The following day I woke up very early and with a big smile on my face, I was obviously very happy and excited. I looked by my left side but to my surprise, senior Vivian was not on her bed, " Hmn, where could she be? " I thought, wherever she was it's none of my business but I just hope she didn't sneak out of hostel because then it would be part of my business." then I started thinking, " Wait, does she even sneak out of hostel? And if she does, what would she be doing, hanging with boys, clubbing, no she wouldn't be clubbing there are no clubs around the school except they ( she and her comerades) created one for themselves, but then what would she or what would they be doing off hostel? Because she possibly could not sneak out just by herself, well,whatever, that is her problem."

I got down from my bed and proceeded towards the bathroom- all twin rooms and single rooms at Rosebud had private toilets, that is in every twin or single there was a toilet, that meant that I and and senior Vivian had a toilet which also serves as a bathroom for ourselves alone. So as I got to the entrance of the bathroom, I held the door knob so I can open the door but the door didn't open, " What is wrong? " I muttered. I bent my head to look at the door knob and then held it and pulled it down again, still it did not open, " Oh oh, what is going on here? " I said aloud. I hit my left shoulder against the door as if trying to force it open, I did it again then it became fun and I turned it to play and was saying, " Open,door open, open , door open...," it got to a point that I was singing with the words "Open, door open."I was enjoying it until the door was forcefully opened and I fell heavily at the opening of the door, " Oh my ! " I groaned. It sure was a very heavy fall and then it hurt a lot. I managed to sit up, I stretched my legs and while I was doing that, I noticed some blood on my left hand, what? Blood? " Was the fall so great that I'm now bleeding? " Well to be sincere, with the way I fell, it was enough for me to get fractured bone or even bones. So I tried to locate where exactly was bleeding on my leg but I could not find any, " Is this playing? " I asked myself still confused looking and cross checking my hand for traces of any bruises. I found none and wondered where the blood came from. I looked behind me, where I fell before I sat up and to my greatest shock I saw senior Vivian on the floor soaked in blood, the blood was coming from her, I quickly bent and sat her up, oh gosh, her head was bleeding, she was even almost unconscious, she wanted to say something but I shut her up her wellbeing was the priority at that time, without wasting any time I picked a towel and padded her head with it, I looked out through the window and it was still dark, remember, I woke up very early that day, around 4:07 am, students at Rosebud were scheduled to wake up by 5 am and I heard there was even an alarm that sounded by 5 am every morning to wake students, the alarm had not sounded yet which meant most students would still be asleep. What to do at that time I wasn't really sure, how was I going to get help without making much noise, if I shouted for help, the room might end up being filled with crowd of students that would have no help to offer. Don't even mention going to the school clinic, it's totally out of the hostel and the hostel gate wasn't even open yet and plus, I could not take her out on my own I would need a staff to be with me if I wanted to take her to the clinic. The only thing I could do now was to call the hostel emergency nurse, that meant I would have to leave our room and go to the nurse's room to call her for help, but it would not be okay to leave her ( senior Vivian ) alone. I looked at her very sorry for her, suddenly, I remembered we had a first aid kit and quickly I went to get it, I took hydrogen peroxide and cotton wool, removed the towel I used to pad her head, the bleeding had stopped, then I applied the hydrogen peroxide on the wound to clean the blood and to stop further bleeding. I carried her from the bathroom to the room and laid her on her bed. I wrapped another towel around her head. I checked the time and it was 4:39, " Okay, few minutes to morning alarm. " I said. I went out of the room and knocked the door of the next room to ours to see if the occupants were up, luckily for me, someone answered, it turned out to be one of the new students in my class, " Oh thank God! " I exclaimed, " Hello, good morning, hope no problem? " She asked. " Well please, I need you to stay with senior Vivian, she hurt her head and I managed to stop her bleeding right now, I need to get the hostel emergency nurse to come to her aid but I don't want her to be alone, you know, anything could happen. So please can you help me stay with her while I go call the hostel nurse. " I pleaded. " It's no problem. " She replied and I led her into the room and went out immediately to call the nurse. I ran as fast as I could and I was very lucky to get to her room on time, she was just about to go for her morning exercise. " Hello young lady, what are you doing here so early? " She said.

