Shrek Seven Tyrants Civil War

Gu Xingyun faltered for a moment. Ming Yong took a step forward.

"I would never take Xiao Shen from you."

At that moment, Ru Shenqi coughed up blood. Liao Suyin and Shu Jiaxiang caught her to stabilize her. Concern flashed in Gu Xingyun's eyes. Jin Zhenyi caught her wrist and frowned.

"You still have internal injuries. They're not life-threatening anymore, but they're still there."

She nodded. "I know. It feels like the Rakshasa God shattered my innards. Then again, I lost eight ranks of spirit power after I cut off my calf to get the White Wolf Emperor left leg bone."

"Eh, what?!" her friends cried.

Guilt flashed across Ming Yong's face. "So you're at the one hundred and second rank now?"

"Well, not anymore. I seem to be at the one hundred and sixth rank."

"That's because you finished absorbing the Blood Eyed Golden Leopard left leg bone. It's regenerated your limb and restored four ranks of your spirit power."

She tipped her head in acknowledgement to Jin Zhenyi. "Many thanks."

"Of course. You've bought me my freedom. I must repay it somehow."

Her line of sight slid back over to Gu Xingyun. "We're Hell's Duo. We'll always be Hell's Duo. So, must you kill?"

His irises darkened. She sighed sadly and shook her head. The other Shrek Tyrants knew there was going to be a showdown. They stepped aside. Ru Shenqi squared off against Gu Xingyun. The beloveds looked at each other with hardened gazes.

His nine spirit rings descended. She summoned her Golden Scepter. Their Death God Domains launched and vied for supremacy. Suddenly, he launched his second and fourth spirit skills successively. With his attributes boosted, his claw strike swiped at her. She banged her Scepter into the ground, letting its tyrannical aura send the strike back on him. Using his shield, he protected himself before entering the Spirit Avatar state. His forty eight round strike shot at her. This time, the Powers of the Ocean and Haishen Hall were not enough to protect her. She was sent backwards, and blood flew from her mouth. Shu Jiaxiang gasped and shot over to Ru Shenqi in an instant, catching her before she hit the back wall.

"Xingyun, please don't," Shu Jiaxiang pleaded. "We're all a family. We're the Shrek Seven Tyrants."

"Xiao Shen, can only be mine."

Pain flickered in Ru Shenqi's eyes. "The only way we can be together is if you give up Guang Kingdom."

"What if you give up Haishen Island?"

"Xingyun!" Bai Shanxin cried in dismay. "How could you ask that? If Xiao Shen abandons Haishen Island, she'll die. The Power of Haishen Hall will kill her."

"Then you never should've agreed to become the next Head Flamen!" he roared at his beloved.

Distraught fell over her face. "Would you rather I become a queen?"

"You should be my queen."

Ming Yong stepped between them and faced Gu Xingyun. "Do you love Xiao Shen?"

"Of course I do."

"Love is wanting the best for your partner. Wishing to see them succeed and not limiting them. If you truly love Xiao Shen, then you should be happy she was chosen as the Head Flamen of Haishen Island. It's the highest position and the most revered."

Gu Xingyun gritted his teeth and lunged. Ming Yong raised his arm. His Divine Amber Seagull left arm bone appeared, and its shield materialized. But after having becoming a true Music God Left Arm Bone, its shield was able to protect his whole person and anyone behind him. And no one under God rank could break it. So, the Electric Heavenly Lion attack simply bounced off and veered into the ceiling. The other Tyrants gaped in shock. Gu Xingyun growled.

Fang Youyou stepped in front of Shu Jiaxiang and Ru Shenqi. "Xingyun, you are our Vice-Captain. And we all know just how much you love Xiao Shen. But, Xiao Shen is right. The Rakshasa God is poisoning your thoughts and your mind. Deny his offer of Godhood."


Ru Shenqi sighed and shook her head sadly. "So, it's come to this."

She raised her upturned palm before swirling it and forcing something out the window. High above Heaven Dou City, a flare exploded. From way over in Liuying Gorge, Tang San saw his Tang Sect flare light up the sky. His eyebrows furrowed.

He turned towards the Golden Iron Triangle and the other Devils. "I've only given Xiao Shen a flare. If she's used it, then it means they're in trouble. I'll go help them. Stay and keep an eye on Hu Liena's movements. Xiao Wu, come with me."

She nodded. "En."

The lovers held hands and with Tang San's God powers, he teleported them right to Heaven Dou City. They looked up at the signage for Heaven Dou City Auction House and entered. An attendant came up to them.

"I'm sorry, dear patrons, but the auction has ended for the day."

"We're looking for our seven juniors."

"Oh? You mean the ones who bought a century millennium spirit beast?"

Xiao Wu froze. Tang San squeezed her hand gently and reassuringly. He nodded once.

"Then, follow me."

The attendant showed them to the door and excused himself. Tang San turned the doorknob and entered. The two's eyes widened when they saw the destruction inside, but most importantly, Ru Shenqi's surrounding by five Tyrants.

"What's happened here?"

The others whipped around, shock splashed all over their faces. Ru Shenqi's eyelids fluttered.

