Gu Xingyun's Seventh Ring

After the Shrek Seven Tyrants had all cultivated for a day and recovered from their battle with Spirit Empire, they headed to the port.

"Xiao Shen?" Fang Youyou began. "Why are we here?"

She smirked. "If we're going to be fighting Ocean spirit masters in the Spirit Arena, shouldn't we be as strong as we can be? Xingyun, you're at the seventieth rank. You can get a spirit ring and level up."

His eyes widened. "Xiao Shen, you don't mean..."

She nodded. "We're going hunting for a spirit beast! Ocean spirit beasts may not fully suit your attributes, but their cultivation is normally strong and the spirit ring's quality will be able to make up for the slight lacking in attributes."

Ma Hongjun pulled out the Dragon Abyss Boat. It expanded to its full size and floated on the ocean waters.

"Hop on."

The Shrek Seven Tyrants leapt onto the deck. After figuring out how to sail it in the past, Ma Hongjun had no trouble now. He took them out, and they waited. They waited a few hours, with no happenings.

But around midday, Ru Shenqi's blood began to hum. She choked and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Xiao Shen!" her friends cried out and ran over to her.

She collapsed to her knees, clutching at her head. Her blood was singing, crying out to the sea. Groaning, her body shook. Ma Hongjun, worried, sat behind her.

San Ge should be here. He could calm her best.

Ma Hongjun forced his spirit power over Ru Shenqi, sensing the problem within. When he realized it wasn't a spirit power backlash, his eyebrows furrowed.

What's happening to her?

Bright red blood began to drip from her nostrils. Her eyelids fluttered as she lost consciousness. Ma Hongjun looked to Gu Xingyun.

"Take my place."

Gu Xingyun nodded and sat down behind Ru Shenqi. 

"Senior, what's the problem with her?"

"I don't know. I'm going to find out."

Ma Hongjun spread his fiery wings and flew away. He launched his seventh spirit skill, and released his Nine Headed Fire Phoenix Domain. As a yang counterpart to the yin Ocean spirit beasts, they were immediately alarmed.

Far away, one special spirit beast caught wind of this happening.

Within an hour, this spirit beast was already to them. It leapt up with its ginormous silver body and transformed into a young, beautiful woman. She landed on the deck, right in front of the flaming Ma Hongjun.

"It's you?" she asked.

"Xiao Baibai..."

Indeed, for this spirit beast was none other than the Demon Spirit Great White Shark King, Xiao Bai.

She slapped at him. "Only the Lord Sea God can call me that! What makes you think you can?!"

"Eh, Xiao Bai, we need your help."

Tilting her head, she asked, "What is it?"

Ma Hongjun pointed towards Ru Shenqi. "It's not her spirit power, but something's off. I can't tell what it is."

Xiao Bai walked over to her, eyes widening. She squatted down and peered at the youth in front of her.

"She's so young! How did she de-age?"

"Eh, what?!" the others cried.

Catching her drift, Ma Hongjun shook his head. "It's not who you're thinking of. This is Ru Shenqi, daughter of Ru Zuanshi."

"Zuanshi..." Xiao Bai murmured. "Shi mei has a daughter now?"

He grunted in agreement.

"But Ru... who is her father?"

"Eh, Xiao Bai, what are you talking about?"

"This girl's family name is Ru. Who's her father?"

"I just said her mother was Ru Zuanshi. She didn't take her father's name."

She stood. "Shi mei's name isn't Ru. It's Bo, like Sea God Douluo."

Ma Hongjun's eyes widened. "Bo? Bo Zuanshi?"

Xiao Bai nodded. "That's right. She is distantly related to Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi and has the Barreleyes Fish spirit. It it a strong spirit, especially for an Ocean spirit master. I knew Shi mei as she was growing up on Haishen Island. We played together a lot, and when she received the top tier black level test, she passed in only nine years."

"So Ru Shenqi should be Bo Shenqi?"

"That's right. I don't know why she changed her family name, but maybe it was because she didn't want to reveal who she was."

"Is there anything else, Xiao Bai? Why is being on the sea doing this to her?"

Xiao Bai reached out and sensed it. Closing her eyes, she remained still a moment. When her eyes opened, she sighed.

"Bo Zuanshi is the daughter of an Ocean spirit master father, whom she got her spirit from, and..."

She wrung her hands nervously, biting her lip.

"Her mother, Bo Zuanshi's mother, what does she have to do with Xiao Shen's trouble?"

"Xiao Shen? Little God? What a nickname for such a young girl!"

