Thargodal and Fathungry - Act III

Stellar lights burst one after another, crushed by an undeniable darkness, fleeting existences materializing in a divine symphony of harmony and chaos.

Through this dreamlike plane, born from the slumbering consciousness of the world, a shooting star shone brightly. It was Trixie Lulamoon's final wish, piercing through unreality to reach a place and time destined to be.

A second chance...

// ------------------

A sour taste began to spread through her mouth.

It took Trixie quite a while to feel fully awake, but the sourness in her mouth was becoming very irritating.

"I need a glass of water..." the unicorn murmured lazily. Her vision was still blurry, but her sense of touch was already awake. Without trouble, she magically summoned a pitcher and a glass, which she immediately took...

The refreshing taste of water flowing down her throat was pure bliss. It felt so good that she drank the entire glass in one gulp. Then another, and another. Should drinking water feel this good? Sleepy, she didn't give it much thought. She gargled a bit and spat the rest back into the glass. She'd clean it later...

"Ahhhh..." Trixie sighed in satisfaction, lying back down on the ground. She felt like going back to sleep; she'd had a lovely dream, and last night's party had exhausted her more than she'd anticipated. Sleeping in all morning seemed like a good plan...

She adjusted her blankets and, relaxed, prepared to continue her dream.

"Urrrrrr pur pur pur pur pur..."

Trixie's ears twitched. She had just heard a squawk. Uncomfortable, she curled up tighter in her blankets.

"Urrrrrr pur pur pur pur piu pur piu pur piu..."

The squawking hadn't stopped; on the contrary, it was growing louder. Annoyed, Trixie tried to bury her head under the pillow to block out the sound, but it was useless. The squawking grew louder by the moment, enough to push Trixie's patience to its limit.

"Ahhhh! Can you be quiet already?! Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?!" Trixie shouted angrily at the sky. She sat up from her bed just long enough to cast a furious glare at the large group of turkey-hawks surrounding her.

Startled, the turkey-hawks, who had been chattering among themselves, immediately fell silent under the harsh, indignant gaze of Trixie.

Now in silence and convinced the turkey-hawks wouldn't make any more noise, Trixie huffed and continued her sweet slumber.


"Pur, pur, …"


"Pur, piu pur, …"


"Piu pur, pur, pur ..."


"Pur, pur, piu …"


The turkey-hawks were still whispering. Trixie could hear them. But under the blankets of her bed, the discomfort of those noises paled in comparison to the new feeling that was beginning to consume her from below...

"Ugh..." Trixie swallowed with difficulty.

She didn't remember her bed being in the middle of a path, nor her blankets being made of giant feathers, nor her pillow being a sticky bag resembling green slime.

"Of course... of course..." she muttered, lost in thought, realizing where she was.

After saying these words, she tossed aside the feathered blankets and immediately got up from the sand bed she had been lying on.

She felt light, completely renewed. The dream she'd had had restored all that charisma and good humor that characterized her. She even seemed to feel stronger than usual.

"It's already past noon, huh?... Ahhh, it can't be helped. I suppose the now-recovered Trixie will have to grace the ponies with her presence at another 'Great Celebration of the Day of the Two Sisters'..." the unicorn declared, grumbling to herself.

Normally, Trixie would take advantage of holidays like this to make a fortune with her live performances in some plaza. But on this occasion, due to her journey, she hadn't managed to secure a spot in any major performance in Canterlot or Ponyville.

So, Trixie settled for just celebrating with relaxation and rest, like any other pony that day...

"Oh well... Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu," she gave a long yawn and began to get ready. Her mane was sprawled on either side, not to mention the rest of her body, which was covered in several green slime stains. Weary, Trixie didn't waste a second and, with her magic, began to fix her appearance.

A mane wash with her favorite lavender shampoo...

A bath with some cheap soap...

Turbo quick drying with her hairdryer...

A damp towel over her mane...

"Ahh," Trixie exclaimed as she soaked her hooves for a moment in a tub of Dawn-Shine Polish. It was a very expensive beauty product, but to her, that didn't matter. The sensation it left on her hooves was magnificent, not to mention how shiny they looked after the five-minute treatment.

Distracted, Trixie gazed up at the sky and the white clouds lazily drifting across it, as she waited for the beauty material to take effect.

After the five minutes, she removed her hooves from the tub (which vanished with her magic). Satisfied with how well her hooves had turned out, she continued with the drying.

Towels flew, and a hairdryer danced back and forth.

Now dry, she summoned a cloak and hat, as iconic for her as always. She also summoned a large full-body mirror, and after dressing, began to pose, admiring her awesome figure in the glass.

She had to make sure she looked perfect. Looking bad in front of the public was the shame of outdoor performers like her.

Trixie waved her horn once more, and a burst of smoke enveloped her for a moment. When the smoke cleared, Trixie was still there, now carefully inspecting her coat. The mirror had been placed behind her.

"Well, Trixie, buying cheap soap was a terrible idea. No more charity from you to the street ponies from now on," the unicorn reaffirmed, stomping the ground and shaking her mane.

