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Chapter 34: Welcome to Westchester Part 3

As recent revelations settled in, Xavier led them out onto the grounds. It was just as well taken care of as the front driveway. The gardens and gazebos had students about. They were either chatting or practicing their abilities. One group played soccer, while another used his powers on a plant.

Laura watched the students intently. 

Emma noticed and offered her a small smile. "Looks like fun, huh?"

Laura nodded but said nothing.

Steve gave Emma an awkward smile in apology. Laura wasn't very social due to her upbringing.

Emma seemed to understand and decided to walk beside Ororo. There was something else on her mind too. "So, Ororo, if you don;t mind me asking, what's your power? You haven't said much about yourself."

Ororo smiled. "Ah, I suppose I hadn't. Well, you could say that my abilities are rather diverse in application."

Emma was surprised. "You have multiple powers or something?"

The others overheard the answer as well. Steve turned his head to the headmistress. Laura looked up from examining a flower she'd picked, and Ben raised a brow.

Ororo chuckled softly. "I could give you the long answer, but why explain when I can show you?" She gestured to the open space near the pool. "A small demonstration should suffice."

When the group gathered, Ororo extended her arms and closed her eyes. They all felt a change in the air. The wind seemed to pick up, rustling the leaves around them.

Their eyes widened as clouds began to form and move in the sky. When the clouds darkened, the temperature dropped slightly. Soom, a soft rumble of thunder sounded. Ironically, the students around them paid it no mind as if it was a daily occurrence. 

"That's… incredible," Emma whispered, watching in awe.

Ororo opened her eyes, and with a faint smile, she lifted her hands toward the clouds. A sudden, light drizzle began to fall. She waved her hand, and the rain stopped as quickly as it had started. The clouds dispersed, and the sunlight returned.

Laura stared at Ororo. "You control the sky..." Growing up, she was mostly kept underground. It was a rare sight that she was allowed on the surface for combat testing. A part of her wished to fly away from the facility like the few birds she encountered.

Ororo knelt slightly to meet Laura's gaze. "That's one way of putting it." She held up a hand, and a small tornado formed. "Be it rain, wind, or lightning, it is within my grasp."

'Weather Manipulator?' Ben whistled in appreciation. He had to think if he had an alien that could do something similar. "Wow. Might as well call you Mother Nature."

Ororo smiled. "Haven't heard that compliment in a while, but thank you."

Emma nodded, still awestruck. "That was amazing."

Ororo stood again. "Thank you. It took years for me to reach this point, Emma. I do not doubt that you can do some of the things Charles is capable of, possibly even more."

Emma blushed in embarrassment. "I don't know about all that. I just want to be able to live relatively peacefully, but thanks."

Steve continued to stare at the sky. "My mother raised me as a man of god, and she would have called this a miracle. I'm still amazed at what the world's become. You have an incredible gift, Miss Munroe."

Ororo giggled. "Coming from you, Mr. Rogers. I'm flattered. I've had more… passionate people refer to me as a goddess."

Both Emma and Ben looked over Ororo's shapely figure. 'Well, they wouldn't be too far off,' they both thought.

Ben hummed in thought. "I can't imagine the learning curve when you first got them."

Ororo lowered her hands. "Due to circumstances, growing up was a struggle for me. Gaining my abilities allowed me to survive the desert. It wasn't until I met with distant family that I learned to control and help others with it."

"I don't doubt it. You could help places suffering from drought or devastating storms with your powers."

She placed a hand on her hip. "Aptly, that is the same codename I chose for myself, Storm."

Emma started to think is she would ever make a codename for herself one day and what it would be.

Following the little demonstration in the garden, the group returned to the mansion.


As the group continued down a hallway, a large, blue-furred man with glasses exited a room, carrying a stack of books under one arm. Upon a closer look, they could tell he had some feline-like features.

Emma opened her mouth to say something but quickly thought better of it.

Steve raised a brow as he gave the blue figure a quick once-over.

Hearing the nearby footsteps, the man turned to them and smiled. "Ah, Professor. I thought I heard some new voices. I take it these are the visitors you mentioned?"

Professor Xavier nodded with a smile. "Indeed."

