Seventh Trial, Retrieve the Golden Scepter

Ru Shenqi entered the Lord's Mansion. Her friends were eating supper when they looked up.

Mouths full of food, they cried, "Xiao Shen, you're back!"

She smiled and approached them. Gu Xingyun looked at her resplendence, heart tightening. He titled his head.

"What does your Seventh Trial say?"

Bai Shanxin lightly smacked his chest. "She just got back. Let her rest a while."

"Xiao Shen, you've gotten lovelier," Shu Jiaxiang praised. "Your spirit awakening this time really makes me envious."

Ru Shenqi laughed. "I'm just lucky, that's all. By the way, what's everybody at now?"

Liao Suyin, Bai Shanxin, Shu Jiaxiang, and Fang Youyou were at the borderline between the eighty second and eighty third ranks. Ming Yong had increased a rank while cultivating in the past two weeks, so now he was an eighty fifth ranked Spirit Douluo. Gu Xingyun was at the eighty ninth rank. Ru Shenqi herself was now a level ninety eight Titled Douluo.

Ming Yong smiled. "Perhaps on our way back to the Continent, we can have a friendly match with you, Xiao Shen. After all, you are a twenty year old nearly-Limit Douluo."

Another year had passed by in the blink of an eye. Fang Youyou was twenty two this year. Liao Suyin, Shu Jiaxiang, and Bai Shanxin had turned twenty four. Ming Yong was now twenty five, and Gu Xingyun was twenty six. Truly, they were outstanding spirit masters in their generation.

Ru Shenqi smiled an evil smile. "Sure. Just don't go regretting it later."

Her friends shivered. But then, the five who had completed the Sea God's Challenges released their spirits. Eight spirit rings descended: four purple, two black, and TWO red rings. Ru Shenqi's eyes widened at the sight.

"Aiya, now who's tyrannical?!" she exclaimed.

"The Shrek Seven TYRANTS!"

Liao Suyin smiled mysteriously. "Forgive us, Xiao Shen, but we won't tell you our eighth spirit skills just yet. We want a small chance of beating you."

"That's fine. Isn't that what we did to the Sea Titled Douluos? I am almost a Limit Douluo after all. Do what you can. I'll also promise to not use my God powers."

The others breathed a silent sigh of relief. Out of all of Ru Shenqi's skills, it was her God powers that they feared the most. She snickered at their reactions.

"Have you so quickly forgotten my Clear Crystal Domain? Or my century millennium spirit bones?"

They froze before whining, "Hell's Little Empress, please go easy on us!"

She laughed. "Alright, alright. Let's talk about something else. Xingyun, my Seventh Trial doesn't say much. What about yours?"

He sighed, "Mine just says to reach the ninetieth rank and become a Titled Douluo."

Her eyes widened. "What? So easy?"

He shook his head. "You can say it's easy. You're the one who's nearly a Limit Douluo. I can tell that I'm still far from the breakthrough threshold."

She pondered his words for a moment. Then why are both of us needed?

Seeing her lost in thought, Gu Xingyun asked, "What is it?"

Ru Shenqi replied, "Sea Dragon Douluo wanted to see both of us in a few days at Haishen Hall."


She shook her head. "I don't know. He didn't say."

"Huh. Odd. If mine says to become a Titled Douluo, does yours say to reach rank one hundred?"

Ru Shenqi remained silent a moment. The other six waited patiently for her to respond. Finally, she took a deep breath.

"No. I have to retrieve a golden scepter."

"Eh, what?" her friends gawked. "What kind of Trial is that?!"

Suddenly, the Sea Witch Douluo appeared. She gave a cheeky grin.

"The Golden Scepter can only be used by the Head Flamen of Haishen Island. If Ru Shenqi can retrieve it, then she will be acknowledged as Haishen Island's Head Flamen. As for you, since your last Trial is much different, you won't be required to complete it here on Haishen Island. Once you reach the ninetieth rank, you will have completed your Seven Trials and will be granted Red Level Authority on Haishen Island. The Heptagram will also disappear at that time."