With that gesture, she mentally noted the detail and continued. "And now..."

Just a few meters away from her, completely surrounding her, a large number of fierce turkey-hawks were watching her.

And above them all, their ruler, Fathungry, gazed at her with a malicious look. His fleshless head rested on his wing, which had taken the shape of a fist, and his body was seated on a throne made of the shattered remains of the trees surrounding the castle.

Amused and intrigued... that was all Fathungry displayed with his arrogant, relaxed posture.

Trixie swallowed hard.

Since noticing the presence of the turkey-hawks around her, Trixie's mind had been working at its limit to comprehend the situation she was in. Soon, the memories of everything that had happened that morning came back to her, though they felt distant and hazy...

("Alright... you summoned turkey-hawks... well done, Trixie! But why did you summon turkey-hawks?") the unicorn pondered to herself. She could not remember her actual dreams or the messages she had received in them.

Everything she had experienced in the real world that morning now felt like nothing more than a dream in her memory.

A very long and crazy dream...

("I should probably lay off the cider for a while...") Trixie thought to herself. Meanwhile, Fathungry stretched his neck and let out something that sounded like a yawn mixed with a burp.

In unison, amid cawing, all the other turkey-hawks shook their heads like waves in a black and red sea.

Trixie swallowed again. She still didn't fully understand what had happened, but she realized the dangerous situation she was in.

She was at the mercy of an enormous and brutal flock of turkey-hawks, predatory beasts with a notorious reputation for swallowing ponies whole. They weren't very intelligent, but they could undoubtedly finish her off in minutes, no matter how much resistance she put up.

And yet... why weren't they attacking?


Trixie glanced at the sand bed where she had been lying earlier and the feathers scattered around. How had she gotten there? Had the turkey-hawks done it? What was that repulsive green slime spread all over the ground?

It was incomprehensible. Even more incomprehensible was that she wasn't scared to death like on other occasions. Instead, she felt calm and relaxed, as if she were watching a rerun of a movie. It was strange.

Trixie turned her head around. The castle was visible in the distance...

("Ok... that's not good,") thought the unicorn, noticing that the castle was also surrounded by those birds, which were vandalizing its exterior. There was even a smaller one (probably a young turkey-hawk) on the castle's roof, enthusiastically pecking at the Equestrian flag.

It was very concerning, but Trixie kept her composure, remembering that the Young Six were protecting the castle, and that Starlight was there.

Starlight... Starlight?

"Pur... pur..." Trixie's thoughts were interrupted by a caw. She turned her gaze back to the turkey-hawks.

The atmosphere was growing tense. The turkey-hawks still maintained a faint silence, but they were becoming restless, as if they were waiting for something. Fathungry had returned to his previous position, though he looked more lethargic than before, making him seem even more dangerous.

To Trixie, it was clear that the situation couldn't continue like this.

What were they expecting from her? No, that wasn't the right question. Rather... what should she do?

Fleeing was the first thing that came to her mind. Using teleportation would be easy. But this thought was more of a reflex; she wasn't really scared enough to just leave. She had too many questions in her head.

Besides, she had a hunch that it was a bad idea.

So Trixie started thinking of other options... Talking? It was stupid to consider, but something inside her suggested that maybe those fierce birds wanted to communicate amicably... somehow.

("You've got nothing to lose by trying, right Trixie?... besides, maybe it'll give you a clue as to what the hay is going on here.")

Snapping out of her thoughts, a resolute Trixie raised her voice:

"Ahem... I...!" But she could only get out those words.

Like a lightning bolt, two burly turkey-hawks jumped to her sides and pinned her down with their wing-fists. A third one advanced from behind and, with a peck, sent her full-length mirror flying, revealing that where the mirror had been, the real Trixie now stood.

Her eyes wide with surprise, Trixie barely blinked as she observed her assailants.

Moments earlier, she had hidden behind the mirror using her classic smoke bomb, leaving an illusion in her place. There was no way she'd face those beasts head-on.

"Ha ha haaa...!" Trixie laughed nervously as she channeled her magic to teleport. But then...

"ARE YOU DONE?" a deep, resonant voice echoed.

Trixie froze. It had only been a few words, but they were enough to capture her attention. How could she ignore them? The voice carried a tone of authority and nobility that would make any mare who understood the meaning of true masculinity turn her head.

Driven by her innate curiosity, Trixie's ears swiveled, searching for the source of that magnetic voice. A voice she could only describe as magnificent.


She finally found it.

Trixie tilted her head in disbelief as she discovered the source, and then her jaw dropped in astonishment. She couldn't believe who was speaking to her like that. It wasn't a voice that could be heard through the ears, but through the heart...

"WHERE DID YOU GET THIS?" Fathungry said without opening his beak. He extended his folded wing like a fist and, upon opening it, let a tiny red glass vial drop.

Trixie didn't hear that last part.

"CAN YOU TALK?!" the unicorn exclaimed, shocked.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA," Fathungry mocked, accompanied by a great clucking. In unison, the other turkey-hawks also chortled. "AH, LITTLE PONY... CAN YOU LISTEN?"

