Goddess of Nine Stars Ru Zuanshi

The Four Hall Masters, Bai Chenxiang, the Shrek Seven Devils, and even the Golden Iron Triangle's eyes all widened.

Ru Zuanshi showed her daughter the most fantastical skill of the Goddess of Nine Stars seat. "Watch carefully, Shen Shen."

Ru Shenqi nodded in agreement.

"Thirty Six Star Prison."

Ru Zuanshi cross her arms in an X form. She folded her hands down and widened her arms. Celestial power radiated from her. The remaining Shrek Seven Devils were suddenly trapped in a milky white array of thirty six stars. They couldn't even move a muscle. Even Tang San himself was stuck. Ru Zuanshi's sea blue eyes narrowed.

"This is the power of the Goddess of Nine Stars. Control and Assassinry. Remember, Shen Shen."

After daughter nodded, mother said, "Prison Break."

Both hands swiped out to the side, and she snapped her fingers. Suddenly, the stars broke apart and shot after Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, and Tang San. They were unable to dodge and their shields were completely useless. The sharp stars cut at them with a vengeance.


Tang San flew over to her and protected her with his body and his Eight Spider Lances. Just then, the stars retracted. The three gaped in shock. Their eyes widened as the stars merged into one huge nine-pointed star. It went shooting towards Tang San and Xiao Wu first. Just before it hit them, Ru Shenqi cried out.

"STOP! They're my Seniors!"

Ru Zuanshi held up her right hand and the star halted in place. "Is what my daughter says true?"

Tang San released his Sea God spirit power and his Asura God power. He flew forward and bowed. "I am Tang San, a graduated student of Shrek Academy."

Ru Zuanshi nodded slowly. "I know about you and your friends. You defeated Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue. I'm glad my daughter has such strong Seniors such as yourselves. Teach her well and protect her."

Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Dai Mubai saluted and said, "We promise."

Then, Ru Zuanshi's apparition disappeared. Ru Shenqi slowly floated back to the ground and looked up at the three remaining Devils. Breathing hard, her eyes glanced at the incense stick.

One minute left.

"Third spirit skill, Clear Crystal Armor."

After protecting herself, Ru Shenqi looked up at Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Xiao Wu. After taking a deep breath, she roared, "Sixth spirit skill, Clear Crystal Pack Hunt!"

If I can distract them, then I'll win by outlasting.

She gathered the rest of her spirit power and locked down on Xiao Wu. "Pack Howl."

The earth shook as a cry echoed from her lips. A pure wave of spirit power, concentrated to its finest and strongest refinement, was shot up from Ru Shenqi's body. She became a pillar of celestial white spirit power. As her Clear Crystal Eyes glowed, the pillar of spirit power shot towards Xiao Wu. Tang San and Dai Mubai both launched spirit skills to protect her, which Ru Shenqi was banking on.

They'll use defense before offense. That way, I won't have to take another hit from them.

Once the two men had blocked her attack, she dropped to her knees and coughed up blood. Her vision swarmed, and she struggled to remain conscious. Glancing once more at the incense stick, she saw that it had run down.

"Time!" Flender called.

The remaining three Devils all nodded and descended to the ground. The six Tyrants ran towards Ru Shenqi.

"Second spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Eternity!"

After gaining Fang Youyou's powerful healing skill, Ru Shenqi allowed herself to give in to the looming darkness. Her upper body and head were pulled against Gu Xingyun's chest. He held her while Fang Youyou quickly launched his third spirit skill, giving her fifty percent of her spirit power back.

"I didn't believe Grandpa Sword when he said he had been defeated by these Juniors," Ning Rongrong admitted. "But both he and Father insisted these children weren't to be underestimated. I guess we still did."

"That's what I was hoping for," Yu Xiaogang said as the Golden Iron Triangle approached. "Not even Xiao San was aware of Xiao Shen's spirit skills. In this regard, she had the advantage. In terms of spirit power, she alone can't compare to the Shrek Seven Devils. But her divine power, spirit bones, and spirit ring configuration gives her a massive advantage over other Spirit Emperors. The reason for this match today was to show her that no matter how powerful she is, there are others who are stronger."

Liao Suyin looked up at Liu Erlong. "Vice Dean Liu, can Jiaxiang, Shanxin, and I take Xiao Shen back to rest?"

Liu Erlong nodded. "I'll escort you back."

"We'll go with you," Gu Xingyun, Fang Youyou, and Ming Yong added.

Gu Xingyun handed Ru Shenqi over to Liu Erlong. The Shrek Seven Tyrants and Liu Erlong left Tang Sect. Once they were gone, Tang San invited Yu Xiaogang and Flender in to the main hall.

Inside, the Directing Corner and Flying Corner of the Golden Iron Triangle sat down at the Shrek Seven Devils' insistence. The Four Hall Masters and Bai Chenxiang remained standing.

"Dean, that Xiao Shen is really tyrannical," Ma Hongjun cried. "She has a body spirit but can control flames like me. And her God seat is scarier than San Ge's Asura God seat!"

"Fatty," Dai Mubai laughed. "If Xiao San's Blue Silver Emperor can become a spear... then why can't that little girl wield fire?"

Ma Hongjun had to admit he was right. Xiao Wu smiled.

"I like her. She's sweet but can be determined when need be. Tang Sect will be lucky to teach her further."

Tang San nodded in agreement with her. "Xiao Shen is incredibly powerful at such a young age. I'm surprised Hu Liena didn't covet her when she had the chance back in Vast Sea City."

Yu Xiaogang cut in, "Hu Liena sent Xiao Shen to Slaughter City. She definitely has a plan. As Bibi Dong's Direct Disciple, she shares many similar sentiments. We can only hope she won't try to act against Xiao Shen before the Advanced Spirit Master Grand Competition's final round."

