Divine Weapon, Lightning Spear

As Ru Shenqi taught Hu Liena how to wield the nine-pointed stars, Gu Xingyun began tackling his obsessions. After a month, the Supreme Pontiff of Spirit Empire had successfully mastered the Flight of Nine Stars. Gu Xingyun had completed three of the four obsessions.

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang discussed on how to help Xingyun pass the last obsession.

"Laoshi, it's definitely Xiao Shen. But he doesn't remember her."

"Does the Xingyun of now hold hatred towards the Holy Maiden Ru Shenqi? She's not Xiao Shen to him. If they can fight, perhaps that can help him overcome this obsession," Yu Xiaogang suggested.

"But Xiao Shen..."

"She won't really hurt him. And she's strong enough to protect herself from his attacks."

Tang San sighed. "This might be the only way. But do we really want him to find out she's an obsession of his? What if he goes after her again?"

"We can't let him."

Yu Xiaogang rested a hand on his disciple's shoulder. "I know you care about Xiao Shen's wellbeing. We all do. But for whatever reason, she's decided on aligning with Spirit Empire for now. If we can get him to overcome his obsession with her, then that's good."

Tang San swallowed. "Then, let's go with what you said. Tomorrow, we can send Xingyun to Liuying Fortress to challenge Xiao Shen to a one-on-one."


The next day, Ru Shenqi stood in the main hall with Xie Yue and Yan flanking her sides. Across from them were the Elders and Flamens. Hu Liena was busy cultivating in her room, working on controlling the nine-pointed stars to the fullest.

"Holy Maiden, you can't be serious!"

"It's a one-on-one challenge. What can a mortal Limit Douluo really do to a Second Class God. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Plus, if I kill him, I'll rid us of another threat. This spirit master is undergoing the God of Storms Inheritance. Since he's come asking for me, why shouldn't I take this chance to eliminate another potential God?"

The others saw her reasoning but were still worried. Xiang Yuezu spoke up, "Her Majesty is taking the God Inheritance Trials for your seat. If you die, Her Majesty won't be able to become a God."

Ru Shenqi's eyes narrowed. "The Crown Prince of Guang Kingdom doesn't have the power to kill me."

Xie Yue cleared his throat. "He's giving us this challenge. Won't we be cowards if we don't take it? Let Xiao Shen go. As a child she was able to stand up to me with spirit power alone. I have every reason to believe she'll come back alive."

With that, Ru Shenqi summoned the Supreme Pontiff staff and stalked towards the front doors. Waving her arm, they were blown open. She exited Liuying Fortress and stood out front on the battlefield, across from Gu Xingyun. His eyes narrowed. As he looked at her, he realized that she was the young woman in his mind. His last obsession. She raised an eyebrow.

"You dare to openly challenge me, the Holy Maiden of Spirit Empire?"

"Holy Maiden Ru Shenqi, you'll never win! Death God Domain, evolved skill: Demon Hell!"

The whole area was encased in ice. Ru Shenqi heard the cries of the dead in her ears. But she was completely unfazed.

"Goddess of Nine Stars Domain, evolved skill: Omnipresent Supremacy!"

She broke his domain instantly. Her first divine ring lit up.

"First divine skill, Ice Goddess!"

She enveloped him in ice. His body heated up as he released his Golden Divine Lion spirit. When he broke out, she spat blood. Her eyes narrowed.

Alright, let's fight fire with fire.

"Nine Stars Meteor Shower!"

"Ninth spirit skill, Electric Heavenly Lion! Barrage of Storms!"

Lightning and stars met. And clashed. Both were thrown backwards, coughing up blood. Ru Shenqi quickly circulated her spirit power to regenerate it. Gu Xingyun growled and shot forward. She dodged, and her seventh spirit ring lit up.

"Seventh spirit skill, Clear Crystal Eyes Spirit Avatar! Clear Crystal Domain!"

Having successfully trapped him, he lost all six senses. She walked forward and released her Flight of Nine Stars, sucking his spirit power.

The Golden Generation, Elders, and Flamens watched this battle from an overhead balcony. The Shrek Five Tyrants and Seven Devils along with the Golden Iron Triangle, Ning Fengzhi, Gu Rong, Chen Xin, and Xue Beng watched from their encampment.

When she had drained his spirit power to one fourth, she recalled her domain. He glared at her, hatred burning in his eyes. Flying backwards, his King Tiger Halberd appeared in his hand. She whirled and kicked out her leg. Her Blood Eyed Golden Leopard left leg bone glowed from under her dress. The Blood Eyed Dagger-Axe shot from her, crashing into the halberd. The skills exploded.

At that moment, the two shot towards each other. She used her Jester Tarsier right arm bone to attack at close range. Gu Xingyun threw out a punch. She clawed him, raking her sharp nails across his chest. His fist pummeled into her gut, sending her flying away. She twisted and landed in a crouched position, falling out of her spirit avatar state. Slowly, she straightened, clutching at her slightly pained stomach.