The turkey-hawks clucked in laughter once more, and then there was silence.


Drygut, the turkey-hawk, was still in pain when he reached the castle gates. Due to his lack of respect, his great leader Fathungry had expelled him from his presence with a kick that still throbbed in his chest.

Nonetheless, it had been completely worth it.

His eyes narrowed as he stopped in his tracks. A wave of ecstasy coursed through his body as he recalled the wonderful taste that had graced his beak so recently.

"Exquisite..." Drygut remembered. Nothing he had ever tasted before compared to the flavor of those red crystals.

Like any other turkey-hawk, Drygut was a glutton; he never missed an opportunity to try something different. Flowers, ripe fruits, fresh crops, small animals... the list of flavors he remembered was long. However, all those tastes paled in comparison to the unique pleasure of the until-then unknown red crystals.

("If only I had taken one more...") Drygut lamented to himself. He could go back, but that could bring down the wrath of his leader and, without a doubt, an even worse punishment.

But that taste was...

"Pur pur Tichhh..." a threatening caw echoed through the air.

With a start, Drygut snapped out of his daydream. His fellow guards in front of the castle were glaring at him with rough and critical expressions.

This wasn't good...

Immediately, Drygut lowered his head and took his place in formation alongside the others in front of the door. His companions continued to eye him; they said nothing, but they seemed suspicious. After a while, they finally stopped staring and resumed their patrol.

Drygut sighed inwardly. They hadn't questioned him, which was good. He tucked his head into his plumage and stood still like an old, massive tree. He didn't want to anger the others, who were bigger and stronger than him, nor did he want to share the information about the red crystals. Things like that were better kept hidden...

So, after a while, as Drygut began to sink back into his daydream, the castle gates opened.


The doors of Twilight's castle flung wide open, releasing a radiant light that illuminated everything outside. In the center of that light, wrapped in the magic of harmony, the Young Six took their first step forward, with Ocellus leading the way.

"Guys, all together now, we're going to…" Ocellus began to speak.

"PUNISH OUR ENEMIES WITH THE POWER OF OUR FRIENDSHIP!" proclaimed Silverstream from behind, cutting off her friend's imminent speech.

"LET'S GOOOO!" her companions responded firmly in unison.

"Wait!... What? Waaahhh!"

Ignoring Ocellus's protests, the Young Six began to levitate. The magic surrounding them twisted and expanded until it took on a new form.

Outside, the turkey-hawks, surprised by the sudden appearance of the young group, watched as a massive creature of light began to materialize at the castle's doors.

"BUUUURRRRRRRPPPP," a powerful trumpeting sound swept through the air.

It was enormous, much bigger than the now powerless turkey-hawks. The Young Six's magic had taken the form of a gigantic…

"ELEPHANT!" all the turkey-hawks squawked in panic as the enormous beast of light charged toward them.


The light elephant advanced with overwhelming force, its massive feet stomping the ground, making the earth tremble. The turkey-hawks, now disorganized and terrified, tried to take flight but were too slow. Within seconds, they were overtaken, and with a single sweep of its trunk, more than half of them were knocked off the ground and sent flying through the air. Those who weren't hit stopped trying to fly and began running desperately toward the hill where their other companions were.

In less than a minute, all the turkey-hawks had disappeared from around the castle. Their retreat had been a true "every bird for themselves."

"YESSSSSS! For Equestria! That's how it's done! Was that all? They deserved it!" Amid words of encouragement and optimism, the Young Six celebrated their victory inside the great light elephant.

Everyone was talking excitedly, except for Ocellus, who, though just as thrilled, remained calm.

"Ahhh, that went pretty well. The castle perimeter is secured; now we just need to rescue Counselor Trixie."

"We still have to do that?" questioned Gallus.

"GALLUS!" everyone shouted in unison at the griffon.

"Relax, I'm just kidding!"

"Well, cut it out, we have to… What the…?!"

Smolder didn't finish her words. Both she and her companions fell silent, staring in surprise at the commotion that had erupted on the nearby hill.

Slowly, a shadow began to rise over the hill, growing larger until it took a clear and defined shape. It was a large, black rectangular mass, undivided and perfectly aligned, advancing toward them. From that distance, one might think it was an unusual moving black forest or a group of haunted wandering stables, but the reality was more surprising than all that.

"TICHHH, TICHHH, TICHHH..." echoed through the air as it advanced.

They were the turkey-hawks, now marching in battle formation, ready for a counterattack.

"This is a joke, right?" exclaimed Gallus, shocked by the strange behavior.

Turkey-hawks were known for being gluttonous birds, as well as clumsy and dumb in most cases. However, the behavior they were showing now was the exact opposite.

Well-organized, the large platoon of turkey-hawks continued to advance proudly; behind them, two more platoons emerged, covering their flanks. In the sky, flocks of more turkey-hawks began to patrol, circling the castle.

It was like watching a real army on the move.

"Is it normal for turkey-hawks to be this organized?" asked Sandbar, feeling uneasy.

"No! They shouldn't be!" Ocellus immediately replied, surprised by what was happening.

