Who Let the Vamps Out?

Lucius gathered the team around the table, the blueprints for The Barrier spread out before us like a puzzle waiting to be solved. His voice was low, a conspiratorial tone that matched the gravity of their mission.

"Darcia, welcome to the Kaizer Project. As you know, our goal is to break through The Barrier and bring Kaizer back. We've already made significant strides, thanks to Shadowpaw and our friends, Rashon and Barry, an Elephas and a Selkie who also knew Kaizer."

He pointed to the blueprints. "This is a copy of The Barrier's blueprints, courtesy of Barry. These are the key to understanding The Barrier's workings. Shadowpaw is working on a device that can counteract its mechanisms, but he needs something critical for the final phase. Best Blood."

I furrowed my brows. "Best Blood? Why would Shadowpaw need that?"

Lucius nodded. "He believes it's the missing piece, a substance that can disrupt the magical properties of The Barrier. We've learned that it operates by a mixture of technology and Blood Magic. It's funny to think that we didn't even realize until recently that Blood Technology's been around all this time. But acquiring the Best Blood won't be easy. We need to infiltrate Best Blood Corp.'s heavily guarded facility and steal 15 containers of raw, un-augmented, unprocessed Best Blood."

Zachary, the red-headed Mix-blood Vampire, raised an eyebrow. "That's the most secure place in the city, aside from Hundred Tower. How are we supposed to pull this off?"

Lucius smirked. "That's where each of you come in. We need a plan, and we need it to be flawless. Ideas?"

Iris, the silver-haired Vampiress, leaned forward, her cherry-hued eyes darting across the blueprints, though she wasn't reading them. "We should go over the details of the building's security first. The main challenge is getting past their magical defenses. The building is surrounded by magical wards and shields that detect unauthorized magical activity. Anyone attempting to use magic without the proper identification is immediately detected. And to prevent intruders from using Deception Magic to disguise themselves, the facility has spells that can pierce through illusions and reveal the true forms of individuals. The building is also enchanted to resist teleportation spells."

Iris continued, "There are also various alarms placed throughout the building, triggered by specific magical signatures or disturbances. And there's animated, magical constructs that patrol certain areas of the facility. Guardians, we call them, but we should be able to avoid them entirely, as long as we get the containers during early business hours, since the Guardians are usually still being charged for use at that time. The building's also shielded against scrying spells, making it difficult for outside sources to get a look at the interior through magical means. The floors and walls are inscribed with runes that can detect footsteps or movements inconsistent with normal operations, so when we get in, we need to walk at a steady pace, and we need to get the containers at a time when it's normal for them to be taken out. And on top of all that, the doors and all critical access points are secured with magical locks and barriers, making unauthorized entry challenging, even for skilled magic users."

"Damn, they really thought of everything," Zachary said, scratching his head, annoyance in his tone.

"No, not everything," Lucius replied with a smirk, holding up a small metal bracelet-like charm for the group to see. Its surface gleamed with a faint iridescence, and intricate runes were engraved along its circumference.

Isyra smirked, her slitted, reptilian eyes unblinking. "Ooh, pretty. What's that, Lucius?"

Lucius grinned. "Shadowpaw has kindly provided us with these Anti-Detection Charms. We can use Deception Magic to walk around the building freely, but we'll need to be wearing these charms to do it. He's also given us enchanted communication devices, so that we can communicate in real-time without saying a word." 

Lucius presented the enchanted communication device with a confident flourish. The small, discreet gadget was designed to be worn behind the ear, reminiscent of a hearing aid. It gleamed with a subtle magical glow.

"This," Lucius announced, holding up the device, "is one of Shadowpaw's greatest creations, I reckon. Just tuck it behind your ear, and voilà – instant connection. No need for words, just thoughts. Shadowpaw really outdid himself with these." 

As he passed them around, each member inspected the enchanted device.

Lucius continued. "And we'll also need access codes, a layout of the facility with the location of the containers marked down, and a distraction to divert their attention. Zachary, think you can hack into their main system?"

Zachary cracked his knuckles. "Leave it to me. I'll have access codes and floor plans by tomorrow. I just need Iris's help. She works there, it should be easy for her to draw up a layout."

Iris nodded dutifully. "Piece of cake. Consider it done. I'll even make a list of the guard patrol schedules while I'm at it."

Lucius nodded. "Perfect. Once we have everything in place, we strike. When the mission's accomplished, we'll rendezvous with Shadowpaw at his workshop in The Red Desert and finalize the device. For now, Darcia, Isyra, and I are gonna go out for a ride along to scope out the building's perimeter for any 'easy' entry points. Even if we are able to use illusions, I'd much rather enter the building discreetly than try to be ballsy."

I couldn't help but look at Lucius and think to myself, 'Wow, he's really grown into quite the leader.'

Iris rose from her seat, effortlessly slipping into her black jacket. "You got it, Boss." Turning to me, she extended her hand. "Again, Darcia, it's great to have you with us."

