly and retain so much information.

The book, 'Geography of the Continent', was a thick, leather-bound book. He flipped its pages, taking in the colorful maps of different nations, islands, cities, districts, and provinces. It featured an extensive section on 'The Aurion Empire', being the major landmass and authority on the continent. 

In fact, the book presented different types of maps of the Empire — some depicting a collection of rivers, territorial features, and resources, while others illustrated a network of roads, railway lines, and important cities.

The maps of the capital cities were drawn down in fine detail, and it was evident that the cartographer had poured significant effort into them. The Imperial Capital — Solandis — was the most impressive, which was a massive city divided into 12 districts, each controlled by a different faction.

The Emperor or Supreme Monarch was the Supreme Ruler of the 'Aurion Empire'. His authority spanned many nations — large and small — which were ruled by respective kings and high kings of those nations. Only a small portion of the continent remained autonomous and ruled by independent kings. 

For the first time, he really comprehended the scale of power the Empire wielded over this continent. He could now see why it was considered the 'Heart of Civilization'.

Another thing that impressed him was the Authority of the Church of the Radiant Flame. It seemed like the Church was a Semi-Autonomous power, practically a state within a state. It was one of the largest nations in the empire. Essentially, it was a theocratic nation under the supreme authority of The Pontifex, a.k.a 'The Voice of the Flame'. 

However, it was also a part of the Empire since the Emperor himself was a member of the church. 

As a result of this, the Church commanded a strong influence throughout the empire and across the mainlands as well. Every city or village in the empire had a local church, chapel, or place of worship that practiced the orthodox religion of the Radiant Flame. Alaric scrunched his brows. He didn't trust powerful religious orders with so much influence.

Unless you followed their religion, you'd be labeled as a heretic. I'd have to be wary of the church.

All of that was impressive, but what really surprised him was that even this vast continent was just a small part of 'Gaia', his new homeworld. There were many other major continents on this new planet. In fact, only the fractured empire — Zephraxis — was considered a continent in these books. 

The other five starting locations he knew about were considered more like independent countries. The other major continents and powerhouses of the world were briefly mentioned towards the end of the book, but there was not much information about these locations to form a clear picture in his mind. 

Well, I'll have the opportunity to learn in the future.

Alaric got lost in tracing the different maps and analyzing the various resources. For some inexplicable reason, flipping through pages of colorful map drawings gripped the attention and focus of his childlike mind like a magnet. However, he quickly found himself grappling with information overload as his head began to throb slightly. He massaged his temples a bit and returned the book back to its original spot. 

Phew, that was a lot of interesting information. A good workout for the mind.

When Alaric turned to leave, he saw a flicker of silhouette dart out of his vision. Hmm…what was that? He stealthily approached the door and peeked outside. Two maids were chatting with one another on a far corner. He looked around and spotted no other person. He scrunched his bows. 

There was somebody else, keeping an eye on me. No matter. Alaric shrugged and left the library to have his lunch. His stomach growled. Yep, lunchtime it is.


It'd been over a week since Alaric had recovered. He couldn't wait to finally go outside the mansion and venture to the training grounds to start his physical exercise training.

During his brief period of rest, his routine was simple - wake up, eat breakfast, do some light exercise in his bedroom, observe the guards practice, delve into the books in the library, consume lunch, rest in the afternoon, meditate, eat dinner, sneak around the mansion to investigate, return to his bedroom, and retire for the night. 

It was not exactly boring - the library alone was enough to keep him engaged for hours. However, he was really itching to visit the grounds and engage in some vigorous activity. During his evening escapades, where he sneaked around the mansion doing his best to hide from the maids and servants while mapping the layout of the house, he learned something interesting. 

Apparently, his half-brothers Edwin and Lucien were instructed by some combat instructor on the art of sword fighting and dueling. He spied on them sparring with wooden swords a few times but he was not impressed. The combat instructor took it easy on them, focusing more on teaching proper form and stances than on genuine combat techniques, and emphasizing the rules of dueling etiquette.

He also spotted the same bearded old man instructing them in reading, writing, mathematics, and religion. It was to be expected since they were older than him — Lucien being 8 and Edwin being 10. 

He had no idea whether he would also be presented with the opportunity to learn from a tutor or train under a combat instructor, but he refused to wait around for that. 

He would train independently and perhaps, ask any of the guards to teach him the basics of swordsmanship. His interpretation of swordsmanship — the principles and etiquette — would differ from the knowledge he'd acquired. After all, the sects were the dominant powerhouses in his homeworld, with nobles being the minority. And, the library was sufficient to answer his questions - for now. 

However, he suspected that he would also be permitted to study under a tutor when he grew a little older.

Alaric chewed the last morsels of his breakfast and gazed towards the window overlooking the brilliant blue sky. A sunny day. Perfect for my first step into the training grounds. He could hear the guard captain shouting like a drill sergeant and his subordinates responding in sync. 

During his morning observation routine of the guards, he detected the guard captain looking at him more than once.

Sometimes, he pretended not to notice Alaric, and other times, he gazed at him directly. It was intriguing, being the focus of a formidable soldier. Truth be told, Alaric was interested in meeting the man, eventually, when he felt more prepared. One thing that unnerved him though was that he felt somebody shadowing his movements. 

Almost all the time. The count probably tasked somebody to keep an eye on me and report to him about my activity and behavior. He instinctively knew that whoever it was posed no danger to his life. But it certainly irritated him intensely being under the supervision of some unknown observer.

Alaric shook his head. I will unmask them in time. For now, it's time to visit the training grounds. With that thought in mind, he exited his bedroom.

Chapter 10 - The Training Begins

The house guard's training ground was much larger than it looked from a distance. Up close, he could see that it was divided into different sections, and the far end of it housed many dormitory-style buildings — barracks — where all the houseguards lived. 

He also spotted a few fortified buildings which he supposed were the armory, likely brimming with emergency weapons, gears, and other essential supplies. It was always guarded by a few veteran guards clad in heavy armor. Their gaze screamed danger, and he only witnessed a few senior guards permitted to enter the armory.

Recently, Alaric learned that the opposite end of the estate housed the Knight Quarters, where all the Honor-bound vassals serving the lord lived. Some of them lived with their families and had separate rooms and cottages. They were minor nobles — a few of them without titles or lands.

They also maintained their own training grounds, which were adjacent to the estate grounds. The Knight's training ground was not visible from his bedroom. He decided to explore the Knight's training grounds later.

Focusing his attention back to the massive training area, Alaric surveyed the layout of the area and gauged the function of each section. The entire area was surrounded by an oval-shaped dirt track. and he spotted a few guards sprinting and competing in races. 

It was the perfect place for doing endurance runs, sprint races, and chase drills.

Towards the corner of the yard, he noticed a weapons rack filled with wooden practice swords and wooden polearms for spear and sword drills. Another rack included real steel swords for the experienced guards, along with wooden and iron-clad shields for shield exercises. 

A large circular arena filled with sand and packed dirt lay at the heart of the training yard. It was the sparring area. Even now, he observed two guards grappling unarmed, each trying to get an edge over the other. 

This area is perfect for sparring matches.

Rows of dummy targets — scarecrow-style effigies crafted from straw — lined the sword swing zone. This was the area that was visible from his bedroom. He saw a plethora of guards honing their sword swings for speed, power, and precision. 

A few of the guards that looked formidable aimed for the weak points of the dummies, such as the neck, gaps in the armor, and joints on the dummy frame.