"That doesn't matter! If turkey-hawks want war! Friends give it to them!" exclaimed Yona, defiantly.

"I'm with Yona! What are we waiting for?" Smolder rallied the others.

Though the situation had become complicated again, the Young Six's good spirits hadn't wavered. Together, they felt they could face anything. Even Ocellus, who had thought until that moment that things could be resolved differently, let go of that idea.

If fighting was the only solution to protect her friends, then she would fully embrace it.

The great light elephant let out a loud trumpet and, in an open challenge, charged toward the turkey-hawk army on the hill.

The battle against the turkey-hawks had begun...

Unaware of all this, near the castle gates, a daydreaming Drygut the turkey-hawk (ignored and ignoring everything that was happening) continued to dream.


Far away, in the arid soils of the most remote and desolate wastelands of that world, a unique flower was quietly and delicately sprouting.

"Rose of Hope and Despair" was its name, and as such, it was a rose. Small, with bright red petals, a light green stem, and a spring-like fragrance. It had thorns like any other rose, and it would be impossible to distinguish it from any other if not for its size and the curious fact that its thorns caused no pain to those who pricked themselves on them.

This last detail was a significant indication of its true essence, as this was a magical flower. It had the ability to grant great vitality to anyone who ate it, no matter how close to death they were.

This very ability made it highly sought after. Both wise beings and monsters coveted it, and the reasons were quite obvious. Fortunately for the peace of the world, obtaining a single magical flower like this was an almost impossible task.

This was because the rose only grew in environments devoid of life or magic. Furthermore, it only bloomed once a year and for just a single day. As if that weren't enough, its appearance intervals were erratic, making them impossible to predict.

Finding one was considered almost a miracle.

Thus, the fame of this rose was great. So much so that even beasts like the turkey-hawks were aware of it and sought it out during their great migratory journeys. But they did not seek it for the vitality it granted, nor for its exotic magical properties that allowed the creation of red potions capable of enhancing magical power at a price. No, their interest was driven by a more mundane motive inherent to these creatures.

Its intoxicating and unmatched flavor...


Minutes earlier, near Twilight's castle…

"So that's what this is all about…" Trixie murmured to herself with a somber air, fiddling with a tiny red vial. She wasn't doing this out of boredom, but rather out of the worry that dominated her.

In front of her stood the enormous Fathungry and the rest of his gang of turkey-hawks. All of them, with hard and severe looks, watched the unicorn's every move, ready to act at the slightest sign.

"This time you really messed up, Trixie…" she scolded herself internally as she glanced toward the castle. What Fathungry had just told her about the red potions had surprised her greatly and only served to deepen the bitterness within her...

Bitterness that obviously had nothing to do with her friends being cornered in the castle.

"All this time, you've been sitting on a gold mine? Seriously, Trixie!" she berated herself. Such were the thoughts of the careless unicorn. All those days spent worrying about her lack of funds now felt like a mockery. If only she had researched the potions more or told Starlight about them, she could have quickly solved her financial problems without the need to invest in those troublesome orchid-octopuses or buy all those ridiculous antiques.

"This is definitely a bad sign, you haven't been doing things right lately... ughhh…"

Trixie had a strong urge to throw herself onto the grass and roll around until she could release all the frustration she had pent up. But she couldn't afford such a luxury at a time like this.

"So, little pony, are you going to tell me where you got them?" Fathungry spoke in his deep voice.

Trixie turned her gaze to the turkey-hawk leader. She already had a response prepared, and it was the same as before.

"No," the unicorn replied simply and brazenly.

In response, the feathers on Fathungry's head bristled like spikes, and his gaze, already hard to endure, grew even harsher.

"Do you not care what happens to those other ponies?"

"Yes, I care," Trixie replied indifferently, casually inspecting the shine of her hooves.

"Then why won't you tell me where you got them? Or do you think I'm not capable of tearing down that castle or ravaging that nearby village? I am Fathungry, leader of the turkey-hawks, the great black wing of hunger, terror of the harvests. You better understand your place, pony, and accept my mercy. I'll ask you one last time, where did you get these potions?" the turkey-hawk croaked menacingly, his voice resonating with the fury that was reflected in the intense wind of his flapping wings. The other turkey-hawks echoed his words with equally intense clamor, making the imposing figure of the bird even greater.

However, Trixie didn't seem impressed or unsettled. On the contrary, she was now more certain that the situation was under control.

Under her control.

From the moment she started talking with Fathungry, she noticed that although he was surprisingly intelligent, in the end, he wasn't that smart. He had foolishly talked to her about the red potions and how important they were to the turkey-hawks. This had been a grave slip-up on the bird's part, as Trixie immediately realized she could gain a favorable position in this situation.

She just had to make sure Fathungry didn't lose interest.

"Uh-huh, sure, I'm sure the great Fathungry and his gang could try to do all that…" the unicorn began with a mischievous smile as she toyed with the red potion vial. "They could also crush me or eat me if they wanted, but… force me to confess my greatest secrets? Please! The Great and Powerful Trixie only shares her secrets with her greatest and most loyal friends. And, unfortunately, you are not one of them."