For some reason, I felt like she was being two-faced. It's not that I felt like I couldn't trust her, but I sensed something like jealousy in the way she talked to me, looked at me.

I shook her hand, a humble smile on my face. "Of course. Happy to be here."

Zachary gave me a friendly pat on the back, his crimson eyes shining with respect. "Don't you worry, Darcia, we'll have your husband back in no time!"

I chuckled. "Thank you, Zachary." The duo exited the house.

Lucius glanced at Isyra and me, then did a double-take on me. "Hey, you know what... that's a good idea. We should all wear masks, just in case!"

Isyra nodded. "Yeah, I think that's a good idea. That way, if anything does happen, or even if some pedestrians see us in our normal forms, no one will be able to tell our faces."

We followed Lucius as he walked to the front doors. "I know a guy who makes masks, he'll hook us up. We'll stop by his shop after looking at the Best Blood building."

Suddenly, the black void of darkness returned, and Shadowpaw stood in front of me again, smirking. For once, he didn't have his hood up.

"We still doing this?" I said. "You saw how I got my Curse and everything, so what more do you need from my memories?"

Shadowpaw made a mock sad-face, dropping his dog ears downward. "Aww, but we were just getting to the good part. Can't I enjoy the show?"

I scoffed, crossing my arms. "Shadowpaw."

Shadowpaw sighed, giving up his act. "I admit, I am curious about what you saw inside the Best Blood building. There is more I want to learn from your memories, if you don't mind."

I hesitated for a moment, considering the potential risks. "Fine, but make it quick. I don't want to spend more time in that place than necessary."

Shadowpaw grinned, his canine teeth showing. "Deal." He touched his paw to my forehead, and once again, I was enveloped in the darkness of my memories.

Under the cover of night, the group was gathered inside Lucius's car, skeletal masks and Anti-Detection Charms on. In the city's dim glow, we activated our enchanted communication devices, forming a silent pact. Zachary, in the driver's seat, kept his focus on the computer, skillfully hacking into the security cameras.

As Iris casted a Deception Spell on us, our disguises took shape, and the masks transformed into the faces of Best Blood employees. The magical illusion shimmered, signaling the start of our covert mission. Lucius, now a technician, led the way, followed by Isyra, a maintenance worker, and myself, a research assistant.

The three of us snuck around the building to a maintenance hatch we'd spotted the day before, while Iris strolled right up to the front of the building without a disguise at all. She sparked up a conversation with her associates, a friendly smile on her face, making sure to stand close in front of them to obscure their awareness; the last thing we needed was for them to look over and see us sneaking across the lot. It seemed to be working, because we successfully neared the maintenance hatch, and Lucius, Isyra, and I entered seamlessly, blending into the corporate routine. The hum of machinery and distant chatter filled the air.

Lucius relayed the message through our communication devices. "We're in, Iris."

Iris's voice echoed in our minds, "Alright, great. No one suspects anything. I'm going inside, and I'll be coming around to meet you guys. Meet me at the main elevator on the first floor; it should have a cartoony Vampire caricature in front of it, holding up a bottle of Best Blood pills."

We followed Isyra's lead, blending seamlessly with the other Best Blood employees bustling about. The skeletal masks concealed our identities, and we moved with purpose, avoiding any unnecessary attention. The rhythmic hum of machinery filled the air as we walked through the sterile corridors, shadows dancing across the gleaming floor.

As we approached the main elevator, adorned with a whimsical Vampire caricature, anticipation coursed through my veins. The mission was unfolding according to plan so far, but the true challenge lay ahead – extracting the precious cargo without triggering any alarms.

Iris approached, her demeanor professional as if she were just another employee on her daily routine. She pressed the elevator button, and the doors slid open. The four of us stepped inside, and Iris navigated the elevator's digital screen, selecting '3B.' A prompt illuminated the screen: 'Level 3 Employee Access Only, Please Enter Access Code.' Iris, a Level 1 employee, faced a dilemma.

"Zachary, I need that access code," Iris said impatiently.

Zachary's voice responded in our minds, "47698." Iris punched in the code, and the elevator began its ascent to the building's restricted third floor. Tension lingered in the confined space as we waited for the doors to open. It felt like the whole world was holding its breath.

Suddenly, Zachary's voice burst through, speaking urgently, "Oh shit, wait, wait, there's someone coming from the third floor! They're waiting outside the elevator!"

Iris rolled her eyes, and Lucius let out a chuckle as he ran his hand down his face in disbelief, shaking his head.

Isyra's voice echoed in our minds, "It's alriiight, everybody just act natural. We're here for maintenance."

We exchanged glances, adjusting our postures to exude an air of professionalism despite the subtle tension in the air. The elevator dinged, announcing our arrival on the third floor. The elevator doors parted, revealing a maintenance worker – a Necessary, who, for a moment, seemed more perplexed than a bat in daylight. Clutching a mop that appeared as confused as he did, he eyed us with a mix of surprise and suspicion.

"Hey there, what's going on?" he inquired, his voice carrying a note of puzzled curiosity.

