Chapter 16 - Breezy Ball

Under the bright, breezy sky, Veronica gripped her racquet tightly, preparing for the incoming serve from her opponent, a tall, skinny blonde woman. The ball whizzed towards her, twisting and curving unpredictably in the wind, narrowly evading Veronica's reach. Behind her, Javier, her coach, shook his head in disappointment. "I can't control the wind," Veronica muttered, noticing Javier's disapproving expression.


"You may not control nature, but you can control yourself," Javier retorted sternly, holding the ball. "You need to have eyes that see not just the ball, but also its future trajectory and the external factors that influence it. Only then can you anticipate and execute."


As Veronica absorbed Javier's words, Derrick observed from the sidelines, sweating and panting. When the training session ended, Veronica chuckled at Javier's parting comment. "That's it for today," Javier announced, addressing Derrick. "And Mr. Robertson, work on your stamina. Your game ended thirty minutes ago." Veronica couldn't help but chuckle at the blunt assessment.


Later, as they packed their bags, Derrick hesitated before asking Veronica, "Hey, Vero... Would you grab a coffee with me?"


Veronica hesitated briefly before replying, "Sure, why not?"


In the cafeteria, the aroma of strong mint filled the air as they settled down with their cups of cappuccino. "What an odd smell for a coffee shop," Derrick nervously remarked.


Veronica chuckled. "You must not have been to many coffee shops, I'm guessing."


Derrick grinned sheepishly at the realization. "Why didn't the other guy, Michael, come today?" Veronica inquired between sips of her coffee.


Derrick shrugged. "I don't really know," he admitted, taking a sip of his own drink.


"Hey, I think I saw you at Mr. Ariston's store a while back," Derrick recalled.


Veronica nodded. "Possibly. I went there for some sports shoes and racquets."


Derrick chuckled. "Did the racquet choose you?"


Veronica laughed. "Yes, it did. Mr. Ariston may be wacky, but his racquets are the best and cheap."


"Yeah, they are. I guess he recommended Javier to you as well?" Derrick asked.


Veronica shook her head. "No, I knew Javier long before. I faced some of his players in tournaments, and they were tough."


Veronica realized something. "You know, I haven't seen you in any tournaments."


"I haven't been playing for a while. I just returned to the game," Derrick admitted.


Veronica chuckled. "Oh! That's why your stamina is shit," she teased, earning a chuckle from Derrick.


As they finished their conversation, Veronica received a call and noticed Derrick's blue face. "I go jogging in the evening. Care to join me at five on 7th Street?"


Derrick agreed. "Sure, I'll be there."


As the clock struck five, Derrick waited at the agreed-upon spot, scanning the bustling street for Veronica. When she finally arrived, he felt a rush of excitement at the sight of her.


"Hey, Derrick!" Veronica called out, approaching him with a bright smile. "Sorry I'm a bit late."


Derrick waved off her apology. "No worries. Ready to hit the pavement?"


Veronica nodded eagerly. "Absolutely. Let's do this."


With that, they set off down the street, their footsteps falling into a steady rhythm as they jogged side by side. As they jogged, they engaged in easy conversation, talking about everything from their favorite tennis players to their shared love of mint-flavored coffee.


Before long, they reached the park, slowing to a stop as they caught their breath. As they watched the sun set, Derrick couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the future.


"What are you hoping to achieve after being coached by him?" Derrick asked.


Veronica replied with determination, "Everything. I want to win all the Grand Slams. What about you?"


Derrick's eyes flashed with determination. "I want to beat my brother, then win it all."


Veronica chuckled, noticing his change in mood. "Is it just brotherly rivalry, or is there something more?"


Derrick stood in silence, contemplating her words.


Veronica offered a piece of advice. "coming from a place of experience, It's not good to play with anger. Yes it can be an excellent source of energy but It clouds your judgment."


Derrick nodded, as they continued their jog into the evening.