Both Ru Shenqi and Gu Xingyun bowed towards her. "Thank you for your enlightenment, Senior."

The Sea Witch Douluo nodded and left them. Once she was gone, the Shrek Five Tyrants flocked around their friends.

"So when Xiao Shen is done with her Eighth Trial, we can return to Douluo Continent!" Bai Shanxin cried. "That's good!"

The others nodded.

Liao Suyin and Shu Jiaxiang shared a look. "I wonder how our families are doing."

Bai Shanxin and Gu Xingyun lowered their heads. "Us, too. We haven't seen them in over three years."

Ming Yong, Ru Shenqi, and Fang Youyou held traces of sadness in their eyes. They had lost their families early on in their lives and could barely remember them anymore.

All seven thought about the situation back home. How are Seniors and our teachers doing? What is Spirit Empire up to?


Three days later, the eldest and youngest of the Shrek Seven Tyrants stood in front of Haishen Hall. Their friends stood back a meter with six of the Sacred Pillar Guardians. Sea Dragon Douluo emerged from Haishen Hall.

"Good, you're both here. Come with me."

Gu Xingyun and Ru Shenqi followed him inside. They walked through the front foyer and passed under a large archway, entering the hall. At the far end, there were seven platforms, resembling the Seven Sacred Pillars but without said pillars. In the middle of the pillars though, there was a giant platform on which a dazzling, glowing, golden scepter stood. The Sea Dragon Douluo led them forward.

"Ru Shenqi, this is the Golden Scepter once wielded by Master Bo Saixi. If you can pull it from its base, then you will complete your Peak Level Seven Trial and gain authority as Head Flamen of Haishen Island. Us Sacred Pillar Guardians and all spirit masters of Haishen Island will be under your protection."

Ru Shenqi swallowed nervously. Could she really protect everyone living on Haishen Island? But then she thought that if Bo Saixi could as a Limit Douluo with eight black and one red spirit rings, then she could too with four black and four red spirit rings.

"What about me, Senior?"

"You're also granted a Peak Level Seven Trial, but only one of you can become the Head Flamen. Once you complete your Seventh Trial, you will be granted the position of Secondary Flamen of Haishen Island."

"If this is Xiao Shen's Trial, then why am I here?"

Sea Dragon Douluo chuckled, "All in good time, youngster."

Ru Shenqi eyed the Golden Scepter in front of her. It's one and a half meter long rod was made of unbreakable wrought gold. The finial on top consisted of three separate and smaller thirty centimeter long rods which came to a point on the top end. Above those three rods, a three-dimensional, diamond shaped, amber crystal was situated encircled by a ring of that shining, unbreakable wrought gold. Her gaze was filled with wonderment.

"That is the magnificence of the Golden Scepter of the Head Flamen," Sea Dragon Douluo breathed in reverence.

Ru Shenqi turned to face him. "So all I have to do is pull the Scepter?"

He nodded. She took a deep breath as a steadfast determination filled her eyes. Gu Xingyun watched as she approached that middle platform. Her hands reached out towards the Golden Scepter. It was pulsating golden light, calling to her. Her slender fingers curled around the five centimeter in diameter rod.

All of a sudden, a suffocating pressure radiated from the Scepter. Caught off guard, Ru Shenqi almost dropped to her knees. Gu Xingyun tried to run forward to help her, but the Sea Dragon Douluo held him back.

"This is her Trial, don't interfere."

"Senior, I still don't understand why I'm here if I can't help Xiao Shen."

"Because if she passes this Trial, it will help you pass yours," he revealed.

The two watched as Ru Shenqi spat out a mouthful of blood. Her whole body quivered. Blood dripped down her arms towards her hands. The dark red liquid came into contact with unbreakable wrought gold, making the pulsating light glow brighter.

