Spirit Douluo At Last

With their remaining time left, the Shrek Seven Tyrants studiously cultivated under the Sea God's Light. When only three months remained, Ru Shenqi finally broke through her long-time bottleneck.

As the first of the Shrek Seven Tyrants to become a Spirit Douluo, the others were excited to see how her God Bestowed Spirit Ring could help her. Sea Dragon Douluo appeared and handed over a pearl-shaped ball.

She sat down and began to absorb the ring. Guessing it would take some time, the others continued their cultivation on the hundredth step. They were all progressing nicely and were pleased with Haishen Island's ability to stimulate them.

Days passed. Nights passed.

Sea Dragon Douluo kept an eye on Ru Shenqi the whole time. Her body quivered. Sweat beaded on her forehead. She bled from her pores. Bathed in red light from the beginning, the age of her eighth spirit ring was slowly creeping higher and higher.

Once a week, the Shrek Six Tyrants came out of their cultivation stage to watch their friend for a bit. Soon, another month flew by.

Finally, after forty five days, the red light around Ru Shenqi faded. She opened her eyes and slowly stood. The Penta Divine Pearl Diadem on her head seemed to glow a bit brighter. Her eyes were even more dazzling while her skin radiated like sunlight.

Gu Xingyun's emotions rolled within him. This meimei of his was getting prettier and prettier. Not to mention, she was also eighteen now and of true adult age.

Bai Shanxin jokingly said, "Xiao Shen is the prettiest of us girls. I'm jealous."

Liao Suyin smiled. "She surpassed us in beauty long ago, Shanxin."

Shu Jiaxiang added, "Though we also cut good figures and are beautiful, Xiao Shen's physical appearance borders on divinity."

Ming Yong nudged Gu Xingyun and smirked, "Your wife is eye-catching. Keep her close or others will covet her."

Fang Youyou snickered as Gu Xingyun whipped out a punch. Ming Yong's Divine Amber Seagull left arm bone appeared as he launched Seagull's Blockade. A mini-shield appeared, protecting himself from Gu Xingyun's attack.

"Shut up."

Ming Yong roared with laughter while the girls shook their heads at their foolishness. The six went down and met Ru Shenqi.

"What spirit rank are you at now?" Liao Suyin asked her.

Ru Shenqi smiled. "I'm at the eighty fourth rank."

An eighteen year old, eighty fourth ranked Spirit Douluo. Sea Dragon Douluo couldn't believe it. And yet, proof stood right before him.

"What's your spirit skill?" Shu Jiaxiang wondered.

"Let me demonstrate," Ru Shenqi began as she took a step back. Her spirit flashed, eyes turning silver-white, as her eight rings descended. Now, there were four black and four red spirit rings.

"Jiaxiang, release your doppelganger skill."

"Fifth spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Multiply."

Twenty exact replicas of Shu Jiaxiang appeared. No one could tell them apart.

"Eighth spirit skill, Clear Crystal Celestial."

Just then, the Shrek Seven Tyrants vision heightened. They saw through Shu Jiaxiang's spirit skill instantly. Shock filled Gu Xingyun, Fang Youyou, Ming Yong, Liao Suyin, Bai Shanxin, and Shu Jiaxiang.

Ru Shenqi explained, "My eighth spirit skill not only enhances my vision by twenty five percent, but nine others' as well. It also allows me and nine others to see through any domain or illusion spirit skill. My Clear Crystal Domain is also enhanced by it, and all of my attributes are increased by twenty five percent."

That was a tyrannical support skill! Ru Shenqi could be said to be a Control System, Agility Attack System, Power Attack System, and now Auxiliary System Spirit Master! This was beyond belief!

The Shrek Six Tyrants said, "We're glad you're on our side. We'd hate to have to fight you some day."

Ru Shenqi laughed. "I'd never hurt any one of you."

Sea Dragon Douluo cut in, "Congratulations. Keep working on this first Trial."

Then, he was gone. The seven raced up the stairs to cultivate.


The remaining time passed. When it was the last day, the Shrek Seven Tyrants started up from the bottom step. They made it quickly to the fiftieth step. From there, their progression slowed. They climbed gradually as Gu Xingyun used his skull bone to connect their thoughts. Ru Shenqi released her seventh spirit skill and her domain. After relieving the pressure, they all made it to the one hundredth step easily. Five of the seven only needed eight more steps.

"Xiao Shen," Ming Yong, Fang Youyou, Liao Suyin, Bai Shanxin, and Shu Jiaxiang began. "Let us go the last eight steps on our own. We can do this."