After she finished speaking, Trixie waved her horn and, with a swift movement, a handkerchief covered the red vial in her hoof, only to be removed a moment later, revealing something surprising.

Trixie was no longer holding just one vial; now there were five resting on her hoof.

These red vials levitated toward Fathungry and the other turkey-hawks at his side. Unable to hide their desire, the turkey-hawks didn't take their eyes off the potions and slowly stretched their necks, ready to catch them with their beaks.

However, with a swift wing movement, Fathungry snatched all the potions and hid them from the view of his subordinates.

Disappointed clucks were heard, but they were quickly silenced by Fathungry's sharp gaze, who then turned his attention back to Trixie.

"I thought you were an intelligent creature, but now I see that you're nothing more than a lost pony who doesn't understand the position she's in."

"I'm not a lost pony. I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! Don't forget that. And yes, I understand perfectly what's going on. In fact, I think it's you who doesn't realize your place," Trixie replied arrogantly, then adopted a reflective pose. "But… now that I think about it, it's understandable. Turkey-hawks aren't usually very communicative with other species. And I'm just a humble unicorn who supports understanding between species. I propose this... instead of resorting to deplorable acts of violence that lead nowhere, how about we make... a deal?"

Fathungry looked at Trixie in astonishment, narrowing his eyes for a few seconds before exploding in anger. "A deal? A deal! What kind of deal could an insignificant creature like you offer me?"

"One that benefits both of us, of course," Trixie replied, rolling her eyes, already tired of this conversation. "Unless, of course, the great Fathungry is afraid of making friendly deals with the ponies of Equestria."

Fathungry's fury erupted with the force of a storm, the warts on his neck swelling and turning a fiery red. The turkey-hawks around him retreated in terror. No one could recall seeing anyone speak to him like that before. It was unheard of.

"That pony is dead," they all thought.

Trixie realized the danger and swallowed hard, feeling the palpable tension in the air. Without hesitation, she began to gather magic in her horn, preparing to teleport.

At that precise moment, a commotion erupted in the direction of Twilight's castle, breaking the growing silence. Fathungry's rage dissipated instantly, his attention captured by the uproar. Several turkey-hawks flew in, bringing urgent news.

Amidst the alarmed clucks, Fathungry moved aside with his closest followers, casting wary glances at Trixie from time to time.

After a brief deliberation, they began giving rapid and precise orders. In the chaos, no one paid any further attention to Trixie, who remained in place, assessing the situation.

Gradually, she released her magic and sighed in relief. The timing had been perfect.

After a while, with no one stopping her, Trixie approached Fathungry, who from a hill, was watching the ongoing battle with a cold and calculating expression.

Things didn't look good for him.

"Are you still interested in making a deal?" Trixie commented with a casual smile.


The battle between the turkey-hawks and the Young Six was at its peak.

A dozen large turkey-hawks dove from the sky in a V-formation, talons extended, emitting threatening caws that echoed through the air. The sight was overwhelming, a display of power... and yet, futile.


A powerful blast of wind struck the group of birds, breaking their formation. The intense gust of wind was irresistible, tossing the turkey-hawks around and causing them to crash into one another. In mere seconds, the grand formation of birds was disbanded. Confused and disoriented, the turkey-hawks fell to the ground like ripe fruit, rolling about haphazardly.

The aerial assault of the turkey-hawks had ended, like the previous five, in disaster.

On the ground, the situation wasn't much better. Several turkey-hawks lay on the ground with their heads buried or pretending to be unconscious with their eyes closed. The rest of the birds, grouped in platoons, were making a great ruckus, cawing violently at their companions, trying to rally them for another attack...

In the midst of what looked more like a wild chicken coop, the giant figure of a light elephant stood indomitable and undefeated.

For all the turkey-hawks, the outcome of the battle was clear.

Floating inside the light elephant, the Young Six knew it too. It was a sure victory; nothing the turkey-hawks had tried had worked.

From the start, as a team, the turkey-hawks had attempted to bring down the light elephant, launching themselves in platoons from various directions. But their efforts were in vain; none had managed to get close.

They were fended off in the same way as the aerial attacks. The powerful magical wind emanating from the light elephant's trunk had ultimately knocked them down.

Thus, after wave after wave of turkey-Hawk attacks, even the Young Six, initially excited, began to grow weary of the battle's pace.

Several rounds had passed, and the same pattern repeated itself, over and over again...

"Guys... don't you think we should just end this already? My neck's getting stiff," Gallus said, rubbing the back of his neck with a claw.

"Really, Gallus? And tell us, how do you think we should end this?" Smolder replied, crossing her arms.

"Uhmm, I don't know, turn them to stone?"

"That might work..." Smolder said, thoughtfully.

"Maybe if we find their leader, we can put an end to this once and for all," Ocellus added.

"Yes, that's a great idea, Ocellus! Let's destroy their leader and force them to accept peace!" Silverstream exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Silvi!" Sandbar exclaimed, horrified, before Ocellus could respond.

