Chapter 3

It took a few hours, but Leonardo already formed an idea of the first novel to write. However, he decided to allow Clark to go about his business. Since after all it was Clark's body and the boy was a restless fourteen year old. It wouldn't do to take Clark weekend away from him, hence he decided to begin writing at night since Clark didn't need as much sleep as a human.

'Why don't you just ask her out or better yet, go on a date with another girl.' Leonardo couldn't help but ask. 

After giving Clark control back and going to sleep as he hung out with Pete and Chloe. He found Clark currently in the loft looking at Lana through a telescope. Which would be more creepy if he continued to watch her make out with Whitney on the porch.

'Because I love her.' Clark retorted. 'If I did that wouldn't I be betraying my feelings?'

'You are fourteen, why not try going on a few dates with other girls. Nothing wrong with chatting with other pretty girls over a meal.' Leonardo answered. 'Nothing is set in stone, Clark. Lana will always be your first love, but first loves won't always end pretty.'

Clark snorted, 'You sound like you experience it first hand.'

'In a way. She married not long after her seventeenth birthday and had a kid not long after.' Leonardo explained. 'Fast forward a few years, she had another one, but was head deep in drugs so despite being in her early twenties she looked more like forty.'

Leonardo waited a few seconds before continuing. 'Nothing wrong with having a First love Clark, but we tend to fantasize about who they are not. Don't get so caught up you miss the chance to find a real partner who will travel thick and thin with you. They will be your rock as well make you soar to greater heights.'

Clark frowned but didn't retort right away. While it was clear he didn't agree with Leonardo, he could feel some truth in his words. So he tilted the telescope up and started heading inside.

After Clark went to sleep, Leonardo took control of his body and began writing out the first novel. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was basically Twilight or close as he touched upon the plot points. Which made him laugh lightly as he never thought he would write a romance novel.

In the end due his speed, he hand wrote the entire story down in about an hour and separated it into four different books. After which he switched on the computer and began to type it out as well researching a few trust worthy publishers. Then he found the middle man and sent off the first book to be reviewed and published.

"Well, I guess it's time to allow the body to rest. Clark will throw a fit otherwise." Leonardo sighed as a few hours flew by in a blink of an eye.


"Clark, we are leaving in fifteen minutes, and you haven't finished your chores yet!"

Following Martha shouting from downstairs, a loud crash was heard as Clark fell onto his bed. Which stirred not only him but Leonardo awake. Which in turn broke the bed frame as Clark pushed himself up from the now slanted bed.

"Was I floating again?" He mumbled.

'Yep, power of flight. Besides a few ideas on how to learn to control it, I got nothing, so we will deal with it later.' Leonardo let out a yawn. 'Now, get moving as we have work to do.'

'Great, I just want to be normal.' Clark grumbled.

'You are normal, Clark.' Leonardo answered. 'You lust after pretty girls, crave to be treated older than you are, think you're wise and hold all the answers, and feel the world ending when things don't go your way. Congratulations Clark, you're a normal teenager.'

'Haha,' Clark dryly said.


'Ugh, why did you choose this place for your community service?' Leonardo complained. 'Did you suddenly become jealous of their gray and white hair?'

'Why would I be jealous? I will grow old one day won't I?' Clark question.

'Umm, I don't know. All I know is Kryptonians live longer than humans and since I don't know how a Krypton year compared to Earth Year? It is not impossible that you will appear in your twenties or thirties even after a century.' Leonardo shrugged not that either could see it. 'This is even without being empowered.'

'So I will outlive everyone?' Clark angrily said.

'Well, Clark. Everyone has an expiration date, ours is just much further in the future compared to most humans.' Leonardo replied. 'So don't worry your teenage mind and just live your life, find a good woman, get married, have a kid or two. It will hurt when she goes, but at least you will have all the memories you made together.'

'Leo, you need to work on your talking skills.' Clark angrily said, but calmed down. 'Wait, I can have kids?'

'I don't see why not? Unless the thing between our legs is just for show.' Leonardo joked. 'Nothing to be embarrassed about, just be careful since you are well gifted in that department.'

Clark nearly stumbled at Leonardo's words as he blushed lightly. Luckily, Pete was there to divert the topic. Since he basically followed Clark in signing up so they could be together doing their community services.

"We could have served our community by life guarding a girls' swim class at the Y, instead of hanging out with the denture crowd. I mean, where's the attraction?"

"Hi, Pete." Lana walked by.

Leonardo watched as Pete, a teen quarter shorter than Clark, got hit with realization. Which made a broad smile soon cross his dark skin as he looked at Clark. Since it wasn't a secret that Clark liked the brunette girl with asian descent features.

"Hi, Lana, I didn't know you were volunteering here." Clark smiled at Lana.

"Sure you didn't." Pete and Leonardo sarcastically said.

'Really, Leo.' Clark snarked.

'Yeah, I agree with Pete. We could be watching pretty girls in swimsuits instead hanging out here. Though, if my luck holds true, it will be grannies and horizontal wide women in swimsuits. So maybe it's a good idea not to be a lifeguard.' Leonardo mumbled.

"I have been for a few weeks now. Are you part of the companion program?"

Clark smiled brightly when Lana said a few things to him. "Yeah, I'm reading with Cassandra."

"She's an interesting woman. Some of the nurses say she can see the future." Lana smiled as she walked away.


"So it takes two of you to read nowadays, eh?"

Stepping into the room, where a bed was neatly made with a simple nightstand next to it, was up against the wall. On the nightstand was a glass of water, while an old woman around ninety sat reading braille on one of two chairs diagonal to the bed.

The woman removed her glasses where two white eyes looked in the direction of Clark and Pete.

"How'd you know there are two of us?" Clark asked.

'She blind, not deaf, probably heard Pete sneakers all the way down the hall. When one sense goes, there are records of the other senses being heightened.' Leonardo answered.

"Well, I'm blind, not deaf. I heard your little friend's shoes squeaking all the way down the hall." Cassandra answered with a kind smile.

Clark just rubbed his forehead as he wanted to groan as he felt a bit embarrassed about the answer. Unlike Pete who only got it once, he received it twice from two different people.

"So, is it true? Can you tell the future?" Pete asked, a bit excited.