Shadowpaw's Request

Bump bump.

Beneath the pulsating lights of the Vamp Club, the rhythmic throb of the bass reverberating through the air, I stood alone.

The city's heartbeat echoed the anticipation that surged within me.

Bump bump.

My eyes navigated the chaotic scene, desperately searching for Lucius amid the pulsating beats and cascading blood. The crimson rain fell, drenching the euphoric club-goers as they reveled in the music. Droplets of blood trickled from the edges of my jacket's hood, and within those crimson-stained lines, I glimpsed the familiar gaze of Lucius. His cold, red eyes pierced through the crowd like cold icicles, locking onto mine. He wore a black trench coat, and a skeletal mask obscured his lower face, a mimicry of my Curse—a symbol that had become synonymous with the "Kaizer Project." With dyed black hair cropped short, his stoic expression remained unwavering as our eyes locked in silent understanding.

I traced the outskirts of the pulsating club, weaving through lounging Vampires and entwined bodies lost in passionate embraces. As I reached the outer wall, there stood Lucius. Amid the ambient sounds of clinking glasses and murmurs, he met my gaze and asked with genuine concern, "How are you feeling?"

"As always, Lucius. I have become used to the pain," I said, my words filtering through the metallic mask like a ghostly echo.

Lucius nodded knowingly. "I had a talk with Shadowpaw. He made it clear, 'Nothing comes without a price, and what you're asking for carries a particularly high risk.' The sum he's asking for is downright ridiculous."

"Just get to the point," I urged.

Lucius, visibly taken aback, nodded hesitantly. "He's asking... for your memories. A copy of them, I mean."

My heart quickened. "What does he want with my memories?"

Lucius ran his hand through his hair, trailing it to the back of his neck. "Hell if I know. He said something about a study he wants to do about Curses."

I shook my head. The idea of someone probing into the depths of my memories, especially the pain I endured, was unsettling. 

But no price was too high if it meant getting closer to Kaizer.

"Fine. So how does he expect me to just hand over a 'copy' of my memories?"

Lucius's eyes remained locked onto mine. "He said not to worry about that part. Just said to come meet him. I swear, I hate how secretive that guy is."

I paused for a moment, contemplating the risk of meeting Shadowpaw while the city was still awake. Lucius, as if reading my mind, said, "Are you gonna wait until it's late?" I thought for a moment. Shadowpaw's home was in the ghetto of New Sanguine City, an area known as "The Bend." They say it was called that because of the way vehicles would always come bending around the corners of the streets, due to the frequent car chases and LifeSustain Healthcare calls.

With the heightened intensity and paranoia in that area, I might be singled out, and the people of the community did not take kindly to Noble Vampires or outsiders at all. But I couldn't wait. "No, I'm in a hurry. Let's just get this over with. We're close; I can feel it."

I pivoted and strode towards the club's exit, head bowed low. The red radiance of the Exit sign pierced through the top of my hood as Lucius and I stepped out onto the sidewalk, greeted by the vibrant lights and ceaseless energy of New Sanguine City, the Vampire Society's creation of blood, electricity, and metal.

Electric vehicles zipped across the street before me, while the subtle notes of blood and pollution mingled in the air. In the distance, Hundred Tower, my mother's residence, loomed. Every glimpse of that tower stoked a profound rage within my chest.

I pressed a button on my car key, calling forth my vehicle, stationed just around the corner. My Sedona S1, a chill charcoal-gray ride, rolled up. It glided into view with a serene hum, coming to a stop before me.

It's nothing fancy, just your average car blending in with the city vibes. Affordable and low-key—perfect for slipping through the streets without turning heads. However, this car was all tricked out, giving me the freedom to navigate the city without any Big Brother restrictions. I settled into the seat and tossed my words to the car's AI, "System, Shadowpaw's. You know the drill. Solo ride this time."

The mechanical voice chirped, "Got it. En route to Shadowpaw's place." The subtle click of locked doors marked the beginning of my journey. 

In the rearview mirror, Lucius, still standing on the sidewalk, blurred into the distance.