
Children of Lilith

Eventually, Leon and his group of friends were able to pose their own questions. It had taken over a half an hour just to get through the first half of desk rows so they were definitely going to be there for a while. 

"What kind of sports do we have and compete in?" Tessa asked her question first.

"All of the major ones for sure," The professor nodded, "Things like American Football, Soccer, Baseball, Tennis, Swimming, etc. There are also some smaller, less popular sports that compete recreationally but will only compete in smaller tournaments and such."

Tessa seemed happy with his answer.

"We can get it on with professors and faculty correct?" Aaron asked as he narrowed his eyes and locked his hands in front of his face with a serious expression. 

"Correct, as long as you can convince them that is. Most don't just allow anyone in their pants after all." He smirked at the redhead.

"Interesting...." Aaron mumbled and Tessa rolled her eyes. 

Selia sighed as well before standing up and asking her question.

"What's a Legacy Locker?" She asked quite seriously.

Leon raised an eyebrow. It seemed like it meant a lot to her judging by how serious she looked as she waited for an answer, but just as he was, many students were confused and didn't seem to know anything about it. Even the professor had his eyes wide for a moment before chuckling. 

"This is the first time I've heard a 1st year ask about something so obscure as a Legacy Locker," He smiled, "I don't know a ton since it is a rare and almost unused function between alumni and currently enrolled students here but its basically like a treasure hunt."

"Previous students who have already graduated can make a treasure hunt in their spare time while within the Academy and allow students who come after them to follow clues to a small locker that they can stash anywhere. It could be somewhere in the water fountain outside, in a classroom, or even off in the mountains. As long as it is on campus grounds it is allowed. 

"They are allowed to put a few items inside, whatever they choose it to be, and those who find their treasure can keep it or take one thing and leave it for future students to find as well. I'm unsure how many Lockers might be out there but it could be hundreds since students love to torture each other." 

Selia seemed deep in thought as she dropped down in her seat and while Leon wanted to ask her what she needed a Legacy Locker for, it was his turn. He was a bit hesitant to ask but he stood up through his stiffness and nervousness. 

"Professor, what is a Dunamis?" 


…Is what followed for a few moments after his question as most students looked at him unsure what he was talking about, while the professor, and only a few students including Selia, understood what he meant. Aaron and Tessa looked back at him confused and worried and even when looking to Selia for answers, she just gestured forward and they waited for the professor's response. 

The professor's mood quickly dropped and he gave a heavy sigh. 

"I see... so you're one of them?" He went back to the board up front and began to pull out markers after turning the projector off. Leon felt that he had done something wrong and began to regret asking, but it was something he needed to know more about as it had injured him pretty seriously.

"Is there anyone else in here who has experienced what he is talking about? Symptoms are usually bioluminescence like a glowing body, glowing eyes, and a feeling of increased strength, or like the adrenaline is running rampant inside of you? If so stand up." 

The professor waited and the seconds ticked by as no one else stood up immediately. Just as Leon was really feeling put on the chopping block, the silver haired woman stood up. Not long after her another woman stood up, followed by another male and female student. 

In total, out of the 100+ students only 5 stood including Leon. 

"There's 5 of you in here?! Jeez." The professor's eyes shot open in shock before he scratched his head irritated, making those 5 students a bit on edge, "I don't meant to put you guys on the spot but I'd like you to keep standing for a while."

Turning back to the board, he began to scribble some things down and by the time he revealed it, he already began to explain. 

"To start from the beginning, as you may or may not know, our prestigious Asmodeus Academy finds some of its roots from the bible and a mix of other ancient civilizations and religions. Nobody really knows when it first started appearing but our historians believe that it could be as far back as Ancient Egypt or even with Jesus Christ himself and possibly even earlier into prehistoric history."

On the board he drew 5 circles all surrounding one in the center and began labeling them as he continued. 

