Chapter 50

On the Kent Farm, Clark who was holding the tractor front ended up as his father was inspecting the tire. He suddenly turned his head and peered through the wall to see a familiar face returning and a woman. Which slightly took him off guard as the girl wore a sabario as she looked around.

"Leo is back and he brought someone with him." Clark said.

"Well it's nearly time for school to begin again. Since he agreed to go with you, it was just a matter of time before he returned." Jonathan replied. "Alright, put it down as I need to order new tires. It seems I got jipped with shoddy quality ones this time."

"Since Leo is back, maybe he and I can overhaul the tractor again. We have learned a lot more since last time." Clark suggested. "It would save money in the long run too."

"I will think about it," Jonathan simply said.

Leonardo appeared at the barn door and opened his arms wide. "Your favorite person is back." He smiled as he spoke in hindu.

Clark just gave his eye roll at him. Which just made Leonardo smile more. Before looking around and scratching his head.

"Where is that piece of junk Skyline?" Leonardo asked in English.

"Sold it to some producer rolling through who wanted to put it in some movie." Clark replied. "Some modern day take on Bonnie and Clyde or something. So who is this?"

"This is Miss Sexy Legs," Leonardo smiled, earning a small smack on his arm. "Fine, this is Aurora Morningstar. My girlfriend believes it or not."

"No, I don't believe it." Clark shook his head. "Blink twice if he kidnapped you. I hope we can work out some kind of deal."

Aurora smiled and blinked twice playfully. "Well, there was this time a week a-"

Leonardo covered Aurora's mouth before she could continue. Unlike him, she doesn't hold any shame in speaking about their night activities. So she could boldly chat or joke with anyone who would listen. Which is something that can't really be done at the Kent's house.

"I see your sense of humor has awakened Clark. Next we just need to throw you into spandex with web shooters. Look out world, here comes Spider-man." Leonardo huffed at him. "So how did your vacation go? Mine went pretty well."

Clark looked at the girl before replying. "You know, the usual farmwork."

"So where do you plan on staying, young lady." Jonathan asked cutting in.

"Leonardo bed." Aurora smiled.

"Not under my roof you're not." Jonathan instantly said glaring at Leonardo. "We follow strict rules in this family. Leonardo should know that."

"He did mention that, but it's hard when you're in the middle o-" Aurora huffed at Leonardo hand on her mouth once more.

"Her family tends to be - lax on certain things." Leonardo said. "She is renting out the apartment at the Talon."

Jonathan let out a sigh of relief, before sending Leonardo a look of talking later. Which he knew would be coming, but figured it would come if he ever brought someone by. Though, Leonardo could guess there will be certain rules he needs to abide by if he is to continue living with the Kent's. Which seems a bit redundant as he could just move in with Aurora but then another slew of issues will probably rise.

"That is fine." Jonathan said. "So, where do you live and what does your family do?"

"Mom's a retired detective who now helps my uncle run the night club my father made before he left. Now we have thirty clubs across the states." Aurora smiled. "Oh, I am also from Los Angeles."

"Awful far from home." Clark commented.

"My family said it would be good for me to travel. You know, see the world and expand my horizons a bit." Aurora answered. "Besides I call them and can just fly back from time to time."

"Well, then let me welcome you to Smallville. I hope you can stay for dinner." Jonathan offered.

"Oh, I would love to." Aurora agreed.


Later on, when Martha walked through the door, Leonardo and Aurora were just finishing up in the kitchen. Clark and Jonathan were working out in the barn and Martha did tell them she may be a bit late due to closing up the Talon. Hence the two decided to put their limited cooking skills to work with Leonardo using his vision to get the best result he could, just short of heat vision.

"Hello everyone." Martha said finding all four at the table.

"Welcome back." four voices said.

"Wow, does the food look delicious?" Martha looked at the food strangely. "Just I don't think I would pair these foods together for a meal."

Aurora smacked Leonardo with I told you look. Which he just grinned with a shrugged not caring since this wasn't some sort of formal dinner or banquet. So why should it matter if they had a variety of food that seemed strange to be paired together as long as it tastes good.

"Come grab a seat, the two just finished, hon." Jonathan stood up and pulled her chair out for her.

Martha sat her bag down, before taking her seat. Where she looked over at Aurora and Leonardo since the two were having a fork war. When one wasn't blocking or taking a bite of their own food, they were attempting to take the others.

"Behave you two." Martha said.

Leonardo sighed as Aurora took a piece of his food ending the battle in defeat. Which made him smile a bit at her slightly smug look as she puffed her chest out in pride.

"So how was your day?" Jonathan asked his wife.

"Busy." Martha's voice sounded tired. "Not to mention one of my part timers quit. So I have to put up signs of hiring again."

"While I don't know much about working in a coffee shop, why not hire me? I would need something to do while Leo is at school." Aurora asked.

"Don't you have college?" Jonathan asked.

"I haven't decided if I am going to college or not yet. My family has the tradition of giving the children a year after graduating highschool to do what they want. During that time we decide to join the workforce or go to college." Aurora explained. "While getting a degree is good and opens many doors, college isn't for everyone."

"But what about all those wild dorms and parties you will miss." Leonardo joked. "You would miss girls gone wild."

"Not if I set up a studio to shoot those videos." Aurora winked mischievously.

Clark coughed while he was taking a drink while Jonathan and Martha raised an eyebrow at them. They also gave the look of don't talk about such things at the dinner table. Leonardo just rolled with it, but didn't shoot down that idea. It wasn't rare for women to run a porn studio and it was not like Aurora's family lacked money either.

"I wouldn't mind writing a few scripts for you if you follow through." Leonardo smiled as Clark almost blushed from embarrassment.

While they were finishing up dinner and cleaning up. Aurora was about to go pick up her stuff.

"It is getting pretty late, so I guess Aurora should get going." Jonathan said, looking at the sky. "Even if it is a smalltown, a young lady shouldn't be out too late."

"Yeah, about that." Martha began to say. "I can't give you the Talon apartment like I said earlier. It seems Lana is coming back from France and since Chloe's cousin is staying with her. Lana has decided to take over the apartment."