After inspecting the sword swing zone for a while, he turned his attention towards the strength training area. It housed an array of heavy equipment, including stones and wooden logs that the guards could lift, drag, shove, and hurl to build their physical power. Two groups of guards were currently engaged in a rope-pulling contest, probably to build their grip strength. 

A set of battering rams lay nearby, used for practicing door breaches.

The final section of the area was dedicated to bodyweight workouts. It was a general fitness zone for physical conditioning and endurance training. He saw many guards engaged in doing push-ups, squats, sit-ups, pull-ups, and planks. Some of them leaped onto boxes in a series of explosive jumps, while others navigated across logs and wooden beams to sharpen their balance. 

A thick rope dangled from the branch of a large tree. It is probably used for rope-climbing exercises.

The sparring area was filled with the sounds of clashing wooden swords, the grunts of effort, and the pungent mix of dirt, sweat, and iron. The shouts of senior sergeants and corporals barking instructions at the junior guards echoed through the air. All of them were busy either drilling their combat forms, sparring with a partner, or honing their physical conditioning and strength. 

It was exactly as he had envisioned. A smile spread across Alaric's face. It has everything I need, for now.

Alaric approached the general fitness area to start his physical training in earnest. The guards who were currently engaged in doing their own exercises didn't even notice him. However, a few guards who were resting in between their exercise sets glanced his way with surprise. One guard even jabbed a finger in his direction and snickered. 

Alaric chuckled. Let them think I've gone mad or whatever. He ignored the amusing stares of the guards currently training in the area and settled in a space tucked away in the far corner. He began stretching his limbs, warming up the untrained muscles of this new body. He cycled through a series of arm raises, hip circles, high knees, and leg swings.

After about ten minutes of pre-workout stretches, he started doing push-ups. He matched each push with a powerful exhale and inhaled deeply before pushing his body against the ground once more. His chest burned and sweat beaded on his forehead. His ears flushed hot and red. 

Alaric pushed on, ignoring his racing heart. 

He was pleased to note that he could now do 8 push-ups continuously after recovering from his illness. Granted, it was still not that impressive, perhaps, even for a 7-year-old boy, but he was okay with it for now. When he reached his final rep, he gripped his willpower striving to do just one more. His arms ached, his heart thrummed wildly, and his lungs seized. 

His throat became dry and constricted. Cannot give up now. This is the real test.

Ignoring all his bodily sensations, Alaric pushed against the ground with all his might for one last time — completing his 9th rep. Once done, he collapsed onto the ground and turned his face to the bright sky, eyes closed, inhaling long, deep breaths to calm down his racing heart. He felt satisfied. The first step to mastering his chakras was to purify them, and that required him to push beyond his limits. 

Each of the seven chakras was tied to different aspects of cultivation. The root chakra was connected to the physical body. Naturally, it required a highly fit body that was strong, powerful, and flexible. That meant exercising, proper nutrition, and sufficient sleep. 

However, there was another crucial element—the mastery of austerity.

In a sense, it was a path of continuous improvement where one must push beyond their limits and challenge oneself continuously — no matter how tough it feels. If your limit is 10 push-ups, strive to do just one more. If you naturally wake up at 7 am, push yourself to wake up at 6:50 am. If you get angry easily, try to restrain your outburst. If you can focus on a thought for just 5 seconds, strive to hold to a single thought for 6 seconds. 

Whatever it is that you can do easily, make it harder. 

This helps to develop extreme control over the willpower, emotions, body, and mind. More importantly, it helps to purify the chakras and prepares a cultivator for activating them. Alaric eliminated his rumination. Thinking about chakras will not get him anywhere unless he is able to purify them first.

Resting for a brief few minutes, Alaric continued his physical training session. He lost track of time, focusing intensely on completing his training goal for the day. He powered through 2 sets of push-ups followed by 15 squats. His body remained inflexible. As a result, he was unable to execute sit-ups with proper form. 

It hurt his core and upper back to complete even 10 reps with improper form.

With the exhaustion seeping into his bones, he was able to complete a 10-sec plank. When he came to his senses, he noticed the guards engaged in their own activities. Only the guard captain paid some attention to him from a distance. For some reason, Alaric sensed the guard captain didn't want others to feel like he was paying any attention to him. It was amusing. 

After resting for 15 minutes, he strode towards the sprinting ground for a brief run. It took him approximately 2 minutes and 30 seconds to complete a lap around the 400-meter track. By now, he was practically out of breath.

Alaric slumped onto the ground and eyed the thick rope dangling from the tree branch. He released a sigh. Not today. It would be too much. Climbing the rope would require much more grip strength than I currently possess. Alaric pondered over how to improve his grip strength and improve his back muscles. 

He spotted a few soldiers hanging on to sturdy tree branches and others hoisting themselves up on wooden support beams inside an indoor area for pull-ups.

He shook his head. Alaric had no delusions about his ability to perform even a single pull-up in his current form. However, that wasn't the main issue. The tree branches and wooden beams were beyond his reach, even if he tried to jump. He'd need someone's help to grab hold of them. 

Who would help me? For now, he decided to ignore those worries. It was time to head back.


Captain Farrow POV -

When Captain Farrow noticed Alaric stride into the guard's training area for the first time, he wasn't surprised. He kind of expected him to arrive sooner or later, considering how he was always glued to the window every morning, observing the trainee guards' practice. If you didn't have an interest in mastering sword techniques or engaging in physical activities, in general, you'd get bored easily. 

Yet, the bastard didn't leave the opportunity to watch the guards practice for even a single day.

He sneakily tracked Alaric from a distance. Naturally, the kid was struggling, his form rough and unpolished. He chuckled. How could he learn without an instructor? Imitating the guards will only get you so far. He reckoned the kid would try to request a guard to teach him the forms and train him. He furrowed his brows at that thought.

Captain Farrow decided to ignore Alaric for now. I'll handle him when that time comes. After all, he is not disturbing anybody yet. It was surprising. Although the kid's form was clumsy, it felt like he was doing the exercises with purpose. He took rests in between sets and tried to maintain his distance from others. 

He didn't look scared at all with all the guards shouting and engaged in sparring battles. In fact, it almost looked like he didn't want to be disturbed by anybody else.

Tony and Nappo openly mocked the bastard from a distance. I'll have to reprimand them later. Bastard or not, if the lord comes to know of it, he won't like it. Surprisingly, the bastard paid them no attention. Farrow even spotted a smile on his face. Once he was engaged in the exercise, the sheer determination in his eyes was perfectly clear. He was completely focused on his own training. A child of seven with such an amazing focus was rare. 

Captain Farrow shook his head. Hmmph. He's no match for my Rowan. He'll quit by the end of the week.

Chapter 11 - The Art of The Sword

4 Weeks After

Today, Alaric set another record. He woke up at 6:30 am once again, for the fourth consecutive day. It was difficult, at first, trying to escape the clutches of sleep. Breakfast was usually served at around 8 am, and naturally, the kids were woken up by the maids 15 minutes prior to that. Not that there was any strict schedule. 

According to his knowledge, Edwin and Lucien usually woke up after 9 am.

Regardless, he tried to wake up a little bit earlier each day. There was so much to accomplish. So much to learn. Besides, the adults woke up much sooner. The servants awoke as early as 5:30 am to prepare the meals, clean the stable and grounds, fetch water, and complete other chores. The guards started their training at 7 am. 

