A Favor for Justice

Xue Beng nodded slowly. "If Hu Liena can't figure out who the Goddess of Ghosts is or what her divine skills are, then we're in luck. Good thinking, Xiao Shen."

She shrugged. "It'll only hold the Golden Generation off for a while. We still need to come up with a fool-proof plan to eliminate Spirit Empire from the Continent once and for all."

"Xiao Shen is right," Tang San cut in. "Right now, we have the advantage with her return. But this advantage won't last long. Which means that we need to strike Spirit Empire hard. And strike them fast. We cannot leave any room for them to recover."

Yu Xiaogang agreed. "Xiao San is right. We cannot let them recover their strength. We need some spirit masters to cut off their supply route."

Bai Chenxiang stepped forward. "Grandmaster, I'm willing to lead a team of Speed Hall disciples to take care of it."

"I'll go with them," Bai Shanxin spoke up. "I'm a Spirit Douluo with the fastest spirit. I can help."

"We'll go too," Zhu Zhuqing and Shu Jiaxiang added. "We're agility attack systems. We can contribute as well."

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang shared a look. Finally, the teacher said, "Alright, but take Erlong with you. I'll feel better if she goes along."

The others nodded and prepared to depart from Liuying Gorge. Ru Shenqi bit her lip. Seeing this, Gu Xingyun wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Everything alright? What is it?"

She just shook her head. "It's not just the supply route we need to halt. It's the reinforcements from Spirit City."

"Xiao Shen, what are you thinking?" Flender asked.

She summoned a conch to her hand, a playful smirk tugging on the corner of her mouth. "With one call, I can mobilize the Lightning Guards commanded by Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin in Spirit City. They should be strong enough now to take out many of Spirit Empire's underlings there. Even some Bishops. Especially since the Elders and Flamens are all here at Liuying Gorge."

Xue Beng said, "Since they're already there, let them do some damage. Even if it only breaks Spirit Empire's pride for a bit, it's still a blow to them."

Ru Shenqi turned towards Yu Xiaogang, "Grandmaster, they're your nephews and the few surviving descendants of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. I understand if you don't want to get them involved. So, it's your decision."

"They came through for us by alerting us to the Angel Troops' movements back during the War at Jialing Pass. Perhaps they can do the same this time. Give them a call, Xiao Shen."

She nodded and summoned a conch. Raising it to her lips, she called, "Senior Yu Tianheng? Senior Yu Tianheng?"

After a few moments, there came a reply, "Xiao Shen?"

"Senior, I'd like to ask a favor."

"I'm sorry, Xiao Shen, but I can't talk long. We were ambushed by Spirit Empire's troops. Tianxin is leading the others is a bloody battle."

Her eyes blazed. "Then, my friends and I will come help. We'll be there shortly."

She hung up and turned towards Gu Xingyun, Fang Youyou, Liao Suyin, and Ming Yong.

Liao Suyin said, "Xiao Shen, we'll follow you wherever you go."

"Alright. Then, let's get to Spirit City."

Ru Shenqi waved her arm and teleported all of them away from Liuying Gorge. When they reappeared in the capital of Spirit Empire, they immediately saw the burning flames of destruction. Fury lit in her gaze.

"Spread out," she commanded.

Her friends nodded and shot off to find the Lightning Guard. She rose up into the air and proclaimed, "Darkness clouds the sky. Misery clouds the mind. Realm of Sorrowful Souls!"

Her divine domain spread out over the entirety of Spirit City. Upon sensing a tyrannical force, spirit masters on both sides whipped around, trying to find the source of the power. Just then, she summoned her black jade flute to her hand.

"Sixth divine skill, Requiem of Souls!"

Her mournful tune washed over the land. Soon, everyone lost their intent to kill. Weapons dropped and spirit skills ceased. Instead, they were overcome by waves of grief. Ru Shenqi floated through the city easily, searching for the two cousins. When she finally found them, they were both greatly wounded, but Yu Tianxin was worse for wear. She summoned her friends, and they came running over.

"Xiao Shen, you just quelled the battle in Spirit City entirely on your own!"

"The strength of a Quasi-God King cannot be matched by mortals," she replied evenly. "Especially weak ones such as these soldiers here. If it were the Golden Generation or the Elders and Flamens of Spirit Empire, then it might be a different story. But alas, they're all at Liuying Gorge and not here."

