The Disruptor

[Asher's Perspective]

In my dimly lit living room, I eyed the Chrono-Disruptor, its crimson glow casting an eerie ambiance. Celeste, my dark fairy roommate, perched on my shoulder, her palms resting on my black shirt. We had just finished dinner. I was in sweatpants, just about to go to bed.

"Keeping that thing seems risky, Ash," Celeste said, her tiny voice laced with concern. "Isn't it illegal to keep evidence?"

I smirked, twirling the device between my fingers. "Risky's my middle name. This gadget might come in handy."

Celeste's luminescent eyes fixated on it. "What's the plan? Play hero or sell it?"

"Maybe both. Depends on the offer," I replied, contemplating possibilities.

As we discussed, a holographic news broadcast flickered to life, detailing the chaos caused by the frozen time incident. Plenty of traffic accidents, aircraft crashes, and freak accidents. Excitement danced in my eyes.

"Their little escapade is making waves," I mused, the grin on my face widening. "Hah… I bet they'd be shitting bricks if they knew I had this in my hands right now, whatever the hell it is."

Celeste sighed, her wings fluttering nervously. "Ash, you're playing with fire. I just know it. That thing looks way too… it doesn't even look like it's from this planet!"

Adapting, I focused on the holographic display. "In this city, you adapt or get left behind. I don't plan on being left behind. This is highly advanced technology, Celeste. Perhaps even… divine technology."

The Chrono-Disruptor pulsed softly, responding to my determination.

The device's interface flashed: "New User Detected. Enter User Name:

"What's this?" I grumbled, a hint of trepidation creeping in. "Asking for my username, now?"

I inputted "Asher."

A fresh interface appeared, revealing a user guide. I delved into it, absorbing every detail.

"Oh, Celeste, this is monumental," I murmured, eyes widening. "A teleportation device to other dimensions!"

Euphoria seized me, prompting a jubilant dance around the living room. Financial worries evaporated – pure elation.

"Celeste, do you realize? I can fetch a billion Bluds for this!" I erupted into laughter.

Suspicion clouded Celeste's gaze. "Who's the other user?"

"What?" I examined the screen, noting an option to change the signed-in user.

"Darcia," I read aloud. "The girl with the mask, the queen's daughter. Remember what I said this morning, Celeste?"

Eyebrows raised, Celeste retorted, "You said a lot this morning, Asher."

"You know what I mean. Feeling entangled in something bigger."

"Oh yeah…" Celeste nodded. "Feeling that again?"

Grinning, I lifted the Chrono-Disruptor's glow to my face.

"Yeah. Everything just shifted."