So, it made no sense to sleep longer and miss out on all the fun.

Once Elara noticed that he started waking earlier than usual, she grew concerned. Alaric eased her worries and simply explained that it had become a habit. Since Alaric was not sick anymore, she gave up trying to convince him to sleep a little longer.

When that didn't work, she instructed the maids to have their breakfast ready earlier than the other kids.

Alaric marched into the training grounds and claimed his usual spot. By now, the guards had noticed his daily training regimen and decided to leave him to his own devices. And, he was grateful for that. Luckily, nobody tried to dissuade him or cause any trouble. He was the lord's son after all, even though he was just a bastard.

He took his position on the ground and powered through push-ups. It had become a lot easier. Now, he could do about 15 push-ups at one go without getting out of breath. Once done with the push-ups, he advanced to squats and sit-ups.

Afterward, he went to the resting area and eyed the section with the rope. Today, he decided to attempt rope climbing exercises and pull-ups. He approached the rope climbing area and waited for his turn. There was one guard currently climbing the rope while two others lounged, having completed their climb for the day.

One guard eyed him and said, "Young master, this exercise isn't for kids." He chuckled. "If you fall, you could break your bones." Alaric saw real concern in the guard's eyes. Sure, if I injure myself while under your supervision, the guard captain will skin you alive. 

Alaric found it amusing but outwardly, he feigned an innocent expression.

"Really?" He blurted. Then, acting as if an idea struck him, he added, "It's good you guys are here then, right?"

The guards exchanged glances. "Us?" One pointed a finger at himself. "We can't babysit you. We are busy," he said smugly.

Alaric tilted his head in mock confusion. "Aren't the houseguards supposed to protect the lord and his family?"

"Well, yes…that is…but—"

Alaric dipped his head in a small bow. "Thank you for your service. Please take care of me." That seemed to appease the guard. He simply glanced at the other guard and shrugged. Alaric extended a hand for a shake. "I'm Alaric." The guard noticed the tiny hand and shook it. "Fenrir," He pointed toward the other guard and said, "This is Theon."

Once the guard climbing the rope was done, he ignored the group and left the scene. Alaric ignored him. He approached the thick rope and grabbed it with his tiny arms. He almost couldn't form a grip around it.

With an intense effort, he tried to lift himself off the ground but failed miserably.

Exhaling a sigh, he eyed Fenrir. "Can you lift me off the ground so that I can grab the upper portion of the rope?" Fenrir shrugged, grabbed Alaric under the shoulders, and lifted him up. When Alaric grabbed the rope, Fenrir released him but kept his arm underneath. ready to catch him if he fell.

Alaric gripped the rope with all his might. He felt pain and heat in his forearms and shoulders. Even hanging onto the rope was difficult at his current strength. His grip was slipping. Alaric mentally counted the seconds. 4…5…6. Just a little more. His fingers ached under the strain.

"Keep holding, young master," Fenrir encouraged him. "You can do it."

7…8…9…10. Ugh. Done. Alaric released his grip. Fenrir caught him and eased him onto the ground.

"That was good for your first try." Theon had a look of approval on his face which matched Fenrir's own. Apparently, neither of them expected Alaric to hold on to the rope for as long as he did.

"Thank you for helping me," Alaric said. Fenrir flashed a smile. Looks like he was happy being acknowledged. Using that chance, Alaric asked Fenrir to lift him up so that he could grab hold of a wooden support beam. Perhaps he could attempt some pull-ups. Fenrir agreed to help.

Reaching the indoor area took a few minutes. Even Theon came along to check his form. Apparently, Theon and Fenrir were both senior sergeants who oversaw the north and east wings. And, they were good friends.

Fenrir helped Alaric grip the edge of the wooden support beam. Alaric's tiny fingers struggled to clamp down on the thick support beam. When Fenrir released him, he immediately felt the strain on his fingers and shoulders. He let go after hanging for only about 5 seconds.

Alaric exhaled a sigh. Looks like I have to build more strength with the rope climbing exercise before I'm ready for pull-ups.

"Young master…we have to go," Fenrir hesitated. "We really have work to do."

"No problem," Alaric nodded once again. "I appreciate the help." Of course, they were busy. They were senior sergeants, after all.

Fenrir and Theon went their separate way while Alaric strode toward the sword swing zone. It is time I picked up a wooden sword. Alaric had noticed a few other boys his age mock-fighting with wooden swords. Perhaps they were the children of the guards and such.

One boy, a little older than his age, stood out amongst them. Nobody challenged him while he was drilling sword forms with a dark brown wooden sword. Hmm, that wooden sword looks heavy. He has good focus and form. Currently, he was battering the wooden dummies with a ferocious look on his face. His red hair gleamed in the sun.

Alaric didn't know his name but he surmised the boy was probably the son of the guard captain since he also had fiery crimson hair.

Alaric approached the weapons rack and selected a small, wooden sword. After slicing it through the air a few times, he deemed it suitable for his use. Hmm…not quite as heavy as I thought it would be. Alaric strode towards a wooden dummy with a look of determination. The wooden dummy looked more impressive from up close.

It was clad in armor and matched the height of human soldiers to replicate their form.

He gently struck the wooden dummy and felt the force reverberate through his forearms and shoulders. Just a simple strike made his arms throb with a dull discomfort. He couldn't imagine what would have happened if he had struck it with full force.

Yep, not ready yet. I should practice my forms first.

Alaric had fought many masters who followed the path of the sword. They were geniuses who wielded the sword as if it were an extension of their own body. There was no rhyme or reason to their forms and techniques. At that level, it was instinctual. You couldn't predict it or even counter it without raw power.

The sword form he saw the guards drilling was different. It consisted of basic moves that everybody practiced until it became second nature. He wasn't sure how effective those rigid forms and movements would be when fighting with a real enemy, but he decided to learn them first. 

Primarily, his intention for learning sword fighting was to become proficient at dueling.

After observing the guards drilling the same sword forms again and again, he memorized some of the patterns. With that in mind, he began swinging his wooden sword, visualizing striking at an enemy in front of him. He felt out of breath and his arms burned with fatigue only after a couple of swings. He let out a chuckle.

So, it's not as easy as it looks. No matter. I will improve with time. 

His body engaged muscles he had never used before, and he felt his form was incorrect. How I wish there was somebody who could spot my mistakes and offer me the proper guidance.

Alaric spotted the guard captain frown at him. What's his problem? He noticed the captain grimace as he swung his sword once more. Wait…is my poor form irritating him? He chuckled. Well, in that case… Alaric began to thrash the wooden sword left and right as if he were slicing through hordes of monsters. He exaggerated his movements and ignored his stance. He deliberately overreached and swung with a sloppy posture.

It didn't take long. After only about a few minutes, he saw the captain marching toward him, his face twisted into a nasty scowl.


Captain Farrow POV

Captain Aldric Farrow didn't expect the bastard to maintain interest in physical exercise for as long as he did. After all, he had seen many kids dabble in training only to abandon it within a few days. It took even more discipline to exercise regularly without the oversight of an instructor. Sure, there were other kids his age who "trained" in the yard, but their version of training was nothing more than "play fighting".

Kids, merely pretending to be knights and fighting imaginary monsters. The bastard was different. He arrived every day and diligently followed his training regimen. Push-ups, sit-ups, squats, followed by running and sometimes, sprinting. And, after about a month, he was already showing small signs of improvement. He could complete more push-ups and endure longer runs now.

