Chapter 14

Noah opened the door, the smell of rotten flesh filling up in his lungs. He took a deep breath, inhaling the smell. Behind him, Willow scrunched up his nose, covering his mouth. Noah creaked the door open wider, looking around for the two corpses. He hadn't been in the room before, since Hannah took him outside to sleep on the front lawn. He bent down, following the smell, looking at the blank eyes staring back at him.

He motioned for Willow to help him, who hesitated a little. From under the bed, he grabbed an arm, dragging a red haired boy from under the bed. He pointed at Willow, then at the window, doing a vague banging motion, hoping that he would understand. Willow nodded, relieved that he at least wouldn't be touching a dead body. As Noah inched the body out, he realized the torso was barely hanging onto the arm he was pulling. He leaned down further, the stench of death filling his nose, making him gag. He wrapped his arms around the torso, dragging himself out with his arms.

His head hit the bottom of the bed, and gasped. He laid there for a second, his head on the ground, only centimeters away from the face. The eyes looked into his, wide and scared, the mouth foaming slightly. Noah pushed himself out from under the bed, an arm still wrapped around the body. He took a deep breath, his nose starting to become blind to the sick stench, as he leaned on the wall, trying to catch his breath. Willow peeked back at him in concern, and Noah gave him a half-hearted thumbs up from his spot on the floor, as Willow went back to unscrewing the screw with his finger.

Suddenly, Willow screamed, tripping and falling to the ground. Noah stood up slowly, deciding to get back to work. From his reaction, he must have stepped on a hand and saw the face of a corpse. Personally, Noah thought that Willow was too faint-hearted for a murderer.

He grabbed the ginger boy's legs, dragging him towards the door. Willow looked at him from the bed, wide-eyed, and Noah motioned towards the metal plate, creating a banging motion again. The black haired boy gulped and nodded.

He dragged the body outside without seeing anybody. Perhaps they were all busy in their rooms, or had gone to the kitchen. Maybe they were hiding in the living room. Once he got outside, he found an old lady, who looked down at the body, then back up at him good naturedly. She handed him a candy, in which he nodded his thanks. She wore a similar orange jumpsuit, humming in a carefree manner as she walked up the stairs.

Willow looked at him silently as Noah's thoughts wandered, holding the candy in his hand. He rolled it around, sniffing it a little, before pulling back in disgust. He motioned for Willow to hold out his palm and placed it there instead, before returning to the body.

"Hey, what do you have there?" Noah looked up. The dead body he was dragging seemed to be catching people's attention. He flinched when he saw her face. She looked at the disfigured face, her own facade wrinkling up. "Ugh, that's disgusting."

The arm that was dangling by a thread fell off onto the ground. Willow yelped, jumping back, as the girl made a gagging noise. Noah motioned for Willow to pick it up, who did so reluctantly. The girl tossed her blonde hair behind her shoulder, staring closely at the body.

"Wait… This guy looks a little like Rachael." Noah tilted his head in confusion. "Oh! She was the girl that your two blondes killed." Noah didn't know who that was. Besides, the blonde girl was making him slightly uncomfortable, with the way she talked constantly and her suspicious eyes that ran across the pale corpse. He grabbed Willow, his other hand on the corpse, and dragged him away. The girl behind them exclaimed in surprise, and he heard Willow apologize, but he focused on getting the body to the dumpsters.

Noah took the arm from Willow, throwing it in the dark and smelly gaping hole, along with the piece of candy the old lady had given them. With a huff, he slung the body over his shoulder, then into the dumpster. He heard it fall down with a thud, and distantly he wondered how many other bodies could be there as well.

He looked around, but Willow seemed in a hurry to leave. He was fidgeting, biting his lower lip, clutching Noah's sleeve and weakly tugging him away. Noah ignored his gesture, fully absorbing his surroundings. The dorm, he counted, was four floors tall, surrounded by trees. Behind him, there was a holograph of a busy street, the sound of birds chirping and engines loud from a speaker set on a picture of a tree. He wondered, if with enough force, he could break out, but some tracker, some guard, some security camera, would definitely catch him.

"Congratulations! You found a hidden game!" Willow yelped, jumping back. The audio with street noise stopped as an unfamiliar voice came out. "This game is called: Trust! We'll be testing you two lovely contestants' trust!"

"W-Wait! We're not- uhm, we're not friends!" Willow seemed quick to ditch him.