18. Knock, Knock!

[Young master's Bedroom]

Author's POV:

Karl came back to Vin's room and found Pier already sleeping on his side. He wanted to tell her about what he discusses with her friends.

She was sleeping on the bed in half laying, half sitting position. Karl sat on his one knee in front of her, taking a good look at her face. Her eyes were a little puffy from all the crying she did because of his crazy sleeping cousin.

After some time he stood up and goes to the other side of the room. He sat on the leather couch and opened the book that he brought from Klem's office. He was reading while glancing at Pier and Vin from time to time.

He can't help but smile.. They both slept like kids. Both crazy and stubborn in their own way.

He was busy reading but after an hour or so he felt his eyes heavy. He just close them for a minute.

And fell asleep.



In the middle of the night he felt someone getting closer to him slowly and silently. He act faster using his sharp instincts, he grab the wrist of the other person, tightly.

"Shhh Sinclair it's me.."

Karl heard a soft voice then open his eyes and a familiar face appears in front of his face.

"Relax it's just me." Pier said while covering him up with a thin blanket.

"Relax in Knight villa....!!!" He murmured in raspy voice.

"Well.... I am here." Hearing this Karl smiled and closed his eyes again.

She just patted his shoulder before going back to Vin's side, who was still sleeping because of medicines.



A light knock came at the door. She looked at the time 3 a.m.

She opened the door without making any noise and smiled at Klem and Jawn.

Klem was wearing his silk pajama and Long gown, while Jawn was wearing his baggy shorts and with loose t-shirt.

"Is he alive?" Jawn whispered loudly.

Both Klem and Pier gave him a look. He just grinned at them. Klem shook his head lightly before entering the room.

He was held back a little when he saw Karl sleeping on Vin favourite couch. He raised an surprised brow at Pier who just smile widely and shrugged a little.

Klem sat on Vin's side, he placed his hand on his brother's forehead checking his temperature. He then held up Vin's dressed hand, brushed his fingers a little then put it lightly on his chest. He looked up at the IV bottle, only little bit of liquid remains.

He then looked at gis cousin who was still sleeping, his feet half dangling in air. His psycho cousin looked so tired. He almost felt pity for him but then he glanced at the book lying on the table. He tilted his head a little. Then his eyes widened.

Bloody hell! Karl stole his freaking book from his office!

It was the same book that he used to write poetry in... How did he find the book? When did he get it? But most importantly why did he took that specific book?

He wanted to go and grabbed his collar then jerked him back and forth.

It was his secret diary that he hide behind the other books on the shelf so that no one can find or read this. Not even his brothers knew about this..

He wanted to go and get the book back at once. But he didn't wanted Jawn to snatch that out of his hands.

Damn you Karl!

Suddenly he felt an abrupt motion on the bed. Jawn jumped on the other side of the bed. With a loud thud! He was lying next to Vin while watching his face intently. Klem narrowed his eyes at Jawn then he realised.

Jawn was staring at the red mark that he left on Vin's handsome face and started laughing hysterically without making any noises.

He looked like a cartoon character, laughing and slapping his own leg. Klem was too embarrassed to look at him. He glanced at Pier who seems to have the same facial expression as Klem.

"Gawd I wanted to do that for a long loooong time..."

Jawn was out of his breath after laughing like an idiot. A few minutes later Klem took him out.. almost pushing him from behind.

"Hehehe hey Klemey did you see my work of art?" He asked while showing almost all of his teeth, when they reached at the door.

"Shut up Jawn." Klem chuckled while watching the comic figure jumping and laughing in front of him. Pier too was smiling at them both.

She closed the door, almost five minutes later a light knock came at the door.

When she opened the door Klem was standing there while glancing sideways. He then whispered to her to hide the book somewhere in the room without any one knowing, not even Karl. She just nodded without asking any questions.

Klem walk away gracefully but as soon as she closed the door he run like crazy cause he doesn't want Jawn to come back searching for him.



Hearing a rhythmic knock on the door, Pier looks up the time, 4a.m.

She got up to open the door, why is everybody keep knocking? It's not that the door is locked or something...

She was blabbering to herself before opening the door.

Jane and Ken were standing in the hall way. She looked at them, both were holding trays. Jane was holding up a tray to her, she can tell without looking - what's in the bowl - just by smelling.


Her eyes were sparkling at the bowl, then he turned to look at sleeping Karl. She smiled at Jane widely before taking the tray.

Ken peeked through the half open door at Karl then raised an eyebrow at him curiously. Pier just nervously smiles back and watced the tray he was holding. Milk and cookies?

"That's for him." Jane pointed at Karl with his forefinger.


"Both of you didn't eat anything at dinner time. So Ken suggested..." Jane was telling.

"Janny did everything. I just came to help her with this..." Ken said and glance at the tray in his hands.

"Yeah but you told me that Sister Pier love noodles and that Brother Karl didn't like this at all. Because ramen is unhealthy...?" Jane spill the tea but looked quite confused.

Pier just smile showing her shiny teeth.

"Come inside." She said. Jane was about to go in when Ken's voice halted him.

"Nope we're just leaving." Ken look quite bored. Well that's his usual expression.