"Xiao Shen!" Gu Xingyun roared.

"It's okay," she replied between huffs. "Stay where you are."

He swallowed, hating that she had to suffer and he couldn't help. At that moment, her eyes flashed silver-white as her eight spirit rings descended. With the extra strength provided by the emergence of her spirit bones, her body found a restored vigor. Ru Shenqi pulled with all her might. Her veins bulged as she strained against the suffocating pressure. She groaned.

Come on, come on, she silently chanted.

The Golden Scepter raised, slow centimeter by slow centimeter. When it was almost free, she let loose a deafening outcry. A burst of energy filled her, and Ru Shenqi was thrown backwards. The Scepter receded into the platform, undoing all of her hard work. Gu Xingyun rushed forward; and this time, Sea Dragon Douluo didn't stop him. He leapt up and caught her in his arms.

"Xiao Shen."

"I'm alright."

"Would your Spirit Avatar help at all?" he asked.

She bit her lip. "I don't know, but it's worth a shot."

He helped her steady herself before taking a step back. With an unwavering gaze, Ru Shenqi stared at the Golden Scepter. Her seventh spirit ring lit up as her body became crystalline. After protecting herself, she approached the middle platform once more. With each step closer, she could feel the increasing pressure. But unlike the First Trial, Traversal of the Sea God's Light, she had one last trump card to place her hopes on.

Her Red Octagon disappeared, being replaced by a white gold nine-pointed star. She smirked.

"Goddess of Nine Stars Domain, Evolved Skill: Omnipresent Supremacy."

Her celestial domain released. The use of its evolved skill was that as it spread out, it cancelled out anything that fought it. So the pressure was gone in an instant. Ru Shenqi walked right up to the Golden Scepter and wrapped her hands around the rod once more. Within her domain, there was no resistance from the object. She pulled it out easily and held it up triumphantly.

Gu Xingyun stared, shocked, before cheering. The Sea Dragon Douluo gawked. Ru Shenqi returned to them, holding the Golden Scepter in her hand.

Just then, as red light flooded Haishen Hall, the magnificent voice announced, "Ru Shenqi. Seventh Trial, Retrieve the Golden Scepter, completed. Red Level Eight Award: spirit power increased one rank, all spirit rings advanced by fifteen thousand years."

Ru Shenqi's rings emerged in an instant. She raised into the air a meter. Slowly, her fourth spirit ring... slowly shed its black color. A few minutes later, it was the same red as her four other century millennium year spirit rings.

Gu Xingyun and the Sea Dragon Douluo couldn't believe it. When she returned to the ground and looked at her spirit rings, a wide grin spread across her lips.

"This is really good," she said cheerfully. "Now that my ring's upgraded, I can now stop time completely. And my spirit skill can also last for thirty minutes now instead of ten."

"Aiya, Xiao Shen, you're too tyrannical," Gu Xingyun bemoaned playfully.

Even the Sea Dragon Douluo shook his head, chuckling. "Ru Shenqi, you are worthy of being Master Bo Saixi's successor. Please finish your Eighth Trial soon so Haishen Island can finally worship alongside their Head Flamen once more."

She bowed her head towards him. "Senior, I will do my best."

He nodded, satisfied. Gu Xingyun looked at the Golden Scepter in her hand.

"Xiao Shen, what can that-?"

Suddenly, he felt an immense and overbearing pressure on him. He growled and released his spirit. After entering his Spirit Avatar state, he launched his two other enhancement abilities.

Outsides, waves crashed against the platform beneath the one thousand and one steps. The other six Sea Titled Douluos turned around and saw it. Ocean spirit beasts poked their heads above the surface of the water. Ocean spirit masters all over Haishen Island stopped what they were doing and kowtowed towards Haishen Island. The six Sea Titled Douluos bowed their heads reverently, surprising the Shrek Five Tyrants.

