4. It's Amy!



"You know very well what I want, Amy?"

The guy in front of me said for who-knows-how-many-timeth.

He's a hopeless stupid guy in my faculty. I like to look at the world on the bright side. And I don't hate anyone, but that doesn't mean I like every one.


They say sighing reduces the year of your life. Well I sigh again just remembering this stupid saying.

If this dude didn't disappear in one minute then... I'm gonna be late for my class.

Actually I came early as usual but this shameless guy is bugging me for like forever.

Don't get me wrong. He's not a pervert or something he's just a pathetic guy who wants my notes.

I never really saw him in any classes but he always finds me in time to ask for my notes and assignments and whatnot.

I'm someone who can't say 'no' to people. Don't get impressed. It's not a good thing. Sometimes I hate myself for that.

One minute later...

I tried to leave but this shameless boy tried to snatch the papers in my hand.

His sudden attack caught me off guard and caused a catastrophe.

Now all my hard-work was lying on the ground.


I feel pretty disappointed but I don't like to fight or shout as the first thing in the morning so...

Let's just pick up these papers and leave. I know he didn't mean to do that.

And also his damn face was telling me that he's sorry. But I'm not in the mood to cooperate with his feelings. I'm definitely late now.

What a day Amy!

I was busy picking up my assignment. He was panicking maybe because of my zero reaction. Normally girls would be frantic and screaming like crazy. Or just angry.. whatever.

He was stepping here and there. And I really want to punch his stupid feet.

Will he ever stop moving? Just don't step on my papers!


He was about to step on one of my papers and I instinctively tried to save my poor page by placing my hand on it. And this guy stepped on my right hand. Thank you very much!

At least it's my right hand, that's good. Otherwise it would be a great inconvenience because I'm left-handed.

Well I'm ambidextrous. But mostly I like to write with my left hand. I only use my right hand in an emergency. Sounds funny I know.

"Oh my... Are you okay? I didn't..." He tried to grab my hand but I pushed him a little. I don't like when someone touches me.

"I'm late for my class, my work is all over the place, and you successfully hurt me. Now what else do you want. Huh?"

Woah my longest sentence of the day.

He just looked at me then he shifted his sight to my hand. It's turning red and... blue? It really looks bad but thankfully I don't really feel any pain just uncomfortable.

He unconsciously tried to hold my hand. I pushed him, this time a little hard. He just fell backwards. I hurriedly picked up my assignment and stood up.

This tall guy gave me a look. Not a good one believe me. Oh boy! I'm in trouble. Is it my cue to run?

Suddenly he leans towards me and instantly my hand flies towards his face.


Woah what happened? Does my hand have a mind of its own?

He was enraged as he should be. He grabbed me by my arm and I saw his other hand going in the air.

Is he going to take revenge? Am I going to get slapped? I close my eyes waiting for the impact.

I hope it won't leave a mark like the one on the back of my hand. That would be tragic. How will I face the world of college! I mean it's still early in the morning.

But that long-awaited slap never came. Did he finally realize that I'm just a girl with bad luck?


Someone came beside me and slapped HARD his hand away which was on my arm.

Damn! Who was that?

At the sudden turn of my head, a glimpse of a shining-gold-statue-like figure caught my sight. And suddenly the world stopped spinning. All the people passing by us finally stopped to watch. Because this new dude was hella eye-catching mostly because he was wearing golden shades.

I don't wanna sound rude but... Who in the hell wears this kind of shiny shades to college?

His red-brown hair was a little wavy and covered his forehead lying on his shades. His prominent jaw and high predatory nose stop me on my tracks. His long neck was clinched in a shiny choker. What surprised me the most was his golden leather jacket.

Is he for real!!!???

The more I see the more he becomes out of the world species.

"Who the hell are you?" That stupid guy from earlier, shouted.

This new guy held his head high, like really HIGH. But didn't even spare him a glance.

He was standing on my left side like a King. He keeps his distance just enough to not to touch me. Thank you!

"Are you deaf!? I'm talking to you!" The shameless guy was angry. And I just want to disappear.

The Golden guy remains silent. Facing forward but strangely I felt like behind his shades he was looking down at me. I felt something I can't comprehend in words.