It's time to end this show.

"Second Divine Skill, Spiritual Duplication! Third spirit skill of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon: Thunder Fury!"

Having chosen the top beast spirit, her attack was at its peak. She recovered her spirit power faster while in her spirit avatar state, and so she launched this attack. A storm of blinding blue lightning burst forth from all around her body, accompanied by the tremendous sound of an explosion. Gu Xingyun was knocked back all the way into the forest. Her eyelids fluttered, and she leaned heavily on the Supreme Pontiff staff to support herself.

The Golden Generation jumped down from the balcony and surrounded her. "Xiao Shen."

"I'm alright. It's just some bruising."

"Why does your God power seem weaker?" Hu Liena asked.

"Because... the further you get in your Trials, the weaker my power gets. How else should you become a God, and I lose the God seat?"

Xie Yue and Yan's eyes widened. Hu Liena bit her lip.

"Your Highness," the Elders and Flamens acknowledged as they descended also.

At that moment, a beam of purple light shot down from the heavens. Tang San and Yu Xiaogang knew. Xingyun has overcome his last obsession. He's passed his Sixth Trial.

As Gu Xingyun coughed and struggled to stand among the broken brambles in the forest, he heard the God of Storms in his head. Sixth Trial, Stormy Obsessions, completed. Seventh Trial, Earn Approval of Divine Weapon: Lightning Spear, begun.

A divine weapon suddenly fell from the sky, lodging in the ground. Gu Xingyun gaped at it. It's shaft was a swirl of white and gold. The steel blade was sharp and unbending. It's aura was strong and divine.

"So this is the God of Storms' divine weapon. Lightning Spear, huh?"

He reached out and curled his hand around the weapon. A bright glow surrounded him. But then, he was blown backwards.

Seeing this light explode, Ru Shenqi frowned. "A divine weapon?"

"Huh?" Yan grunted.

"The God of Storms must've granted the Crown Prince of Guang Kingdom his divine weapon trial. Which means, Laoshi, it's time for you to complete yours. While I'm recovering from my injuries, I hope you can retrieve the Nine Stars Whip."

Hu Liena had seen where it landed when Ru Shenqi had thrown it a month earlier. She nodded slowly.

"Don't worry, Xiao Shen. I'll surely make it."

Ru Shenqi smiled. "Good." Xingyun, I hope you can finish your divine weapon trial before Hu Liena does.

She let the Golden Generation lead her into Liuying Fortress for recovery. Seeing that the battle was over, the Shrek Five Tyrants turned to their teachers and Seniors.

"Xiao Shen, will she be okay?" the five asked.

Tang San nodded. "Xingyun fought all out, but Xiao Shen was smart. She used skills that would look like they'd do damage, but in reality, she hasn't hurt him too much. Their power is quite on par with each other, despite Xiao Shen being a Second Class God. And she used her immunity to physical attacks to her advantage, so Xingyun wouldn't hurt her too badly."

Yu Xiaogang looked at the youths. "Xiao Shen might have known this was for a trial. Therefore, she fought enough to help him pass but not too much where she'd do long-term damage."

Fang Youyou looked at his friends. "Let's go find Xingyun and see what his next trial is."

Shu Jiaxiang, Liao Suyin, Bai Shanxin, and Ming Yong nodded in agreement. They shot away from the camp, diving deep into the forest. Soon, they came upon Xingyun. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead. His muscles were taunt to the max. He gripped the Lightning Spear only to be thrown back again. Bai Shanxin shot over and caught him.

"Xingyun, what's this?"

"The Lightning Spear, God of Storms' divine weapon. I have to earn its approval."

"Are we able to move it?" Shu Jiaxiang asked. "Maybe then, we can get Senior Tang San's help."

But Gu Xingyun shook his head. "It's lodged in place."

"Oh," she sighed dejectedly.

Just then, a thought crossed his mind. "That damn Holy Maiden! I didn't get to kill her!"

The others flinched. Ming Yong rested a hand on his shoulder. "She's injured. Neither one of you really won over the other."

"No, she must die! Spirit Empire is responsible for so much pain across Douluo Continent! How can I let them have a successor to the Supreme Pontiff position?! Isn't that our issue now? Senior Tang San promised Bibi Dong to not kill Qian Renxue or Hu Liena, and now look at where we are! We're fighting with Spirit Empire once again!"

The Shrek Five Tyrants' eyes met. One thought crossed all of their minds: Xingyun's obsession for Xiao Shen has turned into an overwhelming hatred of her. They sighed sadly and shook their heads.

"Focus on winning the Lightning Spear's approval," Tang San's voice rang out as he and the other Devils approached. "Only when you become a God will you be strong enough to truly fight Holy Maiden Ru Shenqi. You can injure her with your current powers, but if she had really gone all out, you'd be dead by now."