Captain Farrow enjoyed watching the bastard struggling every day to improve his strength. The kid had potential. In fact, he noticed Fenrir and Theon assisting him with rope climbing today. Kids with noble blood shouldn't train here. The lord ought to have him study under the house combat instructor. He shrugged. What do I know? Perhaps the lord has his reasons.

Captain Farrow kept his distance from the kid since he wanted to avoid any sort of drama. The bastard's status in the household was still unclear to everyone. It would shift dramatically depending on whether the lord favored him or not. As a result, Farrow wasn't sure how much respect to show him.

All that changed when the kid began swinging his swords. It was exasperating to watch such a promising child swing his sword with such sloppy technique and flawed posture. The Lord will have him study under the house instructor. He kept telling himself that.

After all, the count had eyes and ears throughout the entire estate, and nothing within his mansion escaped his notice. News of the bastard's strange behavior must've reached him by now. He's simply choosing to overlook it for god knows what reason.

He reigned in his irritation and simply observed the bastard from a distance. Then, suddenly, the kid locked eyes with him for a moment and smirked. After that, he transformed into a complete dumbwit, flailing his sword without any semblance of technique or purpose. He couldn't bear to look at the spectacle.

It was almost as if the kid was doing it on purpose—deliberately trying to provoke him. The guard captain couldn't take it anymore. The art of the sword is sacred. If you're going to practice it, then you have to do it properly.

Chapter 12 - Who is the Spy?

Captain Aldric Farrow's POV

He strode toward the kid, suppressing his anger, and said, "Kid, that's not how you train with a sword. Stop before you hurt yourself." His voice rang out sharper than he intended.

To his merit, the kid didn't look scared at all. He even looked like he was satisfied. Locking eyes with him, the kid grinned and said, "Then show me how to do it."

Wait. Did he just manipulate me into coming here? Farrow's initial flicker of anger morphed into amusement. The kid is…clever. Huh…noble blood runs strong in him.

Outwardly, he feigned anger and barked, "Don't flatter yourself. You're far too young for me to train you personally." Hah. Your trick didn't work.

The bastard shrugged and smirked mischievously. He spun around, tossed the sword into the air, and caught it. Then, he resumed swinging the sword wildly. He's at it again. A vein popped in Farrow's head. 

"Here, look…" The kid took an unusual stance, lowering his hips. "What do you think of this attack?" He launched himself up in the air and drove the sword's tip into the ground. 

"Descending Fang!"

The guard captain slapped his forehead. If any other kid dared to mock swordsmanship in his presence, he would've slapped them by now. In truth, only his loyalty to the lord restrained him from disciplining the bastard.

"It was awesome, right?" The kid flashed an innocent smile. "Nobody's teaching me, so I'm inventing my own moves."

"What did you say?" Farrow was furious. What should I do with the kid?

"Watch this, another technique…" The kid attempted to launch into a lunge but Farrow clamped down in his arms, halting him mid-motion.

"Alright, Alright…" Aldric released a heavy breath. Turning his head, he shouted, "Rowan, get over here."

He noticed the boy's gaze shifting to inspect his son, Rowan. There it is — That same calculating look in his eyes. Farrow shook his head and turned to face his son. "Teach him the basics…" Rowan grimaced but nodded once he saw the look of warning flash across his father's eyes.

Captain Farrow turned back to face the kid. "There you go. I've taught him personally. Learn from him…" The boy's face lit up with joy. He dipped his head and said, "Thank you." Well, at least you know your manners. Let's see if you've inherited your father's talent as well.


When the captain of the guards departed, leaving him and Rowan alone, Alaric released a sigh. Frankly, the guard captain scared him a bit. Not mentally but the body of this child had a physiological reaction to seeing the powerful figure of the barrel-chested man. He had a ruddy complexion which matched the red of his hair.

His pockmarked face featured wide-set eyes that scrutinized your every movement. I wouldn't want to be an enemy of that man.

His son, Rowan, shared the same red hair as his father. However, he had a tall and thin frame and a pristine face with calculating eyes. After observing him for some time, Alaric concluded that the kid was sharp. Perhaps a few years older than him.

Rowan behaved politely which indicated he was aware of Alaric's status as a half-noble. He maintained a no-nonsense attitude which he probably inherited or learned from his father and straight away went to demonstrate the basic guard positions without much small talk. In their first training session together, Rowan instructed Alaric on how to hold the proper guard positions - high guard, low guard, and middle guard.

Apart from that, Rowan introduced him to a few basic strikes such as the basic overhand swing, side swing, and upward cut. When Alaric pressed him further, Rowan showcased his amazing footwork - advancing, retreating, and side steps. Overall, Alaric was pretty impressed by the kid. 

His father had trained him well.

The stances were a little difficult to hold at first, thanks to the awkward flexibility of his child-like body. However, he adapted towards the end of the training session. In fact, he could replicate the guard positions on command, which seemed to please and even surprise Rowan.

For the rest of the training session, Alaric failed to spot the guard captain anywhere on the training grounds. He dismissed that thought. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that somebody was observing him from a hidden location. Alaric still couldn't get used to the idea that somebody was monitoring his every action.

At first, he tried to ignore it but it quickly became annoying since it disrupted his focus. 

On a side note, Alaric learned from Rowan that his father's name was Aldric Farrow. Apparently, he used to be a member of an adventurer's guild known as the 'Twilight Hawk'. It was a regional guild with above-average adventurers in the northern area of the empire.

He decided to investigate adventurers at a later date.


6 months later

Alaric had started to enjoy his new life. It was a little irritating, being trapped in the body of a child. It restricted his freedom to explore around the manor and into the city. In fact, once when he asked Elara to take him to the city, she told him that the lord would have to grant him permission. And, the likelihood of the lord permitting him to roam the city without an escort guard would be nil. 

It turned out that his father denied his request. Apparently, Alaric would have to fulfill his role as a member of the family and earn his reward. He chuckled. Well, that seems fair. Although a little harsh. With so many guards around, he couldn't spare a single guard for escorting me into the city?

Fortunately, his regular schedule granted him some sense of sanity and peace of mind. Exercising, training with Rowan, reading books in the library, and meditating took up the vast majority of the day. He noted that none of the maids and servants were eager to interact with him more than necessary. In fact, he noticed many of them deliberately avoiding him.

Only Elara interacted with him and made sure he was truly alive. 

When he questioned Elara about that, he learned that apparently, the servants and maids were afraid of incurring the wrath of the countess. She despised Alaric and often requested the lord to put him to work in the stables so that he could earn his keep. Or expel him from the mansion and absolve the stain on his honor.

The Count disregarded her requests. He decreed that the bastard would stay, and his word was final.

However, everybody knew of the open hostility of the countess towards Alaric. Since his status - as a bastard - in the family was not ironed out, the servants and maids kept their distance. The lord neither favored Alaric nor dismissed him.

However, Alaric appreciated the fact that he was left to his own devices for now with a roof over his head, food to eat, and clothes on his body. 

Still, he suspected that this was bound to change soon enough. Recently, he had detected that same sense of unease even while he was meditating in his bedroom. Somebody stealthy observing him. He eliminated that thought from his mind. It was no use worrying about things beyond your control.

It was almost noon and Alaric had just returned after completing his morning exercise and sword practice with Rowan. He retrieved a notebook and pen from the desk drawer and started recording his recent gains. It had become a habit of his to document his achievements for the day so that he could track his progress over time.

