The Seventh Ring

Ru Shenqi stalked forward, growling, "How dare you attack my friends? Your enemy is me."

She began to glow with white celestial light. Her Clear Crystal Eyes sharpened to their extent. A nine-pointed star appeared on her forehead.

"Thirty Six Star Prison!"

Waving her hands, she trapped the Jester Tarsier King within her hold. Not even Limit Douluos could break out of this tyrannical skill from the Goddess of Nine Stars, what could a spirit beast do?

Snarling, she added, "Prison Break!"

The stars flew away and merged into one gigantic nine-pointed star. It went barreling towards the spirit beast, who could not avoid the lockdown. It hoped that its special fur could protect it. But alas, against a Little God, how could it stand a chance?

Ru Shenqi's trump card cut the Jester Tarsier King in half. From its sliced body, two items appeared. A beige and silver right arm bone... and a red century millennium spirit ring.

Yu Xiaogang warned, "Xiao Shen, this spirit beast should have a deep resentment. Be careful."

She nodded in understanding and walked forward. Sitting down in the lotus position, the spirit ring floated over to her and settled around her waist as she began the absorption process. The spirit bone floated over too and attached to her right arm.


But Yu Xiaogang was too late.

"Grandmaster?!" the children cried worriedly.

Even Liu Erlong and Flender had horrified looks on their faces.

"Grandmaster, what is it?" Gu Xingyun's voice wavered.

Yu Xiaogang sighed. "Never before have I heard of a spirit master absorbing both a spirit ring and a spirit bone at the same time. From the Jester Tarsier King's resentment, it should already be difficult enough for Xiao Shen to handle one at a time. But to absorb both... I fear that she will experience spiritual backlash. If she does, Xiao Shen likely won't survive and her body will explode."

"WHAT?!" nine voices shouted unanimously.

Flender hung his head. "The most outstanding genius of this new generation..."

He sighed sadly.

The other nine children, especially Gu Xingyun, trembled.



"Nana, there's this little girl."

Hu Liena looked at her older brother. Sitting on the Supreme Pontiff's throne, she wore a body-fitting, long sleeved, gold and crème colored dress. On her head rested the crown of the Supreme Pontiff.

"What is her name?"

"Xiao Nuhuang."

"Little Empress?" she asked.

Xie Yue nodded. "She belongs to Shrek Academy and can't be more than ten years old. But she already has a spirit bone and a decade millennium spirit ring!"

"So? Tang San was fifteen back then and already had a black ring and an external spirit bone plus twin spirits. Shrek Academy is known to cultivate monsters."

"She also had Elder Ru Zuanshi's star bracelet."

This made Hu Liena look up. "What? Elder Ru Zuanshi never took any disciples."

"She must've. This little girl has her bracelet."

"The black ring she has... what's its spirit skill?"

He shook his head. "It seems to be an invisible shield of some sort. I used Full Moon against her but she blocked it entirely. I never saw anything appear, but she remained unscathed."

Hu Liena closed her eyes. A clear shield... could it be? Could a twelve year old really survive that desolate, wicked place?

"She only showed once in the Preliminaries, but no one saw her use any spirit skills. She should just be a Spirit Ancestor from what I've heard, but her black ring..."

"Again, Tang San had a black ring for his fourth. It's not far-fetched."

"Her left leg spirit bone gives her the speed of lightning. She ran out as fast as a bolt."

"Will she be appearing in the Finals?"

"Most likely."

"Then let's just wait and see. If she really is as astounding as you say, and is Ru Zuanshi's disciple, then we can try to persuade her to join Spirit Empire."

"But Nana... if she finds out the truth-"

Hu Liena looked at her elder brother coldly. "No one will find out the truth."


After seven days and seven nights of mental and physical torture, Ru Shenqi screamed.

A burst of red spirit power exploded from her. The Shrek Six Tyrants and the substitutes all ran forward, but the Golden Iron Triangle held them back.

"Xiao Shen!"

Climbing up on unsteady legs, Ru Shenqi raised her head and opened her eyes. From the traits of the spirit beast, her hair had become velvety dark brown, but her eyes remained golden.

A smirk spread on her chapped lips. She was pale from the exertion of absorbing the spirit ring and spirit bone at the same time but had held on. Her grudge against Spirit Empire and her love for her friends kept her from the eternally dark abyss of death.

"Clear Crystal Eyes."

Her eyes flashed. After absorbing the seventh ring, her spirit had undergone an awakening. Now, instead of being completely pure and translucent, her eyes had become silver-white, similar to Dai Mubai's twin blue and red evil eyes.

Seven spirit rings descended: four black and three red. They danced formidably around her.

"I apologize to everyone. I've made everyone worry."

The Golden Iron Triangle stared, dumbfounded. The other kids ran over to her and hugged her.

"Never scare me like that ever again," Gu Xingyun demanded.

"Xiao Shen promises to try not to."

Flender asked, "Your avatar ability, Xiao Shen. How powerful is it with the seventh ring being of the century millennium level?"

"Let me demonstrate then."

Everyone backed away from her.

"Seventh spirit skill, Clear Crystal Eyes Spirit Avatar!"

Her silver-white eyes flashed and spread a crystalline look all over her body.

"Xingyun, try your halberd against me."

He nodded. "King Tiger left arm bone skill, King Tiger Halberd!"