Lucius, wearing a grin that could charm even the most vigilant guard, stepped forward. "Maintenance duty, my friend. You know how it is – pipes, blood, the usual Vampire plumbing issues."

Isyra, ever the quick thinker, chimed in, "Blood pipes can be tricky. Sometimes they need a little... unclogging."

The maintenance worker squinted, caught off guard. "Blood pipes? We don't have—"

"Oh, it's over there. In the, uh, blood room." I gestured vaguely. I know... I sounded so stupid.

A perplexed silence hung in the air as the maintenance worker processed the absurdity of the situation. Iris stepped out of the elevator with a composed demeanor, her head held high.

"You don't do a good enough job, so I hired them. They're just here to fix... things," she declared, giving the maintenance worker a cold glare. "Things you can't fix, Necessary."

The maintenance worker, now thoroughly bewildered and offended, finally nodded in reluctant acceptance. "Oh yeah? Alright. I quit." He threw his mop and bucket down and stepped inside the elevator, his face reddening with rage.

As the elevator doors mercifully closed, the maintenance worker was left staring after us. Lucius erupted into laughter, and Isyra couldn't suppress a smile. I admit, I let out a little chuckle too.

Lucius, trying to keep his voice down, talked through a grin as we walked further down the hall of floor 3B, "Damn, Iris, that was kinda harsh, don't you think? You made the poor guy quit. I mean, kudos for your improvisation, that was hilarious."

Iris smiled proudly, shrugging. "What can I say? I'm a Vampire."

Lucius couldn't resist adding with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, "Guess we're not just breaking into Best Blood; we're breaking hearts too."

Iris and Isyra chuckled, and I couldn't help but grin at Lucius's cheeky sense of humor.

"I guess you could say it was a Necessary evil," I quipped.

Lucius and Isyra let out a laugh, and Iris rolled her eyes. 

"Good one, Darcy," said Lucius.

Zachary's voice resonated in our minds, "Guys, I just witnessed that entire exchange through the security cameras, and I gotta say, the second-hand embarrassment I feel is brutal."

Isyra couldn't hold back a laugh, and even Lucius cracked a smile. I thought I heard a soft chuckle from Iris.

"Sorry, Zachary, we'll try to keep the embarrassment levels down," Lucius replied, suppressing his laughter.

Zachary's voice chimed in, "Well, you're not off to a great start, but I'll give you a passing grade for entertainment value. Now, let's focus on the mission."

We reached the storage room where the Best Blood containers were stashed. The sign on the door read, 'Authorized Personnel Only.' Looking around to ensure no one was watching, Zachary's voice reassured us, "You're good, just go in."

Iris punched in the familiar code, and the door clicked open. The four of us entered with caution. Iris flicked the light switch, unveiling a room crammed with hundreds of foot-long, cylindrical containers of Best Blood, systematically arranged on shelves and stored in crates.

Lucius's directive echoed in the room, "Alright, in and out, each of us grab about 4."

We swiftly moved into action, grabbing the designated number of Best Blood containers. The room, bathed in the eerie glow of the overhead lights, became a hasty symphony of movements as we loaded up on the coveted resource. I could feel the weight of the containers in my hands, and the anticipation of our success mixed with a lingering sense of anxiety. The Best Blood, a pulsating symbol of power and change, was now within our grasp; raw, and very illegal.

We carefully stowed the containers in a tote we had got from the Subterranean Bazaar, a seemingly ordinary bag that held the extraordinary ability to hold an unlimited number of items, much like the one Kaizer used to carry his belongings. As the containers vanished into the depths of the enchanted bag, I marveled at the convenience it offered.

Once the containers were securely concealed, we exchanged glances, a silent acknowledgment of the remarkable feat we had just achieved. With the tote slung over Lucius's shoulder, we resumed our facade of nonchalance, ready to carry out the final stretch of our venture.

As we prepared to leave the room, Iris, always the pragmatic strategist, suggested, "Remember, we need to maintain the illusion. Act natural, like we're supposed to be here."

Lucius gave a nod of agreement, his Vampire eyes glinting with determination. "Stay sharp, everyone. We're not out of the woods yet."

With our illusory disguises intact and our spoils in hand, we made our way back to the elevator, hoping that the exit would be as smooth as our entrance. The plan had unfolded flawlessly so far, but the real test lay in the moments to come. However, all that tension that gripped us moments ago dissipated as we retreated through the maintenance hatch, back into the warm atmosphere of New Sanguine City. 

As we reached Lucius's car, Zachary greeted us with unrestrained enthusiasm. "WOO-HOO!" His exclamation echoed through the car, followed by shouts of "Yeah!" from Isyra and a triumphant "Right on!" from Lucius.

Iris, as cool as ever, remarked, "Like I said, piece of cake." She nudged me playfully, winking.

I couldn't help but laugh. "We did it!"

The stolen Best Blood containers sat securely in our tote, evidence of our successful heist. With the car engine humming, and the radio blaring "Who Let the Vamps Out?", we sped away from the Best Blood Corp. building, leaving the scene of our victory behind.