"It is theorized that many Greek and Roman philosophers such as Plato and Socrates had discovered this 'Dunamis' you asked of, yet they could not find a solid explanation to what it was and why it happened. It wasn't until the 18th century when people began to dig a bit deeper into the truth behind 'Dunamis' and come up with an explanation.

"Let me ask you guys something. Have you ever seen on the news or heard over the radio of a child getting trapped under a car and their parents suddenly being able to have the strength to lift up the several ton car? Or when the adrenaline in you body really gets pumping to the point that you no longer feel pain? Like a Runner's high?

"It is similar to those instances, where the human body goes beyond its physical limitations to achieve something that normally would not be physically possible. A 'Dunamis' is basically the sex version of that. To be more scientific, if you'd call it that, people who have achieved this, are known as 'Children of Lilith.'"

He gestured to the 5 still standing as he filled in the circles one by one. Leon only felt more confused but he held on to his questions so his professor could finish. 

"While such a term is usually only used by older faculty members here on campus or in old scriptures, people with such abilities are now referred to as 'Awakened,' 'Awakeners,' etc. in the modern era. They are people who have managed to discover their true inner lust and have manifested it into a tangible thing that can affect the physical world. 

"Superpowers if you will, but not without its drawbacks. Dunamis are extremely difficult to control and most 4th years and alumni cannot confidently say that they have 100% control over such abilities. And these abilities can be categorized into 5 main categories each represented by a color and its different effects." 

Professor Hilsen moved to the side to reveal his writing where each circle had been given a coordinated color, name and a small description. However the middle 6th circle was left empty. 

"First, the simplest and most common out of the 5, Yellow. This color represents some sort of physical boost to an Awakened body. This could be something like increased strength or increased stamina. Better flexibility, anything of the sort that would allow you better control over your physical body.

"And while I call it the simplest, that is in reference to our current knowledge on it, as Dunamis are extremely difficult to determine accurately, and only through hundreds and hundreds of trial and error can an Awakened get an accurate guess as to what kind of power they actually hold.

"Next, we have Blue. This color is what most people would call 'System-like' abilities. As what the name suggests, it gives an Awakened powers not too different from what you might see in video games and it can include things like an increase in attack speed- your thrust speed, maybe you'd get the ability to gain a critical hit on another person, giving them a premature orgasm, or you could gain an efficiency boost of some kind when using sex toys on someone. Things like that and the blue colored Dunamis are the most varied out of all the Dunamis known today.

"Blue, it is probably the most difficult type of abilities to ascertain as well, since determining how much of a crit rate you get or what percentage of an increase in thrust speed is not something easily found. As for the next color Purple, it is the most allusive out of the 5, and they are the Aura Users.

"Auras are what you 5 probably witnessed coming off your bodies, thinking you were glowing and it is one of the tell tale signs that you are an Awakened. All Awakened emit an Aura when they activate their abilities but only those with a Purple colored aura can actually use it for something. 

"That aura can often cause people around them to get hornier quicker, to charm people and make themselves more desirable, or to even drain their vitality like a succubus. It is also one of the more difficult abilities to control since figuring out you have an extra set of limbs basically is like learning to crawl all over again. 

"It is not as easy as it may sound. Then there are Green colored Dunamis who are able to offset Purple auras to an extent. Green Dunamis can also take the form of an aura, similar to Purple, but can also be a physical ability or have special effects, similar to yellow and blue Dunamis respectively.

"At the same time, it is the rarest out of all 5 colors and their total number could be counted on one hand, for how many are currently enrolled at Asmodeus. A much smaller number compared to their cousin colors. Green are also called Healers, and can generally heal themselves and others by touching or being nearby and allow the abilities of regenerating stamina, strength, heal physical wounds, and to even counter Purple auras."

"*sigh* and as for the last one," Professor Hilsen grew noticeably more agitated as he talked about the final color, "there's the Red color, the most dangerous out of the bunch. 

"This color is the cause of 90% of deaths involving students here."