Fifth Trial, Challenge the Douluos

Ru Shenqi's eyes widened. An Ocean spirit master?

Sea Witch Douluo smiled. "You might not believe it now, but you're more attuned to the sea than you think."

Then, she was gone.

The others lamented. "How are we supposed to fight Titled Douluos? Sea ones at that!"

Ru Shenqi muttered, "You each have to fight different ones, and I have to fight Sea Dragon Douluo, Sea Spear Douluo, and Sea Fantasy Douluo. Am I the only one with an actual time restriction?"

Gu Xingyun, Fang Youyou, Ming Yong, Shu Jiaxiang, Bai Shanxin, and Liao Suyin all nodded. "We just have the usual year to complete our test."

Ru Shenqi bit her lip. "I think we shouldn't rush right into this. After dealing Spirit Empire a heavy blow, hopefully Hu Liena won't retaliate so soon. Let's practice and train for a bit first before we try challenging the Douluos."

The others nodded in agreement. "We'll do that."

They headed to the Round Ocean, where the waters would give them some stimulation. Once there, they leapt towards the water and began their training.


Heaven Dou City.

The Golden Iron Triangle had been called to the Heaven Dou Palace on an emergency. They entered the throne room to see an aggravated Xue Beng sitting on the throne and pinching the bridge of his nose, a tired Xue Xing standing off to his left, a solemn Ning Fengzhi on his right, and a stoic-faced Gu Rong along with the Four Hall Masters from Tang Sect and the Shrek Five Devils.

Flender asked, "Your Majesty, what's happened?"

Xue Beng raised his head and waved his hand towards Bai He. "You can tell them."

Bai He faced Yu Xiaogang, Flender, and Liu Erlong. "A scout in Vast Sea City told me that Spirit Empire's troops were ambushed. They never attacked the city."

The Golden Iron Triangle gasped. Yu Xiaogang's eyebrows furrowed.

He questioned, "Who ambushed them? What happened?"

Bai He sighed, "The three Titled Douluo Hu Liena sent were not low-ranked Titled Douluos. They were Storm Douluo, Peacock Douluo, and Gilded Umbrella Douluo! And yet, one power killed all three of them at once. The Platinum Generation was sent into the ocean and still haven't been found. As for their troops, not a single soldier was left alive."

Liu Erlong breathed, "Who could've done this? Who could be strong enough to do so much damage?"

"There's a group called the Five Terrors who are from Vast Sea City. They, along with some of their teachers and other Ocean spirit masters, dealt with the troops. A group of seven dealt with the Titled Douluos and Platinum Generation."

Tang San sighed and stepped forward. "As for those seven... Laoshi, it seems Xiao Shen has become a Titled Douluo at last."

Flender choked. Liu Erlong's jaw dropped.

Yu Xiaogang said, "Xiao San, say what? The seven were the Shrek Seven Tyrants?"

Xiao Wu nodded and finished explaining, "Five of them had Black Hexagons on their foreheads. Those markings designate them as Black Level Six Trial Takers on Haishen Island, worthy of succeeding the Sacred Pillar Guardians. The Crown Prince of Guang Kingdom had a Red Heptagram on his forehead. That designates him as a Red Level Seven Trial Taker on Haishen Island, worthy of succeeding the Head Flamen. Xiao Shen had a Red Octagon on her forehead, denoting her as a Red Level Eight Trial taker on Haishen Island, worthy of succeeding the Head Flamen. Coming back to protect Vast Sea City must've been one of their Trials."

Oscar added, "Since Rongrong has the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda to look after, and the boy is the Crown Prince of Guang Kingdom in Star Luo Empire... that leaves Xiao Shen to inherit Haishen Island and become their new Head Flamen."

Ma Hongjun shuddered. "With her spirit ring configuration, she's definitely a good successor to Senior Bo. And Senior Bo mentioned on multiple occasions that she had taken the Peak Level Eight Test, just like Xiao Shen."

And Tang San had told the Golden Iron Triangle about Ru Shenqi's background. They knew that she was related to Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi. They knew about her lineage as well. So although this wasn't a shock to them, they were still worried.

"Could the scout tell the strength of the Shrek Seven Tyrants now?" Liu Erlong wondered.

