"What is your name?" asked Laura. 

"Uhm, am Denise, my lady. " Replied the new maid.

"So, are you the new maid mother has given me?" asked Laura clearly not overjoyed by the thought of a new maid.

"Yes, I am, my lady" responded Denise with at most humility that Laura was dearly touched. 

She had had a bloody argument with her mother the previous day over this, Laura personally would not want her Alicia taken away from her, it is her who she had been used to since her young age. The queen mother had told her she would have to attain marriage in order to make decision of her own. And even in marriage, the husband would have to decide for in many aspects. She painfully dropped the subject.

At the age of twenty-five years, Laura did not know any man! This was not because they did not pick her interest, but because she was not aware of their existence! She had grown up in a secluded place of the palace where no male was allowed to visit. Because of the cause, the king himself also deliberately chose not to ever go there before the twenty-five years elapse.

"Also put this beautiful flower in the basket," said Laura to her maid, "I shall take it to my mother."

"As you please, your majesty" replied Denise.

They continued to wander in the valley as she adored different species of flowers, some medicinal and others decorative. As they were sloping, Laura heard a certain bird sing sweetly in the woods, she was really attracted by the sound and so she decided to go and see what bid it was. She was even forced to increase her speed so as not find the song already ended.

At all this, Denise kept following her behind with the almost full basket and some herbs. As Laura was searching the woods for the beautiful bird, she treaded over something and toppled over falling flat on the ground. It was great shock to her and the maid.

Grunting and groaning with pain, she stood up in anger to see what she had knocked, her eyes widened in surprise and horror! What she saw she had never seen it before, she even let go of her pain to stare at who had come to her aid. The fact is that she had never seen that kind of creature before and here it was before her saving her!

She was terribly scared, but she did not know why she did not scream and run. No, she tried to stand before he could reach her, but it seemed as though her legs where paralyzed and fell back again. 

"Hey, I mean no harm," said Rolf

She was surprised to know that he even talks, especially the language that she understands! "You talk?" she asked matter of factly, he gave her a strange look of Surprise and this made her wonder if he did not understand what she said.

"Do-you-talk?" she asked again stressing out every word maybe for him to understand.

"Yes, I do!" He replied simply. "Why ask if I talk? Do I look dumb?" He asked the question that boggled his mind first.

"Who are you?" she responded with a question of her own.

"Your highness," Denise bowed at ninety degrees to Rolf, "My lady does not know you!"

This further confused Rolf, in both kingdoms Jilbethem and Helbethem , everyone knew him at least by face, he was a famous warrior known all over the empire.

"Wait, did I hear you say my lady?" asked Rolf.

"Yes, I am the princess of Jilbethem!" Laura said in a panicked tone, "And, who are you?" she asked in a majestic tone as if doing so would save her from the stranger.

"So you are the confined Jilbeth princess, how pretty!" he exclaimed.

They looked in each others' eyes for a while, there is a bond they seemed to be sharing. Laura was spotlessly beautiful, not to mention the sea blue eyes and the pink limps, but the dimple on the tender cheek had something to do with angelic beauty!

In the twenty five years, princess Laura Tanner had grown into a majestic lady, a woman of substance. Her gentleness in the robes was not solely royalty, but a gift of nature. Despite being a princess, she attended medicine and history lessons, she was a gifted lady with knowledge and wisdom. 

Looking at the silent man in front of her, she felt perplexed and she was sure her heart skipped a beat though she did not know what it really was! Rolf himself did not know why he felt a tingling sensation whenever he looked into her eyes.

It should be noted that Rolf was an Adonis, he had a well built body and an athletic physique. Laura could not stop gaping at his well outlined jawline, his green eyes also combined with a finely toned skin for a man additionally held Laura's gaze.

"When do you plan to stop looking at me?"

Rolf smiled at Laura's question. "When you stop looking at me too!" Laura could not help to blush at his words, though she even did not realize that she did so! Denise who stole a glance at witnessed this and she felt happy for her lady to have crushed on a substantial man.

In the courtroom...…

King Regan was sat on his throne, all the council members were present except for the high priest whom everyone was waiting for. He was a highly respected person in the kingdom for he was the intermediate between the gods and the people.

Outside, loud shouts were heard, "Clear the way he's here"

The soldier opened the door and came in followed by an old man. He walked with energetic strides for his age. He had his head covered with a hood the same material as his black garments. He went directly to the front seat which was empty, probably, reserved for him. He bowed to the king before he sat,

"Your majesty." The old man whispered in honor.

The king nodded in response and sat eyes fixed on the old man.

"Your majesty," said one of the council members, "Since the high priest has arrived, I request we begin."

"Go on." said the king

"Your majesty, my lord the high priest, and my fellow council members, we ought to discuss this concern to our maximum before it gets late."

Everyone was attentively listening to the speaker, the issue seemed important and strong enough to get the king worried considered his dark mood.

"Today's issue is about our dear princess!" At this, he kept quiet to see if anyone has anything to say about it. The council room being semi-circular, and he standing at one corner, he let his gaze sweep around the room, no one raised a concern and so he continued,

"The time has come, the time to let our princess go!" His eyes flickered with emotions too as he said this.

"But our question is," he continued, "To whom are we giving our princess?"

"Who the possible threats to the kingdom so far?" asked the king

"Holbethem is the most potential." replied the council member.

"Is he the strongest rival?" asked the king

"Yes, your majesty."

"We shall take him as the benefactor." said the king with bitter finality.

"That is dangerous!" rose the high priest. "It shall be the genesis of our doom!"