
After a few more days, the Preliminary Rounds came to a close. Each of the schools gathered on the main stage, looking up towards the VIP box. Xue Beng, Ning Fengzhi, and Bone Douluo Gu Rong gazed down over the kids below.

Zhou Wuting announced, "What a wonderful display of powers so far! The Preliminary Rounds have been awarding. Starting a week from tomorrow, the Ranking Round will begin. Good luck to all schools!"

Xue Beng stepped forward and proclaimed, "Congratulations to Shrek Academy for an undefeated record! Everyone else, work hard. You all are the future of Heaven Dou Empire!"

Everyone saluted and answered, "Many thanks to His Majesty, the Emperor!"

As Shrek exited the Grand Spirit Arena, the other schools glared at them with hostility. Ru Shenqi turned her head slightly away. Gu Xingyun blocked her from their view. The other Shrek monsters guarded around her as well.

Outside, a figure approached them. Feng Changzhi's eyes narrowed. "Little cousin!"

Ru Shenqi stopped. "What do you want?"

"I wish to meet you in the ranking rounds. I want to beat you one-on-one, even though you already have a black spirit ring."

She turned towards Gu Xingyun. "Was the School of Four Elements not there that day?"

He shook his head. "No. Your secret's still safe."

Ru Shenqi faced her cousin. "No. If you want to defeat me, then make it to the finals. Then and only then can we compete against each other."


Her eyes flicked down. "I will not appear again until the finals. Accept that fact."

Gu Xingyun sidestepped, blocking Ru Shenqi from Feng Changzhi's view. "Xiao Shen has made her point. Let us pass."

"No, we will settle things here and now."

"Xingyun... Grandmaster... he's really upset with me. I can't act now or else I'll lose my place in the finals."

"I'll handle things then," he said as he looked back at Feng Changzhi.

"You'll have to settle for me, right now. Xiao Shen won't fight you today."

"Little cousin, are you really such a coward?"

Ru Shenqi twisted her head towards Shu Jiaxiang. "Jiaxiang."

Getting her meaning, Shu Jiaxiang grabbed Ru Shenqi's arm and sped away. Feng Changzhi growled and his Doubleheaded Wolf spirit activated. Two yellow and two purple spirit rings descended around him. Gu Xingyun scoffed and revealed his two yellow, one purple, and one black spirit rings. Feng Changzhi's eyes widened.

"T- this... another one of you with a decade millennium fourth ring?!"

"Do you still wish to compete against me?" Gu Xingyun asked as he released his spirit.

Upon seeing the Golden Heavenly Lion spirit, Feng Changzhi backed away. Shaking his head, he held up his hands placatingly.

"No, no, that's fine. We'll see each other in the finals then!"

Hurriedly, he spun around and took off running. The Shrek monsters couldn't help but laugh. Ru Shenqi, on the other hand, kept her head down and didn't say a word.


After a week of hardcore training, the Shrek monsters were ready for the ranking round. The Golden Iron Triangle led them to the palace, where they were escorted inside and led over to the training grounds. There, tents were set up for each school.

As the Shrek team settled down in their designated tent area, the Golden Iron Triangle met up with Xue Beng and Ning Fengzhi.

"Your Majesty, Clan Leader Ning," they greeted.

"I look forward to seeing your little monsters compete single-handedly. Surely they're as spectacular alone as they are in a group?" Ning Fengzhi pondered.

"You'll just have to wait and see," Flender teased. "Our little monsters are tyrannical this year."

"If they can even defeat Sword Douluo, then I must agree."

"They defeated Sword Douluo?!" Xue Beng exclaimed.

Ning Fengzhi nodded and recounted the exhibition match he watched. "They're truly Heaven Dou Empire's future."

"Indeed. It seems my father was right to support Shrek Academy back then. If you can get us another championship win and beat that Spirit Empire again, you will forever have the Royal Family's support."

Yu Xiaogang waved it off. "That's too much. We're just wanting to show the continent how strong spirit masters can be."

"Nonetheless, the Royal Family will continue to support Shrek Academy."

The three members of the Golden Iron Triangle bowed and thanked Xue Beng. He smiled and nodded.

"Go take care of your kids. We'll talk again later."

Flender, Liu Erlong, and Yu Xiaogang excused themselves and returned to Shrek's tent. They approached the ten students.

Stepping forward, Yu Xiaogang explained, "This ranking round takes the thirty teams competing and will decide the order of matches in the finals. I will decide your lineups based on who you're competing against. For this round, Youyou will sit out. Yong will go in his place. Xingyun and Xiao Shen will still only appear in the finals. Understand?"

"Yes, Grandmaster," everyone echoed.

"Good. Get some rest. Tomorrow, the ranking rounds start."

