Meeting Again in Rising Dragon City

Five days later, the Shrek Seven Tyrants reached the border to Star Luo Empire. Over thirty guards stopped them.

One lieutenant said, "Stop! Who wishes to enter Star Luo Empire?"

Just then, Gu Xingyun threw out a badge. The lieutenant caught the silver and gold shield-shaped crest, and his eyes widened. He bowed his head quickly, saluted, and dropped to one knee.

"Your Highness, welcome home."

"These six are my friends. We're headed to Rising Dragon City to meet up with the Star Luo Imperial Family and Star Luo Army."

"Very good, Your Highness."

The lieutenant stood and handed the badge back. Gu Xingyun took it before shooting forward again with the others. They made it to Rising Dragon City within another day and stopped at a restaurant to eat some breakfast first before planning to head to the Star Luo Army camp.

Sitting down at a large table, Gu Xingyun ordered some Star Luo specialties.

"Woah, Xingyun, who knew having a prince on our side was so helpful?" Fang Youyou breathed.

Six friends laughed as their eldest went red. Ming Yong patted his shoulder.

"We're in Guang Kingdom, right?"

Gu Xingyun nodded. "Yeah."

At that moment, four men entered. Two were in their early thirties while the other two were in their early twenties. Gu Xingyun looked up and swallowed. Ru Shenqi turned, eyes narrowing. The other Shrek Five Tyrants noticed the newcomers as well. Then, all seven stood.

"Gu Xingyun, you left for supposedly only a couple weeks and then was gone for three years! What kind of Crown Prince are you?"

"Prince Gu Shichao, as arrogant as ever," although Ru Shenqi spoke evenly, her voice carried a tone of supremacy in it. "Long time no see."

The eldest of the Gu siblings peered at the Shrek Seven Tyrants. "I remember six of you, but you..." he pointed at Ru Shenqi. "I don't remember."

"Oh?" she raised an eyebrow. "Have you already forgotten the Spirit Saint who beat you?"

"You? Hahaha, no way. You were only twelve back then. You should only be twenty now!"

"My name is Xiao Nuhuang, and you can just call me Clear Crystal Douluo."

The four other Gu siblings' eyes widened. "A Titled Douluo?!"

"What?" she asked calmly. "Don't believe me?"

The Golden Scepter materialized in her hand. She took a step forward, and her eyes flashed silver-white. As her spirit released, her spirit rings appeared one-by-one. When all ten rings had descended, Gu Xingyun's brothers couldn't believe it.

Gu Tu(1), the second eldest of the five brothers clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Shichao, she's not a Titled Douluo, she's a twenty year old God. Don't go looking for trouble with her."

Sensing this brother was much more sensible, she nodded in agreement. "Don't go looking for trouble with us Shrek Seven Tyrants."

"Why? If you're already a God, then what are the rest of you at?" Gu Xingyun's youngest brother, Gu Fangning(2), who was twenty two, asked.

"My name is Fang Youyou, and I'm twenty two. I'm an eighty fourth ranked Spirit Douluo of the Auxiliary System with the Rainbow Colored Flowering Lotus spirit."

"My name is Shu Jiaxiang, and I'm twenty four. I'm an eighty fourth ranked Spirit Douluo of the Agility Attack System and Power Attack System with the Shadow Cheetah spirit."

"My name is Liao Suyin, and I'm twenty four. I'm an eighty fourth ranked Spirit Douluo of the Power Attack System with the Jade Poison Tarantula spirit."

"My name is Bai Shanxin, and I'm twenty four. I'm an eighty fourth ranked Spirit Douluo of the Agility Attack System with the Needle-Tailed Swift spirit."

"My name is Ming Yong, and I'm twenty five. I'm an eighty seventh ranked Spirit Douluo of the Spirit System with the Seven String Dragon Qin spirit."

Upon realizing the five others were all Spirit Douluos, the four brothers were glad they had not attacked this group of Tyrants. But just as relief flooded through them, Gu Xingyun cleared his throat.

"In the three years I've been away, I have toiled and worked hard to cultivate. Now, at twenty six years old, I can say that I'm a ninety fourth ranked Titled Douluo, Golden Lion Douluo."

His brothers choked. "A TITLED DOULUO?! ALREADY?!"

An unreadable smile spread across Ru Shenqi's lips. Just from her changing aura, her friends knew instantly what she wanted them to do.

The five with the same spirit ring configurations suddenly released their spirits. As a lotus, qin, jade legs, nearly transparent wings, and cheetah ear and claws appeared, so did their spirit rings. Four purple, two black, and two red rings danced around them. The four Gu brothers were stunned, eyes nearly popping out of their sockets.


While they still hadn't recovered yet, Gu Xingyun released his spirit. As lion fur and paws appeared, his three purple, three black, and three red spirit rings materialized. His siblings choked and stumbled backwards in shock. Indeed, he was a powerful Titled Douluo.

