24. The Clan Leader!

Klement's POV:

Almost 10 days ago:

I tried to persuade dad about not sending Vin to college. As I promised my crazy elder brother.

Dad seems to be made up his mind already. He's not wrong with his decision at all. Vin needs to go outside of this house to see the real world. It's not like he doesn't go outside at all, he goes to the Mall for shopping with his guards.

Jawn worked real hard in pursuing him to go outside. Once he got successful in taking Vin and the other guards to a freaking night club. Vin loved singing and dancing si it's only natural that he liked the new environment, but he never went there again as he hates the crowd.

Somehow Jawn proves to be such a bad influencer in my brother's damn life. Vin's dream is to party 'all day and all night long' and Jawn show him a whole damn world to lived his good-for-nothing dream; he went too far and make Vin booking the full club for a whole night.


I wanted to argue with my dad a little bit more but I think he was right when he told me that 'this is the only way to make Vin complete his study and get the damn degree.'

I came back to my office cursing Vin in my mind, it's all your damn fault brother...! You missed three freaking semesters for no good reason..!

Vin used to be my senior in college - only for a year at least.

When I was in my 2nd semester, he skipped his exams of 4th semester because he cried too much in sorrow when his favorite character died in his favorite series at that time. He overdid himself in crying and fell sick. Failing a semester without even appearing in examination hall.

When I was in my 3rd semester, he skipped his exams of 4th semester, again. This time he pricked his whole right hand with a damn cactus.

He was like 'not all cactus have thorns'. And then he hold the whole damn thing with his naked hand.

For a minute he didn't even seems to be able to let the cactus go from his hand. He was shouting on top of his lungs. Experiencing a great agony of pain and panicking...

It took more than three hours for a professional doctor to remove all of those thorns and pricks. Some spines, especially thin and barbed one, were harder to remove and cause more pain, making his whole body shake.

He was shouting and crying rivers the whole time making not only me but his body guards embarrassed for him too. Even Pierette, his psychiatrist, had a hard time to make him calm and helps him to maintain his sanity.

When I was in 4th semester, same as him. He skipped the exams again while saying he didn't get to study because of me. Seriously he blamed me with a lame excuse like 'you took my best man for working for you, now there's no one to read books to me'. It was the time when I joined business officially so it was only natural that I took Robert for a while.

Instead of studying he was following his damn man around when he was working for me and spends most of his time in my office. I think he felt insecure that Robert would leave him and the villa and joined the office. It was funny to see my brother explaining the disadvantages of 9 to 6 job to Robert.

Where I was buried under the burden of business, Vin was busy enjoying his life with zero burden on his shoulders. He used to hang around among us the whole time, playing music to release some of our tension, ordering snacks and drinks for everyone.. even falling sleep in my office.


If dad wants him to go to college he needs to go.. period.



The next day his bodyguards took him to the Mall to buy stuff for the college as dad ordered them. I was slightly surprised when they came without any unusual drama.

I was kinda disappointed when Vin didn't throw any childish tantrums I was expecting the whole day. He just closed himself in his room.

That night it was Ken who come up with the idea of having a small pizza party. Later Jawn told me that he proposed this idea only because little Jane was craving for pizza.

Jawn seems to be too happy after telling Ken's little secret who just glare at his laughing face. My younger brother always control himself around Jawn. For one he's our cousin, and two he's kinda lunatic. Ken always find it better to avoid people like Jawn.



Then came the rock, paper, scissors thing. Even though it was me and Ken who competed against each other.. but in the end Karl was the one who took our crazy brother to college. It was not that hard for him because Pier did the all work.

At first I thought he would literally drop crazy Vin at college gate and come to find me because of our little secret deal. But I was surprised when it took him a while to finally show up at my door.

He even looked quite happy and amused for some reason after coming back from college, making me a little nervous. A cold shiver run down my backbone I immediately wanted to go and check on my elder brother's well being, like if he's alive or not.

Whatever happened at college my Devil for a cousin looked satisfied - making me curious at the same time.