"What! We'll appoint a transitional government, that will be great for them."

"Transitional government? Yona like idea," Yona said, nodding.

"Yona, no! We're supposed to..." Sandbar began to say, but he was interrupted.

"Look!" Smolder shouted, pointing toward the horizon.

In response to Ocellus's suggestion, a towering turkey-Hawk majestically emerged from the entrenched formations on the hill. Despite the distance, its size stood out among the others; its plumage and stance exuded an aura distinctive of a champion of its race.

It was clear this was their leader. The very Fathungry now presented himself on the battlefield.

"Gallus, is that their leader? Is that Fathungry?" Ocellus asked, surprised by the sudden appearance.

"Yes," the griffon ominously replied, confirming what Ocellus and the others had suspected upon seeing him.

"He looks just like the other turkey-hawks. Friends, we should crush him," Yona challenged with determination.

"No, wait... he's coming alone. Maybe he wants to talk," Ocellus corrected, pointing out that Fathungry was the only one advancing toward them, while the rest of the turkey-hawks retreated behind the hill.

"Are you serious?" Smolder asked doubtfully, reflecting the group's uncertainty.

"Guys, I'm serious! If he wants to talk, we'll talk. If he wants to fight, we'll fight. Got it?" Ocellus reprimanded firmly, aware of the importance of keeping calm and maintaining diplomacy, even though Fathungry's fearsome reputation was intimidating.

So, with their guard up, the Young Six watched as the infamous Fathungry approached them. With a limp but determined step, the enormous bird advanced until he stopped at a safe distance.

Finally, Fathungry was face-to-face with the Young Six. Although there were only a few meters between them, at that moment it seemed as if a chasm separated both sides. On one side, the Young Six inside the shining light elephant, and on the other, Fathungry wrapped in his black, menacing plumage. Rather than wanting to converse, they looked like two adversaries about to engage in a deadly duel.

The air grew even tenser. Fathungry showed no sign of kindness or fear, his predatory gaze scanning the light elephant before him from top to bottom.

Ocellus, who should have been the first to attempt dialogue, remained silent and only watched. She didn't like Fathungry, and now that he was in front of her, she liked him even less.

As if reading what was going through her mind, Fathungry fixed his gaze on her for a moment, and after an odd, amused expression, the bird began to contort his head as if he were choking.

"What the...?" Ocellus murmured, but before her companions could respond, a sound erupted in front of them.

"Puchhhh" A large amount of green mucus splattered everywhere, staining the pristine whiteness of the light elephant that shielded them.

Fathungry had just sneezed in front of them. Brazenly, the great bird began to make mocking clucks.

Inside the light elephant, the Young Six's patience was wearing thin.

"Ocellus, can we move on to the 'not-so-friendly' part?" Gallus suggested, annoyed, and he wasn't the only one.

"If that's how he wants to play it then..." Ocellus began to say determinedly, just as the light elephant they were controlling started to stretch out its trunk, aiming directly at the insolent turkey-Hawk.

But it stopped.

Quickly, Fathungry had extended a wing and, as if it were a giant hand, planted it firmly in front of the Young Six in a sign to 'halt.'

Bewildered, the Young Six saw a strange expression on the bird's face. It was like that of a criminal smiling triumphantly before pulling out a hidden weapon.

Fathungry extended his other wing, then revealing that 'weapon.'

A lump fell to his left, which, after rolling on the ground for a moment, began wriggling like a worm out of the earth.

"Aghhhh, cough cough! How long has it been since you last bathed! Cough cough!" Trixie squealed, tears streaming down her face after having spent a long time inside Fathungry's not-so-hygienic left armpit.

"CLO CLO CLO CLO" Fathungry mocked with a thunderous cluck.

"COUNSELOR TRIXIE!" the Young Six cried out, barely recognizing their teacher. In that instant, the magic sustaining the light elephant dissolved, and everyone fell abruptly to the ground, except Ocellus, who managed to catch Sandbar while he was still in his wheelchair.

"CLO CLO CLO CLO" Fathungry mocked again, enjoying the chaos.

"Ah, hello guys... hahaha, how have you been?" Trixie asked casually as she recovered from her suffocation, trying to maintain a nonchalant appearance.

The Young Six, sore from the fall, didn't respond. Only Ocellus and Sandbar approached Trixie, with Ocellus being the first to reach her and give her an emotional hug.

Meanwhile, Fathungry, uninterested in the touching reunion, pulled out a red potion from his feathers and began chewing on it nonchalantly.


"900, 901, 902, 903, 904..." Trixie counted each red potion bottle that emerged from the mysterious box held by a smiling Silverstream at her side.

Just a few meters away, Fathungry watched them intently. The huge bag in which the potions were being deposited was already reaching its limit. Although calling it a bag was inaccurate; it was actually a huge pink purse adorned with light blue and lilac hearts, made by Yona in a sewing contest months ago. Since then, it had gathered dust in one of the castle's storage rooms. Now, the Young Six had retrieved it, following Trixie's orders, to use it as the container for Fathungry's reward.

