20. Hart's heart!

Pier's POV:

I was walking around left to right and then right to left. Walking sometimes helps when you've got something in your mind.

But this time maybe I should talk to Karl and not only to myself.

"Ummm Sinclair..?"


"Even though Vin told me everything earlier and was unharmed... But..... I don't know he seems upset and a little angry with something..."

"He was alone and almost got kidnapped so I'm not surprise if he's upset or..." He was replying casually.

"Maybe... But still he sounded... How can I explain...." I started walking around the room again trying to arrange my thoughts. He was looking at me going left and right.

"Stop it Pier. Just sit and talk to me." He was annoyed.

I sat in front of him and took a deep breath before starting.

"I don't want to sound crazy but I think Vin regretted..."

"...about..?" He furrowed his brows.

"I don't know. I mean he did a good job.. you know handling the situation and all. It felt like he missed something or like this time he didn't mind being kidnapped or... But I can't put a finger on the thing that makes him annoy, even angry.." I rubbed my forehead in frustration.

I know young master, I treated him for years, I know what's he like... and I can read him only by looking at his face. There's nothing in his behaviors that can just pass by without me being noticed it first.

"Pier! Pier? PIERETTE!" Karl touched my knees, I didn't even realize he was calling me.


"I have something to tell you." I narrowed my eyes at him ready to hear anything unpleasing.

"No, you don't have to be on guard." He laughed a little making me relax "..just listen and.... enjoy. Okay?" He gave me a rare toothy-smile.

He started telling me about the events at college, turns out he found Amy and took her for some talk. I was surprised as hell to hear that. I hope the girl is doing fine after meeting my psycho guy.

He was telling me everything about the girl, about the way Vin saved her, and the way his strange behavior was affecting her a lot. Karl was laughing crazily.

I was kinda surprised that young master can be so kindhearted! He cleverly and indirectly saved her without even involving her in our world's mess.

Coming back to Karl..the way he was telling me about her he seems excited, too excited to be possible for him. Like he found a new fun hobby or something.

As for me... well by looking at the way Karl talks about her, she seems like a nice girl, a little bit crazy but we can work on that later.

It's not like I had any experience with treating girls. I only had one patient in my whole career. Damn Pier what are you thinking! Amy's not going to be my patient, will she?

Frankly, I am well aware of girl's psyche, in my opinion, that girl seems not so ordinary. She didn't get intimidated by both Karl and Vin, not even slightest.

And that's new for me too.. because usually people around us tried their best to avoid both Karl and Vin. Some feared them, some hated them. They're crazy in their own special way. But that girl didn't mind their presence at all.

I can't believe she freaking drank the juice Karl bought for her! No one can dare do that, not even me.... Well the me in the past.

Karl was laughing hard after telling me that the girl never call him by his name correctly. It was hard to believe at first that  he was making a freaking list of the names she called him by..

Why the people around me are always crazy ones.!?

In the end we both agreed upon keeping an eye for Vin. I don't want him to get followed again and for some reason Karl too didn't want Amy to be involved in this thing.

He was still waiting for Rob to check on her background and personal details or anything. Recently Rob has been too busy with Vin's college and master Klem's work that he didn't have spare time for the girl.

Opposite to his nature Karl was not rushing this matter with Rob at all. He seems to be enjoying her company. Is this the time when I should start getting worried?

Should I get jealous of her? Or should I protect her from my psycho guy!?

But I'm not on her side....yet.

If she's a nice girl, and smart enough to be the Knight's daughter-in-law then I'll support Vin's crush whole heartedly.

If her family background proves to be safe and clear then I'll even protect her - like Vin - with all my might. Because young master's heart is worth saving and one of my top priorities.




After hanging up on Karl, I called Rob and he told me that he was borrowing some notes for Vin from his classmate. After hearing this I almost rolled down laughing on the floor. Poor Robby!

I texted Karl to let him know too. He replied me with a dead emoji. I asked for the meaning. So he told me that he laughed himself to death. Haha!



This nerd but handsome looking guy was standing in front me. He was looking at his wrist watch.

'Yeah I know I'm late you don't have to make me realize that.. it's not my fault that I was late. I was busy talking to that handsome senior.'

I was thinking to myself, he just look at me silently.

'But I ran here as fast as I can. You should appreciate me a little about how I'm so devoted to gave you my blood and sweat slash my notes and assignments.'

"Thank you!" He said like a robot.

"No prob.. but be careful with them. I have spent my whole days in library and whole nights to write them." Protect them with your life. Hehe.