After logging down his performance for the day, he quickly scanned it.

Push-ups - 35

Sit-ups - 45

Squats - 60

Pull-ups - 10 

Plank time - 2 min

400-meter timed lap - 1:45 min

Running -5 laps

Rope climbing - Reached the top today.

Overall, Alaric was satisfied with his progress. It was not amazing progress but still good progress. That would have to wait until his root chakra was properly purified. He settled down into the lotus posture and concentrated his attention inward. Focusing his attention at the base of his spine, he tuned out everything else.

After some time, he sensed a ball of warmth germinating on the base of the spine where the root chakra was supposed to dwell. 

He still couldn't visualize the chakras clearly but he could feel them. Hmm…my root chakra is halfway purified. Just a few more months. His other chakras were also being purified but those were not his focus at this time. His attention had also sharpened considerably. 

Now, he could meditate straight for 20 minutes without any distractions. He still struggled to hold on to a single thought for more than a minute. However, he was more aware when his mind slipped from his object of focus and he redirected his attention back to it.

His object of focus being the base of the spine where the root chakra resided. 

After completing his meditation session for the day, Alaric strode towards the library.


Count Eustace de Vermond's POV 

It was early morning. The first layer of snowfall was just starting to descend around the manor. Winter had arrived. Count Eustace de Vermond reclined in his study poring over a few important documents. After reviewing the lot, he sorted a stack of documents and set them aside. With his usual precision, he began signing the remaining ones and stamping his house seal.

Somebody knocked on the door.

"Enter." His silky voice echoed. The door didn't budge. Instead, the head butler of the house — his most trusted confidant — materialized a few feet away, facing his desk with his head bowed.

"Lord, I have the report." He extended a missive to the count. Eustace broke the seal and read through the contents. A smirk crept onto his face. "It looks like Valeran is scheming to stir up some trouble. He just can't let go of the mines." The butler and the lord locked eyes. Both of them grinned.

The count touched his necklace, which was embedded with a blue gemstone. It glowed faintly at his touch. A voice emerged from the other side. "My lord…"

"Come to my study." The count commanded. After that, the count stretched his arms and eased into a more comfortable posture. He sipped some water and approached the window of his study that overlooked the knight's training area. He massaged his aching back as he observed the jousting practice of the knights in the mounted combat area. 

"Looks like I am getting old, Edgar." The count remarked with a grin.

"Nonsense, my lord. Wait till you reach my age and then we'll see," The head butler retorted mockingly.

Both of them burst into laughter. Edgar Greyford, the head butler of the house, was a mysterious figure in the mansion. His authority was absolute, second only to that of the count, countess, and the legitimate heirs. He was in charge of all the servants and managed them with cold discipline, acting as the count's direct liaison.

He also served as the economic manager of the residential estate. Thus, his responsibilities included all aspects of day-to-day logistics such as food procurement, payroll for staff, guard schedules, and household discipline. Kitchen stewards, footmen, cooks, maids, and servants — everybody was afraid of this enigmatic figure since he reported directly to the count. 

However, he also had a secret role that only the captain of the guards and the knight-commander were aware of. He was an exceptionally powerful cultivator who acted as the count's right-hand man. He was also his closest friend. 

While the count resided in his mansion, the head butler operated as his personal bodyguard. While the count was away on visit, that responsibility was delegated to the knight commander and his squad of knights. During the count's absence, the head butler became the de facto leader of the residential estate.

"Tell me, Edgar. How are the kids doing?" The count turned to listen to the head butler.

Chapter 13 - Alaric's Origins

"Master Edwin usually socializes with the other noble kids who visit him. He's progressing in his studies at an adequate pace."

The count nodded. Edwin was a good boy but he was not fit to become an heir. He flared up at the slightest provocation and squandered most of his time playing with his friends. The boy will mature soon, Eustace reassured himself.

"Master Lucien…well," Edgar continued, "boys will be boys." The count's mood soured. Lucien was rather dim-witted. His head was filled with stories of noble prestige and adventurers fighting off dangerous monsters to rescue princesses in distress. He didn't know when that began, but he suspected that both of his boys had been influenced by the stories narrated by the countess.

That woman was too prideful. I'll have to do something about that. The count decided to have a conversation with his wife.

"What about…" The count's voice faltered. It was difficult to talk about Alaric. There was a lot of baggage associated with the child.

Edgar coughed and cleared his throat. "The youngest, master Alaric…is peculiar. He rises early in the morning, far earlier than Edwin and Lucien. He trains every day. Not play fighting like the other boys his age, but genuine training — push-ups, sword swings, endurance runs." The hint of admiration was unmistakable in his voice.

The count arched an eyebrow but didn't interrupt. The head butler continued. "He spends hours in the library. Not to read stories, but to study history and maps. The servants are whispering, my lord. They say he eats his vegetables."

Eustace's eyes widened briefly before he burst into laughter. "Who would've thought…" He slid open a concealed compartment in his desk, took out an ornate golden locket, and flipped it open. Inside, a portrait of a beautiful girl with deep black hair and green eyes—Seraphina—the true love of his life and Alaric's mother. 

A single tear rolled down his cheek. He wiped it with the back of his hand and returned the locket to its hidden compartment. 

"That's not all, my lord. Alaric is talented. I've personally witnessed him training in the fields. He has progressed at an astonishing rate ever since he recovered from his illness a few months ago." As if a thought occurred to him, Edgar continued. "I might be imagining it, but sometimes I feel like the child can somehow sense my presence when I'm shadowing him."

"Is that so…he is my child, after all." Eustace's gaze grew distant. "It seems his mother's royal blood runs strong in him. It's a shame I cannot declare him my official heir. Not until the church…" Eustace shook his head and buried that thought. Speaking of such matters, even in his private chambers, was risky. Even the walls had ears, and one could never be too cautious.

He straightened his back. "Keep watching him," he commanded in a firm voice. "Report to me if he displays signs of…ambition."

"As you wish, my lord." The head butler bowed. "I will take my leave now. It seems the knight commander has arrived." Edgar disappeared. A few seconds later, somebody knocked on the door. 


Sir Baldwin du Rocher, Commander of the Knights of House Vermond, strode into the study and bowed, "You summoned me, my lord."

"At ease, Baldwin. Here, take this…" Eustace handed the missive to Baldwin who accepted it politely. After reading through the missive, he raised an eyebrow and smirked. 

"The spies are finally proving their worth. Lord Valeran has stepped out of his bounds this time. Plotting to assassinate the miners is too far, even for him."

"I agree. If you depart with a few knights within the hour, you can rendezvous with the other team within a few hours. I'll send them a message." The count said icily. "Valeran's men will have a nasty surprise waiting for them."

"As you command, my lord." Sir Baldwin bowed and left the study. 

Eustace eased himself into the high-back chair. He had a lot on his mind. Valeran was a minor problem. He could handle it. After all, Valeran wouldn't dare to launch a direct assault on his territory, only stir up minor inconveniences. He was more worried about Alaric. Few people knew the truth — Alaric was not a mere bastard. 

Eustace and Seraphina had been legally married, albeit according to the customs of another kingdom.

The issue was that although she had royal blood in her veins, Seraphina was also a descendant of a powerful witch clan. The two had fallen in love and married later. It happened when Eustace was dispatched on a diplomatic mission by an Imperial Order. He had spent four years there. The kingdom was outside imperial jurisdiction and without the Church's presence to interfere.