They all nodded and headed their separate ways. Just as Ru Shenqi was about to exit, Yu Xiaogang called out to her. She stopped and turned around.

"Yes, Grandmaster?"

"Don't think about trying anything."

"Xiao Shen won't. I trust my teammates."

"Remember what you've said just now."

"Xiao Shen understands."


She bowed and left. Liu Erlong walked up to Yu Xiaogang and linked her arm through his.

"Don't you think you're being a little harsh on her, Xiaogang? Last time, she was just helping her teammates."

"She needs to learn how to act in a group rather than just by herself. She stepped up with a plan because she feared Shanxin couldn't. She disobeyed my orders to lead them because she believed she could. Her arrogance and ego are outstanding. Xiao Shen shouldn't be captain of the Shrek Seven Tyrants if she cannot comprehend what teamwork really is. Hopefully, she'll learn by the finals. If not... I'd rather not have her lead them."

"But she led them so well in the Spirit Arena battles. Xiaogang, even I don't understand what you're trying to do."

"She can lead them, yes. But can she handle it when she's not their leader? Her personality is too self-oriented. Is Xiao Shen able to sacrifice for her teammates?"

"She used up all of her spirit power to help them defeat Sword Douluo."

"But she was still the one leading it. If she cannot step back and let the others compete side-by-side with her rather than under her command, I fear she'll never learn the true meaning of teamwork. Perhaps... she should return to Vast Sea City instead of going to Tang Sect. I worry about her temperament if she goes there. Will the five Devils be able to contain her?"

"Why hold her back?"

"She's still too young to understand true danger. Yes, she's been through Slaughter City, but there were still rules there. In the real world, there's no set rules. If she cannot hold back, she will make enemies faster than Spirit Empire. Xiao Shen is strong, but she's also not the strongest on the continent. If she offends a Titled Douluo... who's to say he won't kill her?"

"You're thinking of her future."

He nodded. "I'm trying to temper her while we still can."

"Xiaogang," Flender spoke up. "Will this work?"

"I don't know. We have to hope so. Xiao Shen's power has made her feel invincible. I think it's best we remind her she isn't."

"How are we going to do that?" Liu Erlong asked.

"She needs to fight a power stronger than her. Only by fighting a group that is extremely powerful and much stronger than her... can she learn her limits."

"Xiaogang," Flender breathed. "You don't mean..."

"I've already talked it over with Xiao San. Tomorrow, we will go to Tang Sect. Xiao Shen will fight the Shrek Seven Devils... alone."

"SEVEN?!" Flender and Liu Erlong cried.

"Mubai and Zhuqing arrived in Heaven Dou City yesterday for their annual reunion. So, Xiao Shen really will go head-to-head with the full power of the Shrek Seven Devils."

"Aiya," Flender bemoaned. "Though her control is great... how can Xiao Shen withstand Mubai's Power Attack, Hongjun's Power Attack, Zhuqing's Power Attack and Agility Attack, Xiao Wu's Agility Attack, and outsmart Xiao San? Especially when they're boosted by two, TWO Titled Douluo Auxiliary System spirit masters like Oscar and Rongrong! And if they use their Seven Devil Fusion Ability, how will she be able to save herself?!"

Even Liu Erlong shook her head sadly. "Xiaogang... even Bibi Dong lost her life to the Shrek Seven Devils. If they go all out... how can Xiao Shen save herself?"

"She harnesses God power as well. She has three spirit bones and three domains. Her spirit rings are all of decade millennium quality and higher. The only place where she loses to Xiao San is his twin spirits. But she is a twelve year old Spirit Emperor. Douluo Continent has never before seen the likes of her. To be tested by the best is a great honor."

"But putting five Titled Douluo and two Gods against her? Is that really a good thing?"

Flender cleared his throat and cut in, "If she can survive on the streets of Vast Sea City as a child, pass Slaughter City at eight years old, and absorb decade millennium and century millennium spirit rings at such a young age... then surely she can hold out for a bit at least. Xiaogang, you won't let the Shrek Seven Devils use their full power, right? Tang San alone could defeat her easily."

"There will be no restrictions on either side. Xiao Shen can evade Xiao Wu and Zhuqing, even under Rongrong's amplification, due to her century millennium left leg bone. She should be able to counter Xiao San's Purple God Light because of her body spirit and skull bone. As for Hongjun and Mubai... her shields are powerful. She can protect herself well. Without restrictions, she can use her wire and her God power. But the Shrek Seven Devils will also be able to use their hidden weapons and their God power as well."

Flender and Liu Erlong's eyebrows twitched. "XIAOGANG, ARE YOU WISHING TO KILL HER?!"

He shook his head. "Xiao San knows their power better than anyone else. He won't let Xiao Shen die."

Sighing, Yu Xiaogang added, "This is the only way to temper her. Tomorrow, we will see who wins."