She recalled her domain slowly. When the five had recovered their senses, they started up. Gu Xingyun and Ru Shenqi followed just behind them to make sure they wouldn't fall. The five made it up five steps, but the last three seemed to be moving mountains. They could barely lift their feet to take the next step.

"Seventh spirit skill, Rainbow Colored Flowering Lotus Spirit Avatar. First spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Blossom. Third spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Regrowth. Fourth spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Ten Ton."

After increasing everyone's attributes, Fang Youyou stacked stamina, spirit power, and strength on top. With the extra help, the five made it to the one hundred and seventh step. But for them, the last step was the most difficult. They were panting and sweating. Their bodies screamed for mercy.

"Xingyun," Ru Shenqi murmured.

"Let them do this, Xiao Shen. This is their challenge. Ours will be worse. Let them finish first so we won't have to worry."

She nodded and waited on the one hundred and fifth step with him. Shu Jiaxiang released her seventh spirit skill. As she merged into her Spirit Avatar form, she launched her sixth spirit skill. Using the sudden burst, she shot up the last step.

Bai Shanxin also merged into her Spirit Avatar and launched her second spirit skill. Flying up, her feet landed on the one hundred and eighth step.

Liao Suyin launched her seventh and second spirit skills, boosting her attributes as much as she could. Using the Demon Eyed Tarantula left leg bone, she jumped up and finally landed on the one hundred and eighth step.

Suddenly, the intense pressure from the Sea God's Light disappeared from the three of them. Black light appeared in front of them. Sea Dragon Douluo appeared at the top of the stairs to watch.

The voice from the beginning rang out saying, "First Test, Traversal of the Sea God's Light, completed. With exemplary determination, the First Trial is completed beyond expectations. Award: spirit power increased one rank, possessed spirit rings' power increased by five hundred years."

Spirit rings descended around the Triple Beauties. One yellow, three purple, two black, and one red rings danced around them. The others' eyes widened.

Increased spirit ring ages?!

Fang Youyou and Ming Yong gritted their teeth. With shuddering bodies, they finally made it to the last step. Black light appeared from their foreheads also as the pressure disappeared.

The voice echoed, "First Trial, Traversal of the Sea God's Light, completed. With exemplary determination, the First Trial is completed beyond expectations. Black Level Six Award: spirit power increased one rank, possessed spirit rings' power increased by five hundred years."

Spirit rings descended around Ming Yong and Fang Youyou. Their second spirit rings had also transformed from yellow to purple.

Ru Shenqi and Gu Xingyun's eyes twitched. If their Black Tests could give such good rewards, what would theirs's grant?

The Shrek Five Devils stepped aside to let their Vice-Captain and Captain pass. Ru Shenqi looked to Gu Xingyun.

"Shall we?"

He nodded.

They shot upwards towards their goal. Their friends ran up with them, now no longer pressured. Once they got to the one hundred and twentieth step, the pressure seemed to triple. Gu Xingyun and Ru Shenqi both spat out mouthfuls of foul blood. They were panting and stared at the one hundred and thirty sixth step.

The next ten steps felt like hell. The pressure that weighed on them was immense. They felt like dropping to their knees with each step taken. At the one hundred and thirtieth step, a bright light suddenly radiated from Ru Shenqi's forehead.

Her Penta Divine Pearl Diadem glowed. Its third ability, Divine Pearl Sea Life, launched.

All fatigue and weariness faded from the both of them. Their strength increased, and they entered a frenzied state. Taking the opportunity, they rushed the last six steps. When they hit the one hundred and thirty sixth step, bright red light shot from Gu Xingyun. The pressure disappeared from him instantly.

The voice said, "First Trial, Traversal of the Sea God's Light, completed. With exemplary determination, the First Trial is completed beyond expectations. Red Level Seven Award: spirit power increased by two ranks, possessed spirit rings' power increased by one thousand years."

His eyes widened as his spirit rings appeared. The first two yellow ones had turned to purple, so now his spirit ring configuration was three purple, and four black. Though his seventh ring still wasn't a century millennium one like the others, his first spirit ring had improved more overall than theirs. His spirit power had also risen by two ranks compared to one. Because of this, he didn't feel as left behind as before.

Ru Shenqi smiled. "Nice job."

He nodded towards her. "Now, it's all you, Xiao Shen."

She smirked and released her Death God Domain. Using its pressure-alleviating ability, she dashed up the steps. Ru Shenqi ran and ran. When she crossed the two hundredth step, the pressure increased exponentially once again, and she slowed significantly.