"Don't worry." He said half heartedly.

"Let me warn you if you lost them or ruin them in anyway possible...  I would shot you to death." I raised my first two fingers pointing at his heart and bang!

He was too stunned to reply. Haha it wasn't even a real gun silly. His eyes widen just a little bit, but I noticed. Hehe..

'Don't worry I won't kill you as long as you're handome' I thought to myself.

I was enjoying myself then I saw him. He was choking on the air. Did he hear that? Oh no! Is he alright? Was my threat that frightening?

He was bowing forward while coughing and choking. Now it was my turn to widen my eyes. I was going to slapped his back for a few times to make him stop coughing. But I forgot to control the force of my hand.


My hand landed on his back with full power and potential, and the poor guy went all the way down. Now he was kneeling on the concrete floor.

Did I accidentally broke his knees?

At least the impact stopped his choking. I came around to sit in front of him. Oh gawd It was so embarrassing to even look at him right now. He was suffering from second hand embarrassment, too.

Please don't hold a grudge against me. I didn't do it on purpose, it's just my stupid hand...

"Are you okay? Can you stand up? Should I call some guy to help you up?"

Well I'm not gonna touch him at all... but I can ask for other's help. I was slightly panicking when he gave me the four eyed glare. Oh boy!

Then I did the last thing I should be doing at the moment. I grab the strip of my backpack tightly and ran...

"See youuuuu...." I yelled while running as far as I can from him.


Kevin's POV:

After waiting for twenty minutes and seventeen seconds Rob finally showed up. At first I wanted to give him a lecture on punctuality then I saw his flat face.

Did something bad happened? I looked at him from head to toe. Why is he pants so dusty specially on his knees?

I narrowed my eyes while thinking. Then something hit me... Don't tell me my computer genius, weaponry expert, emotionless robot, stupidly nerd but handsome bodyguard fell on the freaking ground? HOW?!?

What happened? Did he tripped, or someone pushed him from behind? Did he had a fight as soon as he came to college? Nah he's too smart to use his fists. He's one of those stupid guys who prefer to use head instead of hands.

"Vin it's time for your class." Rob informed me as soon as he came.

"Okay." I took a step without arguing and looked back at him. "..do you want to go in my place?" I asked in a sweet voice.

"No!" Rob replied flatly. Smart boy!

"Why? I thought you liked studying..." I tried my luck again.

"Master Klement ordered us to make sure you go to your class yourself.. for your safety purpose. And today is your first test..."

"So?" I raised an eyebrow.

"So how can I take a test in your place?"

"Lame excuse." I fan my hand in air.


"Fine! I'll go." I took a step and stop again. I heard sighing sounds behind me. These two were practically asking for some kicks...!

"You were talking about some test...."

"In your first class, quiz test about Hamlet. Remember I have told you about Shakespeare drama?"

"Ah my Shakespeare boy! Remember I have fell sleep when you was telling me the story.. in your boring computerize voice." I was just kidding, actually mocking Rob.

He gave me The Look. Maybe he's already having a tough day let's not make it worse. My Poor boy! Haha!

"Yeah I think I know Hamlet. Don't worry I'll take the test." I held up my head high.

"H..how? Have you studied yourself?" Paul asked.

"Hah! Study!" I scoffed at Paul " I watched the movie. Hamlet.. stupid guy, everyone was keep dying one after one.. bunch of idiots everywhere." I kept rolling my eyes feeling disgusted.

They both looked at each other but didn't said anything.



I entered my class. Rob informed me about which one is my seat. I walked like a King on the red carpet. I should have brought my antique walking staff.

As expected everyone was looking at me. Hah I know I'm freaking handsome, idiots! Focus on your studies.

I held my head up while sitting on my chair. On my right side a lean guy was sitting talking to his friends while on my left side....

I blinked once, twice, even thrice, but the image didn't disappear.

She seems to notice my gaze upon her cause she looked up from her book. As soon as her sight landed upon my too handsome face her pencil drop down on the floor, eyes widen, lips parted and a little strand of hair was almost going into her mouth.

I had an uncontrollabe urge to take that lucky strand of hair away from her mouth. I had to clenched my fists tightly to stop myself. You weren't supposed to touch her, I reminded myself.

A smile appear on my face and she seems to forgot how to blink.

Everything else was just went in background, we were sitting side by side, not even a meter apart. I slowly blinked while looking at her face. Her eyes were fixed on my smile.

"Oh no!" She blurted out making my smile wider.

"Oh yes!" I heard my own charming voice.
