9. Finding Kevin Hart!


I took some pictures of my hand covered in bandages with a large bowknot. My friend was giving me looks from time to time. Well she thinks I have finally gone mad because I study too much. In my defense.. I'm not crazy... yet. It's just.... It's my first time that someone has treated me like this, you know with interest and care not because he wanted something from me in return.

He was kinda sweet.... in a unique way, I must say.

I don't know what possessed me at the time when I shouted at him in parking area but he annoyed me first so we're kinda even on that. But what surprised me the most was the fact that not only he came back, he also treated my hand. I wonder how did he found out that I got hurt...

Even though I don't feel any pain or anything, I allowed him to put some ointment on my hand. It was way too obvious that he had never ever done that before..

Actually I was secretly peeking at him the whole time when he was applying medicine on my hand, just out of curiosity.

He was not wearing his glasses at that time. So I noticed unintentionally... His eyes was dark brown like chocolate and his eyelashes was too long for a boy. Was he wearing mascara? I hope not...

His features was in perfect harmony... Straight nose, ideal lips, attractive jawline... In short his whole face was screaming handsome. Even his red-brown hair suited him.

At first he seems to be a spoiled rich guy but after seeing him up close I'm not sure about that anymore. He seems nice... Little silly but kind-hearted.

I made a mental note to thank him later.

I had tried to look for him in every class of mine... Pity we don't have any class together. I didn't even asked him about his major.

Hah I didn't even ask for his full name or year or literally anything. How will I even going to find him (to thank him) later!!?

Great job Amy~



[First] Next day:


First I waited in the same parking area where we first met but he didn't came..

In my free time I looked around in my faculty but didn't find him..

I checked the whole canteen area. Guess what he wasn't there either..

'Where are you... My savior?!?' I murmur to myself.


Kevin's POV:

I opened my eyes, it was just two in the morning. I tried to sleep again..

"Young master wake up.. look at the time.. it's three O'clock and you are still sleeping. Wake up and eat something after that you have to take your medicine..." Paul informed.

"It's still early in the morning... Let me sleep." I replied lazily.

"Morning? It already afternoon.." he said and opened the blinders.

I opened my eyes to see, then the sunlight almost blinded me. Sweet!

What the hell! I overslept.

"Now tell me what would you like to eat?" Paul asked.

"Something light... My head hurts" I said while sitting up. I touched and felt a little bump in my head. How did I get that?

"Are you okay? Should I call doctor?" Paul came forward to support me.

"What happened to my head?"

"Young master you fainted last night and your head hit the ground. Everyone was so worried."

He explained while making a sad face, and I was in some kind of shock.

"What I fainted!! and my head hit the ground!!!! What about my face!! Did I hurt my face too? huh!!! Tell meeee PAUL..." Lightening struck, I grabbed his collar and jerked him back and forward.

He was quite stupefied.

After some time I lay down, feeling exhausted. Throwing tantrum every now and then is such an energy consuming thing.


After laying quietly for some time I felt like I am missing something....

"Hey Paul, where's my Robot?" I asked minutes later.

"Rob went to college in your place. Why? Do you need something?"

"What...! Why did he go?? Wait!! why didn't anyone woken me up?" I shouted again at Paul. He makes a miserable face.

"Young master you was unwell. And Master Klement said that class attendence is important for your grades. So Rob volunteer to go in your place..." He explained.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Now I know what was I missing....



[Second] Next day:



"Young master wake up!" Paul said for the hundredth time. Well I'm not a morning person.. hah I'm not even a night person. What am I?

Last night I kept watching series till dawn. Now my eyes don't wants to be open up. Why should I even woke up?

"What is the time?" I asked in a nice husky voice.

"It's past twelve in the afternoon."

"Umm where's Rob?" I asked for my other bodyguard. Because it always takes two guards to get me out of my bed.

"He's at the college. He just called me. He'll be here soon." Paul inform me casually.

"WHAT!!?" My eyes flew open.


"Don't tell me he went in my place.. AGAIN!" I yelled at him.

"Of course he went in your place.. why else would he go?" Paul started blabbering.

I just rubbed my whole face in exasperation. It supposed to be the 'third' day of my college.

I missed another chance to see her!


[Third] Next day:


Even though I don't have any classes today, I came to college.

Maybe I will find him today. He's been on my mind lately. It suddenly occurred to me at three something a.m. in the morning, 'what if he had classes on different days!?'

So here I am. Walking around. Looking for him. I already checked my faculty so now I came to my neighbor-faculty.

Faculty of business.

I have a strange feeling that I would find him here. Fingers crossed!

I have to meet him and thanked him to get over it. I don't want to think about his face or his smile or his.... Whatever.

I started looking through each and every classroom.

"Looking for something?" A chilled voice said, giving me goosebumps.

I almost turned to hit whoever it was. But before I could do anything he grabbed my hand in midair.

Pair of dark black eyes stare down at me. I recognized him at once. How can I possibly forget this devastatingly handsome senior.!

"Hey senior!" I said while trying to taking my hand back but his grip got even more tight. I looked up to his face in bewilderment - trying not to show any pained expression.

