Train Like Hell

[Asher's Perspective]

In the coming weeks, we endured Captain Vazeel's rigorous training regimens, building our strength and endurance for the upcoming Run. The initial day of training proved to be particularly challenging.

The training grounds were set in the vast courtyard of the Red Desert, where winds whipped across the terrain. The stalactites overhead cast a light yellow glow on the crimson sand. Other groups of Ascended Vampires engaged in various exercises, some sparring, others focusing on physical conditioning. Our group was under the command of Captain Vazeel.

"Listen up," Vazeel commanded, addressing us as we stood at attention. "Let me share a bit about who I am. I am your Captain, Vazeel, an Ascended Vampire like all of you. Once a special-ops soldier in my Human days, I was chosen by Blood Corp. Administration to lead the Runner Program, preparing you for the challenges ahead."

He provided background information and mentioned the increasing number of Runners at the facility, anticipating a deployment of new recruits. The training commenced with basic exercises.

"Yes, sir!" Our unit roared, signaling the start of our exercises. The courtyard echoed with the pounding of footsteps as Ascended Vampires ran around the track.

We went through a series of exercises, from push-ups to squats, culminating in weightlifting at the gym. By the end, fatigue had settled in, evident in the sweat streaming down our faces. Fierce, Paige, and I exchanged grins, each of us pushed to our limits.

"You good, Ash?" Fierce teased.

"Cut the crap! I'm fine!" I retorted, eliciting a chuckle from them.

Vazeel then shifted our focus to combat training. We gathered in the courtyard, surrounded by other training Runners. Despite the commotion, we attentively listened to Vazeel, his distinctive appearance marked by black hair and crimson eyes.

"As you know, Achiron is home to formidable creatures," Vazeel began, recounting our encounters. He emphasized the threat of Ghouls, Black Reapers, and the formidable Cursed Spirit we faced in the last Run.

"Can anyone tell me the Rank of that Cursed Spirit?" Vazeel asked.

"Rank 1, sir," I responded.

"Correct, Asher. Rank 1. A Cursed Spirit of that rank possesses immense power. Facing it alone is a challenge, but remember what sets us apart."

Vazeel demonstrated his own Shadow Magic, showcasing shadowy tendrils emerging from his back.

"Shadow Magic is the ability we, Ascended Vampires, acquired post-mutation. Embrace it, master it. Your shadow is your connection to the void, your inner darkness. Become one with your Shadow Self – an extension of your will, your being, your soul."

His demonstration included coaxing his shadow to coil around him, emphasizing the conscious nature of one's shadow.

"It is conscious, your Shadow," Vazeel explained. "Acknowledge its importance. Master it, and a Rank 1 Cursed Spirit will be no challenge. Now, pair up for sparring."

Fierce and Paige rushed to my side, creating a playful competition for my partnership.

"He's always your partner, Fierce!" Paige complained.

"Well, he doesn't have to go easy on me 'cause I'm a guy," Fierce retorted.

Rolling her eyes, Paige decided to partner with someone else, leaving me between the two, somewhat sheepish.

"Guess we made her mad," I noted.

Fierce chuckled. "Good. Let's show her what she's missing."

Fierce smirked, chuckling and bringing his fists up. Bulky, powerful shadowy tendrils erupted from his back, positioning above him, ready to strike. "You're next in line to get mad, pal. Let's run those hands, see whose ears shoot out the most smoke."

I cocked my head and grinned, conjuring my own shadow tendrils. "Awh-yeah? Cocky much, ain'tcha? Bring it!"

"RRAGGH!" Fierce charged forward, his massive figure resembling a bull in a stampede. I held my ground, deploying my shadow tendrils as they clashed with his. Undeterred, Fierce powered through, landing a clean right hook on my face, the burning sensation lingering on my cheek. Swiftly evading, I used my shadow tendrils to propel myself off the ground.

"Aw, come on, Asher," Fierce taunted, grinning while popping his knuckles. "It's not like you to run away."

