
[Darcia's Perspective]

"You never had to save me, Darcia."

I recognize that voice… Kaizer?

"There is no saving me…"

"Please come to me, Kaizer!"

Darkness enveloped me, and the eyes of my mother peered past an upturned nose, her scowl disturbing.


I woke up startled, yet again, sitting up immediately. Another weird dream. We were still under the bridge, and everyone had fallen asleep because we all decided that we should try giving Kaizer some time before we go all Kaizer Project on the situation.

"Maybe this is all stupid…" I thought, resting my arm on my forehead. "Maybe this was all just Lucius's made up plan. The 'Kaizer Project?' Heh, yeah, well we see how that turned out."

My eyes fixated on the stalactites lighting up the ceiling of Sanguine, like faint stars. The light pollution from the city made them seem not as bright, but they still emitted their warmth. The sounds of the bustling traffic above us reached my ears. I let out a long sigh.

Maybe I need to just… let him go…

I can't do that, though. Regardless, I have to take him to Alessia in 30 days, otherwise we all die. Ugh, this is gonna be one long month.

So… this is it? I must live an eternity in a constant state of weakness, without him?

I have to… let him go…? It's not fair.

My Curse… was born from my pain. Born from my emotional anguish. It won't allow me to eat, because I refused to feed. I was so torn up… I wanted to end my own life.

I did this to myself. I'm aware of that.

I bet everyone else is aware of that too.

I bet they all blame me for it. I blame myself for it.

Kaizer… I don't blame you for leaving this place. The world I'm from is not meant for such a kind-hearted person as you.


I moved my eyes to see Isyra had awakened as well. And also saw Zachary trying to cuddle Iris, but she kept kicking him, yet both of them were asleep. She slithered up next to my spot and relaxed.

"Hey, Isyra." I said softly. "How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks." She gave a toothy smile, and her snake tail coiled around herself, as if she was using it as a blanket. "However, I miss sleeping on Lucius's couch…"

I smirked and whispered, "Yeah, that was a comfy couch." We both smiled, trying to keep a straight face and not wake the others.

"Lucius was kind of ugly anyway, don't you think?" Isyra whispered. "Figures he'd do something so lame."

"For a Vampire… yeah, he was pretty basic. I know a Human would probably think he's a god, though."

Isyra nodded. "True. All you Vampires are real lookers, no matter how old you get."

"I don't mean anything by this, but Lucius is no where near as attractive as Kaizer. And to see how much Kaizer's grown… whew. If I were a Human…"

I stopped myself from punching Isyra in the face, internally holding my composure. She's just a snake woman. I fake laughed, a little too loud. "Yeah, cute, isn't he? But can we please stop talking about him? I would like to, just… not right now. I'm going through a lot."

Isyra nodded, closing her eyes, coiling up and resting her snake head down. "I understand. I'm going to get more rest. Love you, Darcy."

I smiled. "Aww, love you too."

Isyra is such a sweetheart, I thought. It saddens me that she will never be able to even consider finding love. She is the last of her kind. My mother destroyed all her people… I guess I'm not the only one.

Tears came to my eyes, and I tried to stop them.

How could I be the offspring of that?

My own mother, murdering my friends' entire bloodlines.

She's the reason Kaizer doesn't want to be with me. It has to be that.

And what can I do? Say sorry? I have to look people in the eye and talk to them, both of us knowing that my Mother was evil to them or destroyed their life.

I shouldn't feel guilty, but I do.

Why am I thinking about this right now?

When will it all end?

When will her hand over my life be taken away?

My mother's legacy haunts me everywhere I go.

Her Empire will be destroyed.

I will kill her.

Just… not right now. I'd rather not even see her face.

I ended up silently crying myself to sleep. Once again, unconsciousness claimed me and my dreams took me away.

I found myself back in Gertrude's cabin in the Black Forest. Lady Gertrude was alive back then. The room was dark and familiar, candle-lit, with a bed adorned in maroon sheets and elegant embroidery.

"Hey… I remember this room…"

"Haha! Oh, do you now?"

Kaizer appeared before me, his dark eyes dancing with life. The younger Kaizer, at 16, the Kaizer I knew before I lost him. In his Academy uniform, the red and black tie, a black cloak, black pants and boots, he exuded a different energy. His hair was shorter back then, but still just as cute. So much had changed in two years, even the way he carried himself.