I quickly replied her, panting, " It's you I'm looking for ma'am, there's an emergency in my room, my roommate sustained an injury on her head and she was bleeding, I managed to stop the bleeding but a professional hand is needed."

" Okay wait here let me get my things."

She went back inside her room, by this time the lights were on already and the alarm had sounded. Now you might be wondering how I was able to see when lights were off, well it's a simple matter: one thing about Rosebud's hostel is that the special rooms- single and twin room, had access to more luxury like; space, personal toilet which also served as bathroom, twenty four hours light, air conditioner instead of ceiling fan, extra bedsheets and blankets, soft pillow and case, bed instead of bunk and many more,so that was why I was able to see senior Vivian in her predicament.

Now don't think it's cheating or partiality, it's neither because students in special rooms paid for the luxury they enjoyed. The nurse came out of her her room carrying what she called her things. We headed towards the hostel, as we were going, she asked me several questions about senior Vivian, what caused the bleeding, how I was able to stop the bleeding and many more, I answered all her questions, she later asked if I wanted to be a doctor in the future, of course no was my reply, even in my dreams I would never want to be a doctor, not that it's bad oo, but I was just not made for it. We got to the room and she went straight to where senior Vivian was to attend to her. I went to the girl and said, " Thank You so much for staying with senior Vivian."

"You are welcome, Angel right?." She replied, then it dawned on me that I didn't know her name, and then quickly I said, though it sounded more like a question, " Your name is."

" Tooke." She answered, " Tooke Adelana."

"Oh it's nice meeting you Tooke, thank you once again."

"It's my pleasure, please if you don't mind, I'll be going to my room right now to get ready for the day."

"Oh no, I don't mind at all, thank you so much. "

"Okay then, see you later."

"Alright, later, byee, see yoou." I waved my hand as she left for her hostel.

I turned around to see the nurse, and I realized that senior Vivian had regained consciousness, when I left her with the girl, Tooke, it seemed as if her eyes were gradually closing, if it were any normal situation, I would have said she was sleeping, but since she hit her head, then I'd prefer to say she was loosing consciousness, that fitted the situation best. I went to where she was laying and asked, " What happened senior Vivian, how did you end up in that situation I found you in earlier?" I was about to ask another when the nurse shushed me up saying senior Vivian needed rest and quiet, she also said she had contacted the school emergency number and they'd be there to take her to the clinic so till then I should try my best as possible to be silent. I sat down thinking about how Googles would feel when she heard this, she sure would feel really excited, senior vera would receive punishment today while senior Vivian would be admitted in the clinic, she would probably say: " Wow Angel, all things are working together for good for you. "

The emergency people came and took senior Vivian away, I checked the time and jumped up almost immediately, it was 5:45, I had to be in the dining hall by six fifteen for breakfast, if you're late even for a minute, you wou have to wave goodbye to your breakfast automatically. Quickly, I rushed to the bathroom, had a quick bath, dressed up for school hastily and dashed out of the room almost forgetting to lock up. I got to the dining early all thanks to God, I located the table I used to sit at with Googles and slimzy while we were still in the junior level, Googles was there already waiting for me, as soon as she saw me, she rushed to give me an hug, she said, " It's our first breakfast in Rosebud so I was not sure if you'd still want to sit here, I was hoping you'd come anyway and you did, I love you."

"Okay no good morning?" I teased her, she glared at me and said, "You should be given a special medal with the tag, best in breaking people's heart or hurting people's feelings or cracking joke in a serious situation," she hissed and continued, " I wonder how you are so brilliant when you have this kind of personality, anyways you are Angel. Hope you've not forgotten what's happening today oo." As if I didn't know what was happening, I looked at her and asked, " What's happening, is there a special occasion?" She looked at me and shouted "Angeeel." Oh my she caught me, we both laugh out loud, I greeted her properly and she did the same, we settled for breakfast and we awaited the great happening of the day.