"First spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Blossom. Third spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Regrowth. Fourth spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Ten Ton. Fifth spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Run."

After boosting her stamina, spirit power, strength, and speed, Fang Youyou called out, "Go!"

She took off again. But like Bo Saixi faced over one hundred years prior, starting at the two hundred and twenty second step, the last six were a torment greater than hell itself. Ru Shenqi came to a halting stop on the two hundred and twenty third step.

Fang Youyou boosted her once more, but that only succeeded in getting her up another step. She gritted her teeth and forced her long and slender legs to move.




After an hour, she stood on the two hundred and twenty seventh step. She had one more to go, but she was sweating blood. Her whole body was wracked with pain.

She used Divine Pearl Sea Life once more for a last-ditch attempt. All of her spirit bones emerged to give her strength. Her eight rings lit up. Ru Shenqi slowly raised her right foot. And set it down. Hauling herself up, her balance shifted forward. She crashed down onto the two hundred and twenty eighth step just as the pressure alleviated.

The majestic voice proclaimed, "First Trial, Traversal of the Sea God's Light, completed. With exemplary determination, the First Trial is completed beyond expectations. Red Level Eight Award: spirit power increased by two ranks."

Now, the Shrek Seven Tyrants' current strength was:

Ru Shenqi, eighty seventh ranked Spirit Douluo

Gu Xingyun, seventy ninth ranked Spirit Saint

Ming Yong, seventy eighth ranked Spirit Saint

Shu Jiaxiang, seventy sixth ranked Spirit Saint

Bai Shanxin, seventy sixth ranked Spirit Saint

Liao Suyin, seventy sixth ranked Spirit Saint

Fang Youyou, seventy sixth ranked Spirit Saint

"Well done, you little monsters," Sea Dragon Douluo called out. "You've passed the First Trial. Hopefully, you can continue to do well in the future. Your next Trial also has a one year limit."

The Shrek Seven Tyrants descended the stairs and returned to the platform below. As they regrouped, everyone checked their Second Trial.

The five with Black Level Tests said, "Tidal Body Refining? What's that?"

Gu Xingyun and Ru Shenqi frowned simultaneously. "We have Tidal Body Refining also."

Sea Dragon Douluo cleared his throat. "Follow me."

The Shrek Seven Tyrants followed him as he headed for Haishen Mountain. Four hours later, they had passed through forest, over a hill, and other inner seas. When the Shrek Seven Tyrants started to finally wear out, they heard a loud rhythmic crashing. This crashing grew louder and louder, as a deafening formidable existence. The Sea Dragon Douluo leapt up and flew to an all-black mountain peak that was a hundred meters tall. The seven youths followed after him with no difficulty. When they landed at the top of the peak, their eyes widened at the sight before them.

"What in the..."

They were staring at a concave valley. Beyond it was the wide-open ocean, stretching on towards the horizon. Black rocks were strewn all about the ground below. The waves that crashed against these large black rocks were giant. Reverence filled the Shrek Seven Tyrants' hearts.

Finally, they understood the Power of the Ocean. Compared to it, they were nothing.

Sea Dragon Douluo explained, "This is where your Second Trial will take place; it's called Furious Waves Strait. Did you know even Ocean spirit beasts won't dare to come here?"

Ru Shenqi murmured, "The waves."

"Exactly. These rocks were carved out by the crashing waves." Sea Dragon Douluo waved his hand and seven grey pillars rose up out of the valley. "Each of you will stand on those pillars and experience the Power of the Ocean."

This was the meaning of Tidal Body Refining?! Being left to Nature?!

The Shrek Seven Tyrants instantly grew worried. "Senior, won't we die?"

Sea Dragon Douluo shook his head. "Those of you with Black Level Six Tests have to endure for four hours. You with the Peak Level Seven Test need to endure for five hours. You with the Peak Level Eight Test need to endure for eight hours. If you cannot, just call out. I will be here the whole time, watching. So, no, unless you're stubborn and don't call for help when you cannot hold out any longer, you won't die from this test."

Ru Shenqi's eyes narrowed at the crashing waves. Mom, Dad, for you, I will persevere.

"Guys, this should be slightly easier," Gu Xingyun stated. "We also have a whole year to complete this test. Let's not tire ourselves so early."

Just then, a bird flew towards them. Bai Shanxin reached out and took the message from its leg. Reading it, her expression darkened.

"Shanxin, what is it?" Ru Shenqi asked. "What did Laoshi and Sect Leader say?"

Bai Shanxin looked at her with a solemn gaze. "Spirit Empire wants us dead. Especially you, Xiao Shen."