Bai He nodded. "Other than Xiao Shen, who is now a Titled Douluo, all the others are Spirit Douluos. The other girls and the auxiliary system spirit master just broke through the eightieth rank."

Flender breathed, "Aiya, they're already Spirit Douluos? Xiao San, they're just as monstrous as you Shrek Seven Devils!"

Oscar laughed, "Of course, we're their Seniors! They have to be as monstrous or even more monstrous than us!"

Ma Hongjun added, "Look at Xiao Shen. She has four black and four red spirit rings. And as a Goddess, what will her ninth ring be?!"

Xue Beng breathed, "That's right! Laoshi you have a God ring! Will Xiao Shen get one also?"

"Theoretically, she should receive one more God Bestowed Spirit Ring upon the completion of her Eighth Test. As to what it'll be, I don't know. Rongrong's last test was to help me pull the Sea God's Trident. Once she gets that last God Bestowed Spirit Ring, it'll be up to her to see if she can absorb a million year spirit ring," Tang San answered evenly.

Everyone fell silent after his speech. To gain a God ring... how much of a power boost that would be!

Finally, Yu Xiaogang looked at Bai He and asked, "Her Nine Stars?"

He replied, "They released. That's how she killed the three Titled Douluo. Alone."

"SHE KILLED THEM ON HER OWN?!" Flender exclaimed.

The others besides Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong nodded.

Xue Beng murmured, "Besides the Ocean spirit masters, anyone else from Spirit Empire that might've seen her Nine Stars are either missing or dead. I have spirit masters there who will alert me as soon as possible when they find Spirit Empire's Platinum Generation. Until then, we can only hope Xiao Shen dealt with them once and for all."


Supreme Pontiff Palace, Spirit City.


Xie Yue and Yan stood at her side, glaring down at some Spirit Elders who were shaking on their knees.

"Your Majesty, please forgive us! They haven't reported back! We haven't heard from the Platinum Generation either!"

Hu Liena fumed as her heinous spirit and slaughter intent surged. She leapt to her feet and released her Death God Domain. The Spirit Elders kowtowed even lower as they felt a sense of coldness and death.

"Someone find out what happened in Vast Sea City," Xie Yue commanded quickly.

Yan turned towards her and murmured, "Nana, those Ocean spirit masters are nothing compared to our team. They'll be fine."

Her head whipped towards him. "I hope so. Or else I will send you to Vast Sea City."


After a few weeks of training in the Round Ocean, Ru Shenqi and the others finally felt like they were ready to challenge the Sacred Pillar Guardians. Since they were the closest to Sea Witch Sacred Pillar, and the ninety first ranked Sea Witch Douluo was also Fang Youyou's examiner, the Shrek Seven Tyrants chose to go there first. Once Fang Youyou was done, he could expend his spirit power to help the others without worrying about draining himself prior to his Trial. They bounded off towards the Sea Witch Sacred Pillar Platform and finally landed on it. Just then, Xiao Bai leapt up out of the Sea Within a Sea.

The Sea Witch Douluo opened her eyes and blinked at the eight figures. "Xiao Bai, what are you doing here?"

"I'm just here to watch. Don't mind me, Sea Witch Douluo."

Fang Youyou stepped forward. "Jiejie, I've come to complete my Trial."

Before they had left the Round Ocean, Ru Shenqi had given him her mother's bracelet. Though he had protested, she had argued one very valid point. He had no other way to attack. Finally, he had acquiesced and taken the bracelet.

Sea Witch Douluo smiled. "I promised Sea Dragon Douluo not to go easy on you, but you're an Auxiliary system spirit master with no attack power. I feel bad. So how about this, if you can defend against my fifth spirit skill, I'll consider you having passed."

"I'd like to pass on my own merits and not your kindness," he replied. "But thank you for your offer."

Sea Witch Douluo began to see the true determination in these seven youths. Not taking the easy way out, but fighting with all they had.

"Very well, then let's begin."

Fang Youyou released his spirit and his seven rings appeared. "Seventh spirit skill, Rainbow Colored Flowering Lotus Spirit Avatar!"