"Kaizer… I miss you…"

"I never left, Darcia," he said softly, walking towards me, maintaining eye contact. His gaze, like back then, took my breath away. "I'm always in your heart, right?"

He leaned in closer, whispering in my ear.

"Or was it, I am your heart?"


Before I knew it, he was kissing my neck, tracing a line down to my chin. I gasped, not resisting. Feeling his lips and his body against mine once more was intoxicating. Overwhelmed, I kissed him. The taste of his tongue, blood, and smoke, like burning charcoal, hit my senses.

He pushed me onto the bed, getting on top of me. My eyes met his, and I bit my lip. He smirked, leaning in softly, kissing me, and biting my lip with a swift and light nibble with a fang. His tongue swirled over the trickle of blood.

"You taste sweet," he whispered softly in my ear. "Just like I remember. May I indulge?"

"Y-yes…" I breathed heavily.

Kaizer's tiny fangs elongated, and he bit into my neck, drinking my blood.


Back then, in this room, I had been the dominant one, but this time around… Kaizer was taking full control. He was not acting like it was his first time Blood Bonding.

"Kaizer… mm…"

He stopped biting, coming back to kiss me again, and I melted in his affection.


My eyes snapped open, and I was back on the ramp. Zachary was in front of me, pointing at some kind of object hovering over us. I blinked, sitting up, rubbing my eyes. Everyone else was up too, staring at the weird, black, metal object.

"Darcia! Wake up! What is that? Is that what I think it is? That's a Bloodguard drone, isn't it? Ohh shit, they found us!"

Iris stepped forward and said sternly, "Bloodguard isn't taking any of us — but, just for the record, it's everyone except Darcia and Kaizer that Bloodguard has orders to execute. Darcia is royalty, is she not? You can tell Bloodguard to fuck off, right?"

I sighed, explaining, with little knowledge about modern-day Vampire laws. "Technically… maybe."

"She doesn't even know," Zachary said. "We're doomed!"

"We need to run!" Isyra said, slithering away. Everyone else followed suit, running down the ramp and out from underneath the bridge, away from the Bloodguard drone. We ran on the sidewalk, and I looked around.

"There! That alleyway!" I pointed to a nearby alleyway leading into a network of alleys formed by apartment buildings, and we bolted.

I turned around in my flee, and saw the drone whirr around, flying after us. Above, aircraft swarmed, searchlights shining upon us. Gunmen stood ready to take fire.

"Guys!" Zachary screamed, pointing. "They've got guns!"


Blood-charged bullets hailed on us. Low on magic, I couldn't summon anything to absorb the impact if I got hit. I stayed fast on my feet.

"I've got Blood Magic!" Iris said, running, summoning a bloody arrow. She aimed at the gunmen.


The arrow pierced the gunmen in the neck, and he crumpled and fell out of the Bloodguard aircraft.

"Keep running!" I shouted.

"I'll finish the job," Zachary said, conjuring a blood sniper. He looked through the scope: "I've learned a thing or two from VR games."


The aircraft pilot was hit, spinning out of control, landing on the street and exploding behind us.

Another aircraft flew over us, getting close to the street. The doors opened, and 4 Bloodguard officers jumped out, guns pointed. Cybernetic implants and gear gave them supernatural endurance and precision.

I tried to conjure something, anything to fight, but I was too weak. I had no magical energy. I had to watch as Iris and Zachary fought them off.

Iris threw a blood spear, impaling an officer through his visor. Another officer hit her, and she yelped.

"Ah— fuck, that hurts!"

Zachary, in response, sent shadow tendrils forth, grabbing the officer who shot Iris. He slammed him on the street, blood splattering everywhere. Then, Zachary ripped him in half.

"Two more," Iris said.

They looked over and saw Isyra eating one of the officers, swallowing him whole. The last officer stood frozen, eyes wide in horror.

"What? He was the only one without any implants." Isyra shrugged. "Snake girls get hungry too. I haven't had protein in a while, I was on a diet…"

"Nevermind, one more." Iris corrected, sending forth a shadow tentacle to grab the officer's gun. She aimed and shot six times, killing him.

"We have to get out of the city," I said.

There was too much going on. It overwhelmed me, especially with this constant pain in my stomach and my head. It felt like my heart was throbbing in my head. But I persevered, pointing to Lucius's house in the Elite hills.

"I left my car at Lucius's house. I bet it's still there."