Chapter 47

Three weeks after coming to California, Leonardo slowly rose from the bed and stepped out onto the balcony of the hotel. Wrapping his hands around the girl who simply wore his shirt, he looked out at the sunrise feeling as he gave her a small peck on the cheek. For he didn't really expect such a scene to happen a week after arriving or who he actually found.

The woman didn't seem much older than him, a year or two at most. Not that it was easy to tell for she was nearly a foot shorter than him. She has black hair that reaches just below the top of her shoulders with some dyed pink highlights with dark eyes. Eyes that carried a hint of mischief at times while her magical fingers that seemingly played any instrument gently rubbed his arm.

"I thought you would run after last night." She whispered.

"Well, busting out crimson red wings with black blade or end was certainly a surprise when you were on top. If I didn't know better, I might have thought I gave you wings." Leonardo joked.

"You don't seem scared or surprised that I have them." She said with curiosity, lacing each word.

"I may have had a small clue a week ago when I finally got my first date." Leonardo admitted. "You did have a crimson feather on the back of your shirt."

"My mom said when she found out about my father, she was very scared and panicky. So she said I may meet a few who were just as scared." she whispered with a bit of disappointment about talking about her father. "I would have told you eventually, but I didn't think my first time with a real thing would be so magical they just pop out."

"Well, as impressive as they are, I find the rest of you much more impressive." Leonardo said as he slipped his hand into her shirt.

"You just like my tits." She said,

"Alongside the rest of you, but I can't deny they are great." Leonardo smiled. "Totally worth spending a week tripping over myself to get the first date. Especially with a girl as special as you, Aurora Morningstar."

"It was cute to see, yet, you are leaving soon." She murmured.

"Well, I do like to travel and have to return to Smallville again. I just don't see why I can't have a traveling companion with amazing tits as she puts it." Leonardo threw out the option.

"I will think about it." Aurora murmured.

"Well, I give you a week or so to decide. You might also learn something more shocking if you agree." Leonardo smiled.


After seeing Aurora out as she went home, Leonardo just sighed as he took a shower. The past three weeks were an adventure to say none the least. Not long after leaving the Kent Farm and arriving in California. He was on the beach looking at a few stunning girls for a few days before deciding to hit Los Angeles.

It was then while shopping he ran into Aurora, though he didn't know it at the time. Instead he just felt his heart beat strongly and butterflies in his stomach when she also looked at him. Which made the two begin chatting and the first of many days following failing to secure a date.

Each attempt was more sad than the last as he busted out each clique trick after another. From a bouquet of roses to movies, yet each time he was shot down. In the end, he didn't know why, but after inviting her out for a nice yet simple dinner did the trick, she agreed. Granted they spent the week leading up to it hanging out from the arcade or waking the malls.

Finally after getting her to agree to an actual date, Leonardo was over the moon as he couldn't stop himself from hovering around his hotel room. It took him hours to calm down enough that he wasn't a foot or two in the air. Which added a moment which Clark can never know about.

Since that day for the next two weeks and many more dates later, it led to last night. A night where his suspicions were confirmed. It had turned out that Lucifer was on Earth around twenty years ago and not in the next five or so years. Since the girl he really liked and found himself acting like a little kid around turns out to be his daughter.

Stepping out of the shower, Leonardo noticed that Aurora sent him a message. A message that lightly sent a shiver down his spin. For it was a message to have dinner at her house.

'What could go wrong?' Leonardo thought.


Later that night, Leonardo found himself invited for dinner to meet the Aurora mother and close family. Which made him want to run after seeing seven others alongside her and her mother. Four among them looked him over while three just chatted among themselves. The three that were chatting among themselves were the younger ones or an ancient one.

"Hello?" Leonardo said as he felt eyes barring holes into him.

"I haven't met one of your kind in a long time?" A tall bald black man said as he wore a white outfit.

The man who spoke was a tall man with a beard, yet had a shiny dark head. He was well built and held himself with pride as he simply smiled. Which made Leonardo feel like he was seen through, though if it is who he guesses this is, then he is not surprised.

"He's human isn't he? Why make it sound like some endangered animal." a woman lightly smacked the man's arm.

The woman appeared to be in her mid to late sixties with full white hair and leaning on a cane. She wore big boxy glasses and gave off the feeling of a doctor. Well he hoped a doctor would feel otherwise his skin crawled at the way her eyes looked at him like a prey for a fun night.

"Why don't we do an introduction first before you four interrogate him." A woman who appeared in her late fifties asked.

"Yeah, this is the first boyfriend my sister brought home." Another woman that looked slightly similar to Aurora said. "Which she didn't do half bad it seems in picking them out. Little dorky glasses but not bad on the rest."

This got the muscular man to snort in amusement. Which earned a small smack from both the woman and his son if Leonardo guessed correctly. Which was odd to say the least, but Leonardo wasn't going to say anything.

Being brought to the dining table, Leonardo took a seat at one end while Aurora took a seat to his right and grabbed his hand under the table. While the four with eager faces grinned as they clearly wanted to begin asking questions. Only someone beat them to the punch, for Aurora's Sister to beat them to the punch.

"My sister said your name is Leonardo Kent, right." She asked.

"Yes, Miss Beatrice." Leonardo replied.

"Did you write the Twilight series?" She blurted out. "Also call me Trixie."

"A few years ago yeah." Leonardo nodded much to her delight.

Aurora just snorted as she read those books and really hopes a movie can come out with them. However, she decided to bring the topic back on track. "Now that's out of the way, let's move on."

Aurora moved behind the woman who had blonde hair with some gray streaks. The same woman that moved them the conversation to the dining table. "This is my mother Chloe."

Next she moved over to the mixed colored woman who appeared in her late twenties or early thirties. The same woman who had her hands together with another woman and the older of the trio who didn't seem interested in interrogating him.

"This is my aunt Mazikeen and her wife Eve." Aurora moved on.

Then she moved to the otherside of the table to the muscular colored man. "This is my uncle Amenadiel, his son Charlie. Besides them is Linda, his old fling and Charlie's mother."

"Oh," was all Leonardo could say.

That was the first time some had introduced him that way and slightly shivered again at the look in the woman's eye. Clearly it wasn't the first time they were introduced that way judging by Amenadiel and Charlie sighs.