Yu Tianheng bowed to her respectfully. "Xiao Shen, I cannot thank you enough. The Lightning Guards can live another day thanks to you."

"And I must thank you as well, Senior. Your Lightning Guards have taken care of a lot of Spirit Empire's reinforcements. As such, they won't be able to go and help out at Liuying Gorge."

He nodded in understanding. "You're cutting them off. A battle can only be won with resources and manpower. Once you strip Supreme Pontiff Hu Liena of these, it'll only be a matter if time before Spirit Empire loses the war once again."

She beamed. "That's right. And hopefully, this time they'll be eradicated once and for all."

"Then, don't worry. We'll take care of the rest of Spirit Empire's troops here. After all, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon is still the top beast spirit. We can do some heavy damage."

That suddenly gave Ru Shenqi an idea. A mischievous grin spread across her lips.

That's it! Show Spirit Empire the power of lightning!

"Xiao Shen?" Fang Youyou asked, mildly concerned. "What with that smile on your face?"

"I'm going to bring the Lei Ting branch spirit masters here. They can help support the top beast spirit with more lightning."

She created a portal and stepped through. Within a few minutes, she returned with Lei Tian(1) and other spirit masters with lightning-oriented spirits. Upon seeing the two Yu cousins, they all bowed respectfully. Yu Tianheng waved it off.

"Xiao Shen, this is good. Thank you."

"Of course. If you can help stop the provision of reinforcements, we can feel more relieved at Liuying Gorge."

"We'll do our best."

"If you have any issues, Senior, just use the conch to contact me. Otherwise, we'll be leaving then."

Ru Shenqi teleported herself and her friends back to Liuying Gorge. Once they were back, Tang San and Yu Xiaogang ran over to them.

"Xiao Shen, how is it?"

"They're injured, but they're alright. Don't worry, Grandmaster. I've provided the Lightning Guards with some extra help from the Lei Ting branch of the School of Four Elements. They should be able to take care of things in Spirit City now, especially after so many Spirit Empire soldiers and lower ranked spirit masters have died."

Tang San breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good."

"Is there any news back from the team who went after the supply route?"

Yu Xiaogang shook his head. "They'll be a few days. For now, we just need to plan. I doubt Hu Liena will attack us until she understands what your divine skills can do. And since she'll find nothing in any of Spirit Empire's records, then she'll probably make a move within the week."

"Then should we prepare a defense or an offense?"

Gu Xingyun frowned. "Xiao Shen, what do you have in mind?"

"I have an idea, but I'm going to need some help from the Medicine Hall disciples and from Elder Yang."

Tang San stepped forward. "Xiao Shen, what do you intend to have them do?"

"There's a spring hidden at the bottom of Liuying Gorge. But it's blocked and in underground, about where we're standing. I heard it gushing back when Sect Leader and Laoshi fought Hu Liena in the gorge. If Elder Yang and his disciples can break through to the spring, we can flood the bottom of Liuying Gorge. Sect Leader is the Sea God. That'll immensely help our attack prowess. Plus, I think it's about time the Ocean spirit masters took revenge on Spirit Empire for burning Vast Sea City."

Realizing her goal, Ming Yong gasped, "Xiao Shen, you want to bring over the Ocean spirit masters?"

She nodded. "Headmaster Bing and Teacher Can are strong. Plus, the Five Terrors are powerful in their own right; they were just overshadowed by our brilliance. But do you remember our Fourth Trial? The Ocean spirit masters fought so hard to defend their home. If we can use them as extra manpower, they can draw on the water from the spring to be able to fight with us here. And under Sect Leader's Light of the God of the Ocean, their power will be almost as strong as it'd be if they were out on open waters."

Gu Xingyun asked softly, "What about your Golden Scepter and the Power of the Ocean?"

She smirked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Looking for this?"

Ru Shenqi summoned her weapon and called on the Power of Haishen Hall to bring some rain to Liuying Gorge. The others gaped at her. She shrugged.

"What? Sect Leader came back with all of his godly powers and original spirit skills. Why can't I come back with the Power of the Ocean and the Power of Haishen Hall? I am, after all, still the Head Flamen of Haishen Island."


1. He was a student of Lei Ting with the spirit of Thunder Hawk. He was the one who fought Xiao Wu but didn't injure her