Unfortunately, it also meant that he couldn't exactly escort his wife to his fief without risking her life and inciting massive trouble. After a lot of arguments, Seraphina resolved to stay in her homeland. The time he shared with Seraphina was some of the most cherished in his entire life. He witnessed the birth of his child and loved every moment of it.

However, the kingdom had its own dilemma. The witches were a fractured clan and they didn't like outsiders. After his birth, there was already an attempt on Alaric's life. He was not safe in his own birthplace. With no other choice - unable to acknowledge his legitimacy and unable to abandon him - Eustace returned to his mansion with a 3-year-old Alaric in his arms. 

He was the bastard that he fathered while on a diplomatic mission. Nobody questioned his history or bloodline ties. 

Nobody dared except the countess. When the countess, Isolde de Vermond, realized she wouldn't get an answer no matter how intensely she probed the matter, she stopped asking. However, the seething anger lingered in the depths of her heart. 

Eustace was not worried about that. Alaric was beginning to demonstrate his talent. Sooner or later, he would have to officially acknowledge him if he wanted to ensure Alaric grew to his full potential. However, it was a delicate line trying to balance how much favor he should grant the bastard vs his legitimate heirs. 

Sooner or later, somebody would notice and scrutinize his actions. And, if it were the Church, it would unleash a can of worms Eustace was not eager to confront.


It was winter and his time training outside in the field had shortened considerably. The cold weather, snow-covered ground, and icy wind — all made it difficult for his small, untrained body to withstand the harsh conditions without falling ill. However, Alaric was not all that concerned. He honed what he could inside his bedroom which was large enough for push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. 

He executed his pull-ups by climbing onto a chair and leaping to grip a ledge. Alas, he couldn't continue with his rope climbing and sprinting exercises. Those would have to wait until spring returned. For this reason, he devoted extra time to meditating and striving to purify his root chakra. 

The process was fairly simple for now. All he had to do was concentrate on the base of his spine until a warmth blossomed and then channel it upwards towards his crown. Of course, he had to continue his physical training, eat well, and maintain a proper sleep schedule as well.

There was an indoor area where the guards continued practicing their sword drills. However, it was not large enough to accommodate all the guards at once. Frankly, Alaric felt stifled inside. So, he visited the indoor training hall when most of the guards were preoccupied with other things. 

Rowan and Alaric had formed an agreement. Both of them formed a good bond over the past few months, and now, they practiced their sword drills together. Alaric was amazed at the skill of that child. He learned later that Rowan was 10 years old. Already, he was beginning to grasp the intricacies of swordsmanship. 

After their first lesson together, Rowan instructed Alaric in all the basic offensive techniques such as slash, thrust, draw cut, pommel strike, and more.

His favorite was the wrist strike where you had to target the wrist of your opponent to disarm them. It was a showcase of skill and agility at the same time. In all of their mock practice duels, Alaric had yet to defeat his friend a single time. 

It was understandable with Rowan being trained much earlier. He couldn't defeat Rowan yet but Alaric surmised he was grasping the intricacies of the sword quickly. The main limitation was not his skill but his physical body. 

Well, that will change soon. I can practically feel my root chakra is almost purified. 

Alaric was immersed in meditation when Elara called to him. He opened his eyes and noticed a complicated expression on her face. He smiled. Must be weird seeing me meditate for so long.

When Elara saw him meditate for the first time, she was confused beyond reason. According to her, a child of his age was supposed to roam around the mansion, play with toys, read storybooks, and socialize with their friends. They were not supposed to sit still and not do anything for long, boring periods. 

Alaric barely managed to convince her that it was for his good. Meditating helped to calm his anxiety. Besides, he couldn't boast about having too many friends. He didn't have the luxury to 'play' with friends like his half-brothers. That seemed to shut her up.

"You are doing it again," Elara said. "I don't know how you can sit on your bed and do nothing for hours."

Alaric chuckled. "I play with my imaginary friends in my imaginary world." Elara gave him a look of disbelief but held her tongue. By now, she realized that Alaric had become a little strange ever since he recovered from his illness. 

She just released a sigh and continued, "Well, you have to say goodbye to your friends for now. The Lord has ordered your presence in his study."

Alaric straightened up. Hmm…that is interesting. I wonder why the count is requesting my presence. "Do you know why Father wants to see me?"

Elara shrugged. "Who knows what the lord is thinking? You must hurry…the lord doesn't like to wait." Before departing from his bedroom, she glanced back at him one last time and said, "Don't be afraid Alaric. He loves you too."

Alaric let out a chuckle. Today is going to be interesting. Let's see what the count wants from his bastard. 

Alaric knew the way to his father's study. It was always guarded by two guards and he never dared to sneak inside. He rubbed his palms and pulled the hood around his head. I hope it is warm inside the count's study.

Chapter 14 - Meeting the Count

The count's study did not disappoint him. The room was dimly lit and warmed by the glow of the crackling fireplace. The heat of the fireplace radiated inside the room, pushing back the cold. It was honestly pretty cozy considering the frigid temperature outside. I wish my room had a fireplace in it. Alaric mused.

Sturdy wooden shelves lined the walls, packed with leather-bound tomes and scrolls. A large, heavy mahogany desk dominated the center of the room. It was cluttered with stacks of parchment, wax-sealed letters, and an ink pot with a quill resting atop it. 

Thick woolen carpets blanketed the floor, muffling his steps as he approached his father. The faint crackling of the burning wood and the rustle of paper echoed in the room as the count sifted through the documents. 

The whole place exuded a sense of subtle power and formality. 

Alaric bowed deeply and said, "Father, you called for me?" The count did not respond or glance up, as he expected. The count was sorting through a stack of documents, appearing very busy. He was tall, broad-shouldered, with an imposing face that matched his status. 

His movements were slow and deliberate. He knew there was no hurry, nothing to prove to anybody - just like a lion.

Count Eustace de Vermond was dressed in a fine woven doublet lined with fur at the collar and cuffs. It was luxurious but practical. There was no excessive ornamentation on his person, just quality and precision. 

His sharp eyes flicked toward Alaric for a moment before returning to the documents. The man is used to giving commands, not receiving them. The count was every bit the lord Alaric had imagined. 

When the count finally turned his gaze on Alaric, his eyes held a look of calculation, but it was not unkind.

"Word has reached me that you train hard. Harder than any of the boys in the yard. What is your purpose? Why do you train so hard?" His tone was firm and curious.

Alaric took a moment to gather his thoughts. This is a chance for me to leave a good impression on him. A simple answer won't suffice. Alaric locked eyes with his father and replied, "I know my place, Father. I understand what it means to be a bastard." He saw the count scrunch his brows. "I train to earn my keep. So that I can contribute to the family."

It was a simple answer. However, it would let the count know that Alaric appreciated the generosity of the count, for sheltering him. And, for that, he was grateful and ready to contribute to the family's cause. 

When he finished, he saw a brief flicker of surprise on the count's face, which he quickly masked. "And you like to read books in the library?" Alaric was not surprised. He had already suspected somebody was observing him and tracking his activities, probably on the count's orders. 

He was about to shrug but controlled his reaction. 

Instead, he nodded, pretending like the count had just asked about his favorite activity. "Yes, Father. I like the quiet. Nobody disturbs me there." Alaric smiled. "Besides, I've learned from the books that knowledge is power, even more so than physical strength."

The count narrowed his eyes for a moment before he turned to look outside the window. His gaze grew distant, and Alaric noticed the subtle shift in his body language. The count was thinking about him, not judging him. 

