Chapter 13 - Ariston's Racket

Derrick had been estranged from sports equipment stores for an extended period, until he found himself inside "Golden Ace's Sporting Goods." The dimly lit shop, nestled in a narrow alley, appeared unremarkable at first glance. However, the moment he pushed through the creaking door, a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air. On dusty wooden shelves, old rackets, jerseys, and tennis balls were meticulously arranged, and the faint scent of freshly strung rackets lingered. As he ventured toward the back of the store, an imposing, elderly figure stood behind a glass counter, surrounded by rackets.

"Hello, Mr. Ariston," Derrick greeted him, catching the old man by surprise. "Is it... one of Liana's sons?"

"Your mother told me that one day, when you are ready, you will come back here. I wondered when that would be. It took you a while, but it's great to see you, son," replied Mr. Ariston.

Derrick smiled, "It's great to see you too."

Mr. Ariston, inspecting the rackets behind him, continued, "So you are finally ready to start a comeback. How exciting."

Derrick nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "Yeah, you got something for me, one of yours?"

Mr. Ariston selected a racket and handed it to Derrick, saying, "I remember your playing style, a young, ferocious, relentless counter-puncher."

Derrick accepted the sleek, sky-blue racket. As he gripped it, he felt an inexplicable connection. The strings seemed to hum with an otherworldly resonance. It was as if this racket had chosen him.

In a state of near-trance Derrick waving and testing the racket, Mr. Ariston chuckled, "That's the Ariston Counterstrike Pro. It looks like it has chosen you"

Derrick smiled, " You have been reading too many children's books old man, I will take it though.. You have in other colors?"

"We have them in blue and purple," Mr. Ariston responded.

Derrick handed over his credit card. "Okay, I will take them."

Mr. Ariston was intrigued, "But I wonder what you wish to achieve with these rackets?"

Derrick, his eyes burning with determination, replied, "Wimbledon."

Mr. Ariston burst into laughter and then gazed at Derrick's fiery eyes. "You are serious, but you don't seem physically fit."

Derrick was unfazed. "I will be ready."

Ariston, still chuckling, said, "Do you even have a coach?"

Derrick, a bit frustrated, retorted, "I am my own coach."

Mr. Ariston shook his head. "Derrick, you can't do everything on your own, even if you are the best, especially when you're the best."

He handed Derrick a piece of paper with a contact and said, "I'm going to suggest someone. He's a bit rough like you, but you're going to get along."

Derrick left the store with the piece of paper and a bag filled with tennis rackets, but on his way out, he crossed paths with a striking chocolate-skinned woman entering the store, and they exchanged a fleeting glance before the door closed behind him.

Upon returning home, Derrick found Simon waiting at the door. Ignoring Simon's presence, he attempted to open the door.

Simon, as he entered the house, asked, "Hey, it's been a while. You haven't been to your classes or picking up calls. What's wrong?"

Derrick turned on the TV, went to the fridge, and poured mango juice into two glasses. "I've been busy."

Simon, eager to catch up, inquired, "Busy doing what?"

Derrick remained silent.

Simon, sensing something amiss, became more excited. "Why are you carrying a bag full of tennis rackets? Is he here?"

Derrick, filled with rage, snapped, "I'm tired of everyone asking me about that wanker."

Simon, taken aback, tried to defuse the situation. "Wow, cool down. What happened?"

Derrick, still fuming, explained, "He messed with my girl."

Simon's tone shifted to one of empathy. "Seriously? Oh, man, I'm sorry, fam."

Continuing to address the tennis rackets, Simon probed, "What are the tennis rackets for?"

Derrick, with controlled rage, declared, "I'm going to beat him the only way I know how."

Simon couldn't help but make a psychoanalytic remark, "Wow, that's some Freudian shit right there."

As Simon inquired about Derrick's classes, Derrick clarified, "I'll return after I beat him. Tell the substitute to cover for me."

The two friends settled in to watch a movie, and Simon eventually left.