Sect Leader, Laoshi, she told them through telepathy. Xingyun has been bewitched by the Rakshasa God. Without my God powers or my spirit skills, there's not much I can do. I could only resort to calling you here.

Tang San frowned at the Golden Heavenly Lion. "Have you accepted the Rakshasa God's offer?"

Gu Xingyun gaped at Ru Shenqi. "Xiao Shen, why don't you want me to become a God?!"

"I've never said that," she rasped out. "I only said not to agree to the Rakshasa God."

"I won't become Bibi Dong!"

"Haven't you already?" Liao Suyin asked softly. "Look at how you've injured Xiao Shen over and over again now. If you really put loving her before everything else, wouldn't you have never hurt her at all?"

"The first time was an accident!"

"The first time cost Yong his life!" Bai Shanxin cried. "If it wasn't for Xiao Shen risking her's, we would only be the Shrek Six Tyrants!"

Tang San and Xiao Wu watched the chaos unfold before them. But, her eyes caught on Jin Zhenyi. Her head tilted.

"A Blood-Eyed Golden Leopard?"

He could tell these older two were even more powerful than the seven youths he mirrored in age. Lowering his head, he nodded. Xiao Wu teleported over to him.

"Did our Juniors really buy you?"

He nodded again.

Fang Youyou spoke up. "None of us could bear to think of Senior Xiao Wu or Senior Xiao Bai suffering such a fate. Hence, Xiao Shen bought the leopard to grant him his freedom."

Xiao Wu smiled. "Good kids."

Jin Zhenyi peered at Xiao Wu closer. "A- are you a spirit beast, too?"

She nodded. "I'm Xiao Wu, a Soft-Boned Rabbit. This is my husband, Tang San, the Sea God and Asura God."

"I've heard of you two. It's an honor to meet you."

Tang San glanced at Ru Shenqi. "How did your injuries become this severe?"

Bai Shanxin, Shu Jiaxiang, Fang Youyou, and Liao Suyin recounted everything that had happened since they'd left Liuying Gorge. Once they had finished, their two Seniors sighed heavily.

"You've suffered. Especially, you, Xiao Shen."

Tang San threw out an incense that made Gu Xingyun fall unconscious. He used his Blue Silver Emperor to wrap him up before putting him in his Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse. "Yong."

"Yes, Senior?"

"Are you able to carry Xiao Shen back?"

"Sect Leader, I'm fine."

He raised an eyebrow at Ru Shenqi. "You need rest. You've exhausted your spirit power and your energy."

"Xiao Shen, don't argue with Senior Tang San. I can carry you back."

Finally, she gave in and nodded. He carried her on his back, and everyone departed from Heaven Dou City Auction House. Tang Xiao and the Seven Elders walked up to them. Their eyes widened upon seeing Tang San.

"Xiao San?"

"Uncle, there were some troubles, so Xiao Wu and I came to help out our Juniors. We'll be going now."

"Very well. Safe travels."


On their way back, the group stopped in Star Dou Great Forest. Jin Zhenyi turned to them and bowed respectfully.

"Thank you for saving me. I'll be returning to my family then. If you ever need me though, come find me. I'll definitely help you out."

The others agreed, and he shot off into the forest. With that, Tang San teleported the rest of them back to Liuying Gorge. Ru Shenqi was hurried into the medical tent, and her friends watched over her. Gu Xingyun was placed in a tent on his own, restricted by the power of the Asura Demonic Sword. Inside a larger tent, Tang San and Xiao Wu met with Yu Xiaogang, Flender, and Liu Erlong alone.

"What? Rakshasa God?!" Liu Erlong exploded.

Yu Xiaogang sighed. "Long ago, Bibi Dong was carefree and happy and sweet. She wasn't the Bibi Dong everyone knows of today. But after Qian Xunji forced her into marrying him, she darkened. Even at your Advanced Spirit Master Grand Competition, she wasn't so ambitious or evil yet. But when the Rakshasa God chose her, and she started to undergo the Rakshasa God Trials, that was when everything changed."

"Xiaogang, don't tell me you're still defending her?!"

"No, Erlong. I'm just telling the truth. If she had already accepted the God Trials back then, perhaps she would've done everything in her power to stop Xiao San from entering Spirit City."

"We have a major problem on our hands now. If Xingyun takes on the Rakshasa God Trials, and Hu Liena learns of this, she will stop at nothing to recruit him. And with Qian Renxue dead, we have one less threat now. How can we afford to nurture another?" Flender asked.

"Xiao Shen and I didn't think his jealousy would be this detrimental. It seems we've both miscalculated."

"Well, what do we do now, Xiao San?" Liu Erlong wondered.

"Xingyun is obsessed now. We must figure out a way to end this obsession or else his inner demon will grow out of control. Both his and ours."

"Ge, do you have a way to do that?" Xiao Wu wondered.

Tang San thought back to a legend in his past life. The Five Flavored Soup of Oblivion. In a small serving, it'll erase one's greatest obsession. In a larger serving, it'll erase one's memories completely, giving them a new life. For Xingyun, all we'd need is a small serving. As for the ingredient and exact amount... that'll take some time.

"I know of a way. But it's very difficult to achieve success with this method."

Flender pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and sighed. "We may not have a choice."