Chapter 71

The day has finally arrived and Leoanrdo couldn't help but cheer happily. For it was graduation day and his time in Smallville is coming to an end for a while. Though he still plans to visit from time to time, it was time for him to leave for a while.

"Do you know where Chloe is?" Clark asked.

"Did you really just ask me?" Leonardo gave Clark a bored look.

If she is not in her usual spots, just use super hearing and find her location simple as that. Sure he should still ask around or investigate a bit, but why does Clark IQ seem to go offline at times. Whenever he gets worried or caught up in something like being unable to find his friends. He seems to have forgotten that he has abilities to help him easily.

"Did I overlook something?" Clark asked. "She didn't pick up her robes nor even put out the final paper she looked forward to for years."

Leonardo sighed before tapping his ear. Then Clark paused and looked blankly at him for a moment before nodding. Then he walked off and vanished in a burst of speed.

'Why is he so silly.' Leonardo sighed to himself.

It only took a few minutes before Clark returned and seemed to have rescued Chloe among others from whatever happened. During which Chloe went into panic mode due to the school paper not being anywhere near ready to print. A paper like Clark said that she has been looking forward to writing for a while.

In the end, the school agreed to allow her to print it tomorrow due to the incident of what happened to her. Since it was just a school paper in the end and pushing it back one or two days didn't really matter. Though the way Chloe is acting, it seemed like it was the end of the world or Daily Planet closing down.

"So Leo. What are your plans for the future?" Someone asked.

There weren't many, but Leonardo did make a few friends during his time at school. Quite a few were part of the chess club he managed to snag games from once in a while. In games he won but thanks to this, their chess skill really improved. One even won a small local tournament thanks to this.

"I am heading off to the police academy and working toward becoming a detective." Leonardo replied.

"You're kidding me." His friend cried out. "I owe Tony five bucks."

"Were you guys better on my future?" Leonardo asked.

His friend tried to wave it off with a laugh while he gently pushed up his glasses. However under Leonardo's own glasses stare he soon broke. Where he just sighed with regret.

"Well, I bet that you would live off your girlfriend or work in her studio. Tony said I was wrong. Hence we made a bet." he answered with a small laugh.

"Is that so?" Leonardo smiled. "Well, I wouldn't say no, but it would be very boring life truth be told."

"I don't know. Being taken care of by such a beautiful woman. It is probably a blessing of ten lifetimes. So you must have been a saint in your previous life." His friend cried with slight envy.

"Why are you envious? Don't you have a girlfriend?" Leonardo asked.

"Well, what does that have to do with anything? I just can't believe my friend would want to join the workforce instead of being cared for by such a good looking rich girl."

"I almost feel sorry for your future wife if you win the lottery one day." Leonardo said with a serious face. "Her relaxing time away from you will be intruded upon. Such a tragic fate one could have."

"Eh? Tragic? Eh?"

Leonardo ended up bursting out laughing at the face his friend made. It was nice having friends like this where you can joke around with. It was something he didn't have in his old life until he already in his mid twenties did he find friends like this.

Wrapping his arm around his friend's shoulder. "Indeed, tragic. If you set home all the time, how can you show the world your handsomeness."

"I feel like you're changing tunes, but I will pretend not to notice this. For it would be a shame not to show off my handsome face that makes girls drop at the sight."

"Is that so Jon?" A frosty girl's voice made both pause in their steps.

"It was nice knowing you buddy." Leonardo said and ran away.


Soon time passed by as seats were being set up as well the platform that will soon be used for a stage in the rapidly approaching graduation. During which, Leonardo helped out setting up the chairs that will be used for the parents.

"You know, there should be a banner in the corner. In big bright letters it should basically shout 'I survived High School!' or something."

Turning his head, Leonardo saw a fashionable young woman standing there. A smile broke out across his face as he looked at her, a set of blood red wings retracted quickly behind her.

"I didn't expect you would come so soon." Leonardo said. "There are still a few hours until then. Not to mention you technically are here quite yet."

"Since when have you cared so much about the rule?" Aurora huffed.

"When the teacher is watching." Leonardo pointed to the side.

"Fine, I will go hang out with Lois and the Kent's." Aurora smiled before leaving.


Under the eyes of many Leonardo stood behind Clark as they slowly made their way to the stage. Dressed in a robe with a square hat, over the loudspeaker was one name after another, they slowly marched forward. Like many around him, Leonardo stepped forward with joy and nervous filling him.

Even if he already did this once, Leonardo still felt a bit nervous about what was coming. It wasn't much as he just needed to walk on stage, shake a couple hands and hold a piece of paper. Simply what makes him nervous is the hundreds of eyes that are watching the stage either waiting for their own family member or relative.

"Did you see Lana?" Clark asked.

Leonardo shook his head. Even without the stones, Lana still ended up killing Genevieve Teague. Now she is currently sitting with the police trying to explain how she accidentally killed her boyfriend's mother who tried to kill her. It was a bit sad truth be told, but it did make Leonardo wonder if the two were fated to end up like this.

"Clark, don't worry so much about her. She is fine and can take care of herself." Leonardo said.

"You're right." Clark nodded for a moment before stepping onto the stage.

Following not long after, Leonardo soon received his own paper announcing he survived highschool. It also marked the final end for this journey as he prepared to take the next journey in his life. In which he felt better than the first time he did this and probably most of the other students. For he had a goal of becoming a detective, many others are heading off to college or join the workforce. Even if they didn't know where or why they ended up there besides following the flow or their parents wishes.

"Congratulations to you two." Lois said after the event ended.

"Can you not make it sound like Clark is pregnant." Leonardo said.

Chloe who took a sip of water instantly spitted out barely spitting her cousin Lois. Which made them laugh at her reaction instead of Leonardo's joke.

"So, now the world is your toy box. What are you planning on doing from now on, farm boy?" Lois asked Clark.

"I don't actually know." Clark thought for a moment. "I think I might go to college for journalism. While Leo teased me a bunch about it, he also did say a few good things about it too."