"Reward?!" everyone had exclaimed when Trixie explained the deal she had made.

It was hard for the group of friends to believe, but Trixie had negotiated with the infamous leader of the turkey-hawks so they would leave them in peace. Fathungry and his gang promised to fix the mess they had caused in the surrounding area, and also swore never to cause trouble for the creatures of the region again. This included a friendly cooperation agreement between ponies and turkey-hawks in case they needed help.

And all this in exchange for... a thousand red potions they knew nothing about!

Still not understanding what was happening, the Young Six watched in confusion as Trixie finished preparing Fathungry's loot.

"I don't understand, why do turkey-hawks want so many red potions from the counselor?" Yona asked, just as lost as the rest.

"I think these potions have some sort of compound that the turkey-hawks really like," replied Ocellus, examining one of the potions.

"Really like? I think it's more than that," Gallus observed, pointing to a group of turkey-hawks fighting in the distance. In the middle of the scuffle, a small red crystal could be seen lying on the ground.

"I can understand them. Honestly, they look delicious... very delicious..." Smolder added in a somber tone as she closely examined one of the potions. The hypnotic crimson glow of the brew began to reflect in the dragon's eyes, and she slowly started to bring the potion closer to her mouth.

Before she could go any further, Ocellus quickly snatched it away. Smolder gave her a momentarily annoyed look, but seeing the worried faces of her friends, she offered an embarrassed smile and looked away.

"Well, Counselor Trixie is safe, and the turkey-hawks are now our friends. Everything is fine, right?" Sandbar added optimistically from his wheelchair, watching as the initial part of the deal was completed.

Around them, in an unusual sight for anyone watching, the huge turkey-hawks with their enormous claws were cleaning the area, replanting trees, placing flowers... they even put the Equestrian flag back on Twilight's castle.

The place looked festive again, even more so than before.

Despite all this, Gallus tilted his head, not fully understanding. The rest had similar expressions.

"...998, 999, and 1000!" Trixie exclaimed from the other side. The potion count was complete. "Here are all the potions you wanted. Satisfied?"

Fathungry let out a brief caw in response, apparently pleased.

"Ah, alright. Look, just send someone here this week, and we'll sort out the rest of the paperwork," Trixie replied nonchalantly.

Another caw was heard in response.

"Fine... send them whenever you want. But don't forget about 'that other thing,' okay?" This time, Trixie looked more serious as she spoke.

Fathungry let out another caw and then turned his attention toward the Young Six. He had a sharp look in his eyes, as if he were trying to see 'something.'

"That would be all. The Great and Powerful Trixie thanks you for your understanding. You may leave now," Trixie finished speaking with a smile, waving her hoof as if to dismiss him.

Fathungry, for his part, didn't look as enthusiastic. With his enormous claw, he grabbed the now-closed pink purse and, after an awkward moment of silence as he watched Trixie, turned around and spread his wings.

"Aurrrrrrrrppppppp," he let out a powerful call.

Immediately, all the nearby turkey-hawks stopped what they were doing and began preparing for their imminent departure.

Fathungry flapped his wings, and like a gust of wind, the air began to whip around the area. Then, the giant bird puffed out his chest and, with a leap, rose from the ground vertically, as if he were a hot air balloon ascending high into the sky.

The Young Six and Trixie watched in surprise. It was a rare way for a bird of that size to take off.

The other turkey-hawks, on the other hand, began to take off in a more traditional manner, flapping their wings and running across the field until they rose horizontally.

And so, after several minutes, the great flock of terrifying birds finally left, disappearing among the clouds on the horizon.

"Ugh, what a hassle... though he has a magnificent voice, he really doesn't deserve it!" Trixie complained aloud. She had resolved her most recent disaster in record time. That had restored her confidence... but now she had another disaster to deal with.

Trixie turned around. There were the Young Six, looking at her as puzzled as they were nervous. Except for Gallus, who had his gaze averted.

"Be brave, Trixie, be brave..." she suddenly thought, like an echo coming from deep within her being...


From the heights, suspended in the air, Fathungry watched as Trixie and the others (whom he neither knew nor cared about) entered Twilight's castle.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie..." Fathungry smiled.

There was a saying: "I came looking for copper and found gold."

Fathungry's smile grew even wider, the satisfaction now flooding him was evident.

He hadn't expected things to turn out so well.

Fathungry had confessed to Trixie that the turkey-hawks had a deep passion for the unique taste of the 'Rose of Hope and Despair.' And that, indeed, the potions Trixie possessed had that same special flavor.

The deal he made with that unicorn was based on Fathungry's declared interest in feeding his people with those potions and becoming famous for generations.

But... was that really all?

Certainly, Fathungry enjoyed the taste of the red potions, but unlike other turkey-hawks, he enjoyed... 'mischief' even more.

He knew that a single spoonful of those potions could corrupt even the kindest of creatures in this world. Few species were immune to that poison. What could he do with a thousand of them now?

The malice within Fathungry was great; he was already imagining the possibilities...