Laura tilted her head and sniffed the air. In her experience fighting creatures like the Wendigo, Bears, and other beasts set by her previous captors, she could tell if they were a threat or not. In contrast to his appearance, the blue man seemed to be the complete opposite. Her nose wrinkling slightly. "You smell… off."

Steve patted her on the shoulder. "Laura, don't be rude."

The blue man chuckled. "Well, I suppose that's one way to break the ice. Greetings, friends. I am Doctor Henry McCoy, though I prefer 'Hank.' Please, don't let my appearance startle you."

For Ben, this was not unlike his usual encounters with new aliens. If anything, Hank was tame in comparison. Ben shook Hank's hand with an appreciative nod. "Ben. Nice to meet you, Doc."

Steve extended his hand as well. "Steve. Pleasure to meet you, Hank."

When Hank reached out to Emma, she instinctively backed away. 

Ben had to bite back a cringed expression. 

Upon realizing this, she stammered, "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. That was so rude of me to just—uh—react like that… I'm Emma… Uh…"

Hank raised a hand in a calming gesture. "It's quite alright, Emma."

"Still, I should have known better."

"I assure you, I've encountered far worse reactions. Mutations can come in shapes and forms. In fact, I wasn't always the furry blue man you see today."


"Yes, although the fault lies with myself. I've had many years to come to terms with my mutations. It's safe to assume you are starting your foray into the world of mutant society."


"Then, your surprise is quite understandable."

"In time, Emma, you will be accustomed to all this." Professor Xavier gestured toward Hank with pride. "Hank is one of our brightest minds here at the institute. Together, he and I lead biophysics, biochemistry, and genetics research."

Laura made a confused face. "You're not like Logan…"

Hank knelt slightly to meet her eye level, his smile kind. "And who might you be, young lady?"

"Laura," she said quietly.

"Welcome, Laura," Hank said gently. "So, you met the man. Well, I'd like to hope so. Logan has his expertise, and I have mine."

Laura made a confused face. "Don't your powers mean you should focus on fighting? Isn't it... natural for you to do that?"

Hank huffed. "Perhaps one's powers may predispose one's attitude, but it is still a person's choice at the end of what they do. I may be passionate about being a scholar, but that doesn't mean I'm a slouch when the need arises."

"In war, prepare for peace; in peace, prepare for war," quoted Ben. Ironically, it was ranked mode on a Sumo Slammer RTS game that got Ben reading Sun Tzu when online guides were no help.


Laura seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding.

Steve's respect for the institute and its residents grew. "If there are more teacher like you around, that's a good sign."

"I would like to think the same," Xavier agreed. "Hank is an invaluable part of our team, and we are always open to include guest speakers to share their experiences to the students."

Steve immediately caught the implication in Xavier's tone and chuckled softly. "Sorry, Professor. I don't think I'd be the best fit for that."

Hank raised an inquisitive brow. "Pardon? I wasn't aware there was a potential new speaker."

Xavier chuckled. "I merely suggested that hearing from someone with Steve Rogers' breadth of experience in society—especially during the 1940s—could be quite enlightening."

Hank froze and turned to Steve, adjusting his glasses. "Wait a moment. You're not insinuating..." His mind raced, piecing together the clues. "Are you trying to tell me that this is Steve Rogers?"

 Steve offered a small smile and nodded. "The one and only."

Hank blinked, his fork hovering in mid-air. "That would be impossible! Captain America… You were declared missing in action in 1945! Everyone thought—" He trailed off, the realization dawning on him. "You were frozen, weren't you?"

Ben whistled, impressed. "Wow. He guessed that way faster than we did."

Ororo laughed. "As I expected."

 Hank stared for a moment longer before shaking his head, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Fascinating. Truly fascinating! The chances of survival while frozen is near zero, however, that doesn't factor in the effects of the Super Soldier program. I thought them to be largely exaggerated, but here you are. I don't even know where to begin," Hank admitted, clearly enthralled. "There are so many questions."

Steve raised a hand with a good-natured chuckle. "Maybe one question at a time, Doc."

"If I may be so bold…" Hank clasped his hands together thoughtfully. "I was wondering… would you consider allowing me to take a small sample of your blood? Strictly for research purposes, of course. Understanding the serum's effects on your biology could offer invaluable medical knowledge and possible cures."

