Chapter 45

Deep in thought on the Kent Farm, Leonardo was looking at a world map. Summer Vacation was coming up soon and he was preparing to travel. On where he was traveling he didn't know as he was half tempted to try finding Wonder Woman Island. It was just he was unsure if it was a good idea, since Amazon's History with men isn't sunshine or rainbows.

"Should I explore the rainforest or try my luck on finding Paradise Island?" Leonardo asked himself.

"Are you really planning to travel again?" Martha asked.

"I sort of like adventuring and it also involves some soul searching. You know maybe find a purpose outside annoying Clark with philosopher questions or help someone here and there." Leonardo replied. "Besides, it is only for the summer otherwise Clark would probably track me down."

Martha sighed as she agreed with Leonardo's idea. While she liked his company around the house, she knew that like her son, he needed to go out and find himself. Not to mention, she didn't want him to feel trapped or have to stay with them.

"Who knows, I might even find a girlfriend or a hundred. I could really be called the Harem King then." Leonardo crossed his arms as he nodded to himself.

"Dreams are for when you're asleep, Leonardo." Jonathan's voice interrupted as he stepped in for some water. "I need your help if you have some time."

"Where is Clark?" Leonardo asked. "I thought he was helping you."

"I give you one guess." Jonathan sighed.

"Lana." Leonardo sighed.

"Apparently she needed to tell him something important." Jonathan shrugged.

Leonardo shrugged since truthfully he didn't care all that much. What might seem important to Lana, isn't really that important to others. Then he remembered that Lana went to some art program in France in the show. If that was the case now, then it is very happy and important news for him since she will be leaving.

'She only left for the summer in the show. Which would suck if it is the same in this world,' Leonardo happy mood dampens once more.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under the barn in a semi-dark room, Leonardo went down the steps. There Clark was punching the log or what remained of one of the logs he prepared. For the one he was punching is more a bunch of toothpicks than a log.

"Someone angry." Leonardo said. "Did Lana finally kill any thoughts of dating you."

"She was accepted to an Art School in France." Clark said softly clearly hurting the girl he loves is leaving him. "Lana said she wanted to leave Smallville and didn't want anything to pull her back. So she told me to move on and not to wait for her as she was unsure if she will ever return here. She seems in the process of selling her shares of the Talon too."

"I could tell you some sappy thing about first love again, but Clark. Just think of it as Lana's way of telling you she is not the one for you. So, begin looking at the sea of fishes and not the pet store fish." Leonardo said. "You might find someone special and maybe after a few dates and you feel a great connection you can tell her your secret. Unlike Lana who you pined after for years and never had the urges unless you hypnotize yourself to do so."

"Sort like the ten girls you asked?" Clark raised his eyebrow.

"I never claimed to be a good fisherman did I?" Leonardo smiled. "Can't even get a nibble, but maybe you can."

Clark closed his eyes for a while before nodding. "Alright, I will give it a try, since you're right. Lana is moving on and it is time for me to do the same."

Leonardo clapped his hands happily, for Clark was finally willing to put down his rollercoaster relationship with Lana. Hopefully it will stick and allow Clark to see other options out there than this one girl. A girl who he strongly dislikes but hopes will mature in France.

"Now, come along, there are freshly baked blueberry muffins and I might allow you one." Leonardo said as he vanished in a burst of speed.

"Leo and his blueberry muffins." Clark sighed before following suit.


Later that night, Leonardo stepped out of the house before he shot off into the sky. He finally recharged or synced completely with his body. He didn't know which, but Leonardo after over a month of gaining his body had the sudden urge and could fly once more. A power that brought a smile to his face as he flew around the night sky like a kid in a candy store.

'It's funny, I was afraid of heights, but now I love flying high up in the sky.' Leonardo thought as he traveled higher and higher.

Looking down at the planet from a view that most only see in pictures. Leonardo floated in space as he looked at Earth below him. A planet that seemed so big but also small at the same time.

Then he heard it, the sounds of cries for help as his eyes seemed zoomed in allowing him to see a bus crash at the tip of South America. Flying quickly, Leonardo slammed down before the accident sight and gently blew out any fire he could see. Right before, moving and picking up five or seven injured people.

"Have no fear, for I am here…to help." Leonardo said in spanish.

Before crashing down he did remove his glasses and demeanor a bit. While it seemed a bit early to be doing hero work or whatever other heroes call it. Leonardo didn't really care as he didn't plan to wait and nor really expected his kind heart would lead him here.

While he moved many people and showed great strength and bright smile to comfort a few small children at the scene. Besides his strength and bit of speed, he didn't display anything related to superpowers. Just a guy in plaid who rushed over to help and had a bit of strength to him.

"Thank you sir." A small girl said she was being looked at by a paramedic that arrived.

"You are welcome." Leonardo smiled kindly.

Then he left quickly before reporters could get to him. Once he was out of sight, he shot off into the sky and headed to Smallville. If he stayed out any longer, he wouldn't be able to stop himself as his heart went out to others and want help everywhere. Which pained him as he needed to take his own advice on what he told Clark previously.

'Clark is going to be so annoyed once he learns of this.' Leonardo thought.

It was not so much of him helping others, but that he basically did it so far away and was seen by lots of people. For Clark was still in the stage of wanting to basically dig into a hole and hide himself forever. Though he was emerging like a groundhog, Leonardo hopes this incident doesn't send him back in.

When he finally returned to the Kent Farm as he may or may not made a few detours upon seeing some snacks he wanted to try. He landed in the yard with an arm full of various snacks and candy. Only to see Jonathan standing there sipping on a cup of water not looking amused.

Looking at his arms, Leonardo with a slightly pained expression offered. "Blueberry Breakfast Cake? It's freshly baked."

"Just do Clark's chores as punishment tomorrow for not leaving a note." Jonathan simply said. "Also, I pass on the snack."

"Well, your loss, since it comes from a famous bakery in Mexico where they only sell a limited number per day." Leonardo smiled.

"Then how did you get one?" Jonathan asked.

"Saved the baker grandson from a mugger, and was offered a piece. Though I did leave a few bills that paid for it." Leonardo answered which made Jonathan sigh.