Penny, Sophia and Cyrus approached the castle doors with a bit of fear in them. "To be honest, This feels like something out of a movie", Penny said. "Agreed", said Cyrus as they stood there. "Now how do we open this door", said Sophia. "Should we try and push the door open", said Penny. "We did that joke in the Simmons Center. But it's worth a try", Cyrus said. Sophia then pushed the door but the door didn't open. "Now what do we do", said Sophia. "Do we have to find a key of sorts", said Penny. "I would think so", said Cyrus. "It doesn't look like this door needs a key", said Sophia. "How can you be so sure", said Cyrus. "Because there isn't a keyhole", Sophia said. "Maybe we should try and pull it open", said Penny. "It looks like that's our only option", said Cyrus. Sophia then pulled the door as it opened up. "That worked", said Sophia. "The same joke again. This is some glitch i say", Cyrus said. "Anyway we should head in", said Penny. "We shall", said Sophia as the three headed in the castle just as soon as the door closed. "Looks like were stuck in here", said Cyrus. "Hopefully that shouldn't be an issue", said Penny. "Hopefully", said Sophia. "Now we need to press forward. We don't know what London has planned for us", Penny said. "Penny's right, We need to move", Cyrus said. "Agreed", said Sophia as they headed forward.
The three walked for a bit until they got to a room with a walkway under boiling blue lava. In the distance, the three saw several guards block the door on the other side of the room. The guards saw the three and panicked. "Intruders", said one of them. "Inform the queen", said another. Just then, The door opened to London looking down at the guards. "I ordered you all to do one job and you're too much of a coward to do it. Be gone Pussy's", London said as she then tossed the guards into the lava with one mighty swing. "Fools. They couldn't even prepare for our guests", London said. "What is she talking about", whispering Sophia. "I'm talking about you three", said London as she revealed the three. "I suppose this is fitting. Welcome to Shadow Castle. Isn't it beautiful", London said. "That is it. I can't take anymore of you! First, you ruined my brother's big day then you posed as me and locked me at the bottom of the ocean and now this", Penny said. "Why yes in fact i did this all of this. Anyway, instead of killing you all, i will give you a chance to explore the castle, You're gonna be here for a while", said London as she vanished into the air. "Well that's just great. Now we have to get to the other side", Cyrus said. Just then, the walkway fell into the lava and some platforms appeared in a path to the door. "Looks like we need to jump across", said Sophia. "Well, let's do this", said Penny. The three jumped from platform to platform until they got to the other side. "Do we have everyone", said Penny. "Yes we do", said Cyrus. "Now lets head on forth", said Penny.