Steve's smile faded slightly. "I appreciate your interest, Hank, but I will have to decline."

Hank's brows raised slightly. "Ah, I see. May I ask why? I assure you, any findings would be handled with the utmost discretion."

Steve leaned forward. "It's not about trust. I'm sure your intentions are good. But the serum isn't something I take lightly. If you are familiar with the project, then you must be aware of Dr. Erskine."

"Right. The German defector..."

"He put his life on the line for me. The last thing I want is for it to be misused—or for someone else to suffer trying to replicate it. Maybe not now, but possibly in the future if things change."

Hank nodded slowly. "While I am a bit disappointed, I respect it. Thank you for considering my request."

Steve leaned back. "No hard feelings?"

"None whatsoever," Hank replied. 

Xavier smiled at the interaction. "Hank, while I understand your enthusiasm, perhaps we can save it for another time."

Hank nodded quickly, his excitement barely contained. "Of course, of course. But still, it's an honor, Captain Rogers."

"Speaking of which…" He turned to the Professor. "I just finished analyzing the data from Cerebro. There's some fascinating activity I'd like to discuss when you're free."

Xavier nodded. "Thank you, Hank. We'll review it shortly."

"Thank you, Professor," Hank said with a small bow. "And it's a pleasure to meet all of you. If you ever need assistance, be it scientific or otherwise, my door is always open." With that. Hank excused himself with a slight bow and returned to his work.


It was about half an hour later that Xavier brought them to a large dining hall as it was about lunchtime. The room was bustling with activity with students laughing and chatting over their plates.

Ben grinned. "Not gonna lie, Professor. You've got a pretty sweet setup here."

A new voice came from nearby. "Thanks. Glad glad the new guys like it."

Ben shook his head. "Sorry. Not all of us are staying. We're kinda just getting a feel of the place for later. 

Professor Xavier smiled at the newcomers. "Ah, it seems Scott and Jean have returned."

Scott wore his trademark ruby-quartz glasses. The redheaded Jean followed close behind. His gaze lingering briefly on the unfamiliar faces before addressing Xavier.

They all exchanged introductions, though Emma had to elbow Ben when she caught him staring at Jean. Jean seemed to do the same when Scott gave Emma a second look. 

At this point, Ben started to think that any woman who had the mutant gene basically became supermodels.

Xavier nodded. "Indeed. Scott, Jean, allow me to introduce our guests."

Finally, Laura stepped out from behind Steve.

Jean's gaze softened, sensing the younger girl's guarded demeanor. "And who's this?"

Steve placed a hand on Laura's shoulder. "This is Laura. Logan recommended that I bring her here."

Jean crouched slightly to meet Laura's eyes. "Hi, Laura. My name's Jean. It's nice to meet you."

Laura hesitated but eventually muttered, "Hi."

Scott's brow furrowed slightly at the mention of the man, and he turned to Professor Xavier. "Logan's been in contact?"

Xavier nodded. "Yes, though the circumstances were unexpected. I'll explain in detail later."

Scott crossed his arms. "Alright."

Jean smiled at Laura. "So, how does a little girl like you know Logan, aka Mr. Grumpy?"

Steve placed a supportive hand on her shoulder. "Laura, why don't you show them? It's okay."

Laura hesitated, her hand twitching slightly before she stepped forward. With a soft snikt, two gleaming adamantium claws extended from her hands.

The two stared.

Scott's jaw dropped slightly, and Jean's eyes widened. They exchanged stunned glances before Scott finally found his voice. "Are those…?"

"Claws," Jean finished. "Just like Logan's."

Scott turned to Xavier. "Is she… Is she Logan's daughter?"

Laura's expression tensed, her claws retracting back into her hands. She looked to Steve for reassurance.

"It's complicated," Steve said carefully, his voice measured. "Logan and I were on a mission when we found Laura. Logan didn't know she existed until then."

As Scott mentally chastised Logan for being an absent father, Jean spoke to Laura again. "So, you really are Logan's…?"

Laura shifted uncomfortably. "They… made me from him."

Ben, Emma, and Scott mouthed "they" to Steve in hopes of getting an answer. 

Jean's face softened while Scott's expression grew more concerned. "Made you?" Scott repeated. "What do you mean?"