Throwing it at her form, Ru Shenqi didn't even bother to block it. The halberd's tip hit against her chest before being thrown away. Having ran into her tyrannical spirit avatar which incorporated the Jester Tarsier King's protection ability, no one with lesser spirit power could injure her while she was in her spirit avatar form.

"Amazing," Yu Xiaogang breathed.

"That's not all, Grandmaster," she said mysteriously.


"Clear Crystal Domain!"

A silver-white atmosphere suddenly surrounded everyone. They found they couldn't move and were slowly losing their senses.

Ru Shenqi explained, "As long as people remain trapped in my domain, they will lose their six senses and lose the ability to move."

"Just like the Jester Tarsier King's domain."

She nodded. "Exactly. Except I can only release this domain while in my Spirit Avatar state."

Retracting her domain, she let everyone catch their breath and return to normal.

"This is too tyrannical!" Flender cried. "She's a Spirit Saint! How can the Spirit Kings from Spirit Empire compare? If Xiao Shen traps them in her Clear Crystal Domain, then it's game-over for them!"

She shook her head. "If I release my domain, even my comrades will be trapped. It is meant to be used when alone."

"Eh, what?" Liu Erlong gasped. "What kind of domain is that worth then?"

"Do not underestimate it," Yu Xiaogang cut in. "Even if it can only be used when she's alone, it's still able to trap anyone and everyone. This is a very powerful domain, perfect for a Control System spirit master."

"Grandmaster," Ru Shenqi sang. "Do you want to see my right arm bone skill?"

He nodded.

Her spirit bone surfaced as she called out, "Jester Tarsier King right arm bone skill, Jester Hands!"

Everyone watched in shock as her hands turned into paws, and her fingernails lengthened into claws. She shot towards Gu Xingyun and swiped. He quickly released his spirit and blocked her with his own paws.

Jaws dropped.


"HAHAHAHAHAHA! After having suffered through absorbing both ring and bone at the same time, my spirit power took a qualitative leap. I assumed I should become at least seventy fourth ranked after the ring, seeing as its grade is century millennium. But since I absorbed both the century millennium ring and century millennium bone at the same time, my spirit power rose another two ranks. Teachers, how do you like seeing a twelve year old who is a seventy sixth ranked Spirit Saint?!"

Everyone choked. Flender shuddered at the thought. Even Liu Erlong looked wary. Yu Xiaogang remained pensive.

She's quite powerful, and that's good for her own protection, but... will it cost her a carefree life in the future? Unless Spirit Empire is exterminated completely, they will go after her for eternity.


As the group returned to the lake to spend the night before setting out, Yu Xiaogang pulled Ru Shenqi aside.

"Grandmaster, what is it?"

"Your spirit badge. Show it to me."

She handed the badge over to him, fully trusting him. He turned it over in his hands and looked at her ranks etched onto the back. Looking up, he watched the calm water before them.

"Xiao Shen... holding on to this badge is dangerous. It is best if you get rid of it."

Shocked, she gaped at him. "Grandmaster, what do you mean?"

"Unlike all other spirit masters, you can fake your spirit rings. You can act as a Spirit Grandmaster right now. Who would believe that a little twelve year old girl is already a Spirit Saint? But this badge can almost prove it. If Spirit Empire gets its hands on it..."

"They won't!" she cried.

He turned to look at her. "I don't want anyone with ill intentions trying to covet you. Everyone who knows about you can be trusted. But after you leave Shrek Academy, you will go to Tang Sect. Although I highly doubt it, there might be some Spirit Empire spies within its walls. The Shrek Five Devils can only protect you so much. Therefore, once you leave Shrek, do not display your real rings unless Tang San agrees."

Realizing what he meant, her eyes flitting to the badge still in his hands.

"Grandmaster, Xiao Shen will do as you say."

Nodding, he looked back towards the lake. Winding up his arm, he threw the metal badge into it. After it had sunk beneath the surface, Ru Shenqi bowed her head.

"How many rings, Grandmaster?"

"You're twelve. You can display three. Once you reach fifteen, up it to four. I will tell Tang San about this plan. He can decide when you should keep adding rings."

"And the configuration?"

"You can use the optimal configuration, but whatever you do... do not forget that it will go two yellow, two purple, and then black."

"Yes, Grandmaster."

"I have one condition as well," Liu Erlong said as she approached.

Ru Shenqi turned to bow to her.

"Xiao Shen, I want you to take one of the Shrek Seven Devils as your Laoshi. So far, you aren't tied to anyone. Though, it might be difficult to have Mubai or Zhuqing as your teacher, so one of the Shrek Five who reside in Tang Sect will do. It doesn't matter who, they're all outstanding spirit masters. I just want you to accept one of them as your Laoshi."

"Xiao Shen can do this."

"Good. Remember... we just want the best for you. Your safety matters more than your strength."

Ru Shenqi nodded in understanding.

"Go back first," Yu Xiaogang said.

She bowed before returning to the camp. Liu Erlong turned to look at her lover.

"Xiaogang, she..."

"I don't want her to have to fight in the Finals. Once the Continent finds out about her, I fear what will befall Tang Sect."

"The Shrek Five Devils are strong. And with Mubai and Zhuqing in Star Luo Empire, plus Xingyun, I doubt Star Luo Empire will make a move on her."

"What I worry about is Spirit Empire and Hu Liena. In the past, I could guess Bibi Dong's plans. But now... I don't know what Hu Liena has up her sleeve. We can only hope she won't go after Xiao Shen relentlessly."