Chapter 5

In the Smallville Beanery, a slightly strange sight was taking place. Due to Leonardo and Clark fighting for control of the body. He began to tremble as his arms and legs wanted to move, but also stay still.

"Everything alright, Clark." Chloe asked.

The blonde funky reporter asked as she looked at him. She has short cropped blonde hair that sprouted outwards and bright colored with a shoulder bag hanging behind her.

"Yeah," Clark replied as he forcefully turned his head. "Why don't we do this? I will go check out where he vanished and you two will dig up what you can about Harry."

Before either could say anything, Clark walked away with his body still fighting him. His legs and arms were jerky as if his body was spazzing out. Which made the girls very concerned since they haven't ever seen him like this.

"Knock it off, Leo. Now isn't the time." Clark growled, making Chloe and Lana stare in confusion.

"Who is Leo?" Lana asked Chloe who shrugged.

Luckily before they could continue questioning things, a dirty blonde teen with nice looking features complained as he paid. "$2.75 for a cup of coffee. Did they carry it here from South America on foot?" 

"He sounds like an old man." Lana joked.

"Yeah. Well, shall we head out then. Clark will probably have something soon." Chloe said as she picked up her stuff.

"We just sat down too." Lana complained as she got up.


Not long after leaving, Leonardo stopped fighting Clark for control. While he did have the idea of helping the girl with her acne as he remembered the pain of it. Though he didn't have it as bad as her, she looked like she could use a friend. Hence, he felt it was a bit more important than listening to the retelling of how Lana lost someone.

'What was that about Leo!' Clark roared.

'A bit of fun and Abigail looked like she could use a friend more than Lana.' Leonardo calmly answered.

'Well knock it off.' Clark huffed. 'Now let's go check out this pond.'

'Don't be such a worry wart. At least I'm ninety percent sure Abigail doesn't have a boyfriend unlike a certain brown hair girl.' Leonardo shot back. 'Besides, it's not like I am asking you to date her, just chat with her.'

Clark just continued to frown and ended the conversation with the silent treatment. Which didn't solve anything truth be told, but Leonardo decided to allow him a pass this time. Until the next girl or chance to mess with him a bit. After all, Leonardo is quite bored since he could only chat with Clark and pretend to be him when he chats with others.


After arriving at the scene where Harry was last seen and the pond where his wheelchair was found. It didn't take either Clark or Leonardo long to figure out the issue here. For they felt an intense muscle weakness and if all the nerves were burning.

'Well, judging by the footprints near the shore from exiting the water full of meteor rocks. My guess is that Harry walked out of here all on his own.' Leonardo said. 'The question now is what did these meteor rocks do to him and where he is now.'

'From the little I picked up before we came here. There has been no sighting of Harry since Lana went to get his jacket. However, judging by the surroundings, he shouldn't be able to leave without anyone seeing him.'

'So whatever the water did to him, must have given him strength to walk on his own and change his appearance enough.' Leonardo hummed. 'Flight is an option, but I think it highly unlikely since there are muddy footprints that match the pair coming out of the water on the path.'

'How do you know so much?' Clark asked as he looked at the ground closer.

'Read a few mystery novels and detective web novels. While most are a bit out there, one can pick up a thing or two from them.' Leonardo answered. 'So remind me to at least read up on various police skills later.'

Clark rolled his eyes, but truth be told, Leonardo half baked skills are a great help currently. So he might have to also read up on some with him. So following the muddy prints even after the visible prints that normal sight can see. They soon found nearly dried clothes tossed near Harry's room that match what he was wearing when he vanished.

'Well, we can mark quite a few abilities off our list. My guess is he either gained shapeshifting or we found a knock off version of the Fountain of Youth.' Leonardo joked.

'How did you come to that conclusion?' Clark asked.

'Well, besides floating or shapeshifting to give his old body the ability to walk again. There aren't many options and truth be told. Not to mention when one becomes a meteor infected, the ability gained is often very similar to the catalysis and situation that granted it in the first place.' Leonardo replied.

'I can understand if he gained water abilities, but de-aging. I don't know.' Clark said as he glanced at the teen playing the piano.

"You play beautifully," Cassandra said as the piece finished up.

"I was supposed to attend the Metropolis Conservatory." The teen said.

'I think we found our missing person.' Leonardo laughed inside Clark's head. 'It makes sense, Harry doesn't have anywhere to go and since his stuff is here. He can at most wander around Smallville before trying to blend in here.'

"Your voice sounds young. The Conservatory closed its doors in the 70's." Cassandra replied, making the teen's face flicker for a moment.

'Yeah, but what can we do? Besides turning young, he hasn't done anything.' Clark answered.

Leonardo frowned as Clark did have a point, but if he remembered correctly, Harry would begin killing. However, he didn't know if this universe would follow the Smallville television script that close or not. So he decided to use the few hours when he would have free reign on Clark's body to keep an eye on him.


Later that night after Clark went to sleep, Leonardo sneaked out of the house. Which was probably for the best, since it took him nearly an hour to track down Harry. During which he was about to strangle a middle aged man.

While Leonardo sort of wanted to walk in and appear like a hero. He couldn't do that with Clark's face, despite knowing Clark wouldn't care. However, after giving a lecture about needing to either create a disguise or not be seen. 

So after a moment's thought, Leonardo sped in and gave Harry an elbow while moving the man arm so he would think he did it. After making sure Harry was down, Leonardo left the place and returned to the farm. During which when sneaking back inside, he found Johnathan on the porch staring at him.

"Clark, what are you doing out of bed?" Jonathan asked, slightly surprised.

Leonardo felt unsure how he should answer. He didn't want to get a face full of kryptonite after all. Which he felt was a high possibility if he was similar to the one the Smallville television show.

So if he goes down, he might as well make it unbelievable. "I couldn't sleep, so I went for a run and ended up saving a man being strangled. Don't worry, he didn't see me and I rigged it so it looked like he saved himself."

Jonathan lightly nodded as Leonardo said goodnight and headed for Clark's bedroom. He felt he should go to sleep for the next while. Otherwise, that kryptonite fist will be visiting him soon.