"The Great North... yes, let's start there..." he murmured to himself. The turkey-hawk had contacts, and the Great North would be the perfect place to begin his plans.

Around him, like a shadow of doom, the rest of the turkey-hawks surrounded him, eagerly waiting for their leader's next command.

A shriek suddenly pierced the air.

All the turkey-hawks turned their heads, but they were too slow. Before any of them could fully turn their necks, a silhouette had already passed by, slicing through the closed formation of the turkey-hawks.

Fathungry was the only one who saw it coming; he now stared directly at the intruder.

"Fathungry, what have you done?!" exclaimed Londrinel, the Silver Chest, messenger of the giant eagles of the Amethyst Mountains.

A furious uproar erupted among the turkey-hawks, faced with their natural enemy. But Fathungry let out a squawk, and immediately they all fell silent.

"Haa, little fledgling, how delightful to see you! You're late. Were you too busy fixing your nest?" Fathungry mocked.

The turkey-hawks burst into laughter again.

"I'm not here to listen to your nonsense. What have you taken from the ponies?" Londrinel demanded.

"Ahh, are you here for this?" the bird turned his claw, revealing the pink purse he was carrying. "... it's just a reward for my good deeds. I'm now an honorary friend of the ponies." Fathungry finished with a big grin.

"You know nothing about good deeds. Hand it over!" Londrinel ordered. Then, in a flight so swift it was impossible to see, the great eagle lunged at Fathungry, attempting to snatch the purse from him.

But Fathungry was ready. In an impossible twist for such a fat bird flapping its wings to stay aloft, Fathungry gracefully dodged Londrinel's attack.

The turkey-hawks burst into laughter again.

"Fledgling. Don't pretend to disrespect me with these games. You can't touch me. You'd better call that old pigeon you have for a king if you want anything from me."

Londrinel didn't respond and simply shrieked in frustration as the repeated mockery of the other turkey-hawks echoed around him.

Then, a voice boomed from behind Fathungry:


Fathungry took a millisecond to react. He didn't believe it. But as he turned, he saw it with his own eyes. It was him.

"THARGODAL!" the bird screeched furiously. All the other turkey-hawks shrieked in surprise and genuine fear. There, crowned by the sunlight, the majestic king of the eagles appeared in his glorious form.

Terrified, the turkey-hawks retreated behind their leader. Londrinel, for his part, flew to the right of his king with a calm flight.


"MIDNIGHT?" Fathungry replied, confused, still overwhelmed, but only for a moment. "HAHAHA! YOUR SUPERSTITIONS MEAN NOTHING TO ME, THARGODAL. ARE YOU HERE FOR MY PRIZE? JUST SAY IT!"


"AHH, I SEE! HAVE YOU SEEN THE FUTURE? DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN STOP ME? FACE ME THEN, THARGODAL!" Fathungry shouted defiantly. In a rapid flutter of wings, an explosion of dust erupted. A great black cloud quickly expanded, staining the clear sky. Protecting his king, Londrinel positioned himself in front and with his wings created a shield of air around him. However, more dust explosions were heard, and the cloud intensified, completely obscuring the eagles' view.

The other turkey-hawks, following their leader's example, triggered more dust clouds. This dust wasn't just accumulated dirt; it was a mix of ash and chemicals capable of intoxicating anyone who breathed it and even damaging the feathers of any bird that passed through it. This was a unique defense mechanism of that brazen bird species.

But Thargodal knew it well and knew how to respond.

In a single motion, the king of the eagles spun around, releasing a magical wind that purified the air around him. Within seconds, the toxic cloud dissipated from the sky as if it had never been there.

Thargodal had freed himself from that trap, but it was too late.

"Your Excellency, Fathungry is..." Londrinel pointed his gaze towards where a black speck was disappearing on the horizon.

"I know, Londrinel, they're fleeing," Thargodal replied bitterly, not looking in the same direction.

It was worse than that; not only was Fathungry fleeing, but amid the dark cloud, all the turkey-hawks had taken off in different directions with the goal of confusing Thargodal and Londrinel, making it impossible to capture their leader.

Not knowing whom to pursue, Londrinel screeched in frustration, searching with his keen sight for any trace of Fathungry. However, King Thargodal remained calm. With his head bowed, the great eagle monarch looked at the castle below them.

Noticing this, Londrinel approached his king.

"Should we warn the ponies of the great danger that will soon fall upon them?" Londrinel asked.

"No," the king replied magnanimously. "The ponies must be able to defend themselves. We must not intervene. Not now."

Thus, Thargodal sealed the ponies' fate, finally making a decision he had been pondering since he understood his vision of the future.

"I understand, my lord..." Londrinel responded with a tone of sadness.

"Do not despair, Londrinel. Now we must put all our effort into hunting down Fathungry and his people. We must prevent him from causing an even greater disaster upon this land," Thargodal ordered, now resolute. "Londrinel, accompany me. We must head to the Great North immediately; they will need us there soon."

"To the Great North? Yes, count on me, Your Excellency!" the young eagle responded eagerly.

Thus, both birds set off to the north, in a hurried race to stop Fathungry's plans.