"Xiao Shen may be young, but she's already a Spirit Saint. Xiao Bai, what does her maternal grandmother have to do with all of this?"

Xiao Bai sighed. "We're near a pod of Crystal Titan Dolphins. Shi mei's mother was a hundred thousand year spirit beast who chose to take on human form. Xiao Shen's maternal grandmother was a Crystal Titan Dolphin. She must be receiving the echolocation from the pod, and it's hurting her because she's human and can't hold on. Let me see what I can do."

Before Ma Hongjun could reply, Xiao Bai had already leapt into the ocean and transformed back into her spirit beast form. Ripples sloshed at the sides of the Dragon Abyss Boat, and in a few minutes, Ru Shenqi finally relaxed into Gu Xingyun's arms. Ma Hongjun and the others breathed a sigh of relief. Xiao Bai reappeared on the deck in her human form.

"Is she alright now?"

Ma Hongjun nodded. "Thank you, Xiao Bai."

"Of course. I'm assuming she hasn't absorbed any Ocean spirit beasts' rings, right?"

"No, she has. A Pearl Armored Shark."

"Hmm, that should've forced a second awakening, and her ocean-oriented side should've showed. I don't know why it didn't. Just be careful when she absorbs another Ocean spirit ring."

The Shrek Six Tyrants and hummed in agreement. "We won't leave her side, ever."

Xiao Bai turned to them. "You're all Spirit Emperors?"

They nodded.

"Ahh, I see what Lord is doing. Very well, I'll go back now. I hope to see you seven youths again in the future."

Xiao Bai jumped back into the ocean and swam off. Ma Hongjun turned towards Fang Youyou.

"Take Xiao Shen inside. Let her rest for a bit. The rest of us will go hunting for a suitable spirit beast."

Everyone agreed with him and once Ru Shenqi and Fang Youyou were left behind, they others went to go hunt for a suitable spirit beast. As much as they didn't want to leave their Auxiliary spirit master behind, the group also knew that if Ru Shenqi ran into troubles, he'd be the best to be able to support her.

Before Xiao Bai had left, she told Ma Hongjun that a mean Demonic Whale wasn't too far from where they where. It's was just south of them by a hundred li. After giving the Gu Xingyun, Liao Suyin, and Ming Yong Oscar's Swift Flight Mushroom Sausage, they all flew to where Xiao Bai had indicated.

After Ma Hongjun released his seventh spirit skill and domain, Shu Jiaxiang and Liao Suyin launched their poisonous attacks, namely Shadow Cheetah Fog and Tarantula Spite. Ming Yong played his hypnotizing Dragon Qin Enchantment.

Gu Xingyun launched his most oppressive skill, Raging Heavenly Lion, under the boost of his second spirit skill, Heavenly Lion Thunder. He summoned his halberd also and threw it. As it charged up with speed and power, it locked down on the Demonic Whale and pierced through it, swiftly dealing a killing blow.

The others chuckled, "Even without Xiao Shen, we can still take down an Ocean Spirit Beast. Isn't this good?"

They all had a close to blind faith in Ru Shenqi's commands, similar to the Shrek Six Devils with Tang San. But they were also happy to know they could cooperate and work without her commands.

Ma Hongjun sent the others back and brought Gu Xingyun over to a small unoccupied island nearby to absorb the Demonic Whale's spirit ring, watching over him. When the Shrek Four Tyrants returned to the Dragon Abyss Boat, Fang Youyou ran out to meet them.

"Is Senior with you?" he asked hurriedly.

They shook their heads. Bai Shanxin stepped forward and asked, "Why, what's wrong?"

"It's Xiao Shen. She-"

Before he could finish speaking, the others rushed below deck. Laying on the bed was an unconscious Ru Shenqi. Her whole body was glowing, nearly to the point of such brightness that it was blinding. Bai Shanxin, Ming Yong, Liao Suyin, and Shu Jiaxiang shielded their eyes.

"Youyou, what's wrong with her?"

"I don't know," he cried pitifully. "Whatever happens, we need to get her back to normal before Xingyun sees her. Otherwise, he'll go berserk!"

The others quickly agreed. They slowly made their way over to Ru Shenqi's side.

"How do we help her?" Ming Yong wondered.

Bai Shanxin asked, "Is it her spirit power?"

"Not from what I can tell," Fang Youyou replied. "I've only studied Auxiliary spirits, not Body spirits. I don't know what's going on with Xiao Shen."

Just then, Ru Shenqi's glowing aura exploded. Fang Youyou's Scaled Body Armor appeared in an instant. Liao Suyin's Jade Armor appeared. Bai Shanxin dodged with her speed. Ming Yong stood behind Fang Youyou. Shu Jiaxiang launched her fourth spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Ether.