"What's going on?" Fang Youyou asked.

"Did Xiao Shen pass her test?" Bai Shanxin added.

Sea Witch Douluo was the first to respond. "We are bowing to the Power of the Ocean. The last one to wield this Power was Master Bo Saixi. Which means, yes. Ru Shenqi has passed her Seventh Trial and can now use the Golden Scepter and the Power of the Ocean."

Inside Haishen Hall, Ru Shenqi turned towards Sea Dragon Douluo. "So this is the Power of the Ocean?"

He hummed in the affirmative. "You now hold control over the Ocean itself. All Ocean spirit masters and Ocean spirit beasts will hold reverence to you and follow your orders from here on out."

Her eyes widened. "Wow... Mom told me about the Power of the Ocean once. She held so much affection and love for it."

"All Ocean spirit masters do."

Just then, an explosion came from Gu Xingyun. Ru Shenqi spun around. When the white light faded, he became basked in red light. His eight spirit rings appeared.

The majestic voice declared, "Gu Xingyun. Seventh Trial, Reach Rank Ninety, Completed. You are specially awarded Red Level Authority on Haishen Island. Completion award: one God Bestowed Spirit Ring, seventh spirit ring advanced by ten thousand years."

The red light faded. His Red Heptagram faded until it was gone completely. A pearl appeared in front of Gu Xingyun. But before he absorbed it, His seventh spirit ring underwent a change. It, too, shed its black color and became red. Elation filled his eyes.

Ru Shenqi knew he had been quite upset when everyone had gotten century millennium spirit rings for the seventh ring, except him. So she was happy that he finally had one as well.

"Nice! You passed! And your seventh spirit ring upgraded!"

He nodded. "My seventh skill now grants me a two hundred percent attribute boost, just like the others. My annihilation frenzy strike also increased from twenty four rounds to forty eight."

"How amazing! And you said I was tyrannical!"

The two laughed. Finally, Gu Xingyun sat down to absorb his ninth spirit ring. Ru Shenqi activated the Power of the Ocean to protect him within a bubble. Sea Dragon Douluo found himself slowly nodding in praise.

She may be young, but she seems wise. And she has matured here on Haishen Island. Except for the Fourth Trial, she has never lost control of her emotions. She has always been rational. Master Bo Saixi would be very pleased if she saw her successor.

Knowing Ru Shenqi had the capability to protect her friend, Sea Dragon Douluo exited Haishen Hall. He approached the other Sacred Pillar Guardians and looked at the Shrek Five Tyrants.

"Don't worry. Your friends are alright. Ru Shenqi has passed her Seventh Trial and received the ability to wield the Power of the Ocean. Gu Xingyun has completed his last Trial and is now absorbing his God Bestowed Spirit Ring."

Liao Suyin, Fang Youyou, Shu Jiaxiang, Ming Yong, and Bai Shanxin gasped.

"Xingyun is a Titled Douluo now as well?! Aiya! Those two truly are Tyrants!"


After two weeks, Gu Xingyun finally finished absorbing his spirit ring. When he stood, Ru Shenqi waved the bubble away and held out her left hand. He took it and smiled at her.

"Xiao Shen, I've done it. I'm now a ninety second ranked Titled Douluo."

"I know you have. As Hell's Little Empress and the Hell Ambassador, how can we, Hell's Duo, not be young Titled Douluos?"

They chuckled as they turned. Both bowed towards the platforms, worshipping the Lord Sea God before turning and exiting Haishen Hall. Their friends looked up with relief.

"Xingyun, Xiao Shen!" They dashed towards them. "Show us your rings!"

Gu Xingyun released his spirit first. When they saw his three purple, three black, and three red spirit rings, their eyes widened.

"Ah? Xingyun, what is this?"

And so, he explained. When he had finished as well, Ru Shenqi explained her own circumstance and waved the Golden Scepter around, demonstrating. Then, she released her spirit and spirit rings.