He merged with his lotus and spun, increasing his own attributes by two hundred percent. He increased his speed, strength, and stamina as well. With that, he flicked out Ru Shenqi's star bracelet. The golden wire inside whipped around, threateningly. It nearly wrapped around Sea Witch Douluo's tail before she transformed her lower half into human legs and dashed away.

"Aiya, you tricked me!" she cried unhappily and pouted.

"Sorry, Senior, but as you said. I'm an Auxiliary System spirit master. How else can I gain a foothold?"

She hmphed and drew her flute. Her fingers began to dance over the holes as her fourth spirit ring lit up. Fang Youyou tried to close off his hearing, but without Ru Shenqi's Clear Crystal Domain, it was impossible. He clutched at his head, covering his ears. Sea Witch Douluo smirked at the corner of her lip.

But then, his friends' voices cut in. "Youyou, jiayou! You got this!"

He took a deep breath. I can do this.

He twisted, and sent the wire out again. It wrapped around the flute. He yanked back on the wire and pulled the flute out of a shocked Sea Witch Douluo's hands. He caught it in his hands, falling out of his spirit avatar state. A triumphant look flashed across his facial features as the others behind him cheered.

Sea Witch Douluo hmphed again, "I don't want to bother with you anymore. This is no fun!"

She waved her hand, and the flute disappeared. The pillar behind her lit up with bright white light. Just then, a black screen of light appeared as the majestic voice proclaimed, "Fang Youyou. Fifth Trial, Challenge Douluo, completed. Black Level Six Test Award: superimposed reward of one rank increase in spirit power."

The black light disappeared into his forehead. His friends came up and clapped him on the back.

"Well done, Youyou!"

"We knew you could do it!"

Even Xiao Bai nodded, pleasantly surprised.

He chuckled and said modestly, "It's all thanks to Xiao Shen. Here."

Fang Youyou handed back her star bracelet. Ru Shenqi took it gratefully and slipped it back onto her left wrist. The other Tyrants looked at her expectantly. Her eyebrows furrowed.


"Where to, next?"

"Hmm. Let's see. I should probably challenge a Douluo and start my countdown. I have forty eight hours to challenge the Top Three Sea Douluos. I don't want to go deal with Sea Dragon Douluo just yet, so let's see. There's Sea Fantasy Douluo and Sea Spear Douluo, so Yong and Suyin."

Liao Suyin offered, "You can go see Sea Fantasy Douluo first. I'm sure he will be more difficult than Sea Spear Douluo. Plus, I think it'd be nice to see how he deals with two spirit masters that can perfectly restrict him."

Indeed, for Ru Shenqi's seventh spirit skill granted her immunity from all physical and mental attacks while Ming Yong's Mental Immunity Skull Bone, which had been given after the Advanced Spirit Master Grand Competition, granted him immunity to illusions and charm, allowing him to see the truth. Any hallucination type abilities would lose their effects under it's light.

Ming Yong smirked. "I'd like to see it too. Xiao Shen, I'm ready."

"Okay," she agreed. "Let's go then. Sea Fantasy Sacred Pillar it is."

The Shrek Seven Tyrants, along with Xiao Bai, departed from Sea Witch Sacred Pillar Platform and made their way across Haishen Island to their next stop. When they drew close, they stopped. Ru Shenqi turned towards Ming Yong.

"I'll go first. Your skull bone drains a lot of mental strength. If I can wear Sea Fantasy Douluo down a bit, won't that be good?"

Ming Yong nodded in agreement. "I'll listen to you on this one, Xiao Shen."

She smiled and leapt towards the platform. But before she could make it, she was instantly surrounded by an ominous fog. Guessing it was his domain, she quickly launched her seventh spirit skill. As her body became crystalline, she smirked.

Sea Fantasy Douluo, let's have a battle of the minds, shall we?

"Eighth spirit skill, Clear Crystal Celestial!"

Her attributes enhanced by twenty five percent while the Douluo's domain slowly slipped away. This was the tyranny of her eighth spirit skill, domains and illusion-type spirit skills were immediately rendered ineffective.

She landed on the platform and looked up at the man. He had short, stylish blond hair, and yellow eyes. He wore black robes with short sleeves and a collar high enough to cover the lower half of his face. Shock was plastered all over his face.

