Supremacy of the Qin

The Tian Shui student swallowed nervously.

An unknown spirit master. An unknown spirit. A Control System spirit master??? Isn't this too much?

Zhou Wuting chuckled nervously. "Well, it looks like Shrek Academy really is going all out for today's match. Let's see how well each do. Begin!"

Before the Tian Shui student could launch a spirit skill, Ming Yong immediately began to pluck the strings on his qin. His first purple spirit ring surrounded him as he continued to play.

"Third spirit skill, Dragon Qin Wailing."

The Tian Shui student clutched at her head. Tears began to water in her eyes. Ming Yong had chosen a song that would make her upset and cry, distracting her from the match.

Everyone gaped.

Xue Beng breathed, "He really is a Spirit System spirit master."

Ning Fengzhi nodded. "Yes, Ming Yong is a prodigy of his system."

At the end of his song, Ming Yong immediately called out, "Fourth spirit skill, Dragon Qin Feathers!"

He swiped his fingers across the qin frantically, and seven sharp feathers shot out. They went flying towards the Tian Shui student. Her reddened eyes widened, and she cried out in dismay. Swinging her blade-like Snowflake around, she warded off the feathers.

Countering, Ming Yong began a more melodious tune, and said, "First spirit skill, Dragon Qin Vine."

Seven strings shot from his qin. They all wrapped around the girl. She struggled to break free, and couldn't use her spirit. Taking the opportunity, Ming Yong's fingers danced, crazed, over the strings. His eyes focused.

"Fourth spirit skill, Dragon Qin Feathers."

Seven feathers shot out. They attacked the Tian Shui student relentlessly. She whimpered and cried, "I admit defeat!"

Suddenly, feathers and strings were gone. Ming Yong recalled his spirit and stood still.

Zhou Wuting and all the spectators stared with hanging jaws. They couldn't believe what they had just seen. In little under a minute, this new-show from Shrek Academy had defeated an Elementalist spirit master and hadn't even allowed her to use her spirit skills at all!

"S- Shrek has won!"

The crowd erupted in applause. Claps and cheered echoed all over. A chant of "Shrek Academy" rose up.

Xue Beng and Ning Fengzhi looked pleased. A grimace crossed Xie Yue's features. His eyes darkened.

Shrek Academy, do you really wish to die by Spirit Empire's hands in the finals?

The Tian Shui student climbed down, and her peer took her place. He raised his chin defiantly.

Ming Yong's eyebrows furrowed. He wasn't on the School of Four Elements' team in the Preliminary Rounds. He could be a Spirit Ancestor.

Meanwhile, behind him, the Shrek kids all turned to Grandmaster. He, too, looked pensive.

Finally, he said, "So Yong doesn't get caught in a trap, he needs to finish this quickly."

Out on the stage, the Tian Shui boy called, "You really think you can defeat us that easily? I, Xue Nuqi(1), will avenge my meimei and show you who's better!"

Ming Yong sighed and shook his head.

A voice resonated in his ear, "Yong, Grandmaster says to use your second spirit skill first. Let's show them the power of Shrek!"

He smirked and nodded.

Looking towards Xue Nuqi, he called back, "Forgive me for being impolite then."

Zhou Wuting called out, "Release your spirits!"

Ming Yong's qin appeared in front of him. His four spirit rings descended. Xue Nuqi summoned his Snow Bird beast spirit. He revealed four spirit rings as well, two yellow and two purple.

"I am a forty eighth ranked Spirit Ancestor!" he declared.

"Three ranks is not enough to determine the winner of this battle," Ming Yong countered.


"Begin!" Zhou Wuting cried.

Xue Nuqi quickly flew up into the air, hoping to get out of Ming Yong's range. He had seen the feathers fly and the strings shoot out. After calculating, he guesses that Ming Yong's range was a meter.


Ming Yong began to play a discordant melody. Everyone put their hands up over their ears, trying to block out the song. But it was no use. Ming Yong began to play faster and faster before he swiped his right hand across the strings furthest away from him. They shot out and wrapped around Xue Nuqi's wrists.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" he demanded.

Ming Yong played a darker tune and started to puppet Xue Nuqi all across the stage.

Eyes widened. People gasped.

Xue Beng couldn't believe it. Ning Fengzhi smiled.

"Your Majesty, this is the tyranny of Shrek's new generation."

Xie Yue's hands clenched tightly into white-knuckled fists. He gritted his teeth. Na Na isn't going to be happy.

Ru Shenqi looked up at Gu Xingyun. "Xingyun, look! Yong is showing them not to mess with Shrek! Won't they really fear us when we appear in the finals?"

He chuckled and patted her head. "Maybe not me. But you, Xiao Shen, will shock the world."

She grinned and the other team members nodded in agreement.