Steve interjected. This was also the first time hearing about this. He assumed that . "That doesn't matter right now. All you need to know is that she's here now, and Logan trusted me to ensure she's safe."

Xavier nodded. "And she is. Laura, you are welcome here for as long as you wish to stay."

Jean placed a hand on Laura's shoulder, her expression kind. "You're not alone, Laura. We're here for you."

Xavier turned back to the group. "How about this? Let's take a break and refresh ourselves. The institute accommodates many meal preferences."

Scott, still processing, nodded. "Yeah. Alright…"

Soon, Emma sat between Ben and Ororo while Laura was seated next to Steve. Across from them, Professor Xavier, Scott Summers, and Jean Grey engaged in light conversation.

Laura poked at her salad with a fork, her voice quiet. "Do you think Logan will ever come back?"

The question lingered in the air, and everyone paused. Steve placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I think he will, kid. Ever since I'd know him, he's got a way of always showing up when it matters most."

While Scott and Jean raised a brow at that connection to Logan, they shrugged it off.

Jean then gave Laura a kind smile. "This is your home now."

Laura turned to Steve with eyes begging for him to stay.

Emma, sensing Laura's hesitation, decided to change the subject. "So, what's a typical day here like? I mean, besides regular schooling and power training."

Scott grinned. "I'm sure the professor already mentioned how he wanted to make the institute as close to the real experience as possible."

The group had a nice meal, and Ben was the first to ask what their powers were. 

It was another surprise that Jean was the third telepath Ben met. Were they common in this world? 

Ben suppressed a giggle when Jean tried to link to his head and also found the white noise. The benefits of magic training and an Omnitrix update.

Scott's power on the other hand was a bit more confusing. It wasn't exactly heat vision. The term that Xavier gave was Concussive Optic Blasts. If Ben had to make an analogy, it was magical force damage. Apparently, he constantly wears red glasses to control it. Might accidentally bring down a building if he isn't careful. Poor guy. Ben couldn't imagine having to see everything in a red filter 24/7.

Regardless, Ben knew that Azmuth must be having a field day after getting scans of the various mutants on campus. Whatever this X-gene was, the digital intelligence was interested in figuring it out. Heck, maybe it might help with that massive amount of data that they collected from that blue cube thing. Migh even be able to help Scott with his glasses issue down the line.

The conversation eventually moved on to the recent prison breakouts. Emma somehow wasn't surprised that Ben involved himself with the Avengers after helping her with college. However, Ben kept his involvement as the alien member of the team under wraps. Ben mentioned several people on the most wanted list, but Steve visibly reacted when he mentioned Baron Zemo. 

The soldier had clear concerns about the Hydra organization's existence since World War 2. Some of Steve thought he should have done more before being taken out of commission. God only knows the number of atrocities that Hydra committed without him in their way.

By the time, their break ended, Scott and Jean needed to go elsewhere for one of their class assignments. They said their goodbyes and told Laura they hoped to see her again. Internally, Scott wanted to use the little girl to tease Logan more. 

It took another half hour for Professor Xavier to wrap up the last of the tour for the group. They all stood near the front steps of the Xavier Institute. 

Despite knowing she was meant to stay here, Laura held onto Steve's hand. 

Steve crouched to Laura and could tell that the eventual goodbye was weighing on her.

"You don't have to go," Laura muttered, crossing her arms tightly. "Can't I stay with you till Logan comes? I'll be good."

Steve's expression softened. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Laura, it's not about that. I know it's hard, but this place is where you need to be right now."

"I don't know the first thing about taking care of a kid."

"It's safe here, and these people—they'll help you."

"I don't need help," she snapped, but the crack in her voice revealed otherwise.

Steve gave her a knowing smile. "You're strong, I know that. But even the strongest people need support sometimes. Logan trusted me to bring you somewhere safe, and I promised him I'd look after you. This is part of keeping that promise."

Laura's eyes dropped to the ground, her hands clenching into fists. "You're just going to leave me here?"

Steve shook his head firmly. "No, Laura. I'm not leaving you. I'll come back whenever I can—you have my word."

"Really?" Laura's lip trembled slightly, and she quickly bit it to steady herself. "You better."

