Chapter 66

"Clark, beating yourself isn't going to fix things." Leonardo said.

Floating in the loft, Leonardo sat cross legged in the air as he watched Clark bouncing the ball. His face was emotionless as pain radiated off him and sadness filled his eyes. A few days ago, Alicia was killed and hung from her stables by a meteor infected budding serial killer. A budding killer who was trying so hard to frame her previously.

"I should have believed you and her." Clark said.

"Clark, you did believe but you were angry about her dosing you with red kryptonite and getting you to run off to Las Vegas for a marriage." Leonardo said. "Yes, you were right to be angry, even if it was a bit funny, but you can't control others actions."

Despite his words, Clark just continued to bounce the ball in the Loft. Nearly a month after Alicia came back, she now departed forever. For over the last few days, after a series of attacks that were aimed to frame her. She was killed and unlike the show, it wasn't done by Tim, but a guy named Shawn who could turn air.

Hence, Leonardo ran around trying to track down Shawn after following a series of clues. He was a bit too late and arrived a few seconds after Clark. Thus, Shawn who thought he was getting away found two angry Kryptonians in front of him.

Safe to say, after a solid beat down, Shawn was handed over while Clark fell into his current state. While he did take Leonardo's words to heart and not try to date Alicia. The two were close friends.

"She deserves more than what she got." Clark muttered.

"Maybe," Leonardo nodded. "However, while we can't change the past, that doesn't mean we can't change the future. The world is full of others like her and while it is not possible to save everyone. It is not impossible to help others like her for many live in darkness and need someone to be their light and guide them."

"Then why don't you be that light?" Clark said. "Basically what I do is cause pain around me."

"Clark, self-blame doesn't suit you. Yes, you can feel bad, but you aren't to blame for others' actions." Leonardo answered. "Just think about it, if you can become a symbol and role model, the world might move in a better direction. Many will fight, the human race will drag its feet and may take a few steps back. However, in the future it will step towards greatness and we will probably live to see that day no matter how long it takes."

"Still, why does it have to be me?" Clark muttered.

Leonardo sighed. "It won't be just you. There me, and others will follow as a new era will emerge. All that is lacking is someone to step out and illuminate the path for others to appear."

"I just don't think it is me." Clark said.

Leonardo sighed as he didn't want to continue pushing this topic. He knew that he was pushing it, but it seems since he appeared, Clark began to push his original destiny to him. Which made him sigh, but in time Clark will figure out he can't hide out on the farm.

Turning his head, Leonardo frowned as he heard a noise. Then his eyes shot up to the night sky where his eyes bypassed the clouds and looked into space. Where he saw an old satellite falling toward Earth after another space debris collided with it. Yet at the same time he heard a bomb being placed at an apartment building in New Mexico.

"Clark, take care of the bomb, I will deal with the satellite." Leonardo ordered.

Then he was out the barn window and vanished as he bursted into the sky. Clark blinked before he realized something and vanished from his spot. Leaving the barn empty and a blonde reporter scratching her head when she found the barn empty.


Racing over to the satellite that was falling, Leonardo appeared under it and began to divert the fall course since it would fall just outside Moscow. Which would shatter windows and shake the ground upon impact causing millions in damages. Thus, he examined the satellite before deciding where he should place it down at.

Where he saw it wasn't a satellite but a rocket part that probably sent a satellite into space. It didn't fall back to Earth until now. Hence he decided to just dump it at one of the space station launch pads.

'Well, if I need parts, I guess I could just grab some space debris.' Leonardo thought randomly.

He wasn't an inventor or anything, but it's not like he didn't modify anything. So while he wasn't hurting for money, who would say no to free things.

While he wondered which place to drop this thing off at. Leonardo kept an eye on Clark and saw that he finally walked out of his grief.


Time moved on as Clark walked out of his grief and Leonardo cheered as time grew closer to graduation. Yet, most began to cheer as prom drew closer as well as sending out applications to various colleges.

Yet, before things were looking smooth sailing, Clark was invited to Metropolis University, Lois is facing an assault and battery charge. A charge that may evolve into manslaughter. Hence, Leonardo found himself looking into it due to Lois and Chloe calling for a favor.

Now sitting at the side of David Cooper, Leonardo was scanning him. While the young man seemed slightly weirded out being stared at like this. Leonardo didn't care much, rubbing his chin for a moment. Then he poked a few points on David's body which made his muscles tense up before relaxing suddenly. Which basically made his motor nerves go through a quick reset as did his rest of his body.

For how he knew to do such a thing, Leonardo learned it from the Fortress. Krypton was far more advanced compared to Earth in many fields. So even if he used a fairly old and ancient by Krypton standard medical treatment, it was more advanced than Earth's.

Just doing it this way is fairly painful as it feels like a charlie horse all over the body. Which the young man found out the hard way as he let out a yelp as he instinctively twisted on the bed trying to stretch his muscle and lower the pain he felt.

"Well, you should be good as new now." Leonardo said to him.

Then Leonardo left the room before the nurse and a doctor ran in. After all this was a hospital and such a racket would draw attention from them.

After dialing Lois' phone he waited a few moments for it to connect. Leonardo pulled out a fruit stick, he recently made and lightly sucked on it as he walked out of the hospital. Though the fruit snack looked like a cigarette thus getting a few looks from nurses and people walking by him.

Which he just shrugged off, since basically his fruit stick was just fruit pressed into a hard candy. So he gets the nice fruity taste while not having a mess. The fruit tasted a bit strong at some sectioned as it contain more than other parts.

"You got anything for me, painter?" Lois asked hurriedly.

"Well, David is now mobile and talkative." Leonardo said unhurried.

"Great." Lois cheered.

Then the beep from the phone sounded as Leonardo looked at the cell phone weirdly. Lois hung up on him straight away.

'It's kind of hard to help when I don't get the facts from their side.' Leonardo wondered if they even wanted his help at this point anymore.

In the end, Leonardo just took a seat on the bench and looked in the direction of Clark. There he watched his brother being dragged by a pair of girls into a room. Which made him cheer, just he also saw Lois in the closet.

'Sigh, so close Clark.' Leonardo sighed at Clark's luck.

In the end, he turned away since there isn't going to be much excitement on that side. Then he looked at the woman who sat on the next bench over. The woman was probably in her thirties dressed fairly well. Not so much like she is a wealthy woman or pretending to be one, but probably well off due to an office job of some kind from the looks of it.

Then he felt something off about her and took a closer look. In which he pretended to get up and walk away. "Police, there is a woman at the hospital entrance carrying a severed head."