After some time, the count leaned back in his chair and declared in a firm voice, "Since you would like to earn your keep, you will have the chance. Pass the test, and I will permit you to train with the guard captain."

A smile spread across Alaric's face. The count continued, "And since you are so fond of reading books, I will have you study under the same tutor who teaches Lucien and Edwin. Use this opportunity to prove your worth, Alaric."

Alaric was stunned. It was more than he had expected. Frankly, he hadn't known what the count wanted from him. His status in the mansion was unclear to everyone. The count didn't openly reject him nor did he openly favor him. 

However, Alaric believed that the count had a soft spot for him since he allowed him to remain in the estate. He cares for me but hides it well.

"That will be all, my child. Go now, stay busy."

Alaric bowed deeply at the waist once again. "Thank you so much, Father. I will not let you down." He turned around and exited the room. He didn't know what test the count was referring to but he resolved to get over any hurdle.


The Count worked fast. It was only the day after, and already, he had been summoned by Master Vellan to his study. Apparently, he was the house tutor who instructed his half-brothers Edwin and Lucien. When he entered the room, he immediately sensed a mild, suppressed hostility. 

He mentally chuckled. Looks like Master Vellan is not pleased with the fact that he now has to teach a bastard. He let go of that thought and focused on the small but well-furnished room.

Two wooden shelves crammed with books on mathematics, history, and natural sciences flanked the walls. In the center of the room stood a large wooden table with two chairs. A set of papers, quills, and an inkpot rested neatly on the table.

Alaric shifted his attention to Master Vellan. The man was currently shuffling through some papers. He had spotted the man from afar a few times in the library, but they had never interacted with each other. Both of them had been content to mind their own business. 

The man possessed a balding head with bushy gray eyebrows and a lined, weathered face. 

"Sit down, child." The tutor barked irritably when he noticed his entrance into the room.

A dark, formal scholar's robe graced his body, signifying his status as a tutor. However, the dignity was marred by the look of impatience and irritation on his face. So, you believe it is beneath you to teach me. No matter. That impression will change soon. 

There was no point in getting angry or irritated at the man for underestimating him. He was simply a man of pride who clung to certain prejudices.

Alaric sat down on the empty chair and waited for the teacher to elaborate further. After some time, Master Vellan finally deigned to observe him properly. He didn't make eye contact, instead letting his gaze wander over Alaric's body, inspecting him with hostile calculation. "I was told to assess your competence," he sneered. "Although, I suspect it will be a waste of time for both of us. Here..."

He shoved a sheet of paper toward Alaric and continued, "If you manage to pass this simple test, I will commence your formal education starting tomorrow. Otherwise, we're done here."

Alaric accepted the test papers without a word. Master Vellan scratched his cheek and added, "I hear you have been lurking in the library, reading books on your own. Care to explain what you have learned?"

Alaric didn't appreciate the tutor's tone. He was regarding him as if he were a stray animal that had done something amusing. He suppressed the thread of irritation trying to creep into his mind. Controlling his emotions was also a form of training. 

It would help to purify his sacral chakra, which dealt with emotions and willpower.

He brushed aside that train of thought and focused on how to answer the man. He didn't want to appear arrogant but didn't want to appear weak either. He shrugged and said, "I like reading history and geography books. The library is quiet and helps me focus. I've learned quite a lot."

Master Vellan's eyes narrowed in disbelief and suspicion. He clearly didn't believe a single word. "We will find out the depths of your knowledge shortly, boy." He let out a disapproving grunt. "Your test starts now. You have one hour." 

With that, the man closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair, evidently planning to take a nap.

Alaric ignored the tutor and examined the test paper. After some quick review, he couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle. A test for a 7- or 8- year old child. What did I expect? Of course, he knew that questions that would challenge a normal child of his age would be easy for him. But not this easy. 

Honestly, he didn't know whether to laugh or feel insulted a little bit. The test paper was divided into four sections — mental math, logic puzzles, pattern recognition, and map identification. The questions were beyond simple. Easy calculations like, "If a merchant sells 9 bolts of cloth for 2 silver each, how much did he earn?"

Under the logic section, "Three brothers cross a river using a boat. The boat can only carry two at a time. How do they all cross?"

The pattern recognition section included fill-in-the-blank type questions. Such as a sequence of numbers (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ?). 

Only the map identification section — which required him to identify the correct regions and landmarks on a drawn map of local provinces — challenged him a little. Alaric typically studied the continental and national maps since they were more useful for forming an idea about his new world. He was not that interested in learning about local provinces. 

Fortunately, the regions and landmarks he had to identify were of 'Montreval', the fief of Count Eustace de Vermond, his father. And, he was at least somewhat familiar with the most popular landmarks. 

He was done with all the questions in under 20 minutes but decided to wait a little bit more before handing his paper to the tutor. 

Master Vellan was snoring loudly, most probably lost in some type of dreamland. Alaric had no intention of wasting any more time. He waited for another ten minutes and slammed the test paper on the table. "I'm done." He declared calmly.

Master Vellan jolted awake from his sleep as though he had been struck on the head. When he realized that Alaric had just submitted his paper, a flash of anger crossed his face. Alaric remained outwardly calm but chuckled inwardly. 

Looks like he's ready to skin me alive for disturbing his precious sleep.

Chapter 15 - Meeting the Half-siblings

Master Vellan POV

Vellan was not happy at all. When the lord summoned him and informed him that he would have to teach the bastard, he was furious. Of course, he didn't reveal it openly to the count. Teaching a bastard child was beneath him. 

How could the count not realize that? However, the count didn't tolerate any disobedience. His orders had to be obeyed. 

That didn't mean he quietly accepted it. Instead, he requested permission to conduct a test to evaluate the aptitude of the child. After all, if the bastard was to study with master Edwin and Lucien, he had to possess some degree of aptitude. To his surprise, the lord supported the idea. Vellan learned that the bastard had been poring over history and geography books in the library, on his own. 

Which child ever did that? What an odd kid. He must be doing something fishy. 

Of course, he didn't voice his concerns with the count. But he was pleased when the count instructed him to make the test appropriate for somebody who already had some knowledge. Like crafting a test for Master Lucien or Edwin. It was a little harsh, considering the child had never been formally taught before. 

However, what did he care about? Vellan accepted the directive since it would only make his task easier. The sooner he could be done with it, the better.

When Vellan spotted the bastard for the first time, he immediately noticed a stark difference between him and all the other noble kids he had taught before. The bastard — Alaric — maintained an unnervingly calm attitude. He didn't exhibit the skittish energy that Vellan was so used to seeing in noble kids. Nor any trace of fear. 

Master Edwin was brash and lazy. Master Lucien was hesitant and timid, being the younger brother after all. Alaric, on the other hand, exuded confidence beyond his years. Well, if he can somehow pass the test, it would prove he does have some merit, Vellan reflected. He wouldn't mind guiding a talented kid. He was a scholar, after all. 

However, that was an unlikely outcome. Usually, bastards were left without care and they grew up like common trash — dull-witted. 

Why would this child be any different? Vellan handed over the test paper to Alaric and decided to take a brief nap. He fully expected the kid to struggle and labor until the last minute to complete the test. 

He didn't realize when he slipped into dreamland — basking in the glory of being awarded the prize for the best teacher at the Lyceum — but his moment of pride didn't last long.