I gave him Pierette childhood picture as promised. He just grinned at the photo and left.



To celebrate the first day of Vin's college, all of us gather for the dinner. I was utterly speechless as Karl and Vin were in the same room. And all the chaos happened. Everyone got hurt including me, but I acted tough in front of everyone.

Even the doctor felt awkward to see our dishonourable conditions. Vin's bruised hand, Karl's bitten hand, Ken's broken toe nail and Jawn's bleeding nose. As if that was not the enough... We had to call doctor back because of young master's fainting.

I can't believe this... My crazy brother didn't even survive one damn day of college.

We were about to have a feast in the house. I don't know whose idea was that... If I ever come to know his name then I would like to punch his damn face. Because of him all of us gathered and things happen one after one.

That same night, it was both Karl and Pierette who ended up staying in Vin's bedroom for the whole night. I didn't get any sleep as I was worried for my brother. Even though he's crazy but he's the life of this Knight villa. He make this huge house feel more alive.

Then the book thing happened.. I told Pierette to hide my secret book somewhere in Vin's bedroom.

Later, I was taken aback when I saw the same damn book in my shelf at it's usual place. Damn you Karl!



Later that night when my brother fainted I asked Robert to give a report about Vin's day in college. I was not surprised at all to know, that crazy Vin make him attend his classes in his place.

I noticed he was thinking about something, as if contemplating about telling me or not. Robert is a smart guy if it's important enough for me to know then he would told me without even having any second thoughts.

I felt little uneasy at first to ask him to go to the college in Vin's place for a day or two because class attendance in our college is as important as getting good marks.



For the next two days Robert goes to the college while Vin gave me strange looks for some unknown reason. After getting annoyed I tried to ask his guards but they didn't even open their mouths. I'm sure they were well aware of the reason.

In the evening, Robert teaches everything to Vin which he learnt at college. Vin always had a bored expression on his face, but he listens to everything anyway.



After two days something uncanny happened. Vin woked up early on his own and get ready for the college. Surprising everyone.

But unfortunately it was his off day. My crazy brother didn't even bother himself to check his own bloody schedule of classes.

It took almost everything for his guards to make him stop and finally gave up. I was ready to go college when Vin came running outside the house. I just raised my eyebrows in question. But I felt my left eye twitching.

What came out of his mouth made me stunned for a second. He wanted to go to the college with me!! At first I didn't even know how to reply.

Then I said 'No!'

As soon as the damn word left out of my mouth crazy Vin flipped. It took me more than ten minutes to throw away that clingy brother. He jumped on my back without having a plan to ever let go. Both of us cause a hell lot of commotion in front of the house.

All guards were looking at the scene dumbfounded. Then Jawn came out hearing our strange noises but as soon as he saw us he start laughing maniacally while slapping everyone around him.

What a way to start a day!

Paul just smiled stupidly while recording everything. There's a hell lot of CCTV cameras around us, you idiot. I wanted to shout at him in exasperation but Robert took the lead and stop him while pointing at the ceiling showing a CCTV right above us. Bloody smart!

"Vin!! If you didn't let go.. in a minute.. I swear.. I'll shoot you!" I growled at him in anger while trying to shake him off.

Son of a monkey!

Damn I unconsciously curse my own dad! Tsk!

Then I felt something.. his hand go near my belt... Is he for real? He grab the gun in a split second and throw it towards Paul like a freaking ball.

Paul catched it unconsciously, when he realized what he caught his mouth fell open. He looked up at me, stupefied.

After a long time Jawn seems to laughed enough as he came near me and pulled Vin from behind, tightly. After that I straightened up, pulled my shirt down, tried to fix my hair, and glare at still yelling Vin.

He was like 'you useless brother.. first you make me go to that boring hell of a place... now when I wanted to go there myself... you are leaving me here...'

Jawn tried to hold him in place while my brother throwing kicks in the air, only tiring himself.

"If you didn't leave in three I'm gonna let this crazy guy go!" Jawn threaten me and that crazy brother of mine start counting...



I was gone before he could say three..