"AIYA!" they all cried. "Xiao Shen, it's us!"

But she wasn't conscious and couldn't hear them. They blocked, dodged, and protected themselves as best they could.

When the light finally dimmed, the person enswathed inside could finally be seen. As the Shrek Five Tyrants gaped at Ru Shenqi, their eyes were wide and their jaws were hanging open. Fang Youyou and Ming Yong embarrassedly turned away quickly.

"Shanxin, find her some clothes!" Shu Jiaxiang cried.

Bai Shanxin scurried away and returned with a pretty white dress that had a pastel yellow mesh, creating an illusion top. For indeed, Ru Shenqi's aura had blasted her previous clothes to bits. The girls quickly dressed her and cleared their throats.

Just then, they hearing a Phoenix's cry. Scrambling, the five ran up to the deck. Ma Hongjun was just landing with Gu Xingyun at his side.

"Xingyun!" Liao Suyin cried. "Did you make it?"

He nodded. "Where's Xiao Shen?"

His friends froze. They chuckled nervously and rambled on, "She's still asleep. Let's not bother her now. What's your spirit power at?"

He replied, "I'm at the seventy second rank."

Bright smiles filled their faces. "Hell's Ambassador, indeed. You two really are deserving of your title, Hell's Duo."

"Is Xiao Shen alright?"


Fang Youyou quickly nodded. "She's fine. Show us your spirit avatar!"

Of course, as the second to reach the Spirit Saint peak and gain their spirit avatar, Gu Xingyun would be the current topic of interest for them. But the Shrek Five Tyrants were stalling. They were hoping their Boss wouldn't freak when he saw his meimei again.

A black decade millennium spirit ring lit up around him. "Seventh spirit skill, Golden Heavenly Lion Spirit Avatar!"

His whole body erupted with golden fur. As he truly became a Golden Heavenly Lion, his attack power burst. They watched as he launched a twenty four round strike at the waters. The sea blasted up like a tsunami and sloshed over the deck. Their jaws dropped.

"Aiya, Xingyun, such a powerful spirit skill!" Fang Youyou, Ming Yong, Bai Shanxin, Liao Suyin, and Shu Jiaxiang breathed in amazement.

He smiled. "That's not all."

"Demonic Whale skull bone skill, Sonic Union!"

A deep black and silver skull bone appeared. It formed a shape similar to a whale's tail.

Suddenly, the Shrek Six Tyrants became linked through a temporary telepathy. This was the ability of Gu Xingyun's new skull bone. Truly, this hunt had been very beneficial for him.

Ming Yong spoke through the telepathic link, "This is good. Can anyone other than us hear in?"

Gu Xingyun replied, "No. It's just linked between us six for right now. Senior can't hear us."

"Amazing!" Fang Youyou exclaimed.

He recalled his skull bone skill and asked, "Xiao Shen?"

Finally, Shu Jiaxiang sighed. "We can't hide it from you forever. Come, follow us."

Worry suddenly creased his eyebrows. "Is she alright? What happened? Is it bad?"

The Shrek Five Tyrants shrugged. "We don't know. She hasn't woken up yet."

Ma Hongjun followed the youths below deck. When they laid eyes on the young woman on the bed, two jaws dropped.

"X- Xiao Shen? That's Xiao Shen?" Gu Xingyun stuttered.

Fang Youyou nodded. "Her aura exploded. We had to save ourselves before we could even try to help her. Her current state is now unknown."

Gu Xingyun rushed to her side. His eyes scanned the person laying still in front of him.

Ru Shenqi had pale, jade-like skin and a youthful look. Her hair had turned the color of white sea foam. With her eyes closed, they didn't know about the color of her irises. Her lips were pink like coral and closed together. But as she laid there, a peaceful appearance relaxed her facial features. Her developed chest rose and fell with an even breath.

"Xiao Shen," Gu Xingyun murmured as he clasped her cool hand in his warm one.

She made a noise and shifted slightly. But her eyes didn't open. Worry filled him.

Whipping his head around, he looked at Ma Hongjun and asked, "Is she going to be okay?"

Ma Hongjun scratched the back of his head. "Uh, she should wake up and be fine. Seeing as her appearance has just changed a bit, it must be because she returned to her more natural environment."

But Ma Hongjun remembered Xiao Bai's words. She should've undergone a second awakening, and her ocean-oriented side should've showed.

He inwardly sighed. Let's hope she's not unconscious for too long.


Two days later, Ru Shenqi finally opened her eyes.