"How did you break my domain so easily?"

She smirked and released her spirit rings. Four black and four red ones descended. Though she could hunt for her ninth, she was waiting to see what rewards the Trials would give her. That was exactly why Fang Youyou, Shu Jiaxiang, Liao Suyin, Ming Yong, and Bai Shanxin were waiting on their eighth rings as well. It'd be too difficult to try and find century millennium year Ocean spirit beasts.

Ru Shenqi explained her eighth spirit skill before her third ring lit up. She protected herself with her shield and unfurled her external spirit bone. Launching up into the air, she chuckled.

"Sea Fantasy Douluo, please forgive me for my rudeness."



A multitude of nine-pointed stars rained down, exploding all around him. While he was distracted, she sent out her Flight of Nine Stars and began to drain his spirit power at a rapid pace. When he realized it, he did everything in his power to break free. Ru Shenqi let him but watched with a slightly crazed joy.

"Wha- what is this?" he gasped out. "We saw you use this against Spirit Empire's Titled Douluo."

So they did watch us.

She laughed. "Then Seniors understands why this Junior isn't using Thirty Six Star Prison."

But instead, her Penta Divine Pearl Diadem began to glow. "Divine Pearl Sea Assault!"

The waters in this pillar's Sea Within a Sea churned and sloshed against the platform. Rain poured down while lightning crackled across the darkening skies. Sea Fantasy Douluo looked up, dismay on his face. He really hadn't been looking forward to dealing with the relative of Senior Bo Saixi.

When the waves, rain, and lightning suddenly all aimed at him, he launched his sixth spirit skill, Magic Body. Using the cover of illusions, he protected himself from the onslaught as best as he could. When the raging storm ended, he spat blood.

"You've passed," he gritted out and raised his hand. The Pillar lit up with white light.

Just then, a red screen of light appeared as the majestic voice proclaimed, "Ru Shenqi. Part One of the Fifth Trial, Challenge Douluo, completed."

The red light shot back into her forehead. Knowing she would get her extra two ranks once she got her ninth rings, Ru Shenqi didn't worry about it too much. She smiled gratefully and bowed to Sea Fantasy Douluo.

"Many thanks, Senior."

He nodded and waved her away. She returned to her friends.

"Yong, jiayou."

He nodded and leapt over to the platform. "Senior, if I may, I'd like to take my Trial now."

Sea Fantasy Douluo muttered, "Not this again. Those damn Devils already did this once."

He sighed and added, "Very well."

Ming Yong waited for him to make the first move. Just then, a scene appeared before his eyes. He watched as Spirit Empire rampaged through Gengxin City, where he was originally from. He knew that when his family sent him away to Shrek Academy to keep him safe, there was a high probability that he would never see them again. And after the Advanced Spirit Master Grand Competition, he had gotten permission from Flender to return there.

The scene changed to reveal the rubble of the current Gengxin City. His eyes watered. But he also knew this was just an illusion. Taking a deep breath, his skull bone emerged.

"True World," he murmured.

As his mental immunity emerged, the illusion disappeared. He returned to the Sea Fantasy Sacred Pillar Platform and eyed the Titled Douluo standing at the base of the pillar. Ming Yong took a step forward.

"Spirit Empire has hurt many. We're here to take the Sea God's Challenges to grow stronger and finally relieve Douluo Continent of Spirit Empire forever."

Sea Fantasy Douluo sighed. "Another one of you is immune. I should've guessed. Fine, you broke through my hallucination domain, so I'll consider it as you've passed also."

He raised his hand, and the pillar glowed white. The majestic voice proclaimed, "Ming Yong. Fifth Trial, Challenge Douluo, completed. Black Level Six Test Award: superimposed rewards of one rank increase in spirit power."

The other Tyrants and Xiao Bai appeared on the platform. "Yes, Yong!"

"Well done!"


"Xiao Shen, two of us have completed our Fifth Trials. Where to next?" Bai Shanxin asked.

"I need to recover my spirit power. Let's go to your Douluo, Shanxin."

Off they went to Sea Ghost Sacred Pillar.