"Come on Ken. You said you wanted to check on Brother Vin. You even said you wanted to take the IV bottle before he woke up. Because after seeing a needle in his hand he would freaked out.. And you also said that...." Jane was mumbling nonstop.

"Fine we're going in... Stop repeating what I said.." Ken entered while complaining.

Jane was grinning looking happy with what she accomplished, she even winked at Pier sharing a secret look.

Pier smiled back and praising her by showing a thumb's up.

Ken glance at Karl and put down the tray on the table. Pier was busy eating her ramen noodles while sitting on the floor. Gawd she was starving... Jane sat on the foot side of the bed looking at Vin.

Ken came around and sit on one knee on the floor looking charming as ever. He pull out the needle from his brother's hand. Then he took the IV bottle and rolls the thin tube around it. After that he half throw, half place it near the door.

Pier was watching his movements from time to time. Jane touched Vin's hand out of curiosity. Maybe it didn't hurt because Vin didn't show any reaction.

Ken lay down on the side of his brother without taking off his shoes. And start playing with his cellphone. Jane was talking in low voice with Pier. Telling her about the games that she played with Ken all night. She also complain about how she's bad at games and hoe Ken beat her up in the game without any mercy. She even bragged about how she lost all the rounds to him. Pier kept listening to her chattering while holding back her laughter.

After she was done eating Ken stood up at once, taking the tray from her hand and signaling Jane to leave.

Pier was quite surprised by the way Ken act. He was waiting for her to finish eating the whole time.?

Ken was holding tray in his right hand and the IV bottle in his left, Jane open the door for him and then they were gone.

Pier was feeling happy now after eating. She sat near Vin and waited for few seconds..





"Are you not going to say anything?" She asked in low but clear voice.

Karl sat up and rubbed his face a little before looking at her.


"Yeah I knew you were awake.." she smile and brush Vin's front hair with her fingers, Karl stare at her affection act towards his first cousin but didn't comment.

"How can I not! That little Parrot talks a lot. As if that was not enough... Whole room smells of your noodles." She chuckle lightly at his silly complaints "... You know you would ruin your health because of that hell's meal."

Karl looked quite concerned over a bowl of noodles.

"That's nonsense." Pier rolled up his eyes "By the way that's for you." She pointed at the tray on the table.

"Milk and cookies?" Karl raised an eyebrow in question.

"What did you expect at this hour? Mushrooms soup or steak!!! Anyways that's from Ken and Jane? Enjoy!" She faked a smile.

Karl just shook his head but took a cookie to eat anyway.

"Pp.. Pier!!" A raspy voice came from Pier's side.

"Young master? You're awake!" She looked happy. "How are you feeling? should I call doctor?" She was asking but the second question was for Karl.

"Relax! he'll be fine." Karl walk casually while caring the glass of milk.

He stopped near Vin's side and took a sip from the glass.

"Pier is... mine." Vin murmur. Karl almost pour the whole glass of milk at his face.


"See! I told you he's fine. Annoying as ever." He said under his cold but calm breathe.

"Vin how you are feeling?" She asked ignoring what Karl just said.

"I won't.. let.. you go..." He said in a little voice but both of them catch every single word.

She smiled a little while Karl tighten his grip over the glass.

".... I will keep...." Vin started and Karl look so done with his cousin that he was about to throw a pillow at him "... Karl too..." Vin muttered in sleep.

Pillow stop in mid air.

Karl "...!"

Pier "..."

Both were looking at each other dumbfounded.

"He's psycho...." Vin's voice breaks the silence. Karl glared at him. "...but he's cool like... devil. I like.... Cool~" Even in his sleep-talk Vin was crazy but strangely sound amused.

Karl furrowed his brows too hard, should he take that as a compliment? He was staring at his crazy cousin. Is he for real?

A few minutes went by silently, Karl didn't said anything, Pier remains silent, not even Vin murmur anything in sleep.

Ten minutes later..

She was looking quite bored while waiting for Vin to wake up. Karl walked around the room then he came near Pier and pulled out the book from under the mattress where she hides it earlier.

She looked up at the ceiling took a deep breathe first then looked at Karl who winked at her in reply.

Of course he was not sleeping... Obviously he knew Klem and Jawn's visit... He even knew where she hides the book. Bloody hell!

Pier was looking at the book with curiosity. What is so special about the book anyway? It looks old and not that expensive.. She looked at the cover where the name of it's original owner was written in bold letters "KLEMENT" so She didn't even tried to look what's inside. How can he? When the book belongs to Master Klement, the leader of the Mafia clan.

Kark sat beside Vin on the bed, looking relaxed and comfortable, then open the book... started reading where he left off before sleeping.

She too lie down between them. Just in case..

"I got.... a smile...in the end.." Vin murmur in his sleep a corner of his lip was up as if he was smiling.

She raised a little up on her elbow to look at Vin's face, Karl also raised his eyes from the page he was reading. Both were curious what would Vin said next.

After a long minute, they finally gave up. She lay down while Karl continued his reading.

"I earned.... that Smile." Vin murmur softly.

Karl raised his brows smiling, a sign that he is curious and amused at the same time.

"... looked me in the eye....even fights back..."

"Is he..?" Kark started, looking at Pier.

"Shhhh.." She place her hand on his mouth and lean over Vin. "Who?"

Pin drop silence ....