"I can see if Grandpa Sword will protect Xiao Shen," Ning Rongrong offered. "He knows perhaps even better than we do about how powerful she and the Shrek Seven Tyrants are."

Flender nodded. "Rongrong makes a good point. If you will, ask Sword Douluo to keep an eye on Xiao Shen."

Bai He stepped forward. "I can have a couple Speed Hall disciples watch her too. They can alert us if anything happens."

Yu Xiaogang nodded towards him gratefully. "Thank you, Hall Master Bai."

"Xiao Shen's mother is outstanding," Oscar breathed. "We never had the chance to fight Ru Zuanshi, she was too busy with Star Luo Empire's troops and Dai Weisi and Zhu Zhuyun."

"My older sister said she was undefeatable," Zhu Zhuqing added. "If Ru Zuanshi showed up, people would know that they were doomed. They hadn't expected Spirit Empire to have a Limit Douluo besides their Head Flamen. In one battle, Zhuyun and Weisi almost perished. If it hadn't been for some soldiers sacrificing themselves, they would've died at Ru Zuanshi's hands."

A solemn look crossed Dai Mubai's face as he said, "My brother is terrified of just her name. If he learns Ru Shenqi is her daughter, I don't know what he will do."

"Goddess of Nine Stars Ru Zuanshi..." Bai Chenxiang murmured. "Whoever would've thought that she'd die so early? A Limit Douluo like her was at the top of all spirit masters on Douluo Continent."

"Her death may be more suspicious than we think," Yu Xiaogang sighed. "Huo Wu seemed to believe that Storm Douluo had a part to play in the deaths of Xiao Shen's parents."

Tang San's eyebrows furrowed. "Huo Wu believes Storm Douluo did something? Why would he leave Spirit City? Why would he go to Vast Sea City?"

Xiao Wu shook her head. "If Spirit Empire really was targeting Ru Zuanshi, then if they disguised the attack under claims of them dying while hunting a spirit beast... nothing would be tied to Spirit Empire."

Flender took a deep breath. "They were hunting for Huo Wushuang's eighth spirit ring. According to Xiao Shen, they died fighting a tyrannical Ocean spirit beast."

The Shrek Seven Devils looked passive.

"It's true that Ocean spirit beasts are stronger, tougher, and more resentful than land spirit beasts. We all had a difficult time fighting the Evil Spirit Orca King and the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King for Xiao San's rings," Oscar admitted.

The others nodded. Ma Hongjun sighed, "It wouldn't be far-fetched to believe that even a Limit Douluo died fighting an Ocean spirit beast of fifty thousand year cultivation or higher. So if Spirit Empire did do something..."

"They found the perfect excuse," Tang San growled. "Spirit Empire needs to be eradicated once and for all."

Everyone in the room agreed with him.


Back at their tent on the palace grounds, Gu Xingyun paced outside of the girls' tent, waiting for Liao Suyin, Bai Shanxin, and Shu Jiaxiang to leave. Once the girls exited, he raised his head.

"Is she alright?" he asked hurriedly.

They nodded. "She's sleeping now. Vice Dean Liu and Vice Dean Zhao are preparing some medicines for her as we speak."

Gu Xingyun sighed. "We should've been allowed to help her. If she had had us to help her with Pack Hunt, then perhaps we would've won much sooner."

Shu Jiaxiang put a hand on his shoulder. "We all wanted to help her. We also know how much you cherish Xiao Shen. But like Grandmaster said, it was her fight. Not ours."

"Tomorrow, we battle against the Elephant Armored School," Bai Shanxin said pacifyingly. "We need to start preparing for it."

Gu Xingyun wasn't pleased, but he had to acquiesce. "Alright. Let's meet in the main tent and discuss some plans. I'll go find Xu Tian, Han Niansui, and Gong Xi."

"We'll get going then," Liao Suyin said.

The girls left, and Gu Xingyun went in search for the rest of the members of the Shrek Battle Team. Once they were all gathered, a heated discussion ensued.

"To fight the Elephant Armored School's team, we need to focus on offense. Their strong defense is a perfect counter for most of us," Shu Jiaxiang said.

"We need to be careful," Ming Yong agreed.

"But how are we supposed to fight defensive spirit masters with so many of us being power attack and agility attack spirit masters?" Gu Xingyun countered. "Aren't we just asking to lose? Gong Xi, Jiaxiang, Shanxin, Han Niansui, and Suyin are all attack spirit masters. Xu Tian is Control Branch, so she can restrict them. Yong's replacing Youyou in the ranking rounds since Auxiliary Branch cannot attack. But still, I don't see how we can easily defeat the Elephant Armored Battle Team. Especially when we're fighting one-on-one and not in a group."

"Perhaps, when Xiao Shen wakes up," Fang Youyou began. "We can ask her for a strategy. Or Grandmaster. He might be able to help us figure something out as well."

Xu Tian bowed her head. "Bai Shanxin, as our interim captain, what do you think?"

Bai Shanxin sighed. "I do believe this will be a more challenging battle than what we've had in the past. And since Grandmaster is adamant that Xiao Shen and Xingyun can't be seen until the finals, we have no hidden secrets to use as trump cards. But... Jiaxiang has poison and so does Gong Xi. They can use that to their advantage. Han Niansui, your Dark Cover can work because that way, the opponents won't be able to see what they're defending against. Your blade quills can fight them under Dark Cover. All we need to do is find their weakness and eliminate them our own way."

"That's easier than it sounds," Gong Xi shook his head and said.

"It is, but Jiaxiang and you have the upper hand with both being Agility Attack spirit masters. You two can get close enough to release your poisons, and once your opponent is weakened, you can attack. Yong's spirit can attack them spiritually, so it should be useful in this ranking round."