
New Toy

Instead of his entire body being covered by it, just one area was and there was a big difference between the two. While his normal aura was pretty translucent, being able to see through it quite easily, this smaller aura was much more difficult to look through. 

It was thicker, much more potent now that it had been focused into one area. That was why the two women had came so suddenly and violently. His aura in its natural state was spread out, leaving the strange heat from his inner flame to be more easily digestible by those around him. 

It helped improve the natural pleasure that he and his conquests recieved, but not to the point that it was in an instant and overwhelming. However now he had found a way to turn his powers into a sharp sword. Such a powerful toy was dangerous to put into anyone's hands, let alone a monster like himself. 

The two of them shivered as they saw that aura, with their lower halves growing weak in reaction. 

"You cheater!" Selia complained, knowing now that he used those cheating sex powers of his. 

"Would you care to see it in action again? Tessa can judge if its cheating or not~" He sat up with a grin. 

"Ugh!" Selia didn't respond, knowing she was on the losing end of this battle. 

She could not compete with him when his powers were in play, it was the difference between a mortal being and a deity, there was no competition. Even though Stacy was able to compete on his level, she would have eventually lost, as his increased stamina and ability to make her cum quickly would have drained her much faster than normal. 

The only one who could compete with him would be another monster with the same kind of powers and there were only 7 of those people within their year. Leon might have been messing around now, but knew he was still far from being able to challenge anyone outside of his own year. 

Just the amount of power oozing out of the fourth years when they casually talked to him was enough to make it difficult to breathe. Just what heights could an Awakened reach? 

Leon soon stopped his teasing and explained what had happened, how he managed to move his inner flame around and could direct it to certain parts of his body now, although still difficult to do smoothly. Reluctantly, Selia offered to test again so with a bit more diluted aura centered on his finger, he poked her stomach. 

"Aaaahhh~~" Selia loudly moaned and she came. 

It wasn't nearly as strong as before, but the sudden gushing of her pussy made her mind go numb for a moment. 

"Y-You aren't allowed to use that anymore!" She glared at him, still shivered from all the pleasure in her body. 

Tessa's eyes were wide, and she couldn't help but wonder how it felt. Even though she already experienced it, she had gotten so much pleasure she couldn't remember what happened. Her brain short circuited and now left her wanting more. 

"Can you try it on me too? Just... be gentle." Tessa blushed and straightened out, giving him permission to touch. 

Leon paused for a moment before obliging. Taking his aura covered fingers, he grabbed her breast lightly. 

"Oh god! I'm cumming!~~" Tessa lurched forward suddenly and squeaked out. 

Her nipples went hard instantly and she salivated unconsciously. It took her a few moments to calm down as well, but she came out of it in a post-cum daze like she had discovered some secret to the world. 

"That's really dangerous.... you should try it on Aaron." Selia said with an evil grin. 

Leon chuckled as well, "Maybe later, it takes a lot out of me." 

Even just those two touches left him sweating like he had been working out the last few hours. While it was possible for him to move his inner lust around his body now, he was not on a level of control to where it didn't affect him. Messing with Aaron would have to come at a later time.

"Did you still want to try the challenge out on me?" He asked her, and she just sighed. 

"I have no energy for that doofus. Maybe later." She waved him off and flopped down onto the bed. 

 The three of them silently agreed to a tactical nap and regained some of their strength lost from the immense pleasure they all experienced. Once they woke, Selia took back the still slightly dazed Tessa back to Aaron, and explained her 'condition' briefly. Leon on the other hand, looked within himself and focused on his inner flame. 

Using his vast library of knowledge on Eastern fantasy novels and the art of cultivation, he began to meditate and grow his inner flame.... as if! He sat there like an idiot for a few minutes and all his flame did was completely ignore his attempts at whatever he was going for. 

Selia also came back in time to see him trying to act like some martial arts master, earning a big laugh. Realizing that the only way to really practice with his inner flame was to have sex, he would have to wait until Selia or someone else was willing to help him with that...

- - -

A few hours had gone by and 10pm was quickly approaching and Leon's anxiety was getting worse. He didn't feel completely comfortable with going to the Watersports club, but at the same time, knew that he was going to need to go to a notorious club like it if he wanted Sierra to teach him anything valuable as an Awakened. 

He debated with himself for quite a while, up until he had thirty minutes to get there, when he sighed in defeat and stood up to get ready. However at the same time, Selia also sighed in defeat and stood up. 

The two quickly locked eyes, realizing what the other was doing and they eyed each other for a while. 

"Where are you going?" She asked him with a fake smile.

"A club. You?" He responded quickly. 

"A club." She mimicked.

"I see... is it the swimming club?" He couldn't help but ask. 

"No... I'm going there this weekend. This is another club." 

Awkward silence followed before they both silently continued to get dressed for their outings. Leon wondered about what club she was going to just as much as she was wondering the same. Leon had a feeling it was less intense than his own, but the same could be said about Selia's own thoughts. 

In the end, the two never spoke about which club they were going to and kept it to themselves. They gave each other the privacy they needed, as they both probably had things they wished to keep secret right now. 

For Leon, it was more out of embarrassment but he still didn't know what he would say on the subject. 

'Ah yeah, I'm just gonna go drink someone's pee while I piss on someone's chest. No big deal... not!' He screamed internally. 

The two of them soon were at the door of their room and opening it up for them to leave. 

"Have fun at your club." Leon told her as they left the lobby after a silent walk. 

"You as well." She said and the two quickly split in different directions. 

They refused to look back at each other, unsure what kind of face the other was making and both went alone to their respective clubs. Leon's heart thumped loudly in his chest as his nerves rose with every step he took. 

He wasn't sure how this was going to work out but if they were planning to do a joint meeting with the Squirting Club, then the likelihood of him being sprayed with pee was low... hopefully. Even so, his nerves didn't calm at all, only rising all the way to the club room. 

Behind the 12 main buildings that surrounded the main plaza of campus, there were a number of smaller buildings that dotted the hundreds of acres the Academy owned. According to questions that the fourth years answered, anyone could build a club building as long as it was approved by the school and they had a professor to sponsor them. 

As such, just about every club on campus had their own club building to themselves. Looking at the cabin-like building lit up by the lights inside, Leon could tell this was a smaller one. The bigger clubs recieved bigger club buildings as they gained more members, and clubs like the Strip club even got an entire arena to themselves situated in the center of the plaza. 

Even if this club building was more on the smaller side, it was still a good size, just a little bit bigger than the cabins they had gotten to sleep in when glamping on the way to campus. Depending on how many people were there, it could be a bit crowded, but considering the nature of this 'meeting' being close to each other probably wasn't going to be a problem. 

Leon could hear the laughs and conversations of people already inside and hesitated to knock. After another few deep breaths, he finally knocked and waited for someone to open the gates to hell for him...