Professor Xavier addressed them both. "Steve, you're welcome to visit as often as you like."

Steve looked up at Xavier, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Professor. That means a lot."

He turned back to Laura, his tone soft but earnest. "And who knows? Maybe Logan will come back soon. He'll want to see for himself that you're doing okay."

Laura blinked, her resolve wavering as the hope in his words struck a chord. "Do you think he will?"

Steve smiled, his hand squeezing her shoulder lightly. "I do. Logan cares about you. More than he might show. But until then, you've got good people here who'll have your back."

After a moment of hesitation, Laura threw her arms around Steve, hugging him tightly. Steve didn't hesitate to return the embrace, holding her close.

"You're going to be okay," he said quietly. "I know you will."

When they finally pulled apart, Laura wiped her eyes quickly and stepped back, trying to compose herself. "You better come back soon."

Steve stood, lifting his shield back onto his arm. "Count on it."

As he walked toward the waiting car where Ben stood, Laura watched him go, her arms crossed but her expression soft. Xavier stepped beside her, his calm presence reassuring her.

"He'll keep his word," Xavier said gently.

Laura nodded. "He better."


Ben drove along the highway. Steve sat in the passenger seat, his shield tucked securely at his feet, while Emma leaned back in the rear seat, her chin resting on her hand as she stared out the window. The city lights flickered in the distance, and the mood was calm, the weight of the day's events settling over them.

"So," Ben said, glancing at Emma in the rearview mirror, "what's the verdict? What did you think of the Institute?"

Emma turned her gaze from the window, a small smile playing on her lips. "It's… impressive. Definitely not what I expected. I mean, it's not just a school—it's a community. They're all working together to figure out how to live with their powers and how to use them for good. It's... comforting."

Steve glanced back at her. "Do you think you'll stay there? Join them?"

Emma shook her head. "No, not yet. I have too much going on with college. I need to finish what I started there. But I'm going to stay in touch. Professor Xavier said I could do remote sessions with them to help control my abilities."

"That sounds like a good compromise," Ben said. "You'll get the best of both worlds—education at college and training with the Institute."

Emma nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Exactly. It's a lot to juggle, but it feels like the right choice. I need to keep moving forward, you know?"

Ben glanced at her in the mirror again. "And what about your other teacher? This Astrid Bloom? You still planning to work with her?"

Emma hesitated for a moment before replying. "Yeah, I'll keep learning from her too. She's been helpful, even if her methods are… unconventional. But now that I've got the Institute in my corner, I'll have more balance. I won't rely on just one perspective."

Steve nodded approvingly. "That's a smart approach. Learning from different people gives you a broader understanding of your abilities."

Emma smiled at him. "Thanks. It's kind of surreal, though—having all these resources suddenly available. For so long, I felt like I was figuring things out on my own. Now, it feels like I actually have a path forward."

Ben grinned, glancing at her again. "That's because you do. And honestly, I think you'll do great, Emma."

She rolled her eyes playfully but couldn't hide her smile. "You're such a cheerleader, Ben."

Steve chuckled. "I've noticed. He's good at it, though."

"Don't encourage him," Emma teased, but her tone was light. "Anyway, thanks for today. Both of you. It means a lot."

"Anytime," Ben said, his voice warm. "That's what friends are for."

"It was nice meeting you, Captain," she said, smiling. "You're… pretty inspiring, you know."

Steve tipped his head respectfully. "I hope people still feel the same way."

Emma nodded, glancing at Ben. "And you, don't take forever to come back. I mean it."

Ben smirked. "Wouldn't dream of it."

With a final wave, Emma disappeared into her dorm, leaving Steve and Ben to head back to the car.

"So," he said after a moment, "what should I expect?"

Ben shrugged, a mischievous smile on his face. "Tony and Janet will probably grill you with questions about the war and your time in the ice. Hank might be like… Hank and ask for a blood sample. Thor will want to test your strength since you're the pinnacle of human physique. And Hulk will probably shrug. "

Steve chuckled. "Sounds like quite the group."

Ben nodded. "You'll fit right in, though. Trust me."

Steve straightened in his seat as the Avengers Mansion came into view. 

Ben parked the car and turned to him with a grin. "Welcome to the Avengers Mansion, Cap."