What should I do? Should I leave and let them deal with each other? But I don't want this golden-dude to tangle up in my mess.

A solid minute of awkwardness passes...

"Young... Ahem... Vin!!"

A voice came behind me. Three heads turned to look at whoever that is.

A pretty girl came running and stood beside the golden-boy and looked at him from head to toe.

She was panting. We gave her some time to catch her breath.

"I told YOU not to run away, Vin.." She said to the golden-boy.

Is it Vin?

"And I told YOU not to run after him Pier.." A cold voice came from my right side.

When did he come!?

A chill ran through my spine. He glanced at me, I just blinked but didn't look away.

I mean that would be rude, right? So I just look and smile a little. What else can I do?

He was devastatingly handsome. Too handsome that almost looked creepy. No offense.

"Se... se.. senior Karl!!" Someone said so I looked away from this handsome guy.

Oh he was the same pathetic guy from the beginning, he's still here.


Now I am kinda bored of looking at him.

"And who are you?" The same cold voice asked but he didn't look like he really wanted to know..

"I... I... I was just... Leaving... See you later Amy.." The last part was for me.

Why was he stammering?

After that the stupid-looking guy bowed down and turned away, walking fast as if he was being chased by a ghost.

That's it? What happened to his rage?

"You just scare your junior away, Karl." That pretty girl scolded this handsome guy named Karl with a bright smile. Karl just raised an eyebrow at him.

Suddenly I felt out of the place. I can still feel a pair of eyes staring at me.

I looked at the golden shades and smiled just to let him know that I knew he was looking at me.

I can see my reflection in his shades. My side bangs were all over my face. I tried to set them a little with my right hand.

Suddenly I realized I was giving him my smile for no good reason. So I instantly looked away.

Time to go Amy~~ I reminded to myself.

"Does my sparkle burn your eyes!"

"..." My head shot up to this high pitched voice.

"What? Are you mute or something?" He arrogantly asked.

Huh! Said the guy who himself didn't utter a word this whole time.

"..." I went speechless for no specific reason. I stopped myself from raising an eyebrow.

"Vin.." The girl beside him said then looked at me awkwardly, and smiled. I returned her sweet smile and turned to leave.

"Where are you going..? You ungrateful brat!!" Did he just shouted at me? W-Why!?

Damn! What a high pitched voice. I stopped in my tracks.

"Thank you for the..... whatever." I tried not to be sarcastic and didn't look at his face. I turned again to go on my way.

"Who gave you the permission to leave just like that? Huh?"

His voice halted me, gawd I almost tripped on my own over nothing. I slowly turned back around to look at him in disbelief, finally having enough...

"Who do you think you are? Huh? Can't you read the situation? Here I'm trying to leave politely. I know you helped me, and I thanked you for that. What else are you expecting?

And let me remind you I didn't even ask you for help, you came on your own. Now don't create a scene. Everyone is watching us. I don't know about you but I am feeling hella awkward... Gawd!!" I stopped to catch my breath.

He was dumbfounded, I think.

Was I too harsh? I can't believe I said that out loud.

It felt... felt.... kinda good actually. That's why usually people like to shout at others.

I saw his hands clenched into fists so tightly that even his knuckles turned white. That pretty-looking girl was trying to calm him down while smiling awkwardly at us.

But Karl looked... impressed! He was looking at me intently. I don't know what he was thinking at the moment but something was telling me that I shouldn't be curious.

"... interesting.." Karl said and gave me a side smile. And I also gave him a smile, just out of habit.

"Vin calm down..."

"How dare she raise her voice at ME, Pier!" Same high pitched voice.

I decided to ignore him this time. Too much drama for a day.

I looked at Karl "I guess you are my senior so if I see you again I would say Hi. And Pear? I don't think you are a student here but still it was nice to meet you and YOU well I don't want to know about you so..." I smiled at both of them but when I looked at HIM I just gave him my poker face.

"...you...you..." He tried to say something but closed his mouth when I went near him and whispered lightly.

"Don't wear this jacket.. this is a college not a club."

I took a step back.

"Have a good day everyone."

I waved with both hands and left.