"T- three- three century millennium year spirit rings..." Gu Danqiong(3) breathed in amazement.

Gu Xingyun tilted his head and inquired, "Do any of my brothers still want to vie for the position of Crown Prince?"

All four lowered their heads. Even Gu Shichao, who was the proudest of the five brothers, didn't dare to say a word. Seeing this, Ru Shenqi felt satisfied.

Even if, once this war is finally over, Gu Xingyun and I part ways, I can rest assured that his position as King of Guang Kingdom won't be challenged by his brothers. Because I have promised myself to Haishen Island. I can never be his Queen.

Gu Xingyun gave in inward sigh of relief. Finally. I've proven my strength.

Gu Tu bowed respectfully towards Ru Shenqi. "Goddess Xiao, how come your configuration is so different from theirs?"

She smiled kindly at him. "There's no need to call me Goddess Xiao. My true name is actually Ru Shenqi. You can just call me Master."

"Eh, what?"

"If that doesn't work, Head Flamen is fine too."

"Xiao Shen, leave them be," Gu Xingyun chuckled. He addressed his brothers. "Please excuse her. She's still a little playful."

"Xingyun gege," she whined. "If the Seven Sea Titled Douluos call me Master Ru Shenqi, and Head Flamen, then why can't your brothers?"

"Xiao-whoever you are," Gu Shichao snapped suddenly. "Enough! Answer my brother's question!"

"Okay," she agreed easily. "Because my rings were better to begin with. I originally had four decade millennium year spirit rings and four century millennium year spirit rings. But after taking the Sea God's Challenges on Haishen Island, my rings upgraded. Thus, I wound up with eight century millennium year spirit rings and two Divine Rings. And because of my potential and power, I, Ru Shenqi, was chosen to succeed Sea God Douluo as the Head Flamen of Haishen Island."

Gu Tu, Gu Danqiong, and Gu Fangning all saluted her respectfully. "Head Flamen."

But Gu Shichao was a little harder to convince. "Head Flamen? Pah! I don't believe it."

"Then come outside. I'll show you the Power of the Ocean."

The eldest Gu brother's eyes narrowed. "Alright!"

The Shrek Seven Tyrants and Gu royal siblings stepped out of the restaurant. They backed up to let Ru Shenqi and Gu Shichao square off against each other. A wicked smile curled on her lips. They both released their spirits.

He was only a level sixty eight Spirit Emperor, so she said, "Don't blame me for being rude, Your Highness."

She waved the Golden Scepter, and storms rolled in. As rain began to pour down on Rising Dragon City, her feet lifted off of the ground. Although Yu Xiaogang had banned her Divine Rings, she didn't sense anyone from Spirit Empire in the city. So, her second Divine Ring lit up.

"Second Divine Skill, Spiritual Duplication."

Choosing the spirit she wanted to replicate, she added, "Fourth spirit skill of the Sea God: Ocean of Annihilation."

A massive water bubble formed from the rain. It floated over and trapped Gu Shichao within it. He released his Heavenly Lion Thunder, but he still couldn't break out of the bubble. His breath slowly released from his lips.

Ru Shenqi warned, "If you can't break out, you will drown."

Fury flared in Gu Shichao's eyes. He punched and clawed at the water. Gu Xingyun stepped forward.

"Xiao Shen, have mercy."

She raised an eyebrow at her opponent. "Do I qualify as Head Flamen now?"

At first, he refused to give in. But when the pressure in his lungs was so great that he terribly wanted to breathe, he quickly nodded. With a satisfied smirk, she waved her Golden Scepter, dissipating the water bubble immediately. He dropped to the ground, coughing out water. Gu Tu, Gu Fangning, and Gu Danqiong all respectfully bowed to her.

"Thank you for showing mercy to our brother, Head Flamen. We will not forget this kindness."

She waved it off. "No need to be so formal. I just won't accept dimwits."

"YOU-!" Gu Shichao raged.

Ru Shenqi's first Divine Ring lit up.

"First Divine Skill, Ice Goddess."

She immediately trapped him in a cage of ice. Walking up to his frozen figure, she let the end of her Golden Scepter clang into the ground. The storms immediately rolled over them, disappearing. With the bright and shining sun overhead, she looked at him indifferently.

"The ice will melt with the hot sun. Until then, just hang tight. There's enough air in your pocket so you can breathe and won't die."

Turning around, she told her friends, "Let's get going. We still have a mission to finish."

The others nodded, but Gu Xingyun gave one last glance at his eldest brother before turning away. They left with Gu Tu, Gu Danqiong, and Gu Fangning, heading out to find the Star Luo Army camp.


1. 古土 - given name meaning "Earth"

2. 古方宁 - given name meaning "Honest Peace"

3. 古旦琼 - given name meaning "Morning Jasper"