Apparently, the bastard had completed the test. Vellan checked the time and immediately got annoyed. Just as expected. He had given up already. Vellan was about to berate him but restrained his temper. It was pointless to scold a dull-witted kid. Instead, he focused on grading the paper. 

Vellan felt the first sliver of surprise when he checked the logic puzzles. They were correct. In fact, his reasoning was spot on, articulated in eloquent language that was rare for a child. 

Impossible! He solved the logical puzzles — but, how? Even Edwin could barely get through the first one. And, he is 3 years older than him.

He leaned forward as his posture grew taut. The drowsiness vanished. The mental math calculations and the pattern recognition questions were also answered accurately. Every answer was flawless. What impressed him the most were the map identification questions. 

Both Edwin and Lucien struggled with those. These were challenging questions that truly revealed how hard the kid had studied.

He set the paper down and inspected the kid. He had the same calm look on his face. If he didn't know it better, Vellan would have suspected that the boy had somehow cheated. But that was not possible. He was in the room the whole time. Although he was sleeping, even a single unexpected movement would have alerted him. 

The boy not only passed but achieved a perfect score.

A moment of realization struck him. This boy is no ordinary kid. He is something else…a prodigy. His previous disgust quickly morphed into admiration. "Where did you learn all this, kid? Who taught you?"

"I studied in the library…on my own," Alaric replied plainly. It was hard to believe. So, Vellan did the one thing that he could to confirm his suspicions. He fired off rapid questions about history and geography. Alaric answered with precision, although he hesitated on a few questions. However, it was evident that the boy was talented beyond his years. 

By god, he is sharper than his brothers. Much sharper. Vellan shook his head. No, after a little polish, he would put all the capital city nobles to shame.

"Well, young Alaric…" He declared warmly, "It seems I've underestimated you." He nodded with approval. "Not a mistake I'll make again." He patted Alaric's back, signaling his acceptance. 

"Be here at 10 am tomorrow. I won't go easy on you." Vellan chuckled.

Alaric bowed and nodded, "I will be in your care from now on, Master."


Alaric was the first to arrive at Master Vellan's study the next morning. Rising early was no longer difficult for him anymore. He was already used to it since he performed his exercise at dawn. However, from now on, his schedule had to change. 

The morning slot was booked for study with Master Vellan and his half-brothers. 

Alaric noticed three chairs opposite the oaken desk inside the room. Master Vellan was engrossed in reading some scrolls at the other end. They exchanged greetings, and Alaric sensed no lingering animosity in his teacher's eyes. 

How could he be angry at him any longer? Alaric had demonstrated his knowledge, intelligence, and cunning. He had achieved perfect marks, something that was difficult even for his elder half-brothers. Any true scholar appreciated a student who liked to study and was clever.

Alaric already anticipated some drama when his siblings learned he would be studying alongside them from today onward. And, his prediction proved correct. When Lucien and Edwin entered the room, their gazes immediately locked onto Alaric. 

Alaric pretended to not notice, but he was acutely aware of their reactions. Lucien appeared simply surprised. Edwin's face immediately morphed into a scornful glare, before shifting into a sneer. 

It was pretty clear to Alaric that Edwin saw him as an invader in his 'territory'. 

"What is the bastard doing here?" Edwin sneered. Lucien, being the younger brother, mimicked the attitude of his older brother but remained silent. Alaric simply ignored them. He chuckled to himself, leaned back on his chair, and reached for a history book resting on the table.

"Be careful what you say, Master Edwin. He is the lord's son as well." Master Vellan tried to snub the tension before it sprouted into something worse.

Edwin's arrogant demeanor faltered at the reprimand of his teacher. "But he's just a bastard… How could he be allowed to study with us?" As if recalling a private joke, he added. "Mom said bastards are dull. What good will it do for him to study?"

Master Vellan's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing slightly. "The Lord has personally permitted Alaric to study." He leaned forward. "Do you presume to know better than the lord himself? Are you suggesting you will disobey his command?"

The last declaration slammed both of his siblings like a blow from an iron hammer. Edwin blanched and darted a nervous glance at Lucien. Neither of them uttered another word.

Over the course of the study session, all of them faced numerous questions on logic puzzles, arithmetic, and ancient history. Edwin performed well at first but fumbled when the questions grew more challenging. Lucien struggled to keep pace with Edwin and failed spectacularly. 

When they noticed how easily Alaric answered all the questions, they became disheartened and grew more jealous of him. 

The look in their eyes radiated pure hatred. They think I'm cheating somehow. Alaric mused. Well, they're not entirely wrong. I'm actually older. Alaric didn't find any joy in competing with kids. But he was locked into these circumstances due to a twist of fate. However, that didn't bother him. 

The one thing that did bother him a little was their open hatred and jealousy. They are children. Why do they exhibit so much negativity? After some pondering, he came up with a theory. They were influenced by their mother — the Countess. 

Children were like sponges and they absorbed whatever they were exposed to. The Countess was not fond of Alaric. She must have brainwashed his siblings into believing that Alaric was somehow 'lesser' than them or any other noble kid. However, now that they experienced the reality firsthand, they couldn't quite accept it. 

Alaric breathed out a sigh. It was going to be a long study session.


It had been a few days since Alaric met with the Count. Since then, he had been anticipating a summons from the guard captain Aldric Farrow. However, it seemed like the guard captain was preoccupied with some other mission. There was something fishy going on. 

He noticed that the guards were more vigilant. In fact, he noted that the Knight Commander had departed with a squad of knights, destination unknown. It was probably the absence of the Knights — the Count's elite guards — that had the guard captain so on edge.

Alaric was currently sparring with Rowan. The boy was only 3 years older than him, but he could clearly observe the dedication he poured into his sword training. His form was immaculate for his age, and his strength was formidable. Alaric had yet to defeat Rowan in a sparring match. 

Whenever Alaric thought that he had gained the upper hand or tried to exploit an opening, Rowan adjusted his strategy and outmaneuvered him. 

Granted, he was utilizing advanced techniques that Alaric had not been taught yet. And, of course, Rowan's greater experience and longer reach gave him an advantage. Still, Alaric was not one to accept defeat easily, and it gnawed at him.

"You are getting better, Alaric," Rowan said through ragged breaths after they both clashed their wooden swords.

"Not enough to defeat you yet," Alaric quipped, between short breaths. Just then, he noticed Rowan's eyes widened and he snapped to attention. Alaric's gaze darted around. 

What is the guard captain doing here at this hour? Hmm…it looks like he is approaching us. 

Aldric Farrow had been absent for the past few days, and he rarely visited the indoor training area at this time. If he was here, Alaric suspected it was to speak with them. He strode forward with a commanding gait and halted before them. 

His eyes inspected their stance, and he gave a single approving nod before saying, "Alaric, I've spoken with the count. Starting today, you're to prepare for a test."

Alaric pointed a finger at himself. "Me? What test? When?" he blurted.

Captain Farrow's eyes locked onto him. "Yes. When you turn 8, we'll see if you are worthy of advanced training." With that, he turned around and marched away. Alaric mulled over his words for a moment. 

So, I've got less than 6 months to prepare for the test — whatever it is. He grinned and locked eyes with his friend. Rowan looked surprised. Apparently, he thought it was still too early for Alaric to face such a test. Alaric, on the other hand, brimmed with excitement. 

Plenty of time to prepare. 

Eliminating that thought, he lunged at Rowan, who deftly parried the strike. They continued their spar with renewed vigor.