Lilith and Bellatrix

[Bellatrix's Castle, Kingdom of Nyx, The Underworld]

Relaxing in Bellatrix's domain, within the kingdom of Nyx, Lilith and Bellatrix reclined on a grand balcony, the sprawling expanse of the kingdom spread out beneath them. Achironian servants attended to their every need, offering chalices filled with Monster blood.

"I'm starting to understand why our meetings are always fashionably late," Lilith remarked with a cheerful tone, her eyes reflecting genuine joy. "If this were my kingdom, I'd never want to depart!"

Bellatrix, Power Rank 3, an intriguing blend of woman and arachnid, possessed eight long, black and orange appendages reminiscent of spider legs. Encased in a protective shell, her chest and upper body were exposed, revealing long, flowing white hair and golden, circular eyes set in a sea of black.

Lilith — Power Rank 2, similar to Titus — was pale with striking black horns adorning her dark hair, and she exuded an air of elegance and mischief. Her red eyes hinted at a hidden intensity, and she had a black eyepatch covering her right eye. She was clad in an elegant black dress adorned with red jewels. The duo lounged on the balcony, their regal presence harmonizing with the opulence of the kingdom of Nyx.

"Yes, well… it comes with its fair share of pains," Bellatrix admitted, swirling the blood in her chalice with one of her arms. "It is up to me to make sure the Achironian Army is prepared for Lord Jiiba's use. Not only that, but I have to find a suitable host for the Scarab."

"Right, right," Lilith repeated, grinning. She twirled her black hair with one finger and batted her eyes at Bellatrix innocently. "We have an Army?"

Bellatrix smirked. "You do not know? It is for the invasion of the Upper Realms."

"I figured as much…" Lilith replied casually, smiling sheepishly. "If the Chaos Core were in this Realm, I'm sure we would have found it by now. That must mean it's somewhere in the other Realms."

"Yes. The land above ours, Sanguine, is not within our reach as of now, due to the barrier splitting timelines. But— it will not be that way for long." Bellatrix smiled knowingly.

Lilith turned on her side on her lounging chair, resting her head on her fist. "Thanks for telling me more about Lord Jiiba's plans, Bellatrix. As a lower-rank Guild member, it's not often I'm included in the details and stuff. I hope to become as strong as you some day."

Bellatrix nodded, her golden eyes shimmering. "I only tell you all of this now because it is nearly time."

"Time for what?"

"The war. That Abomination, the Scorpion — it is awakening. When it awakens and breaks free, it will destroy the barrier separating Realms, and we will lead a battle into the Upper Realms. We'll take the Chaos Core back from the Vampires, open the Gate to Xhaos, and restore Lord Jiiba to his position as Chaos Lord."

"Right…" Lilith sighed, looking thoughtful. "Should be easy, right?"

"I suppose, maybe…" Bellatrix hesitated. "It is up to us to win this war, with Lord Jiiba leading us. He has yet to choose a Champion of Darkness, which is what we came to this realm to do in the first place. Lord Jiiba believes only the most promising candidate should serve as our ambassador. None of the Achironians meet his standards… they are incapable of magic. He wants his Champion of Darkness to come from Sanguine, preferably a Noble Vampire."

"Champion of Darkness… hm." Lilith repeated, lost in thought.

"Yes. I have been sending carriages of Achironians to Persephone, for her to experiment with to see if we can create our own Champion of Darkness… but even the most powerful Necromancer can't turn a magically-inept creature into a prodigy. I hope she makes some progress, though."

Lilith sighed. "I just can't wait to go back home. I hate being in this mortal body…"

"As do I, Lilith," Bellatrix responded. "But do not fret. Everything is going according to Lord Jiiba's plan. No matter what the Vampires do, they will die by the forces of darkness."