Finally, Ming Yong decided enough was enough and maneuvered Xue Nuqi out of bounds. Zhou Wuting stared, stunned.

"Shrek Academy has won! Shrek Academy has defeated all seven of the School of Four Elements' members! Shrek Academy is the victor!"

"SHREK! SHREK! SHREK! SHREK!" the crowd chanted.

The Shrek team members ran up onto the stage. They tackled Ming Yong with bright, smiling faces. Their laughter rang throughout the battleground. Even the Golden Iron Triangle's eyes beamed with joy and pride.

"These monsters are the pride and joy of Shrek's new generation," Flender said. "Perhaps someday, they can bring a new hope to Douluo Continent. With the Seven Devils' help, maybe Spirit Empire can finally fall once and for all."

Yu Xiaogang sighed, "With Hu Liena as their Supreme Pontiff, and Xie Yue and Yan as two of their Platinum Bishops, Spirit Empire won't lose their hold over Douluo Continent entirely. But yes, if these Tyrants can grow and reach their peak like the Seven Devils, then Douluo Continent will have a chance."

Liu Erlong held onto his arm. "Xiaogang, I heard a rumor that the Clear Sky School is competing in Star Luo Empire. With their strength, they will most likely join Star Luo Imperial Academy's first team in the finals. Can Xiao Shen really protect them against seven of the world's best tool spirit? Can our kids defeat the Clear Sky Hammers?"

"We have all Spirit Ancestors, a Spirit Emperor, four spirit bones, and two Death Gods. We stand a chance. If need be, we can have them compete against Xiao San. Surely they'll learn the power of the Clear Sky Hammer from him."

"Really, they can learn from fighting Xiao San?" Flender asked as he pushed his glasses back up the ridge of his nose. "That's good then. They'll gain some more experience before they fight with Spirit Empire's team."

"Do we know anything about Spirit Empire's team yet?" Ru Shenqi asked as they all approached.

The three adults shook their heads. "Not yet."

Xingyun rested a hand on her shoulder. "Patience, Xiao Shen. Plus, we've gotta focus on beating the Four Halls Academy next."

She nodded. "Grandmaster knows about Tang Sect more, plus I didn't watch much of their battle during the Preliminary Round. Grandmaster, can you advise us for the next battle?"

"Yes. The Four Halls Academy was built and founded by Xiao San. His students are all from the Four Halls of Tang Sect. I will think of our lineup in the coming days. We don't compete for three days, so I expect all of you to be cultivating and focusing on increasing your spirit power."

Ten echoes of "Yes, Grandmaster" replied to him.

Satisfied, the Golden Iron Triangle led their students away from the competition ring and back towards their tent. On the way, they ran into a fuming Feng Changzhi, Qing Junji, Feng Huizhong, and Xue Nuqi.

Feng Changzhi pointed straight at Xiao Shen. "Coward! You don't even dare to compete against me?! You let your teammates do it for you?"

Gu Xingyun growled. Liao Suyin, Ming Yong, Fang Youyou, Shu Jiaxiang, Bai Shanxin, and Gu Xingyun stood in front of her protectively.

Seeing them guard her, Feng Changzhi snapped, ""Little cousin, if you don't fight with me now, I won't let you off in the future!"

Liu Erlong stepped forward, ready to burn him to ashes. Flender's face turned downward. Unhappy, Yu Xiaogang cleared his throat.

"That's enough. Our students will not fight you now."

Huo Wu and Feng Xiaotian came running over. "Changzhi, get back here!"

"Mom, Dad, she won't fight me!" he whined.

"That's enough," Huo Wu said sternly.

Feng Xiaotian added, "Your little cousin is much stronger than you. Don't go picking fights that you can't win."

"H- how can she be stronger than me? I'm a forty fourth ranked Spirit Ancestor!"

Ru Shenqi remained silent. She looked down and bit her lip.

To counter Feng Changzhi, Gu Xingyun said, "I'm a forty ninth ranked Spirit Ancestor. Xu Tian is a forty seventh ranked Spirit Ancestor. Ming Yong is a forty fifth ranked Spirit Ancestor. If we can be stronger than you, why can't Xiao Shen be?"

"S- she's only twelve!"

"So?" Ru Shenqi finally asked. "Age doesn't mean anything. Aren't you nineteen?"

"Yeah, what about it?!"

"Of us seven main team members, Xingyun is eighteen this year. Suyin, Jiaxiang, and Shanxin are all fifteen. Ming Yong is sixteen, and Fang Youyou is fourteen. Technically, we have all surpassed your skill by our younger ages. But again, Yong and Xingyun have already surpassed you. Once Suyin, Shanxin, and Jiaxiang reach your age, they will definitely be higher in rank than you are now."


"If we can be younger and still surpass you, then my age doesn't matter."


1. 雪怒气 - given name meaning "Fury"