"I'm not running, idiot," I retorted, conjuring shadow wings. Bursting forward with a powerful sweep of my wings, I collided with Fierce, delivering a punch to his gut.

"Urghha!" Fierce choked as I followed up with another punch to his face, but he endured. Bringing both fists down vertically, he struck my back with force, sending me slamming into the ground. Rolling out of the way, I countered with a swift strike using my shadow tendrils, which sent him sprawling.

Fierce gritted his teeth, getting back up. "You don't know who you're dealing with!"

"Show me, then!" I taunted, smirking.

"Fierce, try using a Shadow Spell!" Vazeel shouted from the sidelines, observing. "It's old magic, so it's Sanguimaran! If you've been studying the material I've given you, you should know a few spells!"

"Right," Fierce replied, nodding. Bringing his hands together, his shadow tendrils converged in unison.

In the ancient whispers of Sanguimaran, Fierce chanted the verse for the shadow weave, "Sylthara Nycturnos." The esoteric syllables resonated, summoning shadows to entwine around his arms like ephemeral serpents. Fierce, now infused with an umbrella vortex, thrust his hands toward me.

A surge of dark energy erupted, conjuring a mesmerizing dance of shadows that ensnared me in a fleeting shroud of darkness. The vortex not only veiled my vision but also siphoned my vitality, granting Fierce a tactical edge in our sparring clash.

"Argh…" I winced at the pain, feeling the draining pressure of the spell sapping away my magical and physical energy.

If I can't handle this, I thought, How do I ever hope to kill that Cursed Spirit? How do I ever hope to survive another Run?

"I'm not giving up that easy!" I shouted, recalling a Shadow Spell from my studies. Closing my eyes, I focused on the manifestation of myself, conjuring a double.

"Umbram Replicatus." The esoteric syllables reverberated, shadows converging into a perfect duplicate by my side. With a commanding gesture, I set the shadow clone in motion, directing it toward Fierce.

Somehow, it worked. The vortex stopped siphoning energy from me and began draining from my shadowy twin. With the pain gone, I lunged forward at Fierce, reciting another spell.

"Umbric Orbis." The ancient syllables resonated, summoning my shadows to converge above me, forming a pulsating sphere of darkness at their tips. With a focused gaze, I released the spell into the air.

The shadowy sphere hovered, emanating an eerie glow within its depths. It became a conduit of shadow energy, allowing me to manipulate and shape the shadows around it. In a swift wave of my hand, I sent forth an army of shadowy arms from the orb to seize Fierce, catching him off guard. He yelped, and I couldn't help but laugh, releasing the spell.

Fierce began to laugh as well, rubbing the back of his head. "Man, this magic stuff is crazy, man! You're definitely not weak, that's for sure."

I grinned. "Good match, Fierce."

We shook arms and laughed. Paige approached us, her eyes dull.

"Have fun, you two?" She glared.

Fierce and I exchanged a glance. I chuckled innocently. "We were just talking about how much we missed you, Paige."

"Mhm. Shut your face before I sit on it, Asher. I mean— shut— shut your— ugh!"

Fierce and I burst into laughter at her sudden mishap in words. Paige pouted, storming away to mingle with the huddling group.

"Whatever. Come on, we're being dismissed," she growled.

We were allowed to remain at ease as Captain Vazeel gave our dismissal.

"Good work today, all of you. I believe if we keep training this hard every day, we'll beat our extraction record, and perhaps, we can get raises. Speaking of, your pay will be arriving in your accounts tonight. In the meantime, until our next training session, enjoy any of your recreational activities, but stay within the Red Desert. There is a small town not too far West from here, if you wish to see society. Dismissed."

"Sir!" The units went about their day, dispersing. Paige and Fierce approached me.

"We should head to that town Vazeel was talking about," Paige said enthusiastically. "It'd be nice to get off base for once."

Fierce nodded, agreeing. "I'm with her."

I smiled. "You heard that, Celeste?"

Celeste appeared beside me in a puff of black smoke and purple light, smirking. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming with."