His eyes shows a glint of mischievousness. What does he wants?

He glanced at the bandage on my hand. Yeah it was the same bandage that 'My Saviour' had tied and then wrote his name on it. Senior raised an eyebrow at that. Maybe he noticed the name. But that doesn't explain his reaction.

Now I don't want to be here with him anymore. I looked around... Where did everyone else go? I swear when I got here there were some students walking around.. but after he came - in this big corridor - I left alone.

As if he felt my uneasiness he let go my hand. Thank you very much. I rubbed my hand together and immediately took a step back.

"You have forgotten my name, don't you?" He asked while smiling.

"Nn..no.. I know it.. it's umm.. senior Charles.."

He tilted his head, while crossing his arms on his chest.

"Try again." He sounds amused.

"Carson? Caleb? Cooper?" I kept guessing randomly. I hope he doesn't get offended. For some reason, he doesn't look like someone I should mess with..

Now he was leaning against the wall like he had all the time in the world.

"Keep guessing." He said lightly while smiling.



"Caleb? Wait I have already said that ..."

"Yes!" He was.... enjoying this?

"Come on! Senior Car.. Well I know your name starts with letter C, and you had a cool name, for sure.. it's just slipped out of my mind." I finally admit while giving up.

"Haha it's Karl with K. Silly girl." He said while ruffling my hair.

Woah now that was unexpected. No one has ever done that to me.. How should I react now?

"Now answer me what were you looking for?" He asked.

For a second I didn't know what was he's asking about, then it hit me.

"Umm nothing important. What about you?" I asked back casually.

Best way to avoid answering is to ask counter question. Hehe

"I just saw a fimiliar face. And came to get my 'Hi'."

Fimiliar face? Where? I looked around but saw no one. Wait is he talking about..... me?

I pointed at myself and he just nod a little. I gave him a smile because he still remembered what I said to him last time in parking area.

"I didn't knew that you're a business student." He said.

"That's because I am not."

"Then what are you doing here in business faculty?"

"Walking around I guess. What about you senior?"

"What about me?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Well... Are you a business student or something?"

"I guess I am. What's your major then?"

"I... Umm Literature."

"Interesting choice."

"Thanks." I smiled a little.

"So you are book person! Huh!" He comments.

"Haha you have no idea. But the books in my major and in my personal reading lists are hella different." I said while remembering the assignments I'm currently working on.

But what I said makes him laugh.

"So what do you like to read personally?"

"Different genres...like romantic comedy, classics, little bit of historical novels, Wuxia... Sometimes I like to break my own heart by reading a book where the main protagonist died in the end. Oh.. and I like to read the stories about Mafias, you know fighting, shooting all cool action stuff."

For some reason he laughed out loud at the last past. I don't know why I'm talking this much to a stranger. Frankly, I'm not a chatty person but right now watching this senior I inwardly thought 'So that's what his genuine laugh sounds like..'

"That's explain why your personal reading lists is 'hella' different from your major. Then why do you choose Literature?"

"Because I like books.. duh!" I gave him a look. "Well umm it's not that other majors don't have books or anything.. I just don't like science subjects.. actually I do like mathematics.. but numbers don't teach you about life, do they?"

"Haha I assume they don't.. but why didn't you consider studying economics?"

"What would economics can possibly teach me! Not my cup of tea... I think economics is all about banks and money. Money don't buy happiness, you know." Well that supposed to be a joke, I smiled awkwardly by myself.

"True. Money don't buy happiness... It buys freaking happiness."

"..." Oh...kay?

"If you had money, half of your problems would disappear in a blink of an eye."

Furrowing my brows, I asked with genuine curiousity "Disappearing problems is a good thing,no doubt.. but senior? Where's the 'happiness' in that?"


For a moment he didn't say anything, just looked at me, maybe I said something wrong or stupid.

"Anyways I should leave. Have a nice day senior Connor. It was really nice meeting you." I excused myself abruptly.

"Yeah me too." He chortled. "See you around.. Ummm!!" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Amy. It's Amy." I gave him a wide smile. Sheesh why do I keep smiling at him!?

"See you later Amy. Junior Amy." He said in his attractive voice.

I half run half walk and suddenly bumped into someone. Thank heavens he caught me on time otherwise I would be kissing the floor.

I looked up and see a handsome face. Thick brows, sharp hooded eyes, and a wide mouth. I wonder what he looked like while smiling.

Woah I didn't know that there's a freaking handsome teacher in business faculty.

"Watch where you're going!" He said in deep voice.

"Sorry sir!" I realized that I was staring at him. I abruptly took a step back while looking down.

Woah nice shoes! Not mine, his.

"..." He tilted his head to the side.

"Good morning!" I greeted him with a smile.

"..." He didn't even smiled back.

Suddenly I heard a loud laughing sound coming from behind. I know who's laughing without even looking back.

Me bumping into a teacher is that funny!?

"Karl! what are you doing here?" Teacher asked in his deep commanding voice.

Uh-oh someone is in trouble~

"I should be leaving. Have a nice day sir!" I smiled again and dashed out.
