"Long, Long ago, A woman named Liz Gravely, Became the CEO of the Simmons center in the early 2000's. She had plans to change the world for the better but it was mostly a lie. Some of these projects took years to do and it didn't look good for the company. Liz, Seeing this, had an idea. She was going to make a serum that when injected, grants powers one couldn't imagine. The previous CEO and founder, Dr Simmons, tried this as well but failed and Liz was going to make it possible. She first tried it on manikins but failed, and then some rats but it failed. After this, she then tested it on some spare robots that barley work. This worked but it needed a special type of animal DNA. These robots were working fine and so Liz gave four of them emotions and made them look like us. They looked like us and acted like us but they were not us. She figured this out and then did something so wicked and heartless. What did she do said Penny. She tossed them into the ocean with no care at all. The robots that she dumped were Adam, Me, Toby and Emma. We stayed there for years until we gained control of our self. We walked on the ocean floor for a long time looking for land above sea until we found a big island and named it, the isle of the bots. a few weeks later, we stole some tech from the Simmons Center and made some hoverboards out of it. Meanwhile back at the Simmons center, Liz found the DNA and sent some of her men to get it. Knowing this, Adam rode his hoverboard and stopped the men from getting the DNA. Liz then heard about a boy on a hoverboard, speeding so fast that he couldn't be stopped. Liz tried to stop us but failed in the process. Sadly, she found the DNA and took it. She then made another robot that looked like her first child. Her first child said Penny. She told me and I was born with London but i didn't believe her said Penny. She never talked a word about a first child before me and London. Her First child was, something else. She was super smart at birth and Liz was proud to have her. Until, she found out she had cancer. She tried everything to save her but she didn't get her back. She wanted her back so badly that she worked on a robot that looked just like her. She gave the serum to her and the animal DNA and she worked just like a human. Toby found out and told The rest of us. Adam wanted her on our side but i was not into it. Adam stole her from Liz during the night and trained her to be one of us. When i saw her, i fell in love but she didn't know me at first. Over the years, she got to know me and fell in love with me too. We would run off in the night to the human land and have dates there. She liked the humans and i had grown to like them as well. Adam on the other hand didn't like this and found out about our dates. One night, he called everyone down and started to yell at her for liking humans. She defended herself and said that they were not that bad. Adam didn't listen and ran off. She was so sad but she thought of something. She was going to reset her memory. She told me her plan and i didn't want to do it but she wanted to and so i went through with it. She had found a family that she liked a lot when we went to the human world called the Anderson and wanted to be with them. She found that they were going whale watching and made a plan to land in the water and be saved, falling into their family. I think you know the rest", said Nick. "The wait. Who was that girl", Penny said. "It . . . It . . . It was you. We fell in love and you wanted to be with a family. That is the entire story. From top to bottom", Nick said.